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Everything posted by SageWoman

  1. "Rude, crude, pantyhose wearing dude, with a sever case of Peter Pan envy!" {HOOK}

  2. You look vaguely familiar. So you ARE an elementalist or do you look like an elemental. Inquiring minds want to know!

  3. Good answer on the Children Thread.

  4. All Hail Richard!

  5. I have since put my picture up. You can even see my LIPS.

  6. [quote name='icepheonix5' post='33968' date='Jun 19 2009, 02:52 PM']I would like to join the GotR Alliance. I spend most of my time in Loreroot and will defend it at all costs. I've always liked Loreroot and wanted to join. Also, quite a few people very close to me are in it.[/quote] Congratulations. You are invited into the Guardians of the Root Alliance! [quote name='adiomino' post='34748' date='Jun 25 2009, 12:57 AM']Hm? Why would someone that doesn't want to be in our alliance be allowed into our alliance even for a short while...? I don't get it. Lost here (sorry I'm tired)[/quote] Redneck withdrew his application for the Guardians of the Root. That is his right. Fenrir's comment is a mystery to me.
  7. I think I got you all topped on this one. You know you have been on MD too much when the first thing you hear in the Morning is Magic Duels Music score and the last thing you hear before going to bed is Magic Duels Music score.
  8. there might be players who are really that creative who have enough time to play 3 chars as if they were different players, Sagewoman is giving lessons on that if you like, but most of us are not even managing to get one char deeper into the game... let alone a second/third/fourth :lol: [/quote] Let it be known, I play TWO characters, not three. Fortunes Well does not count.
  9. [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' post='34498' date='Jun 23 2009, 12:50 PM']How many people are you actually mentoring Sage? Shouldn't someone else mentor someone? So it isn't all Sage brainwashing the kids to kiss people when they see someone?[/quote] Members are allowed to mentor only one player at a time. Icepheonix5 is the only person so far asking to join. As for your second question, it isn't worthy of a comment.
  10. This is the new thread for submissions of players self made videos about the World of Magic Duel. I have a aging Angien Egg for the winner and I believe Mur Himself said he will add a Rusty. {May his name always be red} <b>If you have comments about the videos submitted here PLEASE PM the player instead of posting here.</b> All Offtopic chat will be removed by our roaming Administrators I am sure. So far there is no time limit on this contest. However, that could change if suddenly there is an influx of submissions. What I am looking for is screen shots of SOME scenes in the game. Perhaps of what a battle looks like. Heck, copy n paste some of the avatars and do a finger puppet show! Just make sure you have Magicduel.com in the beginning and end. Just DO! Wouldn't it be just a pity of the Honorable Mentions won by default? X D
  11. So good to see a REAL scary person in Magic Duel. All other scary person are mere imitations. Is imitation a sincere form of flattery? Or am I just blowing Light up your robe?

  12. Gee, you don't look like your tiny, let alone tiny lips. I thought you were a girl! My bad...

  13. Saw that you stopped by so I returned the favor. *waves*

  14. [size="4"][/size]At 18:41:37, Day 174, on June 24th, 2009, a baby boy was born in RavenHold, Capital of Loreroot. Congratulations go out to Mya Celestial and Ibruzu. Their son's name is Arion Ibruson and his first stats are: Weight 9 lbs, Height 22 inches long. Arion Ibruson does have an account with Magic Duel but is not a member of the Alliance or Guilds. Loreroot does not have an off topic section an so this is where this will be for now.
  15. [quote name='Grido' post='32686' date='Jun 4 2009, 03:53 AM']May i make the comment that this may be going off topic[/quote] Comment noted. Will you be visiting Loreroot and the Root of the Matter Inn anytime soon? Comments by players pertaining to my role is beyond my control. Say.....your comment is off topic too! Lighten Up Dude! *laughs at her unintentional pun*
  16. Where the heck are you? The INN is out of ice cream!

  17. [quote name='Chewett' post='34434' date='Jun 23 2009, 12:50 AM']LOL thats so funny. But at the end it becomes commercial, So anyway can you teach me to beat dst with my hollow warrior? id love to learn [/quote] Offtopic my dear Chewbaka. BTW, I do mean originally owned, directed, and produced videos. Not ones you used a template off a website for. And IXNAY on cut n pasting Cryxus's production. Copyright infringement bad. Flex your talents! Granos, Rick? *shakes head* Once submissions are sent into this thread, a new one will be opened and a poll put in place to see who's video is the best.
  18. [quote name='Willem RedBeard' post='34421' date='Jun 22 2009, 10:34 PM']*chuckles* Yes, that definitely did happen at one point.[/quote] You must have me mistaken for Windy. I don't even like that SHADE.
  19. [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' post='34407' date='Jun 22 2009, 08:27 PM'][url="http://www.xtranormal.com/watch?e=20090622212652293"]http://www.xtranormal.com/watch?e=20090622212652293[/url] This is just a joke video, a real one is coming in a bit...[/quote] *Falls off her computer chair laughing hysterically*
  20. [quote name='(Zl-eye-f)-nea' post='34303' date='Jun 22 2009, 03:22 AM']To be perfectly honest...if I took note of all the things people plant there as Bob's "friend" (ignoring that they may actually kill him...*cough*...as goodly intended as there were all the same... )...then the area would be a more dense woodland than Loreroot!!! The only one I personally acknowledge was one Garg Planted at Xmas...and that's because it was Xmas. The others, I always rip them up - Ask Sharazhad. Z[/quote] *snaps fingers and then points away* THAT'S who planted it. I think Ledah was going to see if you could smoke it. X D
  21. [quote name='icepheonix5' post='33968' date='Jun 19 2009, 02:52 PM']I would like to join the GotR Alliance. I spend most of my time in Loreroot and will defend it at all costs. I've always liked Loreroot and wanted to join. Also, quite a few people very close to me are in it.[/quote] I volunteer to become IcePheonix's mentor. [quote name='Dragon Lord Imperius' post='34165' date='Jun 21 2009, 12:50 AM']What implies being a GotR? Well... just for general knowledge, I'm a MP4 and need some help to undertand the complexity of the game. Sorry for the trouble. Godd Bye[/quote] No trouble at all Dragon Lord. Please contact me. In the mean time, read the section on Guardians of the Root. I will be looking for you.
  22. Didn't Keida plant a companion for Bob? I am kinda vague on that Memory.
  23. *curls into a fetal position and sucks on thumb* I want my...I want my...I want my MMMMMDDDDDD! User looks disgustedly at her character. I am a full grown woman. This realm does revolve around the earth. Er...*cough* I mean, it does revolve....does...I can't write does...*is defeated by Murs XP* [quote name='dst' post='33725' date='Jun 17 2009, 03:32 PM']Damn! Damn! Damn! I had some work to do and I was too lazy to do it! No one will kill me! Good bye cruel world... it was fun while lasted...[/quote] *Innoscence Look* Why should noone kill you when somebody might and anyone will?
  24. My Best and most Promising Adept. Alas, poor Vladamere, I knew him not very well. *wonders where kick Adept button is*

  25. [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' post='34081' date='Jun 20 2009, 11:10 AM']I wish to return to Loreroot...[/quote] I withdraw my support. THIS is a threat followed through, Fenrir. * shows Fenrir that she follows through on her threats <insert evil laugh>* Withdraws support because Fenrir is wishy washy and applied to Sentinels too.
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