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Everything posted by SageWoman

  1. [quote name='Yoshi' date='21 December 2009 - 07:20 PM' timestamp='1261444833' post='50771'] Can't believe I'm actually doing this -.-. First attempt was me trying to play guitar and sing it... that didn't work out too well. This was my first attempt and like... I just did it too see how I sounded... realized I didn't want to re-sing it. Enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2g0usT5uAY [/quote] multiquote doesn't work! Anyways, Yoshi..you cutie pattootie..I am sooo glad I turned down my volume like you told us to. OMG I think my ears are still ringing the Carol of the Bells despite doing that!
  2. [quote name='Master' date='21 December 2009 - 07:01 AM' timestamp='1261400468' post='50725'] No, Z, i did it on my own ! As i also said to Blackforest .... i couldn't have sang his lyrycs .... too much for me ! So i just made them on my own! So my submission is for me only .... [/quote] I laughed! I hyperventilated! I had a coughing fit. I nearly peed my pants during the whole video. Bravo on the costume and singing! Thank you for including my name in there ...4 coma sleeps.
  3. [quote name='Dante Falcon' date='20 December 2009 - 03:08 PM' timestamp='1261343296' post='50697'] I am never speaking of this again [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yyCeXRKfI0"]My submission[/url] [/quote] Bravo! Bravo! Wonderful voice! *applauds*
  4. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='19 December 2009 - 04:27 AM' timestamp='1261218476' post='50607'] The whole post above. [/quote] By Golly, you've done it again, Mur. (Mr. Magoo imitation) I fully endorse this ambitious project of yours. I am sure Windy and I will like to have a coin each! Put us both on the pre-order list please.
  5. well i truly enjoyed Sage and Windy´s submission. truly a shot of christmas : p though the sound was a bit off and the high pitch tone wich appeared over and over at times wich just spelled irritation i would like them to re-sing the song with better sound quality but i think they both rather mush me to death than sing 12 days of christmas once more x 3 dont ever remembering it being so long O.o though it might be due to me not ever listening through the whole thing : 3 anyways a merry christmas and a happy new year to you all ( men bara till de goda och vänliga själar som förtjänar de ) [/quote] That was the first time I had used the video portion of the webcam. LOL And I had to figure out how to make an account with YouTube and upload and post. That was our 4th try before posting it. It's fine as it is. Windy refuses to sing it again. lol And really, I don't think anyone is going to want to hear me sing AGAIN. ROFL [quote name='I am Bored' date='18 December 2009 - 12:41 PM' timestamp='1261161668' post='50578'] here is my entry: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJQYR8oe738"]http://www.youtube.c...h?v=uJQYR8oe738[/url] sorry about the end, i had to convert it to flv and i had already left it for an hour.... finaly gave up and stopped it converting... forcefully.... after checking that it had at least converted the audio..... and it had..... i think a 17.6 mb flv file is much easier to upload to youtube, than a 874 mb avi file that my webcam created.... [/quote] IAB, that was truely....AWEFUL! I think you did that on purpose! No man should sing that high on purpose. It sounded torturous. For you...and to myself. I couldn't listen to the rest of it cause my nose and ears were bleeding. [color="#0000FF"] Use EDIT!! dst[/color]
  6. WOO HOO! I got mentioned in the Song! I am so flattered! Immortalized even! First place winner if I ever saw one! BUT...I am not the one judging. Now Windy and I have to go back to the drawing board! Curse you Totenkoph!
  7. Oh I am pretty sure I can get Windy to help me with this challenge. Besides, I doubt very much Asterdai can sing let alone count to 12! And MasterB? That NightShade makes you sing Soprano. Let the Battle of the 12 days of MD begin! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THMFr4oYBe4
  8. Needs work. Any pictures of you would be nice.

  9. There is a lady statue in a pink dress on the wooden three shelf stand by the left side of the doorway. OK. It might help if I get to the Last page. lol What is the next Letter?
  10. This profile page needs work! How about a nice picture of yourself?

  11. [quote name='Rockistah' date='11 December 2009 - 05:19 AM' timestamp='1260530392' post='49626'] Greetings. I have been an adept of Princ Rhaegar and my mentor at the same time ever since I joined MD. I would like to follow his footsteps and serve loreroot the best I can. I am a man of Nature and I will do everything I can to protect it so I want to join GOTR. Thanks in advance. [/quote] So, do you want to join the Savelfusers or the Guardians of the Root? If you want to be like Princ Rhaegar, they have their own forum section.
  12. This is the story I submitted. Forgive me for artistic license in portraying characters. King Firsanthalas, leader of the Guardians of the Root, is standing with Tarquinus and Prince Rhaegar in the meadow. They talk quietly on strategy as members of the Guardians, the Savelfusers, and the Children of the Eclipse make preparations and ready for battle. A shout goes up as Captain Sparrhawk arrives in the battlefield. “Sparrhawk! What is your report?” asks Firsanthalas. Bowing low, Sparrhawk answers. “My King, Ailith and the Sentinels are now entering past the Guards at the Gates!” Firsanthalas replied. “Very well. Bring it on.” Another shout goes up as Darrybarry runs in from the Hidden Exit. “Hail Tarquinus!” he utters breathlessly. “Well met, darrybarry!” replies Tarquinus in a quiet tone. “What tidings do you bring?” Darrybarry clentches his fist upon the hilt of his Sword tightly. “The MR’s are even now passing Alchamys Statue. And they are not alone, Lucius. I spotted Yrthilian walking with MRD.” First glancing at Princ Rhaegar and then Firsanthalas, Lucius acknowledges the information and sends Darry to help the others prepare. Looking disdainful, Princ Rhaegar looks back at Firsanthalas and Tarquinus. “This battle is not yet won or lost.” he said quietly. “With this first snow fall, the enemy has also not had time to prepare and train for this battle. We can only hope that the cold will take them down first, if not our warriors.” Suddenly the battle field erupted with sound as the members of the Loreroot Alliance raised their voices as One. From the South, Ailith and the Sentinels had walked into the clearing. Jeers and trash talk erupted from both sides before subsiding. From the Hidden Exit, the MR’s came into view and Loreroot and the Sentinels exchanged verbal confrontations with the MR Alliance members before King Yrthlilian raised his hand, momentarily quieting the Alliances. “King Yrthilian. said Firsanthalas. I don’t recall you being invited to this little skirmish.” Yrthilian smiled without warmth. “I didn’t know I needed one to pay a you a visit, King Firsanthalas.” he replied. “You call the MR’s and the Sentinels but leave me out of a battle? That is just cold my friend.” A female voice interrupts. “If you boys are finished posturing like peacocks, can we get on with this? My feet are getting cold and Sagewoman promised the victors get hot drinks back at the Root of the Matter Inn.” As one, the men turn their attention to Ailith, leader of the Sentinels. Pleased that she had their attention, Ailith went continued. “Forgive me if I got this incorrectly. We are not to use spells, magic, creatures or weapons for this battle?” Firsanthalas nods his head and then spits off to the side. The spit turns into an Ice Cube as it lands in the ankle deep snow. “Just how are we to fight? Fist de cuffs? How droll.” said Ailith dryly. Prince Rhaegar, looking impatient, speaks up. “Woman, do you not see that we have to use what is at hand?” Use your Head!” Bending down, Ailith scoops up some snow. “Oh, do you mean this?” she said sweetly. Ailith throws the snow into Prince Rhaegars face. With a roar, the field broke out into scuffles as members of the Loreroot Alliance, the Golem Alliance and the Sentinel Alliance start making and throwing snowballs. “Battle Stations!” shouted Firsan as he ran through the snow to his Alliance. Tarquinus, using hand signals, indicates to his Knights and Priestess to uncover the readied surplus of snow weapons and pray that they landed where they were thrown. Not to be out done, Prince Rhaegar too had his Priests grabbing prearranged spots on the battle field. The MR’s, though in foreign territory, were no slouches in making weapons spur of the moment and with guidance from King Yrthilian, snowballs were being thrown with accuracy. Several of the Savelfusers were getting targeted and much Cursing was heard echoing in the battle field. Ailith and the Sentinels showed no quarter and it didn’t matter who got hit. Equal opportunity with the Guardians of the Root as targets or the priestesses of the Moon. At one point, Ailith herself was bombarded with snowballs from her own Warriors! King Bull, once a Sentinel, took exception to that and came to Aliliths rescue while Caru became a human shield, sacrificing himself on behalf of his mother. Clearly, the snowball fight had become a free for all. Watching from the path and out of harms way, Zleiphneir and King Lifeline watched the me lay with amusement. “Pitiful.” said Lifeline with a gleam in his eye. “Bloody aweful if you ask me.” replied Zleiphneir. Suddenly Zleiphneir and King Lifeline found themselves flung into the battle by invisible hands. “No sitting on the sidelines you two!” said Mur del Mur with sadistic glee. By now all the Alliance members were cold and feeling a bit out of sorts with much slipping and falling in the by now trampled battlefield at Wasps Totem. Clearly not taking any sides, Zleiphenir and Lifeline got their shots in as well as taking their lumps. Feeling a Burst of ingenuity coming on, Zleiphneir jumped King Firsanthalas and held a snowball to his face and rubbed it in. When Firsan yowled his protest, the Alliances of Loreroot rallied to his side only to be held off by the MR’s and the Sentinels. Clearly, the battle had come to a stand still. "I think, said a grinning Zleiphneir, that this battle is lost with the taking of the King. The battlefield became quiet as the Alliances Heads thought this over. Finally, Ailith spoke up. “I think I can speak for Everyone when I say I can’t feel my feet nor the fingers of my hands. And he isn’t even in this battle.” Yrthilian helped Firsan up off the ground and clapped him on the shoulder. “My friend, I believe she is right. I could use some warmth.” said Yrthilian. “Oh alright!” replied Firsanthalas. “My Kilt is stiff as a board and that isnt a good thing. I declare this battle a draw.” With much good natured complaints and booing, the battle field was left behind for the warm of the Root of the Matter Inn. The End
  13. You know its Christmas time when Windy and Falen Angels and the other members of the Sisterhood weave Mistletoe in their hair! = X Be Afraid! No man is safe! Luckily for the male population, I am retired. X D
  14. This is the story I submitted. Forgive me for artistic license in portraying characters. King Firsanthalas, leader of the Guardians of the Root, is standing with Tarquinus and Prince Rhaegar in the meadow. They talk quietly on strategy as members of the Guardians, the Savelfusers, and the Children of the Eclipse make preparations and ready for battle. A shout goes up as Captain Sparrhawk arrives in the battlefield. “Sparrhawk! What is your report?” asks Firsanthalas. Bowing low, Sparrhawk answers. “My King, Ailith and the Sentinels are now entering past the Guards at the Gates!” Firsanthalas replied. “Very well. Bring it on.” Another shout goes up as Darrybarry runs in from the Hidden Exit. “Hail Tarquinus!” he utters breathlessly. “Well met, darrybarry!” replies Tarquinus in a quiet tone. “What tidings do you bring?” Darrybarry clentches his fist upon the hilt of his Sword tightly. “The MR’s are even now passing Alchamys Statue. And they are not alone, Lucius. I spotted Yrthilian walking with MRD.” First glancing at Princ Rhaegar and then Firsanthalas, Lucius acknowledges the information and sends Darry to help the others prepare. Looking disdainful, Princ Rhaegar looks back at Firsanthalas and Tarquinus. “This battle is not yet won or lost.” he said quietly. “With this first snow fall, the enemy has also not had time to prepare and train for this battle. We can only hope that the cold will take them down first, if not our warriors.” Suddenly the battle field erupted with sound as the members of the Loreroot Alliance raised their voices as One. From the South, Ailith and the Sentinels had walked into the clearing. Jeers and trash talk erupted from both sides before subsiding. From the Hidden Exit, the MR’s came into view and Loreroot and the Sentinels exchanged verbal confrontations with the MR Alliance members before King Yrthlilian raised his hand, momentarily quieting the Alliances. “King Yrthilian. said Firsanthalas. I don’t recall you being invited to this little skirmish.” Yrthilian smiled without warmth. “I didn’t know I needed one to pay a you a visit, King Firsanthalas.” he replied. “You call the MR’s and the Sentinels but leave me out of a battle? That is just cold my friend.” A female voice interrupts. “If you boys are finished posturing like peacocks, can we get on with this? My feet are getting cold and Sagewoman promised the victors get hot drinks back at the Root of the Matter Inn.” As one, the men turn their attention to Ailith, leader of the Sentinels. Pleased that she had their attention, Ailith went continued. “Forgive me if I got this incorrectly. We are not to use spells, magic, creatures or weapons for this battle?” Firsanthalas nods his head and then spits off to the side. The spit turns into an Ice Cube as it lands in the ankle deep snow. “Just how are we to fight? Fist de cuffs? How droll.” said Ailith dryly. Prince Rhaegar, looking impatient, speaks up. “Woman, do you not see that we have to use what is at hand?” Use your Head!” Bending down, Ailith scoops up some snow. “Oh, do you mean this?” she said sweetly. Ailith throws the snow into Prince Rhaegars face. With a roar, the field broke out into scuffles as members of the Loreroot Alliance, the Golem Alliance and the Sentinel Alliance start making and throwing snowballs. “Battle Stations!” shouted Firsan as he ran through the snow to his Alliance. Tarquinus, using hand signals, indicates to his Knights and Priestess to uncover the readied surplus of snow weapons and pray that they landed where they were thrown. Not to be out done, Prince Rhaegar too had his Priests grabbing prearranged spots on the battle field. The MR’s, though in foreign territory, were no slouches in making weapons spur of the moment and with guidance from King Yrthilian, snowballs were being thrown with accuracy. Several of the Savelfusers were getting targeted and much Cursing was heard echoing in the battle field. Ailith and the Sentinels showed no quarter and it didn’t matter who got hit. Equal opportunity with the Guardians of the Root as targets or the priestesses of the Moon. At one point, Ailith herself was bombarded with snowballs from her own Warriors! King Bull, once a Sentinel, took exception to that and came to Aliliths rescue while Caru became a human shield, sacrificing himself on behalf of his mother. Clearly, the snowball fight had become a free for all. Watching from the path and out of harms way, Zleiphneir and King Lifeline watched the me lay with amusement. “Pitiful.” said Lifeline with a gleam in his eye. “Bloody aweful if you ask me.” replied Zleiphneir. Suddenly Zleiphneir and King Lifeline found themselves flung into the battle by invisible hands. “No sitting on the sidelines you two!” said Mur del Mur with sadistic glee. By now all the Alliance members were cold and feeling a bit out of sorts with much slipping and falling in the by now trampled battlefield at Wasps Totem. Clearly not taking any sides, Zleiphenir and Lifeline got their shots in as well as taking their lumps. Feeling a Burst of ingenuity coming on, Zleiphneir jumped King Firsanthalas and held a snowball to his face and rubbed it in. When Firsan yowled his protest, the Alliances of Loreroot rallied to his side only to be held off by the MR’s and the Sentinels. Clearly, the battle had come to a stand still. "I think, said a grinning Zleiphneir, that this battle is lost with the taking of the King. The battlefield became quiet as the Alliances Heads thought this over. Finally, Ailith spoke up. “I think I can speak for Everyone when I say I can’t feel my feet nor the fingers of my hands. And he isn’t even in this battle.” Yrthilian helped Firsan up off the ground and clapped him on the shoulder. “My friend, I believe she is right. I could use some warmth.” said Yrthilian. “Oh alright!” replied Firsanthalas. “My Kilt is stiff as a board and that isnt a good thing. I declare this battle a draw.” With much good natured complaints and booing, the battle field was left behind for the warm of the Root of the Matter Inn. The End
  15. I am a Guardian of the Root. Moreover, I am Hostess of the Root of the Matter Inn within Defensive Quarters where I bid our visitors welcome to Loreroot. My home is here. Loreroot is where my loyalties are. Sagewoman
  16. SageWoman

    Christmas Decorating in New House

    We put the Tree in the foyer of the Hall (in front of door). And the fire place looks great!
  17. I think 1 wp on the anniversary of ones join date is sufficient. Alts I don't believe should get them because it is still the same person, ergo, the Main player only. Lovely idea, Mur.
  18. [quote name='Gargant' date='02 December 2009 - 09:13 AM' timestamp='1259766820' post='48899'] It's nearly christmas again and that means it's end of year awards time. So here's the plan. Today (december 2nd) - December 9th: Suggest categories December 10th - Decmeber 13th: nominate (Yes only three days, I know) December 14th - December 18th: vote December 20th: Ceremony I know it's very short notice but this is the best I can do. good luck! Garg. [/quote] Best Frog Spell Caster - Zleiphneir Best Female Role Player - Windy Best Male Role Player - Thomas the Titan
  19. I'll miss your Tin of Cookies! Just remember, we are a pounce away from you.
  20. [quote name='Akasha' date='14 November 2009 - 10:15 AM' timestamp='1258215335' post='47444'] I would like a BIIGG coffeee mug and also i think at having slippers ..but with a drachorn form (i know that is harder...to get) [/quote] I like how you think, Akasha! Only I want a Chewy slippers... [quote name='Grido' date='15 November 2009 - 04:14 PM' timestamp='1258323277' post='47578'] "I'm an LHO and proud of it!" "I might talk to a tree, but i'm not crazy" "I went to Mt Kelle'tha and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" No others spring to mind There's that thread Sagewoman made ages ago though, which i think has some in [/quote] Thank you for mentioning that. I feel vindicated now. I can just see it now. {fade to a catalog in the near future)Coffee mugs, bumper stickers, key chains, t-shirts and Dare I say it? Haynes Underware with MD Logo's! ROFL
  21. Hard to believe that there are only 40 days till Christmas! Where has the year gone? I am in card sending mood this year and would like to exchange cards with those of my friends here in Magic Duel. For security and your safety, I ask that those who wish to participate, please send me an email, private message in game or the forum and I will send you my address. Please do not give out addresses to others without getting their permission. [b]Update: The Response has been wonderful! I need to buy some more Christmas Cards! WOO HOO! [color="#FF0000"]Cards Received from[/color]: Shemhazji - Poland, Kets from Texas, Assira the Black, Handy Pockets,Thannhauser from Australia who didnt leave his game name, Capital - Canada Nice Job on the parchment! I particularly was impressed with the wax stamp on the back. [b]Mur: i took the liberty of editing this and suggesting a general event of this kind. i think This is an awesome idea and such card sharing would be something many would love. Imagine getting card from allover the world, because md has ppl from alover the world. Thank you Sagewoman for coming with this wonderful idea. I will add a default PM flag to motivate others to do this too. General ideea is to send something back for each something you receive, anyone can exchange cards, just the start to actualy do it is difficult , so everybody move your lazy a** and do it, pick someone from MD and propose a card exchange, it will be fun.[/b]
  22. Why are you sad, my friend? Need a hug? {{{hug}}}

  23. [quote name='capital' date='11 November 2009 - 02:28 AM' timestamp='1257928096' post='47196'] appreciate the invite but im sure you dont want us canadians drinking you under the table anyhow [/quote] I am 42 yrs old, a military veteran and live in Budwiser country. I'm calling your bluff, punk.
  24. I would like to see a common creature with new abilities and auras to be found somewhere in Golem Golemcarium. The Draclair is not open to the public and the only ones who have those creatures got them through SmartAlec or other means like trading or wish points. GG was once inaccessible but can be entered through the Labyrinth. The only land you can get common creatures from is No Mans Land (Armory and Winds Crossing)without much effort. Necrovion and inner Necrovion requires storymode or a special mode of Transportation to get the Unholy Priests and the Tortured Souls and Loreroot requires the defeat of the Loreroot Guards. That's not counting MDShop, getting a Gift, or trading from other players. The MDA Lands have no creatures nor does the Tribunal Lands (so far)and it would be interesting to see if Mur has some plans up his Magical sleeves. With the closing of Magic Duels gates to new players, I don't foresee any new creatures arriving soon. I do wish you the best of luck on the creation of your creature and its conception. Note: Any errors in locations and omitting of creatures are strictly my own and I acknowledge them A Head of Time.X D
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