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Orlando Gardiner

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Posts posted by Orlando Gardiner

  1. I gained the following:

    Element Principle = 235.61
    Principle of Balance = 228.84
    Time Principle = 141.48
    Principle of Cyclicity = 111.23

    Principle of Enthropy = 61.11

    How in the **** can I gain so much prenciples? I wonder because i'm not doing anything special...

    this is( as I remember correctly) what I have gained. enough to get me from mp4 to mp9...

  2. have added a second level. first you had the puppeteer and directly the nightshade illusionist. that was to strong, have added another creature in the middle. much stronger than the first, yet not as strong as the nightshade.

    take a look at it.

    also one small request, can anyone make a good looking avatar for this? I will tell what I think it should look like,. but not much of an artist myself..

  3. on the other side. you can choose to 'bullit, your prenciples, having your enemie weaknesses for principles he doesen't have. but makes you lose lose a high amount of the prenciple if the enemie has none and low amount when the enemie has more. and the prenciples you lose, will be added up by the enemy..

  4. [quote name='AqlBeast' date='06 November 2009 - 12:27 AM' timestamp='1257467244' post='46758']
    Different person has different perception of things. Your interpretation of my laugh is no more than a false accusation. I take the liberty to laugh, but everyone can bet themselves on this one that I did not laugh at Dayredeemer nor did I meant to offend anyone. I am actually admiring his serenity. He hasn't shown a bit of frustration upon his lost. Exactly what I would expect from a man of his virtue ^_^ However just to be on the safe side, I apologize if any one is offended in any way. I meant no harm. I am sorry.

    It wasen't in my mean of accusating you from anything.., but you expressed yourself wonderfull here. thereby, I think my loss is kinda funny.., because I feel a little free noob again:P

  5. Well, to say it this plain: they where my major factor in my attack force, but since their not worth a ******** in battle anymore I need other creatures. but to lessen my amout of creatures I have to sacrefice. so I tought, let's sacrefice one of my archers..., and there is where the whol point starts!

    why aren't we getting any extra bonusses for this one anymore? I mean, they where taking ages to evolve to this stage, so why not getting a little reward for it?

    greetings, orlando.

    The loreroot archers still have this!

  6. Well, I picked this thing from the bestairy part of the forum, tought it would come in handy.

    Action points 40
    Value points 6000
    Sacrificed vitality 1500
    Exploring Points 20

    (Creature's Name) The puppeteer

    Targets: (random, multi, etc..) one
    Abilities: (damage, lifesteal, etc..) weak illusion
    Actions of this unit are performed on enemy targets

    Special Influences: makes the enemies unit be controlled by you, wich means you use their abilities and do damage to them.


    this one is just starting to know how to manipulate, so it only has the possibility to make the enemie player hurt himself, when succeeding. when halfy succeeding he is making the enemie incappeable of fighting. when missing, the enemie enrages for 5% extra of his base values .

    Vital Energy first level around
    Regeneration don't know what this is for.
    Defence none, for he must be completly focused on his enemie.
    Initiative high, but I don't know the exact values, he must be strong of will, so around 20?
    Attack no attacking power, this creature doesen't fight himself, he lets others do the dirty work for him.
    Power don't actually know what this is for.

    Requirements for next level:

    Experience 20.000 exp.
    Won battles 45
    Age 15

    Upgrade costs:

    Action points 70
    Value points 11000
    Sacrificed vitality 3000
    Exploring Points 20


    (Creature's Name) Shimmering Illusionist

    Targets: (random, multi, etc..) 2
    Abilities: (damage, lifesteal, etc..) Progressing Illision
    Actions of this unit are performed on enemy targets

    Special Influences: makes the enemies unit be controlled by you, wich means you use their abilities and do damage to them.


    This one starts to know better how to manipulate his enemy, making him able to target more by just sheer concentration. he can manipulate now up to 2 different creatures. the odds have changed now however. now with the chance that they even use their abilities in your favour, attacking their allies and or defending you or what ever. how ever trough this feeling, they get a higher chance to get enraged, 15%. and for 10 procent that they will hurt themself.

    Vital Energy second level around
    Regeneration don't know what this is for.
    Defence none, for he must be completly focused on his enemie.
    Initiative high, but I don't know the exact values, he must be strong of will, so around 30?
    Attack no attacking power, this creature doesen't fight himself, he lets others do the dirty work for him.
    Power don't actually know what this is for.

    Requirements for next level:

    Experience 70.000 exp.
    Won battles 130
    Age 45

    Upgrade costs:

    Action points 75
    Value points 18.000
    Sacrificed vitality 5.000
    Exploring Points 20

    afther second level:

    Creature's Name) Nightshade illusionist.

    Targets: (random, multi, etc..) 3 random creatures, making one his living shield.
    Abilities: (damage, lifesteal, etc..) perfect illusion
    Actions of this unit are performed on enemy targets

    Special Influences: makes the enemies unit be controlled by you, wich means you us them to do damage to themself


    this stage has several possibilities. one will be for 20% chance his life shield, making it still possible to attack. the other two will do as explained in state 2, or do as told, or hurt randomly or enrage, only with the oppertunity of getting cought in the web for the second round making them hurt themself and not fight. but being not able to me trapped in the illusion for several rounds.


    Vital Energy first level around
    Defence none, for he must be completly focused on his enemie.
    Initiative high, but I don't know the exact values, he must be strong of will, so around 30?
    Attack no attacking power, this creature doesen't fight himself, he lets others do the dirty work for him.
    Power don't actually know what this is for.

    Requirements for next level:

    Experience maxed level
    Won battles maxed level
    Age 50

    Upgrade costs:

    I DID lose a part when adding it here. it was the second level of the creature, going to add it back now, so have a look at that one.

  7. well I had to take a test, so I know my IQ. its's around 139(this was the average of the tests).but being dyslectic mostly means scoring a lower iq than you actually posses..., take as example einstein ..(well, now aftherwards they meassure him around 210+)

    but you must be pretty clever for this game, so I don't think much lesser people will play this ..

  8. well as far As I tought.., wich isen't far. I tought of this:

    perhaps a possibility to chose more than 1 direction with 1 starting creature? I tought I have seen it before and gives you more influed to you creatures. as most people use to mischief people, they can change my trying it to help themself or to torture others, wich is chosen aftherwards. The first should have weak abilities, but usefull on the other way. like perhaps making an enemie inable to attack for 1 turn? (or does this look to much as freezing)

    and perhaps indeed in the way of an aura, and having the oppertunity to fail. as sometimes we strugle into our own doom by our decieving, that we end up hurting our self( sort like using our abilities on our own enemies?

    We could break it up in two fronts, a Good & Evil one. the evil one tries to damage his enemies as much as he can and letting them hurt eachother, the other tries to make the enemies inable to attack. this make the second weaker, but you could also give him than the ability to heal the illusions of the Evil one, making it to opposites.

    how for that part? does anyone by the way knows how this should look like?
    and If you don't like the adding, please give in your own idea's, for this should be a creature we can all look at in a good mood.

  9. well I have been thinking, and because I'm not very good at this i tought I share my mind...

    What about Illusion using creatures..? as on often find himself dicieving his foes and making them fight among friends. it also often happends in our toughts and feelings, trying to make someone doubt theirself and deny their trough personality.

    I tought of the idea, to let someone have creatures, wich where not fighting. but trying to set up animies, by making them to confused to attack, or fight among themself, or to hurt himself or whats o ever ...

    do I find any roots for my idea, or does everyone thing this is nog what where searching for? If i find more people who like the idea I would like working on it, myself for as far as I am capeable.

    greetings, Orlando.

  10. [quote name='Death Bell' date='07 September 2009 - 04:13 AM' timestamp='1252293213' post='41052']
    dont worry helping makes every1 feel good inside :D so ask as many as u want.

    well I can go on walking, but at some point it just stops and there is nothing to do. do i have to ulock things here or how does it work? and how do I unlock it(just give a rough clue for who to turn to or where to start of whats o ever)

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