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Orlando Gardiner

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Posts posted by Orlando Gardiner

  1. [quote name='Redd' date='16 December 2009 - 01:47 PM' timestamp='1260971267' post='50416']
    6 months for the first WP? That'll defy the purpose of encouraging new players. As Mur said, the first WP is important, and I agree. I think Observer's idea is good. One WP for newbies(between 2 and three months) another for his first year, then the regular interval of receiving WPs for the second year(every 6 months), and so on..

    How can you measure loyalty by that scenario? I can just log in for one day each year and receive a WP? Or what if a veteran misses that one day? Better luck next year? I don't think so..
    And yes, you need to be online for a whole year to reap the respective reward.

    Your absolutly true. But who would log on each your to get a WP when your not playing it anyway? and indeed, veterans missing it trough christmas would be a problem...

    [quote name='Chewett' date='16 December 2009 - 03:22 PM' timestamp='1260976958' post='50418']
    Rpcs? Rpcs have been disbanded for at least a month.

    And rewarding them based on how many they give out will just mean that they would give out more to increase the chances.

    Believe in humanity and that people who do the quest vote seriously about someones quest, and not to just give the maximum score. It's not only about quantity, also about quality:)

  2. Perhaps a rule for the rpc's

    for every 100 awarded 5 grade(valued to be a really good quest) a wishpoint for themself.,
    like this their stimulated to make more an better guest(not their not making any now,
    their already hard enough:P) and to award a lot of players.

    Buuuut this is totaly not the subject here, so I'm goign to be silence again:P

    but is there anything going to be decided?

    ps: another point: what about 1 wishpoint a year? and than given at christmas or something? this way only active people deserve it, but you wont have to be online for a whole year..:)

  3. You wont be charged when the code you send is wrong, so that's not a possibility. But I have some problems to, but that's after recieving the code and when adjusting them it says it's wrong. than you have the possibility that is has gone up. I should contact Mur or whoever is in charge of the MD credit aspect, and ask them if they know what could have gone wrong, and how to recover your money..

  4. When hearing everyone and think of it more clearly, I think there is no such thing as a good abuse-proof way of doing this. so it's either life with it or don't award the wishpoints. I mean, we can let mur do a lot of extra work by checking everything manually, but that would just be sick and annoying. he's trying to do something nice, we shoulden't punish him for that..

    if there is no way Mur doesen't have to do much extra work, and no way to make it abuse-proof, than we should perhaps see of this plan, and do it the old fashion way..

  5. [quote name='Pipstickz' date='09 December 2009 - 02:07 AM' timestamp='1260324446' post='49476']
    Rings? We already have tokens. They give enough of a bonus.

    Tokens are bound to a creature, rings are bound to your personal stats. thereby there is already a spot for rings, (spot 9 and 10)

    So that gives me the idea Mur was already thinking of inplanting such idea..

  6. [quote name='Nex' date='08 December 2009 - 11:45 PM' timestamp='1260315915' post='49473']
    [b]regarding alts/mains:[/b]
    an obvious problem: how do you define alt and main? is the first char always the main? what if you mainly play your second or third, will you lose out on various possibilities because the first registered account would have had the chance to do this and that?

    an example:
    at least 3 of my chars could have been considered 'mains'. the first was mainly RP, the second, was originally used to test storymode and the finer points of battle mechanics and later became my 'main' for quite some time, then 'alt'-ish again when i started playing V.

    [b]regarding alt abuse:[/b]
    an easy if inelegant solution would be to limit age based WPs to wishes that can only really benefit the activator. no use to farm alts for WPs when your 'main' can't benefit from it. you could use them for RP purposes or to test certain options/wishes, which is one of the things alts [b]can[/b] be used for.

    Well, there will be just one down side, indeed everyone's first account should count als main, meaning that only people who use another account than their first will lose a small benefit. I's just a choise you can make, no one forces you to use another account..

  7. Well, I haven't seen any rings yet, but there is a spot for them.

    how about this: a ring of the bull , raising archers their stats. costs 15k valuepoints.

    Ring of the moon, raising 5% stats of the knators. It doesen't have to be much, just a slight enchancement and perhaps a few very exspensive rings with a little more stats gain.., it must be extra an unique, and the differance between winning and losing, not the differance between gods and beggars..

  8. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='04 December 2009 - 10:14 PM' timestamp='1259964885' post='49155']
    placing a wp at the start of the time frame is important. A new player will not be impressed by the idea that he will get somehting after ONE YEAR of playing, ...they are not sure if they will stay one day at first.

    I am also talking about WP directly not WP codes, so transfers are not an issue.
    I hope that in this way people will want more, and not consider wp as unreachable anyway. There are many that have none and stoped hoping for one.

    Alt checks , if implemented, will be very strict. Only one of the tests for example could be extremely strict, the ip check. If you are in a school or campus, you will never be able to get this reward if someone else got it first. Also the full range of alt checking is quite paranoid, so you will probably not be able to get the reward in many cases when the system things you are in any way related to the other account.

    Its big question, should alts be developed as separate characters (so yes get the wp) or should they be considered alts as they are? .. If there were not all these people that have alts to cheat or swarms of alts, this situation would be totaly different.

    AGE, in md, is the strongest sign of loyalty towards MD. You could be the worst character around, if you have a lot of age and you are still around and not baned, it means you are loyal to MD. You might not be loyal to its people, thats an other thing, but you are here and that counts. At least thats how i always felt about active days.

    There should be an easy solution for this. Make it able for alts, but raise the active days needed for wishpoints. like 4 a year for both, but start after the second year with alts. this way you really have to play the alt to get it. The first year to show you really mean it to have another account with active days, after that. just tread it as every other main.

    or doesen't this make any sense?

    thereby, perhaps les than 4, or are there going to be more wishes? Because you just have to play a silly 10 years to achive all wishpoint rewards....:))

  9. I like the idea, exspecially for people who find it harder to solve quests. giving them the oppertunity to use wishpoints. and 4 each year, if you do quests you will defently get more. but how many wishes are possible? you shoulden't get to much. otherwise the whole idea of doing quests if futile..

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