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Orlando Gardiner

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Posts posted by Orlando Gardiner

  1. That's why people always have to be certain they can give what they offer. you owe him more than just a few tokens Fenrir, I am sorry but he missed a reindrach, he lost a lot of age and has been left with nothing..

    if you truly are sorry for what you've done, and wish to apologies, contact him and work out the problem, but I am afraid that it will cost you dearly, it's now up to you to choose...

  2. oke, without reading all of this there are a few things I wish to say:

    WHY FOR MY MOTHERS SAKE are all fenrir's post being voted negative? I mean, he might indeed be wrong, and he might indeed be seeing it all wrong. but that doesen't make it a bad reply, that is not the reason it is there for, it's for people who spamm, say bad things, harrass or so.., not just because you like someone less, and start voting negative on him. Same problem goes for me, a few people don't like me and they start voting negative.

    and offcourse, I am not certain, but it very much looks like this is done by a few(3 at most or so) people who dislike him most.., and I am not pointing any fingers.

    as for the reply that chewett made, these are indeed good points, power abuse is one of the most treacherous things that can be done and is not permitted, but on the other side: have you ever been warned about this? have they told you you where wrong on it and gave you advice on how to do what, and what not?

    for me I most certainly believe that people who work together, as the moderators shoulden't let their fellow mod's down, but on this subject it looks like fenrir has been dropped, and for which reason I don't know. But I know chewett, and I guess it has been a good reason, with good prove. I just wish this to be publiced to now, since everyone is starting to discuss this now.

    or is it possible that the moderator's, and fenrir open up a own location, start discussing until everything is clear for everyone, pur rational, no offending and no pointing fingers. as far as i am concered no one is wrong, just lacks the knowledge and the insight. it would do much more good than discuss it here, because all happens now it that you all( not concerned for myself:P) will get a bad name, and not in as 'he's bad, more other ways..

    well, I hope I diden't offend anyone, tried to reply as rational as I can be, if any objections are made to what I said, or if I lack the insight, just tell me and I will rewrite it:)

  3. [quote name='Chewett' date='10 January 2010 - 07:04 PM' timestamp='1263150275' post='52440']
    The issue for MB is that it is the closest land for all torch players,

    Lands like GG cant even be hit because it takes so long to move, it will take ages to get through the maze.

    And there will always be noobs in MB that will pick up the torch so that an alt player can go around killing them all.

    All in all, MB might as well let all the other lands play, because with all the negative scoring against MB there is no way we will ever be able to get some points.


  4. well, that is not the biggest problem of the torch competition. There should be places not only the capitol, but equily far from the GoE as all other lands. right now it's that marind bell has the worst location, and underground is not even known by all. What now happens is that many fight for marind bell(this will be off when citizenship comes) and die, but exspecially that everyone walks towards marind bell because it's the easiest to get to. like this, Marind bell will never be able to gain points like this, and only lose.., not really ballanced..

  5. what about the Marind bell roundabout, well, the big fish just left to the current location. you will actually have to go there and it has the same idea as GGG, you actually have to go there.., think it is a good location to move it to.

    but on the other side, it has always been marble dale park.., don't really like seeing it becoming a all to fighting place.., I to sit around there a bit, not having to care for any troubles^^

  6. What MP level are you? Mp5, but just turned, so Will answer as mp4
    Are you in an alliance? No, I am not
    How long does a serious fight (a real fight/duel, not giving out bursts or GGG trainings) usually take you?15 - 40 rounds, either one of those two options
    How many rounds do you usually think is a "long duel"? 40 is a long duel, I think it's the max, but not certain.

  7. indeed, this is harsh for someone who just started this game. on one side, it's the game. on the other side, is mp3 not made to explore the game without these huge sitsbacks? for my part, it should be removed from mp3, exspecially people who just played a few days and know almost nothing will not play any further when this happens I guess...

    Greetings, Orlando

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