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Amoran Kalamanira Kol

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Everything posted by Amoran Kalamanira Kol

  1. I would be happy to sponsor rewards for this quest.
  2. Yrthilian, MD likely cannot ever be what it once was, but continues to evolve. Poe, I hope you truly do not leave, but if you do I am certain that many would understand. You will certainly be missed by me.
  3. I haven't been seeing it the entire time, even before the complaint... thus my post. It was a little slow in Opera, but Opera is in general kind of slow.. it worked for IE 8, the newest version of Fire Fox, Google Chrome, and Safari for me, and two out of five of these program I downloaded just to test. I would say, No one, that it has to do with your browser.. or your flash, or your computer or something. Not the function of the code itself.
  4. I wished I had been able to participate in this. Unfortunately I was not aware that this quest was going on until gonza contacted me. Lovely artwork from everyone, and I enjoyed seeing everyone's portrayal of the crimson blade pirates.
  5. I have to be honest, I rather like the new layout for the menu above the mood panel. It is good that you can expand it and close it. I personally do not have an issue with it, but there is a space after "Development status: evolving" that could have something placed in it in the future. Just a thought. I'm rather happy to see this change.
  6. Greetings.. I am seeking an avatar that I created for the game not so long ago for a friend. Should anyone see it, please post in this thread. I am willing to pay for it to be finally given to the person I created it for. [img]http://magicduel.com/userfiles/102290/Faun2.jpg[/img]
  7. May I ask, in all kindness, why some of us were not refunded AT ALL for the bug fix that occurred on the oak tower and/or berserker's charge? These wish points were earned, and the access earned the same. They should have been refunded.
  8. Thank you to all who attended this special service. It shall be held again soon.
  9. Service has been moved to 7:00:00 ST. All are welcome to attend.
  10. Congratulations. I hope it goes well and the wedded enjoy themselves.
  11. I did this "mass message" to get a fix on the opinion of people in the realm, and to let the community know that we aren't dead yet. I'm grateful to the individuals who gave me their thoughts, and I'm happy to say that I agree with them. The Children of the Eclipse should be earned, not granted in a wish. I highly appreciate Dark Demon's effort, but as I stated in the voting thread, it was merely an option that I did not want to ignore. Instead of using it to rack in votes, I would prefer to use the feed back from those messages to move in the right direction. Thank you to everyone who chose to tell me your thoughts.
  12. [b]It took me some time to decide to vote in this thread. After looking at some of the wishes, I looked for ones that I felt might make the realm of Magic Duel more interesting, as opposed to wishes for items and the like. If my post is overly ambitious, it was not meant to offend. I am looking at it more as a list of interesting thoughts, and many of them I would love to see brought to reality.[/b] Esmaralda (10 pts) -spell to bring back the night and let the Moon rise. It doesn't have to be a spell. It can be an item that "summons" the lady moon (like a moon shard so it can be passed to someone else) and thus brings night into the realm for a period of time [b]Long ago there was talk that a moon cycle would be implemented into MD. Glor Damar drew the image and intended it to act in a similar manner as the weather spells do. I feel that this could be an interesting opportunity to add another element to the realm. It could enhance roleplay and create new interest where interest is lacking.[/b] Rumi (9pts) -four casts of Weather - Mild Rain. [b]I have spoken to Rumi regarding his role.. I have also provided him with many imprinted memory stones with the spell 'Heavy Rain' so that he can continue to water the garden that he dreams to have implemented. I feel his idea of a garden will add an interesting twist to the herb gathering mechanics of MD. He has wonderful ideas, and I would love to see them come to fruition.[/b] DARK DEMON (8pts) -return of the Children of the Eclipse [b]I place this as my third 'top wish' as I feel that this is an opportunity. It is an opportunity that is of course, as many would agree with me, "A short cut" but it is an opportunity still. I feel that the Children of the Eclipse alliance badge should certainly be earned back, but to ask that the Children of the Eclipse return is a large feat. It is the people who exist in the alliance of the Children of the Eclipse, the pillars of the Eclipse who make the alliance. Many of our members have fallen into a deep rest and have allowed themselves to lay dormant. There are those however who watch quietly, waiting for a spark - a piece of hope. Anything. I have watched for a long time now, and I am uncertain I really want to see the potential of the Children of the Eclipse fall away. So I will try, and I will gather the support of people who are willing to help. It may fail, but I can at least say I tried. I do not trust that this wish will be instated, but even still.. I will seek the help I can and continue the previous activities of the alliance, gather the remaining members, and seek new members as I continue on. Not all is lost. Consider this a cry to seekers, priests, and knights who seek an experience that is more than just simple grinding, more than just simple over exaggerated roleplay. Let's try to create an experience with what is left. Not to appease, but to do so because it is quite simply fun.[/b] Tal (7pts) -ability to give and remove the tag 'sylvan watch' [b]I feel that Tal has certainly proven his ambition in Loreroot. He deserves the ability to help his land.[/b] Mya Celestia (6pts) -Summon spell [b]Mya Celestia is ever a person who draws me back here. She has worked dilligently alongside Shemhazaj to regrow the Guardians. She deserves the ability to summon people to her land.[/b] tankfans (5pts) -Fix the bridge at the Oak Fort, I can provide lumbers and branches if needed. This helps a lot when going to and fro from Oak Fort and GoE. Since this is a selfish wish, I hope the it will require at least 200 AP to move through that bridge. [b]I think that this is an interesting idea because of the symbolism of the bridge that leads to the Oak Fort. It might create a little bit of life, perhaps give a little bit of enthusiasm to explore the symbolism of other areas on the game.[/b] Peace (4pts) Scimitar of Destruction' currently owned by Aysun (inactive account) to be returned to me and have its name changed to 'Tainted' and with the description of 'By putting all seven shards together, Peace reforged Khalazdad's sword with Shadowseeker's guidance at Berserker's Way. It emits a vile aura and whenever used against someone, the wielder gets hurt as well.' [b]I cannot bring myself to ignore this particular wish. It has ever been a wish of Peace to see the Scimitar of Destruction returned to her, and I feel that she does deserve the chance to have it back.[/b] Lazarus (3pts) my own flag, just like Shadowseeker's, and it will be called "The Infernal Order," the complete opposite and I will be the only one who can invite players in it [b]Though there are very few points attributed to this and other wishes, it is simply a lack of points to express. This idea has been floating through my, and other's minds. The flag system needs a spark of life, and it could very well create new sub-groups in the game. A new interest.[/b] ZenTao (2pts) - ability to add stories, news, quest arts and music to the MD archives library possibly under my own book or I would not mind helping update others such as providing an illustrated book cover for each book helping dust and in general creating a updated archive [b]Again, I face the issue of a lack of points to give. ZenTao is correct in that the archives need something new, and I feel that she may well be the right person to provide this new element. She is an excellent writer, and like many in this list, deserves her chance to help make this realm an interesting place again.[/b] Max Mortlock (1pts) - pickpocketing item [b]I see a potential here. But I also see that it needs to have a counter balance. Pick pocketing items could give way to characters who are thieves.. It is an element in the game that is missing. However, I feel that this ability should be greatly limited to resource items. Rare items, usable items, and items that have a picture should be left alone.[/b] One extra: JadenDew - A Vial of Hope - Each drop of the colourful liquid serves as a restorative, recharging permanent spells and abilities.The Vial has twelve uses and once completely used, it becomes:Empty Glass Vial A small glass vial that used to contain hope. [b]Consider this an honorable mention, because I enjoy Jaden Dew's refreshing idea. It brings many good roleplay opportunities to light, however.. it does need a broader range. How does one hold hope in a bottle? How does one take hope away? I love the creativiy here.[/b]
  13. I do not know who started this rumor, but I will say that I do not believe Magistra to have had any involvement with the takeover of our alliance. Please note that it is unfair to the player (Magistra) to have such rumors spead about her. She and I have had our bumps in game, but she has never sought to destroy the Eclipse.
  14. Cyclicity contest scores With the long wait finally over, I am ready to announce the scores for the cyclicity art contest. During my time of debating with the judges about the scores, and because of the fact that we were judging not just story but artwork, and with the loss of the Eclipse holding as a major distraction from finally finishing this, and.. with my real life suddenly becoming rather busy: It took quite awhile to actually find time to type this post. But with my schedule settling down ever so slightly, I am able to grant rewards to those who entered. Because the contest was about the subject of Cyclicity, I have decided to base the scores on the original purpose of the contest. All commentary regarding the stories and artwork will be sent to those who applied themselves to the contest via forum PM. With the subject of Cyclicity applied the scores are as follows: Rumi: 9. 28 Ivorak: 8.35 Arkken: 7.15 ZenTao: 6.82 Chengmingz: 5.23 Sky Army: 3.09 Scores were based on creativity, artwork, and the subject of cyclicity. The judges were: Marvolo - Who judged the artwork portion of the contest along side myself, and sent his final scores shortly before his departure from the realm. Innocence - Who judged the writing portion and aided me in the decision of the final scores. Tarquinus - Who judged the writing portion along side Innocence. I will find the winners in game so they may receive their prizes. All contestants will be sent a sent a critique via forum PM regarding the writing portion, typed in kind by Innocence and Marvolo. All contestants should have received their preliminary prizes for entering the contest, if any of you did not, please find me in game. Prizes will be posted shortly and given out in game.
  15. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1340138528' post='115443'] I may not be offically or unoffically part of the CoE, but i do care about their revival, and therefore offer my help. I hope you three know this, and accept my help. Im very sporadic about timings, its easier if people contact me about stuff and i try to attend anything. In other news, it seems rants are good after all, no? LOLOLOL [/quote] They are good enough, Chewie, and thank you for your offer of help. We will speak to you when we sort things out. [quote name='Tarquinus' timestamp='1340138643' post='115444'] I believe that is 03:00 - 10:00 server time. [/quote] Thank you.
  16. With my current schedule, I will attempt to be active on Tuesday and Wednesday of each week unless my schedule changes. I will, as well, try to appear online during the evenings (7pm to 2am in US Central time, 03:00 - 10:00 server time.) each week. I cannot promise heavy game activity during the week, but I will appear as I am able.
  17. O.O You said what?! (jk) Funny read, dst.
  18. Can I ask what mod is deleting the replies to my posts? Also, may I kindly know why?

  19. Due to the need to focus on my new job, I will be away for the next two days and possibly without internet acess. I will do my best to keep up with the realm.

    1. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Kay, so.. I didn't delete your reply (dst) and I don't know who did. You know, your reply wasn't that important either honestly.

  20. I will be honest. I have not been active recently, but I was absolutely disgusted to log in and find that the once 30 member-strong alliance: The Children of the Eclipse, the thing that I and so many others had put so much effort into was disbanded... Due to lack of members? Was there not a request placed by Pipstickz to the Council to have the member count reduced so that it could be returned to us? I have chosen to try one last time.. to give one last small effort toward regaining our alliance. I petition that the Children of the Eclipse be returned once and for all to the members who worked so hard for it to be what it had been. Please post if you support this effort. I know it is a stretch, but I believe that there are those in the community who would want to see the Children of the Eclipse alliance revived and returned to it's founding members. Please post if you support this effort.
  21. I haven't abandoned anyone, but I am really sick of looking for a job irl.

    1. Magistra


      You need a brain for it.

  22. The question is not whether or not you have personally benefited from taking it, Pip.. the question is- what is your entire point in having it to begin with? What are you personally doing with it that entitles you to keep it? Thus far, I have only seen you invite two other people to keep it afloat, and then sit on it with your alt and brag about the fact that you have it on your main account. Let us ignore the taunting comments in the forum regarding your taking it, exclaiming that you will keep it because we are upset about the fact that you took it to begin with. The taunting makes little to no sense in my opinion. "I'm going to punish them for....reacting naturally about the fact that I have wrongfully stolen their alliance and am doing nothing with it!" At this point, the question I hold is not whether or not we deserve to have our badges back, but whether or not you deserve even the slightest bit, to hold them. My personal opinion is that you do not, and every action and step you have taken so far points to vindictive childish behavior. If you had turned the badges into something of use, or created a quest, or more over - used the badges which you have so eagerly stolen to do....SOMETHING, that would make a difference. Perhaps we would not feel the need to state the obvious, and perhaps we might actually choose to work with you to create something interesting with what you have done. I believe we've been civil and fair to you thus far, you may believe otherwise but each is entitled to their own opinion.
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