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Kriskah Arcanu

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Everything posted by Kriskah Arcanu

  1. Metrosexual?! we are talking about a plain blue and white forum... don't see any gayish or metrosexual format. Anyway it would be fun to actually have a metrosexual forum, I wouldn't complain.
  2. c'mon who needs a tutorial for using a forum? And it is not gayich, far too plain for gayich.
  3. [quote name='SageWoman' post='35844' date='Jun 30 2009, 03:59 PM'][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNEraxj559Y"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNEraxj559Y[/url] Here you go Dst! :lol:[/quote] Me likes! :good:
  4. [quote name='SageWoman' post='35724' date='Jun 29 2009, 09:06 PM']If Windy uses the Sactuary for her Pub, why not use this? She will thank me for this! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDJKoSVl920&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDJKoSVl920...feature=related[/url][/quote] Hmm... I believe this fits Wind & Rain Pub a bit more [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0GKqa4JcCk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0GKqa4JcCk[/url]
  5. [quote name='Chewett' post='35701' date='Jun 29 2009, 04:57 PM']No you should keep doggy. he is a nice addition. Craig (the dog) wouldnt harm anyone. i wont let you hurt Craig.[/quote] I'll bet Craig would love to follow you Chewet... he wants those slippers soo bad Wind's Sanctuary is no place for a puppy (I believe he is a grown dog now) Windy and my self work on Wind's Sanctuary and we are tired to hear Craig, he is so loud and he is crying all day and night, we cannot do business anymore, So please buy Craig or put him to sleep, poor creature... ¡Qué horror! *after making her drama she leaves slamping the forums door* K
  6. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' post='35682' date='Jun 29 2009, 12:05 PM']if you want to make a new song for Wind's, put some good relaxing medieval song, after all it is the most visited sanctuary (i believe) for example [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTb3jsIOUYw&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTb3jsIOUYw...feature=related[/url] :clapping:[/quote] Hmm... I agree it has to be a bit more sanctuarich melody, but it doesnt have to be sad. Here is one a bit more cheerfull. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNmb0ZdeuTE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNmb0ZdeuTE[/url] Regards, K
  7. [center][b]The winners[/b]: Please notice it was a contest only for BEST AD [b]First Place[/b] Esmerelda and Granos [b]Second Place[/b] Gremlin [b]Third Place[/b] Adiominio Congratulations![/center] Unfortunately Stormrunner, Burns and Willem did not attend the Job market, hope to see you next time. Detailed score Granos: 8.5 Esmeralda: 8.5 Gremlin: 7 Adiominio:: 6.5 Blackwood forest: 6 CrazyMyke: 5.5 Necromancer Mortis: 5 Dst: 4.5
  8. About the personal ad contest This was mostly an all about fun contest, designed to promote the job market. It was based on the idea of generate an atmosphere for character development and interrelation inside the realm. Now I see many flaws on the evaluation, like I should have rewarded more the actual getting hired issue, which it is actually the most important thing. Anyway, this was a new experience and it was fun. I hope eventually people will get a bit more involved. Maybe next time we can build a scenario, like a villain’s arena for confrontation and evaluation of the best villain on MD, or an aula magna for lectures so everyone can offer their lessons, stories; or an artistic stage for poets and musicians… I don’t know. You must know It isn’t easy to generate space for RP on MD, specially during head contest In a few hours I will be posting the results.
  9. Kriskah Arcanu


    [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' post='35547' date='Jun 28 2009, 12:03 PM']One's a vegetable and the other is a fruit.[/quote] :nea:
  10. [quote name='Liberty4life' post='35148' date='Jun 27 2009, 11:57 AM']eh poetry co? that doesnt tells me who it is, or is there a player called Poetry [/quote] The idea for me to publish small ads at the forum was to get people curious about the job market. [b]The contest will not be held at the forum.[/b] The player's name is Blackwood Forest and he will have the complete ad on his papers so you can evaluate it. (BTW, I believe his native language isn't English he went idle inside Wind's Sanctuary, I think its ok) Regards, K
  11. The [b]"personal ad contest" will last 24 hours[/b], please PM your votes after evaluating all contestantants. The results will be post at the forum on day 178, 23.00 hrs. Evaluation criteria: [b]Originality[/b] (5 points),[b] Humor [/b](2 points), [b]Eye Candy displaying[/b] (2 points) and an extra point for actually [b]been hired[/b] : 10 points Example on how to vote: PM Subject: VOTE Players name 4/1.5/1.5/0 = 6 Players name 3/2/1.5/1= 7.5 etc... Everyone is alloud to vote except for newborns alts Regards, K
  12. Hehe, this is gonna be fun I hope to see you all tomorow, remember the job market is not at the forum, all ads have to be displayed on your papers. If you cannot attend you also may go idle outside Winds Sanctuary. Regards, K
  13. Thanks so much for participating. Please put your ad on your papers also so people can see it on game too. I have to say it... there are a few ads that will definitly rock.
  14. Just received a new add: You know what to say, but you don't know how? Want to impress your love... or need somone to blaim... but with class? Poetry might be the answer you are looking for Call us - we'll write it for you Poetry co
  15. Hola Señor Grido ¿Cómo está?

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  16. A small [b]change on schedule[/b] The auction will start tomorrow at [b]23.00[/b] I appologize for the inconvinience. Regards, K
  17. Hmmm... I belive I tried to send them to Kyphis the Bard, dindn´t realize that was not your player name. I appologize. Coins sent
  18. OF TOPIC: Well I allready have a topic for discussion on my papers. I intend to continue writing about it soon. It is titled: Public Space, Marketplace & Community, it can be place as a Cultural or Economic área. I've spoke with a few people about starting a small group of discusion, mostly market related, anyway will see how it goes.
  19. Just an idea... If there is enough interest from the communiy, it will be great to start conforming grups of discussion on topics like History, Politics... War.. in terms of helping to increase our bookshelves of MD documents. The "K" instrument might be very usefull for these groups to wright and edit the material. K
  20. Excelent Will there be topic divisions? It will be interestig to see like Politics, Science, History, etc
  21. [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' post='34641' date='Jun 24 2009, 03:12 PM']They are naked mole rats.[/quote] And you say my butcher contest ad is cruel Well from what I see having children could be easily assumed by others as a lack of creativity on rp, specially if that is merely a reflexion of lack of ideas to ad on your own character projects. Other then that I believe everyone should be able to procreate dracul-angels as long as they want even if it is seen as a pointles overpopulation to others. BTW I am going to start selling baby stuff... how come that didn't occured to me before :fool:
  22. Sorry, I just used a very old and dirty marketing system to call everyones atention
  23. More details at: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=4256&pid=34616&st=0&#entry34616"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.p...amp;#entry34616[/url]
  24. I received a few more self ads: A doctor specializing in neurology, genetics and surgery. Also a scientist interested in studying just about anything and everything. Willing to teach some medicine, and happy to give any information he's collected, with few exceptions. [b]1- 9990-DRWHO[/b] CALL NOW and you will get a NeuroScan for free. MD strees you out? Take lessons on stress relief, massage therapy and incense therapy. [b]GREM&REN[/b] Relax Therapy Center. I will be placing all these adds on my wagon, no charge [b]Small contest:[/b] Best "personal ad" during the item's auction will be rewarded with 10 MDS Second best 5 MDS Third 3 MDS Evaluation criteria: Originality, Humor, Eye Candy displaying. Requirements: Only in situ constestants will be evaluated, even if they are IDLE The aution´s atending public will be playing judge during the contest. Good luck. Next item's auction Day 177, 23:00 hrs Outside Wind's Sanctuary
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