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Everything posted by Peace

  1. Peace

    Happy Birthday!!

    In this day, 27 years ago, a boy was born. We do not know much of his life and probably never will. What we do know is that boy grew up and created a new world: he called it Magic Duel. In this day, we wish happy birthday to Manu, the Creator of the world all of us here live everyday. Through him we realise that MD is not "just a game" as people call it. It is a world of friendship. intrigue, love, hate, admirasion, jealousy but also a world of creativity. We enjoy out time here, indeed but look around you. Look at the friends you have made and look at yourself. Are we all the same person we were the day before we started in MD? I believe not. And I wish to Thank him for it and wish him happy birthday. And I hope that as he grows older, Magic Duel and us all grow older with him. PS: Is it appropriate to jump on him today and squeeze him to death?
  2. DarkPriestess, Daughter of Khalazdad and child of Necrovion, used to darkness and danger. The desolate lands of Necrovion are well known for swallowing people whole, but I can survive easily in that realm. My seduction techniques allow me to gain good relations with those around me and calm situations when they get aggressive. Also influence those enemies who may otherwise cause trouble for the group. My beautiful scent may also come in handy for taming beasts. I want to help the Lorerootians to demonstrate the strength of the Necrovion/Lorerootian treaty and show the binding of a necrovian’s word. Such a perilous task undertaken by the only daughter of Khalazdad would be a true demonstration of the real worth of the treaty that has been made. My only combat companion is my Father's sword, the Tainted, if needed. Irene Daughter of Khalazdad Princess of the Evening Blue Sky At your service.
  3. Just keep up the good work
  4. I was there when you got the first tag { Akasha's stalker } and I found it very funny. Now as to a simple stalker I still believe it would be nice to ~actually~ have one in game and act throught this role. There are others that kinda have the spells and all the others for it yet they do not act as stalkers at all. Furthermore I believe you deserve it as well. It suits you nicely Good luck with it. P.S. Just don't stalk me. I tend to do bad things sometimes and I don't want witnesses.
  5. [u]Name:[/u] A quest for those who see the world around us with a different perception [u]Maker:[/u] DarkPriestess [u]Started:[/u] 06.02.2009 [u]Placed:[/u] Military Papers [u]Duration:[/u] unlimited [u]Objective:[/u] Part I: Find the principles Part II: Find what can be the result of combining certain principles Part III: Explain life circle in principles [u]Reward:[/u] I am willing to share some of my secrets and perhaps in the future, if the quest is accepted, something more. [u]Additional notes:[/u] This is a quest concerning principles. I have spend a lot of time studying them and I will be very strict with the answers. After all, it wasn't me who wrote the principles. So, my advice: Think like Mur thinks Enjoy it.
  6. Peace

    Goodbye MD

    [center]My best wishes in real life for you. I know things sometimes hold us back from what we want to do sometimes but do not fret. You were a good player and a valuable friend to some of us. You will be missed. Our thoughts and hopes for the best are with you all the time. :give_rose: Until we meet again...[/center] [center]~Dark Priestess~[/center]
  7. Do not forget me boys! I am coming too... :yahoo: [color="#0000FF"] EDIT By Chewett: Do you not read posts? include your playername as indicated above and at the top[/color]
  8. Boys in case you didn't notice the server is up for like 7-8 hours now... Get back in... And Dst you are gonna get punished for crashing the server *evil grin*
  9. Well... Hi, hello = Γειά, Γειά σου, Γειά σας All in greek. I would put the morning, evening, night salutations but I do not think anybody would be interested And Burns I love kangarros! xD all hopping and jumping! wish we had here some :/
  10. When you spent over 12 hours on the forum, reading all topics old and new, stalking on people's pages, { O.o } waiting to see a comment from someone to say that the server is up cause you are too tired to keep checking in. Also spend 12 hours on ym messaging MD people and start gossiping about the game and roleplaying there... {boy I learn a lot today } And during this time you think of new artwork for it but this time actually make something
  11. This better be fixed quickly Dst otherwise you are gonna regret it for the rest of your life *grins evily and prepares to jump on him and squezze him* So...play with the forum huh? Besides stalking on people's profiles I suppose I could do some reading while waiting... Hope it works soon...
  12. I was born Orthodox and baptized as one. Yet I am not... I do not not know if God really exists (probably never find out) but either he does or he doesn't I do not believe in him. I have found myself searching all the religions, all the myths and speculations. I do believe in angels which is kinda ironic but I like the idea. As for dragons don't know if they really existed but it would be really nice if they did. Each person has a right to believe whatever he/she wants. Nobody can force us to believe in something. But I do advise people to search other religions, not to convert to them but to open their minds a little and see what other possibilities other religions give and the philosophies they have. I know that all human beings feel the need to believe into a higher power, to have faith and stuff like that. I don't believe in any God but I am openminded to everything.
  13. [quote name='Calyx of Isis' post='21296' date='Dec 5 2008, 10:49 AM']Of course there are more than five answers. So many, in fact, that for most all five choices wel be almost equally wrong. I just pict the answers that were less wrong than others.[/quote] I agree with you. Yet as King Manu requested I answered the ones close to my beliefs. I wonder though if he will actually make a lecture with this topic or another. I would surely like that!
  14. [quote name='Shadowseeker' post='21293' date='Dec 5 2008, 10:18 AM']I wonder..the closest idea for me would have been 2nd option for the first.[/quote] This question actually has more than 5 answers. My opinion of course, correct me if I am wrong.
  15. I wish to comment something referring to the first question. I had to answer something but yet it was not what I was thinking. Unfortunately what I had in mind was not in the answers But a nice topic :good:
  16. I also would like to provide any assistance I can. I know that I am here for like 1 month and some days yet I am one of the most active players here along with others and this came up to be very handy. I got some ideas myself, along with scripts and artwork (if Glor lets me of course) and I would gladly share them once the main editor desides it *winks* A very good idea I must say :good:
  17. To my opinion both parts were very well placed and told. From the very beginning it caught my interest and it still does. I can't wait for the third part. P.S. Good Job mon capitan :good:
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