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Everything posted by Peace

  1. I have also applied for Necrovion's kingship. As for you, Fenrir, do not underestimate the power a jester can have to the people.
  2. You mean friends in MD or friends outside of MD?
  3. Like Yrthilian said, what's done is done. And now we move on. As for Wodin, I am in no place to answer your questions, as it is not in my place to say. The only thing I can say and I apologise to all those who disregard roleplaying, that our realm is based on it and some of us act as we see fitting for the purpose of it. Personal opinion here.
  4. I have to state that as for the planning to takeover Guirrilla, I had nothing to do with it. Moments after Liberty had the declairation of war and was already within my lands, I turned to Granos asking for aid and the answer I got was what you all saw when I had the badge of this alliance next to my name.
  5. Just saying hello. Compliments come with time.

  6. [quote name='Yrthilian' date='10 October 2009 - 09:51 PM' timestamp='1255207912' post='44314'] I think you would have to be lorotian to be able to get on the list of selecties [/quote] He said that as an example.
  7. I would also like to ask who will vote. Will the people of each land seperately vote for who they wish to be their King/Queen or will the whole MD community vote for each of the lands?
  8. Greetings and welcome.
  9. If your life is wonderful from day to night, if the time that passes is always enjoyable and your dreams come true, then you know what I wished for. Happy Birthday Pamps.
  10. Welcome to Magic Duel then.
  11. I did not make a demand, Liberty. In case you can not read, which you can't in this case, I simply requested for it to return. I have nothing to bargain here. When I took over the GG alliance I did state that I would return it to the former members of Golemus. Whether Yrthilian is to return in the ally is not my concern, but I was very strict in my decision not to hand it back to his hands.
  12. I am serious Liberty, unlike you. You may think this war was a game to you but for others it wasn't.
  13. [center]As promised, despite what the outcome of the votes would be for Yrthilian's kingship, the Guirrilla Golemicarum alliance has been returned to its former members. The war has ended from my side and I request for my Father's soul to be returned to the Dynasty members and to Necrovion.[/center] [center]Peace Princess of the Evening Blue Sky Daughter of Khalazdad[/center]
  14. Happy Birthday Genie. Happy Birthday Luvva. Best wishes to you both. (Normally I would hug you to death but meh...)
  15. Should I say that I saw this coming? Amoran, I would kindly ask you to drop this to avoid any further conflict here. For it is damaging you, Mur (because he is Mur to us and not Manu) and the entire MD community. He is the person who has the last word on things, whether some people agree or not. MagicDuel is his creation and he will act as he sees fitting for the best of it. So, please, just drop it.
  16. I do know that Shoeps had Seduction 6, the one I am missing from all those releashed since I only have 3 Seduction spell documents.
  17. Lifeline, I read all this tpoic at least three times. Just because I do not respond to all of the things you say about me, that does not mean anything. I simply try to keep this on topic.
  18. It is Black Water level 5.
  19. I really have to admit Lifeline, that your posts amuse me. [quote name='Lifeline' date='01 October 2009 - 09:54 PM' timestamp='1254430459' post='43459'] i just read gridos petition...lemme get this straight: yrth did a dishonorable and selfish act by damaging khal but peace who damaged wodin to the same degree (if not worse depends on perception of course) is in the team and part of all the "plotting"? u got into a dream with peace the enemy together and plot what to do. if u hate yrth for damaging khal why do u work together with peace who commited the same offence? and on top of that let her wishes play into what happens when yrth gets disposed as king. i see here the 2 ppl asking for yrth to step down and one of them themself wanting to become king to work together with necrovions leader and fullfilling her wishes. how can that ever be in the best interest of the land golemus if the revolt leader and possible future king do what peace wishes them to do and work together with necrovion? this is GG and necrovion and not GG and marind bell or necro and loreroot. grido and metal bunny seem to have the need to plot together with peace and also meet her demands i cant see anything more dangerous for the future of GG. or do u wish to unite the 2 lands into one shared leadership? [/quote] Why do you keep comparing me with Yrthilian in this topic? Am I the one being asked to be deposed? If you want me to get deposed (not that I have a crown or I am a queen, I am merely a daughter of a King, a Princess. I, unlike Yrthilian, do not have actual power over Necrovion, simply because I am just a dead little princess now) make another topic and judge me for my actions. Yes, indeed there was a dream called plotting and yes indeed me, Grido and Metal Bunny were in it. But what we were discussing had nothing to do with the future of GG. I do not care about GG. At all. Even the fact that I hold Guirrilla hostage is a burden to me, but I do it to remind Yrthilian of his mistakes. I stated before that I was willing to hand the alliance back, just NOT to Yrthilian. I wasn't even planning to give it to Grido nor Bunny to be honest. But I have no objection to actually give it back to them. What they will do with the alliance or with the land or with the people does not matter to me. Why? Beacuse I have no interest on GG. That's why. They have a land to protect and care for, as I have one. And these two lands simply do not share leadership for their interests are different.
  20. [quote name='dst' date='28 September 2009 - 12:16 AM' timestamp='1254093397' post='43045'] Then Peace, please share the facts with us, the mere mortals. I am starting to hate the arrogance some of the RPCs are showing nowadays. And I am sick of all those secrets, hidden info that some pretend to have and never share or if they do, in the end, you find out it's pure crap. Sorry, but I am pissed! Being a RPC is indeed the WORST thing that can happen to a player! It literally kills the spirit of the player! [/quote] I understand your feelings, Dst. I do. I simply do not want this to go off topic. Which is why this matter is being discussed with the RPCs because Wodin is more than just a simple player, he is also an NPC. So, since you ask it here it goes. I made an rp deal within MD. The deal was: Should I was able to get in the GG ally and have control of it and Wodin, I was to give war spoils from Wodin. And as it happened, I took over GG and gave away six creatures only. I was also asked to sacrifice all of Wodin's army, but I didn't simply because I thought that six creatures is more than enough for a paycheck. And since some of you are wondering, I only gave away two drachorns and four other aged creatures. Now, in matters of rp that is what happened. In matters such as stealing or abusing, that is still being discussed and I await for any punishment to be casted on me because I am an RPc and that was not probably a wise thing to do. I also would like to say that both Yrthilian and Mur were informed that I was going to do it. I did not ask for permission from them, I merely informed that I would do it. And so I did. Now, can we please go back on topic?
  21. [quote name='Yrthilian' date='27 September 2009 - 09:02 PM' timestamp='1254081760' post='43007'] As i said many time I warnd her i would do damage to her fathers soul this was done many days bofore the war. I said it severial time i even said i would kill her if she harmend wodin. so yes i did give plently of warning of the act. [/quote] Let me correct you here about something. I did not get an official warning about Khalazdad. Yes, in YIM you did tell me that you would use his soul, and then you told me that you were not allowed to. So I believed you and carried on to my plans after being sure that you would not be able to do anything with my Father's soul. Moments after I state that I will be absent from the war due to some reasons, you come and warn me that you will hurt Khalazdad's soul until I return the alliance and Wodin to you. I was not present to reply on that or to make any negotiations. Finally, I return to the realm hours later to find out that not only you warned someone who was not here to responde to you, but you did not even have the courtesy to wait until my return and my answer. Honestly, I do not find any more things to say that you were drove into this cause of your madness and desperation. Now, as for the 'stealing issue' I would prefer to have this out of this conversation, as it has been passed to the RPCs to decide what to do on this matter. And no offense to the non-RPC players, yes, your opinion matters but I do not enjoy the fact of being accused when people do not know the actual facts! Moving on then.
  22. In behalf of all Necrovion people, and of course I count myself in there, I offer my sincere apologies to the Summoned Army. I will point fingers to all those who did attack the Summoned Army and if it is in my hand, I would punish them. But that will not also change the fact of what they did, regardless the reasons they had. Somethings require common logic and I believe that at the time this happened nobody could probably think logically. I only regret the fact that I was not present. If my presence and words could have changed anything. (Which I believe it could.) Again, I do not ask for forgiveness nor for me, nor for the necrovion people cause I find reasonable enough to never get it. Nonetheless, I am terribly sorry for the damage inflicted to a future ally.
  23. I am greatly disappointed with you, Yrthilian. Not just as a person but as a King as well. I may not wear a crown for being a Princess, I may not be the leader within the Necrovion Sentinels, but even as an individual without any badge of any alliance, my people listen to me and respect me. That has to mean something, doesn't it? A true King, like my Father was, would be more than just pleased to have his alliance being run by the people he trusts. A King rules, yes, but he can rule even without having an alliance. I had all the good intention of returning the alliance to the land, but I would hand it to someone that I and the people (note: Not just the Necrovion people) would at least approve. But even that was not enough for you. You are losing your mind. The love you have for your crown, not the land but the crown, has made you blind and made you turn your back to your true allies and friends. I pity you. I vote that you step down as a King, for I believe that your mental state is unstable and it can trully harm the people of the land if it hasn't already with the actions you have taken so far. As for Grido, Necrovion offers him sanctuary, just like we did to Raven when you had him exiled as an outcast from his lands. I do not say that I support his desicions. But I do support the desicion of not following a King's command when you see that the King is wrong.
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