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Everything posted by Peace

  1. Your desperation will lead you to your own end. Taking an alliance is one thing and messing with the feelings a Daughter and the people have for Khalazdad is another. As long as you hold Khalazdad's soul, you will never get Guirrilla back and all those who loved Khalazdad will be your enemies.
  2. She is a wife in heart. And after all the Children of the Eclipse and the Necrovion Sentinels have a pact. They are one people. I had no issue with the wives to be by Lucius' side. Like I had/have some of his people, so did/does he. As for the husband, Khalazdad went deep into the desert a long time ago. His wish for his wives was for them to live. I had no objection with whatever path the wives would chose.
  3. I remember witnessing all sides of Khalazdad being emerged to one back in December. I never had any information about a cube being held by Wodin. And if indeed it was held by Wodin, why and how does Yrthilian have it? Khalazdad entrusted his soul to Wodin, not to Yrthilian. Is there a document somewhere that proves that Yrthilian took the cube? Something perhaps more than an inventory item that he has and Wodin never had? I never recall Wodin having that cube and voila! Yrthilian does. And honestly... if Khalazdad knew that he gave his soul to the wrong Wodin (and you know what I mean) I do not believe he would have done such a thing.
  4. If I recall, the moment he made that demand I was not present. Nor when he decided to burn Khalazdad's soul. He was impatient and selfish. And for that he is forever my enemy. Such thing will not go unpunished. And this goes to all those who attacked the Summoned Army. I understand that some may have been scared and frozen due to the events you saw at the Stone of Twisted Souls, which is you did not even tried to stop Yrthilian at the time.. I must say though that I am greatly disappointed that you hurt the only possible ally I had to stop Yrthilian from burning Khalazdad's soul. What is done, is done. We can not turn back time.
  5. The CtC issue has been removed to the RPC section to be discussed with further analysis. And NO that is not a reason to abuse my Father's soul. This is godmoding to the highest degree. Khalazdad was a great man and one I loved and respected deeply. You will pay for this Yrthilian. As stated before, the alliance will remain under my leadership and so will Wodin until I am through with you. And mark my words, this will cause you more pain than the one I am feeling right now.
  6. I wouldn't agree more with you Burns.
  7. [quote name='Yrthilian' date='24 September 2009 - 05:11 PM' timestamp='1253808702' post='42530'] well well by use of bugs or what not but no mention of the stealing of character creatures there i see. Even though the allaince was taken and wodin is under contol of peace. this does not excuse the stealing of his creatures and NO the spoils of war is not an excuse for this. Wodin may be controld by allaince leader of GG. He is still a player in his own right. So in essence the use of the system to take control and steal from him is not excusable in ANY way. [/quote] As I informed you, Yrthilian, I was going to do it. But I had the degnity to tell you of it. I was not asking for your permission. I have stoped asking for permission a long time now. And not just from you. I made a deal. And when I am within MagicDuel I am Peace. I am a roleplayer and I am strict to it. That deal was made in MD and I roleplayed it this way. The deal was this: To grand war spoils from Wodin, should I was able to take over Guirrilla. And I accepted it. Thus, when I had Wodin's control, I thought it was time to pay back the favor. I do not consider it stealing cause I remember I did informed some that I would do it. And you know all who you are. So, I did not steal as you say, I paid for a deal I made. I was also asked to sacrifice all of Wodin's army. Leave him with nothing. But I didn't. I could also steal Wodin's creatures for Peace's account, but I didn't. I was sure that a deal of 6 CTCs is more than enough. [quote name='Yrthilian' date='24 September 2009 - 05:11 PM' timestamp='1253808702' post='42530'] if this was any other player you would all be crying and complaining about the theft. so why treat Wodin any diffrent? [/quote] Excactly. You can whimper about theft all you want. But nothing will change my mind using this as an act of roleplaying. The roleplay I believe I play well and it is my opinion that is the only one that matters to me. [quote name='Liberty4life' date='24 September 2009 - 07:58 PM' timestamp='1253818688' post='42564'] KOB lost the fight, I honored agreement and surrendered ally and went out of it. Now Cless is the guy with biggest loyalty in there and he will ensure that everything happens as agreed. Necrovion sent his guy, Jinta Shook into ally to watch over for time being. i guess thats all needed to say [/quote] I am proud of the fight the Sentinels and the Children gave. And most of all I am proud for each and every one of you. Well done. [quote name='Nex' date='24 September 2009 - 09:30 PM' timestamp='1253824230' post='42572'] V: yrth, i know and acknowledge the dilemma between raja dharma and kshatriya dharma, but i can asure you that such a threat will only harm your cause. while the act you threatten with is meaningless itself and only bears witness to ignorance of the meaning of concepts like 'soul' or 'immortality', the grief it would cause for his familiy still is reason enough for anyone who esteemed the late greymantle or who is a friend of his family, to raise the blade against you. this includes myself, for multiple reasons. forgive my straightforwardness, but a king who just lost his army should not force his potential allies to turn on him for such a dishonorable deed. [/quote] Finally, a person who trully understands the reasons of my actions. I believe in this point I can also say that Yrthilian did threaten me before about Khalazdad's soul. But at some point he stopped, because he said he was not allowed to use Khalazdad's account. Good to know you had help from above while I, nor anybody else involved in this war had any of this kind of help. This is turning into a very fair game... I think I will enjoy more the rest of the days to come. For your information though, I must tell you that you played with a very sensitive string of mine. And that I will not let it pass. Even if I was planning to give Guirrilla back once we had won, now I will not. Guirrilla stays with me and Wodin also. They will never return into the hands of any past members of this alliance until I am done.
  8. Due to complications, called reality, I will not be able to attend this war. Instead of that I will be watching along with Grido at the peak of Mount Kelle'tha. My work here is done. The fate of both lands lies in the hands of our soldiers and allies. Good luck to us all.
  9. Happy Birthday!!!
  10. [quote name='Yrthilian' date='22 September 2009 - 08:52 AM' timestamp='1253605925' post='42330'] How a ghost should be able to do such hing is dont know [/quote] Ghosts work in mysterious ways. [quote name='Yrthilian' date='22 September 2009 - 08:52 AM' timestamp='1253605925' post='42330'] The fact that there is now a centinal trying to take a land allaince IS an attack on Golemus the land. [/quote] I am not trying to take a land alliance. I already have it. But, my intentions of harm are not towards the land but towards the people who are running it. [quote name='Yrthilian' date='22 September 2009 - 08:52 AM' timestamp='1253605925' post='42330'] I will admit i am supprised and i fear it might be time to bring some weapons to to forfront and start destrying the land that decided to cause this damage. [/quote] I will wait and see what you got for me then. [quote name='Yrthilian' date='22 September 2009 - 08:52 AM' timestamp='1253605925' post='42330'] Also Peace for do this i will also Kill you and trust me i have the meens to do so i just choose to hold it close [/quote] I am already dead in case you have not noticed, but feel free to free me from this oblivion. You would only do me a favor. [quote name='Yrthilian' date='22 September 2009 - 08:52 AM' timestamp='1253605925' post='42330'] I also think it time to cause your father a lot of pain remember who holds his sole. [/quote] So now, after kidapping my Brother, you are telling me that you would harm my Father as well? And his soul? Funny thing, I do not recall using such means to hurt you. But I guess each of us has it's own ways to hurt the other. [quote name='Yrthilian' date='22 September 2009 - 08:52 AM' timestamp='1253605925' post='42330'] You now will feel the wrait of the King of Golemus for trying this and for trying to bring war to the lands in the first place. [/quote] You brought the war the moment you and your troops stepped into Necrovion. I was merely doing what you people did. Taking precautions. I will hold your alliance hostage along with Wodin unless your troops and the Knights are out of the land and willing to negotiate. As for the Sentinels, Jester has the word since he is their leader. And if you want to hunt me instead of them, do so. I would gladly die for my land. I did it once, I can do it twice.
  11. Udgard is right. The Knights of the Bell along with Yrthilian declaired war on the Sentinels. The MR's Fraternity were not involved to this.
  12. As of now, the alliance of Guirrilla Golemicarum is under my leadership. All alliance members were dismissed, except Wodin Ullr. I will hold it hostage just like they did to my Brother, Marvolo. I demand Yrthilian to be exiled as an outcast for bringing war in the lands I watch and protect and the wetlanders to retreat from Necrovion lest they meet the same fate. Didn't your parents ever tell you not to make a ghost angry?
  13. Happy Birthday mon Capitan! Cheers!
  14. Hello to you as well, dear. Welcome to the Dark Side... *whispers* we do have cookies...

  15. [quote name='Observer' date='20 September 2009 - 10:49 PM' timestamp='1253483390' post='42219'] Peace will do what peace does but that does not mean dead people should have a final word (and in their defense claim it's in their description) [/quote] Dead or not, I am still here. So while I am still here I will do what I am told to do. [quote name='Liberty4life' date='20 September 2009 - 10:38 PM' timestamp='1253482683' post='42218'] in here ya are just saying that ya know reasons for war and ya support it, so i can totally put ya in same basket with jester [/quote] I will repeat myself then. As long as your troops and the rest of those wetlanders stay in the land I watch, I give my support to the defenders. I do not say that I support the war. Read carefully: I support the defenders meaning that I support those who are to be attacked, in this case the Sentinels. Not the war (that Jester did not start, nor the one you want to have now) but the Sentinels. Kapiche?
  16. As long as the troops of the Knights and the Guirrilla members stand armed within the land I am watching, I will interfere as much as it is needed.
  17. Have you read my description? If not let me remind you what it says. 'Departed her body after drinking poison to follow her dad's wish, haunts the lands and [b]watches over[/b] Necrovion.' I was adopted by a man of great power and wisdom to inherit his legacy. I died but I am still here, which means that I still have some kind of power, don't I? My job is not finished. Unless that man or another of higher power than him takes my title away that is. Liberty, the opinion [i]I[/i] have for this war does not match yours for I know the reasons of it, while you do not. But how would you know? You randomly assaulted the land I watch because my general stated that he [b]wants[/b] to have war, not because he started one, and that got my attention. You do state that you will claim it and the alliance if Jester does not agree to your terms. So as you stand armed in my lands, I will interfere. As you can see, I speak on my behalf only and not for the Sentinels. What Jester will do, I will not say for it is not in my place to say.
  18. [quote name='Observer' date='20 September 2009 - 09:44 PM' timestamp='1253479480' post='42204'] It might just be me but I think your character description sais your... death? I do believe that in monarchies (in general) that rather reduces your claims for power etc. [/quote] Did I say that I have power over the Sentinels? I believe I just stated that once we decide who can lead them we do not interfere with them unless needed. And did I interfere with them now? Am I back in the alliance? Am I running the Sentinels? No. I merely stated my objection over Marvolo's capture. Now, back to you Liberty. I did chose Jester to lead. I did gave him full authority over the army. From that point after it was all up to him, not up for the Dynasty. I did agreed with the idea of a war, yes, the reasons why I will not make public. At least not yet. But I am asking you, ever since you found out about the war why didn't you come to me, ask me about my opinion or whatever?
  19. Aye, let me make this clear to you since it seems you have not done your reading or you haven't obverved the 'enemy' close. The Dynasty is a family. It started with Khalazdad, then his wifes and then his children. Consider us something as the royal family of Necrovion. We may not be the most powerful warriors as some, but we hold another kind of power. Knowledge, wisdom and secrets. We are observers, advisors. Our word is the law as far as it comes to Necrovion, whether some like it or not. As for the Sentinels, they are an army. The Dynasty may choose anyone they deem worthy to lead them. But the Dynasty does not control the Sentinels. We consult them and they consult us. They do not interfere with any Dynasty plans, we do not mess with any Sentinel plans unless we are obligated to, like now. So,my 'dear' Liberty, if you say that we are the ones who have the final word then why wasn't I notified or even do any negotiations in the first place to prevent this from happening?
  20. I am surprised that you captured Marvolo when he is not even an alliance member. This action only shows me that besides the fact that you object with Jester's actions, that you also have issues with the Dynasty as well. You come into our lands, you have a base at the Well of Tears, you have captured a Dynasty member that has nothing to do with the Sentinels nor with the alliance at the moment, you state that you will claim both the alliance and the land and you demand an answer by midnight? In this case I demand more time to negotiate over this. If you deny me that, then you will show that the reason you are doing this, it is because you are power hungry and not because you want to stop the 'warmongering people'.
  21. Happy Birthday Bro!
  22. I have seen some really good applications for the position. Most of you have what it needs to be a leader. Others do not. Yet when not even being in that position of a leader and simply stating your wish to become one, draws critism. And since we were asked for our opinions on the subject, I must say that so far (that is merely my opinion, don't stone me for it) I like Raven's idea and Handy's if one would apply with such a structure.
  23. Agreed.
  24. Happy Birthday, metal boy.
  25. Peace


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