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Orlando Gardiner

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Posts posted by Orlando Gardiner

  1. Santa claus Can't be real. the dutch people emigrating to Amerika took our tradition 'sinter klaas, their. wich was a holy men during 1400, wich brought money to the girls who coulden't effort the wedding gifts. but because most people coulden't pernounce it, it was made 'santa claus, ..

    you can see that they sound pretty much the same? sinter klaas, santa claus?

  2. I just posted a reply somewhere else, failed to read some further. but I would be glad to help out. We could also make a dutch team making the translations. My English writing is pretty poor(dyslexie) but my dutch skills are pretty advanced:P also we as being from the Netherlands are more capeable of making rhyms..(in dutch then)

    greetings, orlando.

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