Hello everyone!
My main role has always been Live Help Operator and Dojo Staff. I answer questions from newbies when they click on the HELP button. I also take shifts in the dojo and try to help with rituals as well as answer questions there too.
Before Raven became ruler, I was like most members. I was always present in Loreroot and role played there. Posting was not a requirement but I find now that I HAVE to post because of witty comments made by Treehill. I like arguing with Raven and Firsan and Fenrir as well. I just *wipes tear away* love you guys.
Recently I became a member of the High Council of Loreroot. I hope I may be worthy of it. This role has yet to be defined but I am sure the other council members will assist me. :good: Just a warning, I am NOT a yes man...er....woman.
My lastest role is as Hostess in the Root of the Matter Inn inside of the Defense Quarters. When Windy aka Windspirit08 took her magic pub and went to merge with Cryxus back at Winds Sanctuary, the High Council took stewardship of the DQ and created the Inn. Firsanthalas, Calyx of Isis and I are the proprietors. If you look on our profiles, you will see the information on that. I am the keeper of the Keys and the Book of the Root of the Matter Inn Register. If you want a "room", please let Calyx of Isis know or myself and we will assign you a room. Always ask who your neighbor will be so there will be no problems later in role play.