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Everything posted by SageWoman

  1. [quote name='Grido' date='25 September 2009 - 11:50 AM' timestamp='1253897419' post='42704'] leaving Alaska to fend for itself? tut tut [/quote] Alaska is the last final frontier. They have places to hide and time to build their own armies. X D
  2. Soooo, you still LambChop, or are you being called something else these days? X D

  3. We, the Americans, illegal aliens and the Natural Born Mexicans are currently building a Wall around the border of Canada and the United States. While building the the wall and paying the illegal aliens in pesos and Euros (worth more than American money), the Mexicans are digging tunnels in strategic places and crossing over your invisible border before the wall is completed. PS. We have nothing to declare. (Joke!)
  4. [quote name='Grim Angel' date='24 September 2009 - 10:50 AM' timestamp='1253807434' post='42529'] Well, the page isn't big enough but here goes: I farm the rits at the GGG and use a summon army to delibrately unbind them (the shame) I silenced Mur once I hate Bob and succesfully burned part of him And loads of stuff [/quote] You silenced the Mur? What scandal! What outrage! I don't think your Angelic Powers will save you. Two thumbs up from me though for sheer bravery and balls! Is two thumbs up a sin?
  5. Congratulations Phantasm! Does this mean I have to call you Master Chief instead of Spookums now? I will, but only around your Alliance Members at official functions.
  6. [quote name='lameknight' date='24 September 2009 - 04:46 AM' timestamp='1253785598' post='42510'] I would like to join Loreroot. [/quote] Lameknight, If you are still interested in joining, please look for me. I can be found either in Defense Quarters, PaperCabin or Golden Globe Gazebo. Should you be lucky enough to find my shadow, send me a PM and let me know where you are. Once Firsanthalas approves, I will mentor you. *Sagewoman* Guardian of the Root Elder
  7. I think she had too much fun. *finds no pulse on dst.*
  8. I happen to look GREAT in Envy Green.

  9. What do you think? I don't look good in Envy Green?

  10. Congratulations on becoming a Sentinel. Skulls and horns look good on you. Goes along with the whole scary SkinWalker persona. X D

  11. Here's a thought: Front of T-shirt: Picture of the Tribunal interior Pub with the Sign above it; "Rent this Space" Front of T-Shirt: What's a Noob? Front of T-Shirt; Elmer Fudd with Rifle saying, "Shhhh. Be wery werry quiet. Im going Head Hunting. On his belt hangs Daffy and Bugs heads complete with X's for eyes. Back of Shirt: Avatars of next victims.
  12. [quote name='Leucretia' date='15 September 2009 - 08:05 AM' timestamp='1253019933' post='41790'] Okay...I admit it, I am pretty touchy when it comes to criticisms...forgive me. But when that is all you hear or get from the same critics, who can blame me. A pat on the back can go a long way. Anyway...this is all getting off topic. I look forward to hearing what Mur's final say is when the time comes. When he does make his choice, it would be prudent for all of us to rally behind the winner and not let this become an ego trip. A new alliance is a chance for everyone to get together with their ideas and make it a great one. [/quote] I agree. The decision is now out of everyone's hands. Getting behind the chosen new leader is more productive than nay saying it here in the Forums. Good Luck and Best Wishes to whom ever is selected!
  13. Are we in a race in regards to rep scores? Whats the prize?

  14. [quote name='Czez' date='07 September 2009 - 09:39 PM' timestamp='1252377567' post='41162'] Psst, Sage. That fine irish whiskey was from the secret LHO stash in the Paper Cabin... But I'd love another bottle, thanks. [/quote] Pstt Czez. I don't think its secret any longer. Grido's gonna want to know why he wasn't told.
  15. [quote name='Shadowseeker' date='29 August 2009 - 12:48 AM' timestamp='1251524902' post='40413'] Mm..not to mention we have such T-shirts already. I don't remember for sure, but I think MRHolyONe collects them..not to mention mugs, MDA decorated or so? [/quote] If MD has such things, I sure haven't found them on the Home Page! Maybe I'll make some up to show Mur and then get my own home business. Winter Solstice is just around the corner! T-shirts! Mugs! And those cute Bobble Heads! Chewy would make a lovely bobbing head creature! I can super glue it to my dashboard and every time I get angry, WHAP! Just kidding, chewy!
  16. It's not the size but the fit. XD

  17. [quote name='Thomas Riddle' date='10 September 2009 - 09:41 PM' timestamp='1252636916' post='41476'] I am offering my full commitment to this project. [/quote] Good for you Thomas. Just how many EH's can make it understandable? I am pretty sure some though speak French. The French Topic is up a few rows. Nes pa?
  18. [quote name='phantasm' date='10 September 2009 - 08:27 AM' timestamp='1252589236' post='41395'] I think the caretakers are more a Graveyard type caretakers then the trim the hedges caretaker. I don’t see much of a point to an alliance that is just a face for a land. It should have a deep rooted sense of something it wants to accomplish. What better person to lead such an organization than me. I am slightly undead, have a love for finding trouble to get into, and think that an alliance such as this should be able to War as well as tend. What is a hedge trimmer going to do in battle? Gravediggers, throughout history, have been well known for taking matters into their own hands. Doing dark experiments, finding fresh corpses when none are available, and keeping the dead where they belong. I have a shrewd and keen mind, am more than willing to pull battle if needed, and have an overall love for things shady and dark dealings. I also have strong feelings towards guarding what I think needs guarded. I also have a great respect and would demand a great respect for togetherness. I have never liked the idea of people jumping in and out of an alliance. Once you are in you are in, and once you are out you are out. If people decide to apply, and I decide to accept, they will not be allowed to jump around freely with their tag. Alliances are a bond, a family, meant to care and watch after each other, and the lands they hold at ALL times. The Caretakers Purpose of the Caretakers-- The underlying purpose I think should be about death. Just as a caretaker would tend to the gravestones and prepare the dead for their travels, that should be the role. As I think the Tribunal will be about monuments and pieces of great people in MD gone by, they will tend to the research and care of these illustrious names, and keeping a good care over the lands and the actions that hold within. Role of the Caretakers--- To preserve and glorify names of the most memorable people of MD’s past, and to an extent, present. To all great sick and twisted caretakers, life wouldn't be complete without a little death and mayhem. Darkness would be their cloak. Death would be their sword. Fate would be their mind. Sometimes it is needed to hasten the process in which things happen. Caretakers have a love for the end of things. Sometimes the end of things do not come as fast as they would like, so they….hasten things. I think the alliance would be classified not as good or evil but as Chaotic. To walk through the lands with a shovel in their hand. The self proclaimed judge and jury of whatever they feel to be the judge of. Is it any more evil to see who should be judged anymore than a knight would judge who is wrong or right? Is it any more wrong to bury the not-so-dead for a little pay than to burn your enemies alive for the sake of religion? “Grave digger…when you dig my grave…please make it shallow…so that I can feel the rain” Structure of Alliance Master Chief- The Leader. The man with the master plan. Responsible for leading activities and making sure the alliance itself runs smooth. Approves or Denies Plans set forth by the Grave Diggers Grave Digger- Right and Left hand seats. Those deemed worthy by the Master Chief to carry out plans approved for action. Usually carries out secret plans that are only known between the upper management. Runs activities set forth in the land and keeps watch over the lower levels of the alliance Scribe- Responsible for keeping logs of meetings. Also keeps a record of festivities, duties carried out by the alliance, and a secret log of the things carried out that no one knows. Concotionist- The thinker. Thinks up ideas for activities and festivities. Is not aware of the more secret of workings though may be an unknowing participant in its actions. An active role in anything and everything within the alliance, with the exception of certain plans held privilege to the top 3 of the alliance. Caretakers- The grunts. The 5 general population members of the alliance. Carries out all propaganda and general actions of the Alliance. Those of the position to care after the land and the things concerning the alliance outside the land. All around fun people and held accountable for the smooth running of the land. [/quote] Dark, underground, secretive, and protective to some extent? I would not be surprised if you are a member of the Brotherhood, O Dark One. What..you think I didn't know? And just when you thought you knew me so well. I like your ideas and structure of the Alliance concept. Hmmm, would be a long commute everyday. Work on getting your AP up.
  19. [quote name='Granos' date='07 September 2009 - 04:38 PM' timestamp='1252359506' post='41138'] [spoiler]First of all I will start by stating this: Since October of 2008 I have lead and administrated the hidden faction of the Brotherhood of Void Destinies. We have always functioned under the radar, under the guise of controlling and spreading mis-information. We have infiltrated every alliance (not guilds) for reasons such as control and mass manipulation of others as well as holding others hostage from the shadows. Not many people would know of our existence other than for the fact that we have done so to keep our presence known to a small extent in order to insight questions and fear. Many strong players have been part of the brotherhood, as well as notable ones.. Although, due to the nature of the organization, their names will remain known to them and high ranking members only (unless specifically requested). Loyalty has always been our strongest suit in the Brotherhood, as one cannot betray or argue with those they do not know they are affiliated with until, that is they are fully ready. It has always been structured in such a way that only the high ranked members have earned the right to actually be viable members, and would continue to do so if an official alliance was to come of this. We have always been dedicated to the secrets of the lands, manipulation of the spreading of facts as well of mis-information, which has lead to great power among our ranks, many of us have dedicated ourselves to the creation of quests for the realms as we have discovered that such power and rewards are far to easily gained and thus we take the necessary means to inhibit others while keeping our hold of power over others. We have always been neutral to a degree in the sense that we equally despise all others for their sickening weakness and how easily distracted they are. The structure of the Brotherhood of Void Destinies is as follows: Possible Recruits: Sleepers Probation: Acrolytes Apprenticed: Fangs Pre-Mastery: Brothers Elite: Assassins Leaders: Speakers Leader: Listener Given its structure, we would only have seats in the actual alliance for those of Rank of Brother and above, whilst keeping other agents within the other alliances, which we can say openly as they have already become far to integrated within each one's structure for us to worry about removal--inhibiting our plans. We have never used or condoned the use of alts for any of our works or actions to which in my opinion is one of our greatest strengths all we do and have is based on individuals. The alliance as itself would be mainly used for contact means and setting of contracts with other individuals and alliances for things which hold the Brotherhoods interest and lust for power for the sake of inhibiting others. As well the communication interface offered by it would greatly expedite things as PM's are quite horrid those who know me know I get anywhere from 20 to 50 pm's a day... Regardless of possessing an alliance or not the Brotherhood will continue as we always have, and we will destroy all others in hopes of getting closer to the void. Be it through direct or indirect means...[/spoiler] [/quote] Warning! Waring! MEGO alert! (My eyes Glaze Over) I just love this cloak and dagger stuff not to mention misinformation and keeping people in the dark. Can't the Brotherhood stay where they are so we can "pretend to know what you did last summer"? Sister Sagewoman
  20. [quote name='Pipstickz' date='10 September 2009 - 02:07 AM' timestamp='1252566442' post='41384'] *generally dislikes Savels because they're too...religious-y* x3 *disagrees with this* [/quote] I also disagree that the Savelites are religious-y. I have yet to see a "service" or sermon done by the Priests. Maybe they are like the Templars and are secretive? o.O
  21. [quote name='White Reaper' date='31 July 2009 - 09:37 PM' timestamp='1249094256' post='38433'] I have left the Savelites, for reasons of my own, I left on good terms. Me and Prince are steel good friends. I just need A change, and I think The Guardians is where i need to be! Loreroot will always be my home no matter what alliance I am in! I am loyal to my leader, and will always be there for him or her no matter who the enemy is! [/quote] White Reaper, I will be your Mentor. You have been in Loreroot enough to know about what is required as well about the Root of the Matter Inn. Send me a PM and I will send you my YIM. Meanwhile, mingle with ALL Lorerootians. Not just the Guardians of the Root. The Children of the Eclipse and the Savelite (as you know) share the Forest.
  22. Your services as a back cracker is needed by Windy. A bear hug should do the trick.

  23. YO dude! I couldn't translate that last sentence! XD

  24. "You can LogOff anytime you like, but you can never leave!"

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