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Kriskah Arcanu

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Everything posted by Kriskah Arcanu

  1. Please tell me you are becoming a merchant, if not I must say I do not like this. Inventory Items should have a purpuse, they should be used, not just collected. If you want to buy all type of inventory items please explain a reason for it. Regards, K
  2. We will meet tomorrow (day 123) at [b]Sage's Keep[/b] at 2.00. The topics to discuss will be: 1. The Central Market. How will it work? 2. Funds. Ideas to use them proppely in the market 3. Tasks and responsabilities during this economic system building. Other topics may appear during this meeting, that depends on your interest in this subjetc. Regards, K Ps: We will need somebody to keep a record of this meeting.
  3. [b]I call for a meeting on day 123, 2.00 server time. [/b] Tomorrow I will post more details about the place and topics to discuss. Please PM to confirm asistance. regards, K
  4. It is really important that you are aware of the uses this funds will have. I don't want to take all decisions and just inform you about them. That definitly wouldn't be transparent, and it will generate disconfort ans suspissious. I hope we can have a public meeting as soon as posible. Regards, K
  5. [quote name='cryxus' post='29845' date='May 1 2009, 12:08 PM']in this particular case im withholding my praise until i see where the money and creatures end up, nothing personal, i just havent heard from anyone definitely about how the silver and creatures are gonna be split.[/quote] I wont use this funds to benefit my self cryxux, I think you all know that. That is the main reason I want this meeting to take place as soon as possible.
  6. Yes, Kragel deserves a medal, first he had a great idea, then he executed it like a professional . Mi respetos para Kragel Ps. I havent seen my master today, he is gonna miss his first Spanish lesson. :lol: ------------------ BTW I would like to have a meeting to discuss about the Central Market for MD. I have some ideas for the funds recollected during the auction (wich havent ended yet ) and I wish I could share them with you. I read some of your comments during the market and currency debate and I believe this type of comercial event have a lot of potencial. K -------------------
  7. Too bad i cannot buy a slave before the Market fair, I will need help on the Items auction If anyone is interested I am offering 2 MDS (payed job), details on the Job Market topic. Regards, K
  8. Feliz cumpleanos Burns! :drinks: Salud! K
  9. Guy, I would like the market fair to become a common event, for that I need MDS to buy items, I am a merchant so that is kind of obviuos, I believe everybody knows that... that is why I havent said so. For now "purchable items" are rare, so I was thinking in other purpuses for the MDS too... like rewards, and like i said before the job market. K
  10. I had an idea, but I havent discuss this yet with anyone because it need further... whats the word...? hmmm elaboration. The founds could be used too for a job market. People (particulary those with no MDS) can be hired and payed/rewarded. This in time could help the recreation of a real economy. I dont know... it is just a thougt... it needs work. K
  11. I do understand your point Guy, but that "profit for themselves"... that is not slavery... that is commonly known as a salaried job.
  12. I havent spoke with Kragel about the auction. But I am certain he is not doing this to get rich. The MDS are not for him, they are not for my selfish purpuses either. MDS, creatures... they all will be used as rewards (storytellings, performances), salarys (collaborations, traders)... at least that is what I understood. Percentages... I do believe that could be discussed a bit more. But history tells us slavery does not benefit the slave at all, it is the complete oposite of fairness. K
  13. I am sorry to spam but i like the one with the friendly squirrel too. :clapping: I dont want to leave my Sisters alone so... Kriskah Arcanu Female I am latina (some guys believe there is a plus on that. I dont really know why, but I am gonna use it anyways) I can play the guitar and... I have a wagon filled with quite confortable cushions (just joking ) I have a friendly horse too. K
  14. I will have to buy a slave if Gremlin and Fenir don't show :lol: Please check the Market Fair schedule before you suscribe. Remember, to be sold you have to be there. So you don't have to look for it somewhere else I will re-post the publicity: “Weaving it's way through the bustling crowds, it's wheels creek on it's steady pace, the caravan arrives from No Man's Lands, a Market Fair to Marind's it brings." [b]Day 119-120[/b]: The No Man’s Land Caravan will launch from Howling Gates around [b]22:00[/b] server time, it will only make two stops: one at the Gazebo of Equilibrium and, the other one at Willows Shop. Then it will continue to set up the Market Fair at 23:00 at Wind´s Sanctuary. The Market Fair will end at [b]1:00 [/b]server time. K
  15. Ok Kragel, the MDS collected during this auction will be used to reward asistances, publicity, performances any type of colaboration :good: Thank you.
  16. There is no need for me to get any type of comission. It is not my market fair... so Kragel, since is your idea... the slavery auction is all yours. :lol: Edit* Pample, it does benefit the market, I believe Kragel had a great idea. The gathering of people means more clients for the traders. All Im saying is I dont want a commision. The same if there is any other type of transaccion (services, creats, info...) If Kragel or anybody organize the auction i believe he or she should get the comission. I would be too busy to take care of that.
  17. When I solved the maze I got to Wind's Crossing... *sighs* I wanted to see GG
  18. As a merchant I am uncapable to determine the exact price on an MDS. My references are nothing but the Items witch are for some people priceless colletibles objects. I do recognize people are starting to trade items a bit more, but i still I agree with Kafuuka: "Currently items are artifacts, not expendable trade goods". I might change my mind after the fair. But for now all I can say is that a MDS may have no currency value when you want to buy a selected item, but also quite valuable for people with no items at all. I couldnt compare this currency to any type of real currency, I believe we are too far from recreating a local economy yet. Hope this will change in time.
  19. If nobody cancels our date will be at Wind´s Sanctuary, day 119, between 21:00 to 03:00. I have confirm: The performance of Kiphis The Bard. Phantom Orchid will play her Nyckelharpa. Have you listen to that instrument yet? Cryxux and Stormrunner will be our story tellers. Windy will offer carameled apples. I´ll keep you posted.
  20. Jester, I was planning the Market fair for nextweek but if you consider this event can be a part of the Jesterfest I can pospone it so we can do this togeder. Nevertheless, I wouldnt consider to accept the event I am promoting to be a time filler activitie during the fest. Both activities can be complementary and they can be scheduled without interrumpting each other. We just need different locations. Regards,
  21. I support the fest :good: When will it be? Anyway, I believe the Marketplace can be an interesting event too...insteed of a MISCELLANNEOUS TIME FILLER...
  22. Indeed. I have to agree with Burns. Unfortunately many of my friends lost interest on the game because of that. There is no point to tranlate the intructions and story of the game if the 90% still in Engish (Quests, rol play, chat, notifications, newsletter, etc) Pehaps in time alternative languages chats will open. Until that happens... I personally dont see the point. K
  23. Since i have not received the Newsletter I try to subscribe again but this message appears everytime: [b]An error has occurred. An error(s) has occurred while trying to subscribe you to our news list: -You are already subscribed to list MagicDuel News [/b] Is there something else I can do? Regards, K
  24. [quote name='Phantom Orchid' post='28972' date='Apr 16 2009, 12:05 AM']Greetings, Would it be possible to set up a barter board? Also, what about trading character weapons/armor (perhaps akin to how creatures are traded)? I am *very* excited about trading/bartering, because it will help spread the wealth and keep things that much more decentralized. There seems a lot more potential than only using coins which are few and kinda hard to come by. Also, I play the nyckelharpa for hire if I won't play for free *winks* Ask Kittiness how I play.[/quote] The original idea didnt include items. I knew from the start there where to few. But King Khalazdad ask me to give the economy a bit of reality, he loan me a few silver coins to start buying Items. Since I already have thought of a fair I took my chances. I started asking support and trying to buy items. I got plenty support, but items where almost imposible to get. (I did had a lot of fun reading the answers to my offers... you wouldnt believe how precious a T-Shirt or a mug can be...) I bought a few, but after a while I realized the Market Fair had to be done, with or without items. We´ll see how it goes... K
  25. It is a good idea Fenrir and Chewet. I have only a few items for sell (4) but perhaps this will encourage people to trade some more. It could be fun. Other type of goods (the ones in the list and others to come) will be sold for "MD Gold coins" or traded. It wont be a a board for that. I will set the prices the day of the fair. (Does Fair sound right?... would Market fair sound better?) K
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