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Orlando Gardiner

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  1. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner reacted to Grido in Hoarding Of Creation Items   
    Laphers, too easy to get around, i hold it for 89 days, send it to someone, they send it right back to me, it then has 0 age and i can hold it for another 89 days before doing it again
  2. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner reacted to Laphers in Hoarding Of Creation Items   
    I can think of an option but it would have to be implemented by Mur.

    Certain items would have to be classified as "Raw Materials". After each transfer of a raw material item it will have it's age reset and it will age just like creatures age currently. Once it reaches a certain age (perhaps 90 days) it has a negative effect on the character (a percentage drop in AP and Exp Points or a reduction in Attack and Defense). Multiple items will have a cumulative effect so item hording (for raw materials at least) will not be as prevalent. If an item is not traded or used in some way by another date (perhaps 180 days) it will disappear from their inventory. Wood rots, metal rusts and gems can be pick-pocketed. If the items go to a central vault to be randomly distributed among players will keep the items moving around and reduce the costs that players with many items can set because they have created a reduction in the supply of items. If items can't be traded to alts then the system should be fairly stable once the appropriate age and damage have been determined.
  3. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner reacted to I am Bored in Hoarding Of Creation Items   
    I must say, 30 silver isn't that bad a price, there isn't that many raw materials out there, and those of us who are willing to sell it, want to make sure the person we are selling it to actually realy wants it for something (not many are prepared to pay 30 silver just because) and that currently is the easiest way of doing that, and it isn't actually that bad a price, however a drachorn, or a real item are both much to high a price.
  4. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Watcher in Hoarding Of Creation Items   
    well, we most defently can't force those players to trade, it's their stuf, so they can decide what they do with it.

    one more question: Does a raw material dissapear when it has been used for item creation(should be logical), Cause there should be an easier way to obtain materials, what about a material shop or so? and a few secret ways of obtaining them, perhaps a few items that allow you to obtain it(let's say, a pickaxe to obtain ores, a furnace to make bars). it shoulden't be done easily, for me it could even be all player based, tell the item creators what you have done with it, and if it makes sense they exchange it.

    but to come back at the essence, there should be more items, making it a bit easier to obtain items, and a bit less easy to 'hoard, and take it out of the circulation.
  5. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from dst in Dst   
    oke, without reading all of this there are a few things I wish to say:

    WHY FOR MY MOTHERS SAKE are all fenrir's post being voted negative? I mean, he might indeed be wrong, and he might indeed be seeing it all wrong. but that doesen't make it a bad reply, that is not the reason it is there for, it's for people who spamm, say bad things, harrass or so.., not just because you like someone less, and start voting negative on him. Same problem goes for me, a few people don't like me and they start voting negative.

    and offcourse, I am not certain, but it very much looks like this is done by a few(3 at most or so) people who dislike him most.., and I am not pointing any fingers.

    as for the reply that chewett made, these are indeed good points, power abuse is one of the most treacherous things that can be done and is not permitted, but on the other side: have you ever been warned about this? have they told you you where wrong on it and gave you advice on how to do what, and what not?

    for me I most certainly believe that people who work together, as the moderators shoulden't let their fellow mod's down, but on this subject it looks like fenrir has been dropped, and for which reason I don't know. But I know chewett, and I guess it has been a good reason, with good prove. I just wish this to be publiced to now, since everyone is starting to discuss this now.

    or is it possible that the moderator's, and fenrir open up a own location, start discussing until everything is clear for everyone, pur rational, no offending and no pointing fingers. as far as i am concered no one is wrong, just lacks the knowledge and the insight. it would do much more good than discuss it here, because all happens now it that you all( not concerned for myself:P) will get a bad name, and not in as 'he's bad, more other ways..

    well, I hope I diden't offend anyone, tried to reply as rational as I can be, if any objections are made to what I said, or if I lack the insight, just tell me and I will rewrite it:)
  6. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in What You Can Do When You Are Immortal..   
    truly immortal coulden't exist, the idea of immortal is that you're not 'flowing, .. as everything is, but there can always be something that 'makes, you flow.., and that means you will me mortal again:P

    but what I would do.., first spend a lifetime with my girl, and after she dies(or can she be immortal to?) I would train myself for several centuaries, in all sorts of fighting, guns swords speers and offcourse karate etc, and learn every language existing, and all other things..,

    oowh abd before I forget: put 100$ on my bank account, and pick it up again afther 3000 have passed:P
  7. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Recent Events In Md   
    You are absolutly right, we should not blame him for it. If I can even remember well, than this is one of the most basic rules:

    You are free to do anything in the game that is tehnicaly allowed. If you consider that you discovered some sort of exploit or a bug, report it to a moderator.

    This stating, that he just did what was legal in the first place, that we want in to change, than we should not harrass him.

    I am very sorry if you ever had the feeling I was one of the 'other side, as you name them, it was never my intention.

    on the other side, why it is coming up now. is mostly because the few people who are realy bound to a land(mb, indeed, you guess right) feel left out of the Tc for a long time now, and now finally found usself telling it. Not directed to others, just as something we wish to change ..
  8. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Chewett in Wtb Pass Papers   
    and can someone tell me about the papers for mb? oowh right ,we aint get some ..
  9. Upvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Sharpwind in Hoarding Of Creation Items   
    well, we most defently can't force those players to trade, it's their stuf, so they can decide what they do with it.

    one more question: Does a raw material dissapear when it has been used for item creation(should be logical), Cause there should be an easier way to obtain materials, what about a material shop or so? and a few secret ways of obtaining them, perhaps a few items that allow you to obtain it(let's say, a pickaxe to obtain ores, a furnace to make bars). it shoulden't be done easily, for me it could even be all player based, tell the item creators what you have done with it, and if it makes sense they exchange it.

    but to come back at the essence, there should be more items, making it a bit easier to obtain items, and a bit less easy to 'hoard, and take it out of the circulation.
  10. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Akasha in Recent Events In Md   
    You are absolutly right, we should not blame him for it. If I can even remember well, than this is one of the most basic rules:

    You are free to do anything in the game that is tehnicaly allowed. If you consider that you discovered some sort of exploit or a bug, report it to a moderator.

    This stating, that he just did what was legal in the first place, that we want in to change, than we should not harrass him.

    I am very sorry if you ever had the feeling I was one of the 'other side, as you name them, it was never my intention.

    on the other side, why it is coming up now. is mostly because the few people who are realy bound to a land(mb, indeed, you guess right) feel left out of the Tc for a long time now, and now finally found usself telling it. Not directed to others, just as something we wish to change ..
  11. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Sparrhawk in Wtb Pass Papers   
    and can someone tell me about the papers for mb? oowh right ,we aint get some ..
  12. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Akasha in Hoarding Of Creation Items   
    well, we most defently can't force those players to trade, it's their stuf, so they can decide what they do with it.

    one more question: Does a raw material dissapear when it has been used for item creation(should be logical), Cause there should be an easier way to obtain materials, what about a material shop or so? and a few secret ways of obtaining them, perhaps a few items that allow you to obtain it(let's say, a pickaxe to obtain ores, a furnace to make bars). it shoulden't be done easily, for me it could even be all player based, tell the item creators what you have done with it, and if it makes sense they exchange it.

    but to come back at the essence, there should be more items, making it a bit easier to obtain items, and a bit less easy to 'hoard, and take it out of the circulation.
  13. Upvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Recent Events In Md   
    You are absolutly right, we should not blame him for it. If I can even remember well, than this is one of the most basic rules:

    You are free to do anything in the game that is tehnicaly allowed. If you consider that you discovered some sort of exploit or a bug, report it to a moderator.

    This stating, that he just did what was legal in the first place, that we want in to change, than we should not harrass him.

    I am very sorry if you ever had the feeling I was one of the 'other side, as you name them, it was never my intention.

    on the other side, why it is coming up now. is mostly because the few people who are realy bound to a land(mb, indeed, you guess right) feel left out of the Tc for a long time now, and now finally found usself telling it. Not directed to others, just as something we wish to change ..
  14. Upvote
    Orlando Gardiner reacted to Firsanthalas in Recent Events In Md   
    Just to be clear. This is not about blame or labelling people. I have deliberately not named anyone (except Rhaegar, for reasons which should be clear). I simply want people to wake up and smell the roses so to speak. I just want people to realise that talking and discussing things is an option. Once you start targetting a person or persons for something then you do just that. You label them. If someone does something that is wrong, there is no need to harrass or pursue them really. I don't understand why a case for something cannot be made without resorting to going after anyone.
  15. Upvote
    Orlando Gardiner reacted to Metal Bunny in Recent Events In Md   
    Lol; righteousness and civility mean nothing before they who behold violence and bigotry as the ultimate means to their ends.
    I quoted myself, stop googling. ¬_¬

    Anyway, you are correct, of course.
    First of all, let it be obvious that this wasn't cheating.
    Not at all.
    If it was cheating, then mur would have punished you.
    The ones who do it for the first time, or find some gambit or tactic, with emphasis on tactic, are allowed to do it, until mur makes up a new rule, or places a new restriction in the game.
    He did; LR wasn't cheating.

    The ones who, from this point on, continue to state that they did will be severely rp-slapped on the back of their head.
    Nah, not really, else I would be contradicting my own first statement, huh?

    Anyway, secondly; You have to understand Firs, that this is the way people are.
    Just look at reality tv, narcissistic, loud mouthed, ugly bunch of people who will stop at nothing, not even their own self-esteem, to get what they want.
    You're king.
    You're gonna have to learn how to deal with the less-then-wanted part of the populace.
    In this case, it's just what you did; make a statement and condemn their petty bigotry. A bit like the UN really.
    If the annoyance continues, call on your allies and place restrictions, with civility, upon the guilty ones. Like... I dunno, something, cuz a trade embargo won't really work here .. or out there, but that's another matter.

    Then again, you could just be a king and ignore the non-lorerootians.
    Or be a king and totally go on a crusade or something.
    Or be a king and do like; 'Orf 'ith iz 'ead!'

    I personally like the last one
  16. Upvote
    Orlando Gardiner reacted to Firsanthalas in Recent Events In Md   
    Recent events in MD have left me feeling quite hurt, ashamed and to be honest with a complete sense of despair. I am going to ask you to do something for a moment if you will. I am going to ask you to take off your emotional response hat for a few moments and your ’member of (insert land name here)’ hat too.
    So let’s start at the beginning shall we? A while back there was a torch competition. I urged people in Loreroot to participate on the basis that, well to be quite honest, it seemed to be fizzling out and I thought it would be a good way to get people motivated and interested. And hey, it might have brought some reward for Loreroot, so sue me. I fully expected that if we did quite well, it would result in other lands sitting up and taking notice and in turn increasing activity. Not a bad thing at all I thought. Now we seemed to have gotten people interested. We employed a tactic which subsequently seemed to say the least, unpopular. Now resist the urge to explode with righteous indignation please.
    This ‘tactic’ was noted to be used by other lands. It doesn’t really matter who came up with it, who used it most or even if it was fair. What matters is that it was being used by other lands other than Loreroot. Even if not an official land strategy it was nevertheless in use. At no point previous to this did anyone at all say it was cheating (at least not to my knowledge). So let’s just leave it at the fact that while, unfair perhaps, or dirty even, it was not cheating (or at the absolute very least, nobody said it was and lots of people were doing it).
    Now, we come to a post by Rhaegar congratulating his fellow Lorerootians in winning. I will whole heartedly say that this was an amazingly moronic and potentially insensitive and insulting thing to do. However, he did say that it was not his intention to gloat or insult people and as he also said he did post it in the Loreroot section.
    Regardless, some people took offence to it. Now here it comes. Suddenly Loreroot cheated. A tactic that was not considered or identified as cheating suddenly is cheating. Rhaegar is personally called a cheat. Oddly enough a few people agree that indeed it is not cheating and has been employed by others. Yet Rhaegar remains branded as a cheat. Then it moves further and several people in Loreroot are told that they are cheaters too. In fact to be blunt, it basically descended into all of Loreroot being branded as cheats.
    I would also like to point out a few more things at this juncture. Several people who claimed to have been insulted by Rhaegar’s post had this to say about it “ “. Yup, nothing. Neither on the forum or to me. Now it seems that at this point the good and righteous people of MD (that being everyone that was not one of the evil cheaters in Loreroot) decided that it was good and proper that evil be vanquished.
    In some cases it seems the justification was to hurt Rhaegar for his hurtful comments. This is where it gets intriguing really. After choosing to make no effort to air your hurt, you set about to punish Rhaegar by stomping all over Loreroot and the evil cheaters therein. Yes, you thought so highly of the need to stamp on Rhaegar (one person) you’d walk over everyone else to do so. Now to me that is a bit like carpet bombing a country to teach one person that upset you a lesson, but I digress. In fact, I guess you had no choice in the matter because, let’s face it; I didn’t do anything at all when you spoke to me about it. Oh that’s right isn’t it? Nobody actually did come to me at any point to address any concerns or issues.
    But let’s not get into that shall we? Far be it from me to suggest that anyone actually attempts to communicate. Nope, much better to get out the auld torch and pitchfork and have a good old lynching.
    And so our story leads us to round two. I like to think of this as the burning of the infidels. So, you club together (nice to see you set aside your differences or simply jump on the band wagon) and proceed to do your worst. But wait! They are still at it. I cannot seriously believe my eyes! The evil wrongdoers are at it again. They are now using alts to cheat. The nerve of em! You’d never see anyone else do that. No sir, not on your nelly. Well accept maybe that lad there sitting outside Ravenhold as both him selves at the same time. But actually, that doesn’t matter, cos he is one of us and we are the righteous few. Yes, we shall fight their evil ways by the same token.
    I have to stop here and ask the question, do two wrongs really make a right? If your concern was about cheating, why is it that it was acceptable for anyone other than Loreroot people to cheat? (and for the record do the exact same thing previous to these events, not even as a reaction to them).
    For the record, I don’t agree with cheating. I never asked, implied or approved of anyone cheating. I would always tell people that are cheating to stop and more importantly not to do so in the first place.
    Steps should be taken to stop cheating. I wholeheartedly agree on this. But this was not about cheating. This was about the evil doers in Loreroot cheating. This was, for want of a better word a witch-hunt. Yet another crusade against certain sinners, but not the sin itself.
    I saw people called names. I saw Rhaegar called a cheat. You may call him hot-headed, a moron, hasty, tactless and perhaps lots of things. But to call him a cheat when he actually hasn’t.... Sorry, in my book that is just wrong. I saw someone called a cheat that amusingly enough has never scored or even help to score a point for Loreroot. I personally feel that I have also been branded as a cheat.
    I saw someone that was threatened because they used an alt. They were told to stop or face the consequences (which included having their alt named publicly). I saw a threat where a person was told that seeing as Loreroot was a gang of cheaters, and that we were going to get a dose of our own medicine.

    I’m sorry, but I have really had enough of the self righteous and sanctimonious nonsense that has been flying. The simple truth is that this has not been about cheating. It has been about settling scores and personal grudges. It’s been about one-upmanship and throwing your weight about.
    If it was truly about cheating then why has this not been properly discussed? I have still yet to hear from anyone what exactly is an acceptable or not acceptable use of an alt in the TC. I have not heard any general discussion or agreement on the practice of taking another lands torch.
    You have achieved absolutely nothing constructive in this mess. And yes it is a mess. It’s just bred yet more ill will and hurt.
    Is it not about time that this crap stopped? Is it not about time that instead of flying off the handle at insults (imagined, misinterpreted, real or otherwise) and taking personal issues and grudges to beat people with stops? Is it really really so hard to try to sit down and talk to other people? Is it so hard to identify an issue and try to resolve it without anger and violence and upsetting people? Or is it simply a case that if you have the power (or feel that you have) to do something that you have the right to do so? Are anyone else’s opinions and feelings that unimportant?
  17. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Time Spent Tracker   
    It could be an option, if Mur actually had NOTHING to do besides eating out of his nose. otherwise, to much work for a bit of fun, where people wont look at a couple of weeks after release..
  18. Upvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from apophys in Godzilla Vs. King Kong Vs. Chuck Norris   
    angels sang out, in a miracelous chorse, down from the heavens, decended chuck norris..

    he is awsum^^
  19. Upvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from gremlin in Dst   
    oke, without reading all of this there are a few things I wish to say:

    WHY FOR MY MOTHERS SAKE are all fenrir's post being voted negative? I mean, he might indeed be wrong, and he might indeed be seeing it all wrong. but that doesen't make it a bad reply, that is not the reason it is there for, it's for people who spamm, say bad things, harrass or so.., not just because you like someone less, and start voting negative on him. Same problem goes for me, a few people don't like me and they start voting negative.

    and offcourse, I am not certain, but it very much looks like this is done by a few(3 at most or so) people who dislike him most.., and I am not pointing any fingers.

    as for the reply that chewett made, these are indeed good points, power abuse is one of the most treacherous things that can be done and is not permitted, but on the other side: have you ever been warned about this? have they told you you where wrong on it and gave you advice on how to do what, and what not?

    for me I most certainly believe that people who work together, as the moderators shoulden't let their fellow mod's down, but on this subject it looks like fenrir has been dropped, and for which reason I don't know. But I know chewett, and I guess it has been a good reason, with good prove. I just wish this to be publiced to now, since everyone is starting to discuss this now.

    or is it possible that the moderator's, and fenrir open up a own location, start discussing until everything is clear for everyone, pur rational, no offending and no pointing fingers. as far as i am concered no one is wrong, just lacks the knowledge and the insight. it would do much more good than discuss it here, because all happens now it that you all( not concerned for myself:P) will get a bad name, and not in as 'he's bad, more other ways..

    well, I hope I diden't offend anyone, tried to reply as rational as I can be, if any objections are made to what I said, or if I lack the insight, just tell me and I will rewrite it:)
  20. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Watcher in What You Can Do When You Are Immortal..   
    truly immortal coulden't exist, the idea of immortal is that you're not 'flowing, .. as everything is, but there can always be something that 'makes, you flow.., and that means you will me mortal again:P

    but what I would do.., first spend a lifetime with my girl, and after she dies(or can she be immortal to?) I would train myself for several centuaries, in all sorts of fighting, guns swords speers and offcourse karate etc, and learn every language existing, and all other things..,

    oowh abd before I forget: put 100$ on my bank account, and pick it up again afther 3000 have passed:P
  21. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Godzilla Vs. King Kong Vs. Chuck Norris   
    angels sang out, in a miracelous chorse, down from the heavens, decended chuck norris..

    he is awsum^^
  22. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Lazarus in What You Can Do When You Are Immortal..   
    truly immortal coulden't exist, the idea of immortal is that you're not 'flowing, .. as everything is, but there can always be something that 'makes, you flow.., and that means you will me mortal again:P

    but what I would do.., first spend a lifetime with my girl, and after she dies(or can she be immortal to?) I would train myself for several centuaries, in all sorts of fighting, guns swords speers and offcourse karate etc, and learn every language existing, and all other things..,

    oowh abd before I forget: put 100$ on my bank account, and pick it up again afther 3000 have passed:P
  23. Upvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Fenrir Greycloth Scammer Dont Trade With Him   
    That's why people always have to be certain they can give what they offer. you owe him more than just a few tokens Fenrir, I am sorry but he missed a reindrach, he lost a lot of age and has been left with nothing..

    if you truly are sorry for what you've done, and wish to apologies, contact him and work out the problem, but I am afraid that it will cost you dearly, it's now up to you to choose...
  24. Upvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Udgard in Fenrir Greycloth Scammer Dont Trade With Him   
    That's why people always have to be certain they can give what they offer. you owe him more than just a few tokens Fenrir, I am sorry but he missed a reindrach, he lost a lot of age and has been left with nothing..

    if you truly are sorry for what you've done, and wish to apologies, contact him and work out the problem, but I am afraid that it will cost you dearly, it's now up to you to choose...
  25. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Dst   
    oke, without reading all of this there are a few things I wish to say:

    WHY FOR MY MOTHERS SAKE are all fenrir's post being voted negative? I mean, he might indeed be wrong, and he might indeed be seeing it all wrong. but that doesen't make it a bad reply, that is not the reason it is there for, it's for people who spamm, say bad things, harrass or so.., not just because you like someone less, and start voting negative on him. Same problem goes for me, a few people don't like me and they start voting negative.

    and offcourse, I am not certain, but it very much looks like this is done by a few(3 at most or so) people who dislike him most.., and I am not pointing any fingers.

    as for the reply that chewett made, these are indeed good points, power abuse is one of the most treacherous things that can be done and is not permitted, but on the other side: have you ever been warned about this? have they told you you where wrong on it and gave you advice on how to do what, and what not?

    for me I most certainly believe that people who work together, as the moderators shoulden't let their fellow mod's down, but on this subject it looks like fenrir has been dropped, and for which reason I don't know. But I know chewett, and I guess it has been a good reason, with good prove. I just wish this to be publiced to now, since everyone is starting to discuss this now.

    or is it possible that the moderator's, and fenrir open up a own location, start discussing until everything is clear for everyone, pur rational, no offending and no pointing fingers. as far as i am concered no one is wrong, just lacks the knowledge and the insight. it would do much more good than discuss it here, because all happens now it that you all( not concerned for myself:P) will get a bad name, and not in as 'he's bad, more other ways..

    well, I hope I diden't offend anyone, tried to reply as rational as I can be, if any objections are made to what I said, or if I lack the insight, just tell me and I will rewrite it:)
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