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Posts posted by Aeoshattr

  1. Well i do agree with some things.
    Ok, ok, I agree with them all. But as far as i'm concerned, i see Rp more and more rarely, except some *cough* particular *cough* Rp cases.
    Anyway, that was not the point of discussion. I myself prefer to RP about... at least something close to everyday activities (except blinking around XD)
    but i prefer a more.. funny approach. i guess that's because of lack of fun IRL but i dislike RP's of 'death and OMG call the police' stuff. i think we should just keep it funny :D

  2. Assuming you get 4 WP / 2 yrs (that's the current result of the poll) just how many ppl are going to make alts and wait half a year for a result? i mean, if i want an item, i'd rather burn out my neurons for 2 weeks trying to solve a quest than wait 6 months for a WP...
    anyway, i don't agree with all alts getting the WP. But i DO believe we should get WP based on age. i mean, at least for the effort of sticking around for a year or two..

  3. ZOMFG ppl, contribute!!!
    i, personally, have my own idea of an RPG (MMO AND single player - no, idk if that can be done, but it will - and no, don't tell me it can't be done, let me dream on)so, ideas for your game:
    Start: Obviously the present (lol). And that present should be, IMHO, for th sake of the game after a major event in your world's history. let's say rebuilding after an invasion, i dunno.
    Stats: Phisyque (hope i spelled it right), Mental Acuity , Endurance (thinking of more) Charisma, Interpretation (hehe, twisting what the other says is always fun XD)
    Resources: well you said you want it fantasy, so i'll put the usual ones (wood, stone, metal, food) and another 3 that are related to your game's world. Since i have no idea what you have in mind, i can't give an example.
    Jobs: Merchant, Hunter, Mistic (again, i hope i spelled it right), Prior (unh... priest / prophet stuff) jeweler, woodcutter, blacksmith, artist, scribe, soldier, etc (brainstorming here XD)
    Feats / abilities: wish i could help you there m8, but i dunno if i can give the type of abilities you're looking for. Maybe something like a trait system, in which you can gain various bonuses for you and your followers.
    Items: (this one's hard, needs more thinking)

    (will edit post later, thinking bout it)

  4. OMG
    awi's vid is REALLY scary it totally freaked me out. i hate little things with big eyes. i used to be unable to fall asleep at night because i was afraid aliens would kidnap me. that vid hit a soft spot awi :P( XD
    this one is scary, but it think it's well known.

    edit: this is even worse X_X

  5. Lol @ Mur. my jaw dropped when i saw that. I had no idea IQ's range over 150 :-??
    IAB, i don't expect ppl to be honest here. what if someone has IQ below 90? they'll obviously boost it up a bit or more.

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