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Posts posted by Aeoshattr

  1. I was just about to edit my post according to your level idea. I agree with it. i'll post a list with levels and modifiers for each.However, i thought that max creatures, regardless of their level should have the same stabling periods. (cooldown is the time they must spend in your inv before re-stabling)
    also, losing 10 wins would be rather... too much for a level 1 or 2 creature so i thought that xp and wins losses should also vary according to level.
    lvl 1: 1 day in, 1 day cooldown. 1 win+100 xp loss / extra day
    lvl 2: 5 days in, 2 days cooldown. 2 wins+250 xp loss / extra day
    lvl 3: 7 days in, 4 days cooldown. 3 wins+ 350 xp loss / extra day
    lvl 4: 14 days in, 7 days cooldown. 4 wins+ 450 xp loss / extra day
    lvl 5: 18 days in, 7 days cooldown. 5 wins+ 500 xp loss / extra day
    lvl 6: 21 days in, 10 days cooldown. 6 wins+ 550 xp loss / extra day
    lvl 7: 31 days in, 14 days cooldown. 8 wins+600 xp loss / extra day
    Max level: stabling periods same as lvl 7. 10 wins +1000 xp loss / extra day

  2. No, these are not just "more creature slots".
    if you want, you can add it in the shop, as an extra feature. i have more than enough free slots and 2 shop resets. so it's not about the slots

    Ok, so here it is: Just an idea, don't start yelling at me because of it
    I was thinking about the stable's location to be the Hollow Den. Loreroot is accesible to every player, unlike GG and Necro, so there will be no "discrimination". However, it is not accesible to very new players, since they have to beat the guards first (am i allowed to say that? if not, just tell me and i'll remove it). So we won't see all Mp3's stabling their critters. If anyone has a better suggestion, i'm open to it.
    - stabled creatures keep their wins, xp, tokens and age at the time stabled. They do not get age, however, until they're back to your inventory.
    - the stable would start with 4 or 8 slots, so you can't stable your full inventory. You can add more stable slots in the shop. also, to unlock the stable in the first place you have to buy it from the shop.
    - Once stabled, a creature cannot be removed earlier than 14 days. Once removed, the creature cannot be stabled again for 1 or 3 days
    - Stabled creatures lose vital energy over the time spent in the stable. (5% per day)
    - stabling a creature costs 25 AP, 5 exploring pts. Removing a creature from the stable costs 50 AP and 10 exploring points

    that's about everything i could come up with. if anything needs correction, or if you think i've forgotten something, tell me

    [color=purple]MERGED: USE THE EDIT BUTTON! - Grido[/color]

  3. O.o i wasn't expecting so many answers.
    Question, Lucius, were there ANY games to support RP 30 years ago?... i thought there was only Mario back then XD

    Anyway, i'm not checking or posting in this section anymore. My posts draw negative reputation like magnets :)

    [quote name='phantasm' date='11 September 2009 - 09:34 PM' timestamp='1252694097' post='41545']
    plus lucius is one of the best rpers in the game...both in my opinion and fact...id take what he says to heart
    Agree with that. I also respect Lucius

  4. [quote name='Grido' date='11 September 2009 - 04:43 PM' timestamp='1252676631' post='41522']
    Just to point out Aeo "And i am planning to get to Mp6, as a matter of fact. even if it involves making 40 alts." will result in my banning you, alts to benefit the main acc rule.

    EDIT: to clarify, i'm referring to the 40 alts bit

    Lol i wasn't gonna make 40 alts, it would simply take too much time and too many e-mail addresses XD XD
    So you're not gonna ban me soon because of that XD

  5. I do have to apologize. I have let my RL issues in here, and i do deserve punishment for that.

    To zleiph:
    "Have you considered why role play should be an attempt and not an act? As you said earlier, not all your information is likely in your papers. Only you truly know the limits and strengths of a well thought out character. As such, only you could say how they would or would not react, what they could or could not dodge. I could not just walk up to your character and hit him, for all I know your character might have the ability to dodge me very easily. I can go to hit you, I can try to hit you, but then you say whether I do or not. I give you that freedom and trust. I give you the freedom to show me what and who your character is, and in turn you give me the same respect and freedom. As a result we build both a knowledge of one another’s character and also a respect for each other’s actions. Sometimes I realise I will get hit, because you write the RP in a clear enough way, and I know my character well enough. It’s a story we build after all. One argument I hear often is “everyone wants to win though”, of course, and if you understand that properly, then sometimes you will allow yourself to get hit, sometimes you will lose. That’s called mutual respect. Of course sometimes enforced action will happen, more often than not when it is a friendly gesture, because the point is for everyone to feel involved, understood, and respected, and of course for the story to progress and build. The latter is a bit of a complicated one, but I think I've explained what I mean."

    I agree. You are right.

    "You worry about spawning gods....but you have no issue with god-modding"
    Because actual god-moders can simply be ignored. you can just don't give a cent on what they say. If they would actually have the power to do what they say, then wouldn't that be... serious? they could just ruin the game, and i mean ACTUALLY doing it, not just saying so. You could simply not defend yourself against such a thing...

    and again, addressed to zleiph:
    Did you consider becoming a psychologist? or i dunno... you really made me re-think what i said,reconsider my opinion... quite a feat actually: You got an achievement! XD

    Yet i do not think RP should be based on game stats. at most on age - activity days - (assuming older means smarter :| )

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