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Posts posted by Aeoshattr

  1. Well. So far, if you force someone into the alliance, they can only be forced in as leaders, not as members. The way I read what I wrote in my first post, at least. Members still get invited as usual but the system could assign them to follow the current leader forcibly once they are invited. They can then follow any other ally member and retain the badge, as long as someone along the follower tree is following the current leader. 


    EDIT: ok, say you force a new leader in, the old leader gets kicked, because he follows himself, not another ally member or its current leader. Same happens to the forced leader, if the players decide to follow someone else before he gets to follow another ally member.

    Does that make sense?


    EDIT: Recursivity makes my brain hurt. 

  2. Following the discussions @ Willow's Shop on the 21st of November, we were instructed to continue the debate of a new system for alliance leadership on the forums.


    1. So far, the idea that took up most of the conversation was Rophs' follower system. In other words:

    • to be a member of the alliance you must follow its leader (or another member of the alliance which follows the leader, etc. I am not good with recursivity, someone please proof-read this for me).
    • whomever has most followers (probably better phrased, the largest follower tree) from the alliance is its leader. I.E. - if you are not in the alliance but 50% of its members suddenly follow you, then you are slapped with a badge and become its leader. Similarly, once becoming a leader, the system should automatically force you to follow yourself.


    I personally support this and I have an idea for it: apply alliance loyalty to it.

    In other words, the more loyalty a follower has, the more their "vote" counts, similar to citizenship. I think this could enable currently military alliances to function with the proposed system.

    However, I caveat majorly saying that I have just had this idea and there may be major implications that I haven't grasped yet. Please point them out constructively, as I am likely to genuinely not have considered severe implications.


    EDIT: Alliance leadership, not land leadership. Cerebral flatulence.

  3. Hm. I'll give this a try.




    A broken path your eyes must follow

    Along dull lines that we once traced.

    Love! Why have you left me hollow?

    A few more steps, more tears misplaced.


    Your touch my skin must feel once more,

    To rake your nails across my chest; 

    Alas! Your love has left me sore.

    To you, I know 'twas but a jest.





    When the eye of May glares down

    Under the old linden I rest.

    The way the wind twirls your gown...

    Your ballet has me obsessed.


    Prance and jump and swing and sway!

    Make good use of all your charms.

    Dance! Dance! Dance your mind away;

    Come and wither in my arms.

  4. I'm active every day. I am possibly disliked because I tend to disagree with most people - I do not know about that. I can vary from too humble to too self-centred. I let the people judge me.


    I am more than willing to get involved, should it be deemed that I am needed; I like writing, RP-ing and similar activities.

    I was and am still aiming for the role of Avatar of Pain, detailed in another topic on the forums: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15837-avatar-of-pain/

    I hope this is compatible with some of the roles that are currently needed.

  5. I did say "perhaps it's best jail is not applied" and tried to come with some alternative solutions. As I said in my post, that really was what I could think of at the moment. I'm trying to give alternatives to jail, killing, etc. I hope someone can come up with ideas better than mine. 

    I don't care for jail. I don't mind it being applied or not, but I am aware it would be controversial and since I am neutral towards it, I thought alternative solutions could be in applied.


    And IMO jail IS a social solution to crime. That's why we don't execute people anymore and instead jail them and/or try to rehabilitate them. Applies IRL and could apply to an extent in MD. But see above: I'm neutral towards it. 

  6. I think Jail could be an option, though I have a feeling it will be awfully controversial and perhaps it's for the best this is not applied.


    Other than that, there could be a prolonged attack restriction (24h attacklock let's say). Prolonged movelock. Prolonged slow (if the idea suggested a few weeks ago on the forums caught on). Putting the player in an illusion that restricts them in a way or another.

    Also, I think it would be interesting to be able to "knock" a player to a different mindpower for a limited time, restricting the players they can fight with and (I think?) the creatures they can use.


    That's what I can give off the top of my head.

  7. "However, I can't think of a single example of a society where killing (let's say murder, not execution) isn't condemned by society."

    Should I remind you how Mur's proposal of thievery was encountered ? So, having thieves among us would be OK ?  having vengeful players with lots of spells would be OK ?  To have players using LOTS of spells on you just because they don't like your name ... is OK ?


    Okay, I'll give you that. I agree with you here. I wouldn't like the existence of thieves among us. I wouldn't like the existence of vengeful players with lots of spells (though I doubt there are none already in the game). 

    But following what you just said above, why should there be murderers among us? Isn't killing more severe than stealing? I am saying that killing is NOT ok in general (IRL for instance) - therefore how could I possibly suggest that stealing would be ok?

    That is why I am saying it would seem natural for there to be some sort of "implications" for killing another player, or at least the possibility for there to be repercussions. 


    At any rate, my point was nowhere near this. I won't reiterate it as it will go off-topic. I'm only replying because I feel this is a gross misinterpretation of what I said.



    Cool, I'd like to see how you solve this "social issue". If possible, please explain the solution before asking for its implementation, it would give me time to expose my reasoning too.

    (unless you want to go to : I will do it because I can and I want to , nananana)

    I find this similar to when the spell cooldown was suggested you argued that nobody has the authority to restrict what someone does with the spells they have. I.E. "I will use them because I can and I want to, nananana". 



    In the mean time ... I think I should hint you into another direction and ask you this: how long would one player be dead if all players would agree that no players should be ... "dead" ?

    Another hint: take into consideration the cooldown of the items.


    So, considering that some players are not resurrected on the spot (if they really want to ) should tell something about them.

    So, coming to the proposal : "punish the killers" ... why not punish those with resurrect items too ? Isn't their job to resurrect players, isn't it ?

    1. I believe the purpose of this whole "let's have a detective" thing is to get players moving when someone dies. Rather than go "oh that's a shame, let them fend for themselves while they're dead" it might encourage them to -do- something.

    Not just speculate "I think it's X who did it" - they would need to interact with others, get under suspects' skins, etc in order to obtain proof that X is the killer. This isn't about players agreeing that nobody should be dead. This is about inciting some activity when someone dies, giving people a direction, somewhere to go and something to do. I'm suggesting that perhaps friends of the deceased might want to contribute to the warrant officer's investigation; or that the warrant officer might actually demand their contribution. The role seems rather flexible.


    2. Or it might tell something about the resources at their disposal, relationships, etc, not about them directly. I don't find that argument valid. 


    3. I will try not to be too aggressive about this, but this really isn't about punishing killers; if anything, the "plotter" will be condemned, not the killer. And even so, it isn't about punishing. Nobody's trying to say that killing is against game rules and thus it should be punishable. I believe the argument is "killing is morally wrong" and thus someone who decides to have someone killed should face the possibility of repercussions for their actions.

    The punishment doesn't even have to be jail - and sometimes, the "warrant officer" may not even be notified of the kill or called to help in the first place. However suggesting that killers are being punished just sounds like victimisation. (vaguely related, most kill items I've seen have a cooldown, whereas most resurrect items I have seen are single use - thus it's a lot harder for people with resurrection items to do their jobs, IMO and that forces them to be a lot more selective)

    I myself have asked for a kill not only once, so this would put me in a position where I could be condemned and yet I argue for it. If anything, this new role should make killing more interesting and exciting.


    TL;DR - Think about the context being roleplay rather than game rules (i.e. stuff you can get banned for). I think this role could make killing and resurrection a lot more exciting than they are now.

    I won't be posting any further here. 

  8. Maybe add 150 AP cost +visc for moving in every single scene when dead, instead of not allowing to move at all? (aka difficult for the spirit to move away from the body)


    Also, this. How about we let the "ghost" walk and roam around, as usual, but have it re-summoned to the graveyard say every 10 minutes?


    EDIT: that was meant to be in the post above, didn't realise that it would make a new post if I use "quote" when editing my old post. 

  9. Derailed topic.


    To get back to it, I think Grido's idea is great. Why? I believe a few weeks ago we had an argument about countering social issues with social means and this gives people the power to do so.


    I see NoOne's point about otherarmy - however, the way I think of the whole role (to relate it to "social issues") is something like this: in MD, the use of spells is liberally permitted. Use them as you see fit. However, I can't think of a single example of a society where killing (let's say murder, not execution) isn't condemned by society. Thus the act of murdering someone would be condemnable and I like the idea of someone having the responsibility of bringing murderers (or rather those that asked/planned murders, in the context of MD) to justice.


    I think it adds a nice element of complexity to killing, which so far really is "I'll give you 1 gold to knife someone" (put in rather non-diplomatic terms). I think it's perfectly reasonable to make killing people more difficult and add repercussions for it. Revival on its own isn't easy - you can't just say "I'll pay you one gold to revive me". I can give Mya's revival as an example (yes, I am well aware that LR has a revival item and as a former citizen I voted that we use it): we were asked to gather resources on her behalf, we tried to get some activity going with the heat jar swapping, etc. It was nowhere near as quick and easy as killing her.


    To the killers: there are a myriad of ways in which you can avoid being caught, and I am convinced you can manage it. It just needs a bit of creativity and a tad more effort than before.


    I am unsure how to implement the feature, and I agree on one thing: I don't think the role should just be slapped on someone. I suggest we either have nominations and a vote, for someone that the community believes is suitable for the role (with solid arguments, not just "I nominate X because it's convenient for me". Or we could have a trial period: someone sets cases that candidates have to solve. Or both.


    There are ways in which we can make this work and I believe it would be a great social addition to MD. I would ask that we don't bicker over things that are off topic. Sure, some spells have permanent effects. Some rituals have permanent effects too (I'm pretty sure you can cause stat damage with regular rituals too, not just otherarmy). Why wouldn't we punish people leaving players with negative VP of the order of millions? My point is, we can discuss this in another topic. 

    This is about adding complexity and stirring social interaction throughout MD. I'd like to see people work towards this, or even against it, but argument it and stay on topic.


    Hope that isn't considered backseat modding or whatnot and I hope I managed to get my point across.

  10. First sermon of Pain:


    Date&Time: Sunday, 16th of November, 22:00 ST

    Location: Path of Loneliness

    Topic: Definition, Introduction, Short debates on ways to define and see pain.



    All are welcome - my only request is that if you decide to attend, please also actively participate. I will try and make this as interactive as possible, I don't want to hold a lecture.


    LOGS (cleaned):


    [16/11/14 22:00] :Aeoshattr holds his right arm out to the side, making the five obsidian orbs roll out from his sleeve and float around him
    [16/11/14 22:02] Aeoshattr:I will wait a few more minutes, in case anyone is running late.
    [16/11/14 22:02] Lintara:Ohhh... *watches the orbs with an expression of a playful kitten* .
    [16/11/14 22:02] Aeoshattr: *chuckles* Careful. You don't want to touch those.
    [16/11/14 22:03] :Assira the Black leans against the wall
    [16/11/14 22:03] Lintara: *jumps slightly at the sound, blinking, then shakes her head and chuckles* Right!
    [16/11/14 22:03] Aeoshattr: *nods* Assira.
    [16/11/14 22:03] Lintara: *smiles and waves* Hi Assira!
    [16/11/14 22:04] Assira the Black:Hello.
    [16/11/14 22:04] :Ailith smiles and nods to Assira
    [16/11/14 22:04] Azkhael:As always, if anyone would require me to stop attacking, you need only ask.
    [16/11/14 22:04] Assira the Black:How are things going?
    [16/11/14 22:05] Azkhael:Hello, Azull, Assira.
    [16/11/14 22:05] Lintara:Well so far, thanks. How about you? Hi Azull!
    [16/11/14 22:05] Aeoshattr: *chuckles, holding one orb in his right hand, stroking his thumb over it, seemingly breaking a shard off* I would say things are going well.
    [16/11/14 22:05] Aeoshattr: *bows his head* King Azull.
    [16/11/14 22:05] Azull: *nods* Greetings
    [16/11/14 22:06] :Assira the Black nods to Azull
    [16/11/14 22:07] :Aeoshattr chuckles, letting the orb float away, holding a sharp black sliver in his fingers
    [16/11/14 22:08] Aeoshattr:Well then, I will get started; to begin, I would like to thank you all for taking some of your time to be here.
    [16/11/14 22:09] Aeoshattr: *holds the sliver in his palm, closing his fist around it* I believe I am correct in saying that pain is a part of each and everyone's life - an aspect that is unavoidable and, in a way, necessary
    [16/11/14 22:10] :Aeoshattr chuckles, pacing around slowly
    [16/11/14 22:11] Aeoshattr:Pain is easy to understand, isn't it?
    [16/11/14 22:11] Lintara:Hurm, it's not exactly a very fun thing.... *shrugs and smiles* But it happens.
    [16/11/14 22:11] Aeoshattr:Even the most primitive creature reacts to it; it may react to nothing else, but it will certainly react to pain.
    [16/11/14 22:12] Aeoshattr:However, in the case of creatures like us... pain can sometimes mean more. If I were to ask how could one classify pain, what would you suggest?
    [16/11/14 22:14] Assira the Black:mental, physical, spritual, duration, and intensity.
    [16/11/14 22:14] Aeoshattr: *nods* Spot on, Assira. *grins* .
    [16/11/14 22:15] Aeoshattr:Indeed, we usually split pain largely into emotional and physical and then further into acute or dull.
    [16/11/14 22:16] Aeoshattr:Yet I dare ask - is this not artificial? *opens his palm, holding the black sliver between his index and middle fingers*
    [16/11/14 22:16] Aeoshattr:To an extent... Physical and emotional pain are truly different; both in what caused them and in what can alleviate them.
    [16/11/14 22:17] :Aeoshattr slowly pushes the sharp shard through his left palm
    [16/11/14 22:18] :Ailith watches Aeo thoughtfully
    [16/11/14 22:19] Aeoshattr:However, the division between the two is artificial, I believe. Why so? Sometimes, physical pain and emotional pain are indistinguishable.
    [16/11/14 22:19] Aeoshattr:Especially to the one experiencing them.
    [16/11/14 22:20] Aeoshattr:However, what I believe is truly worth looking into is the difference between sharp, acute pain and the dull, throbbing pain.
    [16/11/14 22:21] Aeoshattr:Could someone think of an example of each?
    [16/11/14 22:21] Aeoshattr:Say... I thrust this shard through my palm.
    [16/11/14 22:21] Aeoshattr:At first, the physical pain is acute. Sharp, like the shard
    [16/11/14 22:22] Aeoshattr:However, if I wait, that pain will vanish and within minutes, it will be replaced by a different sensation.
    [16/11/14 22:22] Aeoshattr: *slowly pulls the shard out, some blood trickling down his fingers* Now can anyone give me an example of emotional pain behaving that way?
    [16/11/14 22:24] Azkhael:First, I must ask you, in what way are they indistinguishable?
    [16/11/14 22:24] Assira the Black:Heartbreak then loneliness. *shrugs*
    [16/11/14 22:25] Aeoshattr: *grins* Well, I am glad someone asked. I had hoped to get away with that.
    [16/11/14 22:25] Aeoshattr: *also nods at Assira* Again, spot on.
    [16/11/14 22:26] Aeoshattr:The way in which our minds and bodies react to pain, both emotional and physical, is very similar, especially after exceeding a certain threshold.
    [16/11/14 22:28] Aeoshattr:Furthermore, physical pain is often numbed by emotional pain.
    [16/11/14 22:28] Aeoshattr:Now I am uncertain if this also goes the other way around - it could be an aspect worth exploring.
    [16/11/14 22:29] Aeoshattr:Now why do you think there is this distinction between immediate pain and the one that comes after a while?
    [16/11/14 22:32] Azkhael:Physical pain and psychological suffering share have some common elements, including in those areas they are processed; physical pain is psychologically influenceable (...)
    [16/11/14 22:32] Azkhael:to a given extent, and so the other way around.
    [16/11/14 22:33] AmberRune:Brain in disbelief. More shocked immediately, wakes up and collects sensory information after a while
    [16/11/14 22:33] Aeoshattr: *nods* That is correct, indeed. Often psychological pain can be felt directly as physical pain (psychosomatic)
    [16/11/14 22:33] Aeoshattr: *nods at Amber* That is what I was getting at. Realisation.
    [16/11/14 22:34] Aeoshattr: (not 100% correct irl, but close enough; no point in going into minute details about types of neurons)
    [16/11/14 22:34] Aeoshattr:Most of the time, Realisation - understanding of the implications that whatever caused the acute pain hurt more.
    [16/11/14 22:34] Aeoshattr: (hurts*)
    [16/11/14 22:35] Azkhael:But those differences and similarities are most likely the result of the still dominantly phenomenological understanding of pain.
    [16/11/14 22:37] Aeoshattr:In a way, yes. You could say they are "laymen's" classifications.
    [16/11/14 22:37] Azkhael:In all likelihood (...) there are systems exclusive to either of the two, and some mutual.
    [16/11/14 22:37] Aeoshattr:Indeed, there is likely overlap between the two - it is arguable whether the two are separable or not, however.
    [16/11/14 22:39] :Aeoshattr prods the skin below his wrist with the shard, between pushing it through
    [16/11/14 22:39] Aeoshattr:Hm, between the bones. *chuckles*
    [16/11/14 22:40] :Lintara jumps at the sight
    [16/11/14 22:41] Aeoshattr: *rubs his chin* I would like to argue if pain is necessary.
    [16/11/14 22:42] Aeoshattr:Either kind - despite the slight artificiality and inaccuracy of the classification. Do we truly need pain? After all, there are few that draw enjoyment from it.
    [16/11/14 22:43] Lintara: *sighs, settles back down* Well, pain's usually a warning that something's wrong, isn't it?
    [16/11/14 22:45] Aeoshattr: *nods* You could argue it's meant to keep you away from danger.
    [16/11/14 22:45] Aeoshattr: *pulls the shard out of his wrist, holding it in his palm* To make a comparison, one could make the argument that fear is also meant to keep us away from danger.
    [16/11/14 22:47] Aeoshattr:Would you agree they are similar in that way?
    [16/11/14 22:49] :Assira the Black nods
    [16/11/14 22:49] Lintara:Hurm, not exactly. Fear usually keeps from danger that might happen while pain warns that you are in danger right now.
    [16/11/14 22:49] :Aeoshattr nods at Lin
    [16/11/14 22:50] Aeoshattr:Yet that applies to the acute pain, and most of the time to physical pain only.
    [16/11/14 22:50] Azkhael:I would concur, on the matter of biological desirability, at least.
    [16/11/14 22:51] Azkhael:Though one could also claim that fear may fulfill a biologically advantageous function in social structures.
    [16/11/14 22:51] Azkhael:And that, itself, may have been an advantage.
    [16/11/14 22:52] Rophs:If I'm scared of something that'll end up eating me and avoid being eaten then that means the fear is working.
    [16/11/14 22:52] Rophs: *nods* And I haven't been eaten yet, so I think it's going a good job.
    [16/11/14 22:52] :Aeoshattr nods
    [16/11/14 22:53] Aeoshattr:In a biological sense, fear and pain are similar. However, there are also instances where fear does us a disservice. And similarly, so does pain.
    [16/11/14 22:54] Aeoshattr:To bring the analogy back around: fear of crowds. Fear of speaking out. Fear of rejection.
    [16/11/14 22:55] Aeoshattr:They surely aren't trying to keep you out of harm's way. If anything... their purpose is to avoid pain, not to prevent danger. *chuckles*
    [16/11/14 22:55] Aeoshattr:And that may restrict rather than protect sometimes.
    [16/11/14 22:55] Aeoshattr:Similarly... pain. What is the purpose of grieving?
    [16/11/14 22:56] Azkhael:Fear of rejection is more an advantage than a disadvantage, perceived within social cohesion.
    [16/11/14 22:56] Azkhael:And let us say that social cohesion was, itself, advantageous to our survival.
    [16/11/14 22:57] Aeoshattr:It may be beneficial to society - but not to the individual, not directly. *chuckles*
    [16/11/14 22:58] AmberRune:if they're not removed or shunned by the group, they get to have safety in numbers. What's not individual about that?
    [16/11/14 22:59] Aeoshattr:However, they must live with the pain, the constant fear of rejection.
    [16/11/14 22:59] AmberRune:fear in that case isn't pain
    [16/11/14 23:00] Aeoshattr:They are not the same, indeed. I used it as an analogy to bring up a point I believed to be relevant.
    [16/11/14 23:01] Aeoshattr:What is the purpose of emotional pain?
    [16/11/14 23:03] Azkhael:In nature, a social animal's survival is directly attached to that of their society.
    [16/11/14 23:04] Azkhael:Not exclusively so, but proportionally so.
    [16/11/14 23:07] Aeoshattr:Hm. *nods* Perhaps. But then again, that would be of use to the society rather than the individual.
    [16/11/14 23:08] Rophs:Societies with this trait would prevail over societies lacking it, perhaps explaining why it is now so widespread.
    [16/11/14 23:08] :Aeoshattr nods
    [16/11/14 23:10] Aeoshattr:That may be. At any rate, I do not wish to encroach too much on Rophs' seedwalk.
    [16/11/14 23:10] Aeoshattr:Furthermore, I do not wish to talk too much about what I have planned for the next sermon *chuckles*
    [16/11/14 23:10] Rophs:Take as much time as you need, I insist.
    [16/11/14 23:11] Aeoshattr: (I only planned taking one hour for this and it seems I've already covered just about everything I wanted to. For today)
    [16/11/14 23:12] Aeoshattr:I would like, however, hearing more about what you think - if interested, I will set a question that I would like you to answer in a few lines.
    [16/11/14 23:12] Rophs:Homework?
    [16/11/14 23:12] Aeoshattr: (i.e. if you commit to this, let me know and I'll send you the question)
    [16/11/14 23:12] Aeoshattr: *nods* You can call it that.
    [16/11/14 23:13] Ailith: *hands up* I would like to receive the question
    [16/11/14 23:14] Azkhael:Rophs, while it is not as easy to apply that thought to biology, what you speak of is comprehensively regarded by axiology.
    [16/11/14 23:14] Assira the Black: *nods* I too would like the questions.
    [16/11/14 23:14] Azkhael: (...) that societal forms and sets of values that lent to a greater social cohesion would often prevail over others that did not, as it favored those societies in competition.
    [16/11/14 23:18] Aeoshattr: (Will type question and send it out; anyone else other than Ailith and Assira?)
    [16/11/14 23:18] Rophs: [Forum link]
    [16/11/14 23:20] Azkhael:Thank you for the notification, Rophs.
    [16/11/14 23:20] Azkhael: (I'd be interested in your question, Aeoshattr)
    [16/11/14 23:21] :Ailith nods to Rophs and smiles
    [16/11/14 23:21] :[Spell] To my parchment scrollbook




    TL;DR (summary)


    Pain can be categorised based on source (physical vs emotional) and based on characteristics (acute vs dull). Pain can exist in a multitude of combinations of those 4 arbitrarily defined types - but can also be different from either (as it was mentioned, trying to fit pain into "boxes" may be artificial, as there are overlaps between types).


  11. As the title says, as of today my path no longer is the same as Loreroot's.

    I may retain the citizenship for a short while, as the leadership of the land has allowed me to.


    I have posted my detailed reasons in the private LR forums, and I will try to keep them brief here. Why am I making this announcement public? To be brutally honest, dst spoke to me in-game and I told her. I did not want it to look as if I was trying to hide this (because I was not), thus I am posting this now even if I wanted to think about it for a little while longer (so my post may not be too coherent or well phrased). If anyone replies: do not try and put any blame on dst for pulling my tongue on the issue. I told her and then realised I must make the announcement public (the gathering in DQ attracted a lot of outsiders as well). That is all and I leave it at that.


    I will try and be as honest about things and try to phrase them nicely. Please keep in mind, I am not trying to put the blame on anyone. The decision is mine. I am merely giving my reasons.


    I will begin by saying that this has been the toughest decision I have had to make in MD so far, in 6 (?) years.

    This decision has been at the "tip of my fingers" for a long time now (months). I have tried to find the strength to keep going, I have tried to shrug off all that LR had to go through. Ever since Sunfire's departure (sort of) from the game, LR changed; it felt like people were around less and less often and I ended up hardly talking to anyone for days or weeks at a time. Incompatible schedules, RL and timezone differences took their toll. Negative events that we could hardly get over piled on top of each other; I could deal with some, but soon the pile was too big.

    Once more, if you reply, please do not try and blame Lorerootians for being inactive. The two phrases above this one should explain why I think so.


    I hate to admit it, but what Sunfire did in LR took a vastly bigger toll on me (I cannot find bigger words) than I had ever expected it to (yes, I was genuinely shocked when my anger settled down and I realised just how much this event ate at me). I cannot look at LR the same way anymore, I cannot trust LR and I cannot put my faith in it anymore. I've seen quite a few ups and downs that LR had, but I fear this one was too much for me. I truly hope that I was the weak link that broke in LR, and that it will be stronger without me.

    I am glad that GotR is back, but I feel that it was something half-arsed and it didn't show any strength or unity between Lorerootians. Nobody is to be blamed, IMO. I couldn't make it to the event myself due to RL circumstances. It just felt like we gave in to what was asked of us and didn't show individuality.

    I admit, I am still very bitter about what happened and I may bear a grudge; consider it as the drop that spilled the glass (hopefully the correct idiom). Which is why I will say no more on this issue.


    TL;DR -

    I may hold onto LR citizenship for a little while.

    I may seek other citizenships or not.  

    I left mainly due to lack of interaction with fellow Lorerootians over the last few months and due to the recent actions of Sunfire in LR. 


  12. Though the moment may be inopportune, I would like to affirm Aeo's role and perhaps popularise it enough so that it is validated by the community as well. In order to do that, I must first present the role, or so I believe.


    The story behind this is inside Aeo's "Comments on Self" page; I will avoid posting a text-wall here, so to those interested, it's one click away when you run into him around.


    To put it in a nutshell, due to events in his past (call them pre-MD) and due to his life in the realm of MD so far, Aeo considers himself the incarnation of Pain, Anguish or Misery; he refers to it (and so do I) usually as merely "Pain" - experiences that have accumulated, condensed and coalesced into nothing more than Pain, which he keeps locked within. 

    I do not believe this short description does the role justice, however for those that do not wish to read Aeo's Comms on Self, I felt the need to present it briefly.


    Why do this?

    Mostly because I have not had the chance to RP anything related to Aeo's role recently and I hope that this way, I will get something going. After all, RP is what I enjoy about MD (for the most part).

    Ulterior motives? As I have nothing to hide, I might as well spit it out. I personally believe it is something very innocent and reasonable: I aspire to a title and perhaps a description, though those may be far away. 


    Why "pain"? There are many kinds of pain, and many ways in which pain  can be seen. This will be discussed in a sermon.


    How will I do this?


    1. A series of three Sermons on Pain, each held at a location to be announced before the event. I will post dates and times here, along with a short description of what each Sermon will approach.


    2. A short gathering with storytelling on the themes brought up by the Sermons (consider this "homework").


    3. A quest of Pain; while I have it planned out, I must sort out various technical details, thus I will not post it until it is ready.



    I kindly invite anyone interested to participate. I will post the details here, as soon as possible.

    By all means, if anyone feels there is something that I need to clarify regarding other aspects of this other than scheduling, please point it out and I will do my best.


    EDIT: Realised I missed out a whole chunk of the post. Oopsy.

  13. just a short note to Ailith and Aeo. Silvertongue is easy to ignore, teleporting spells are easily countered with Jump to Labby link. Cmon guys. To every action there is a counteraction. Sometimes it requires more thought or change of initial plan.


    100% correct and I agree with you wholeheartedly. If we were to speak generally and about "what should have been done" then yes. You are right.


    However, there was no jump to labby link, so therefore in this specific case, it can be said that silvertongue could be ignored (such as in Iash's event) whereas in DD's case, the teleport spell was considerably more difficult to surmount. No, I'm not saying that not having a jump link up was good - there should have been one. But there wasn't, neither before the event started, nor after the interruption.


    That's why I agree with Ailith. Referring specifically to how things were/happened, she is right. We could all hypothesize about what should have been done, but it's already done. We can't change it. That is how I read her post and why I support it. 


    EDIT: I do think we're deviating from the purpose of this topic, so I won't delve on this. Felt the need to explain, for some reason.

  14. I agree with Chewett, DD should not have been singled out like this. Though I can appreciate the intention behind it, it has made him more of a target to others who do not like him personally and not really dealt with the underlying issue.


    I also agree wholeheartedly with Eara's points. However, silvertongue is easy to ignore.. an MDer being teleported halfway across the realm when they have neither the AP nor the power to return quickly when they simply want to take part in a quest is not. Especially if the action is done repeatedly, for the simple amusement of the caster.


    It would have been good to open it up to public debate but I suspect that would have descended into the childish bickering we can see on the current thread.


    Ailith says it clearly and in nice words, IMO.


    Yes, it is now likely that DD will get a lot more negative attention than he actually deserves.


    As for this point, which was made in this thread by multiple people (thus I won't quote) - "why did you go to Mur?": I don't see anything wrong with him reporting this to Mur. If the option is available, why shouldn't he use it? 


    TL;DR - I think the cooldown option is a good, decent one for both sides. 

  15. On the one hand, I am glad to see people debating and indeed, valid points are raised by both sides. Nevertheless, I'll try to summarise my opinion so far in (hopefully) something that people will agree with so that we can reach a consensus about this.


    1. DD running the quest for his own interest: 

    I cannot objectively judge this, and I don't think anyone can. Besides, -everyone- will have some kind of interest when running a quest; I don't think anyone will do something like this without motivation, regardless what that is. I don't see something inherently wrong with it.


    2. DD not planning to "defend" his quest better:

    I personally think this is icky - on the one hand I believe that some measures should be taken, but IMO when faced with Eon, Dst (and perhaps SoS as a whole) it is rather overwhelming to think about what you can do to defend yourself. I don't wish to take sides on this one, but my opinion would be: plan some sort of defense mechanism, but I don't think it's ok for you to need Mur-scaled artillery to protect your quest. So... evil guys, please don't overdo your part (as lame as that sounds, I can't find better words for it at the moment.)


    3. Eon's actions:

    I don't see them as inherently wrong, even though perhaps it came across as such from my previous posts. I don't want it to look like I'm trying to say that what Eon (&company) is doing is wrong. Annoying? Yes. But not inherently wrong. I don't think it's in anyone's jurisdiction to dictate how a player uses an item/spell, as long as it's not abusive and/or used for harassment. Who should judge abuse/harassment? I believe the Council. Again, do not get me wrong. I don't think what Eon did was abuse or harassment. It was a bit of a nuisance (I think more for the quest participants rather than for DD, but again, I cannot judge that).


    4. Council (and my main point from the beginning):

    I still believe the council's motivation was weak. I will try and quote fragments from the announcement to be more specific:


    (referring to quest disruption): "we are loathed to make any form of rules to punish people doing this". The way I read this is "we don't want to be disliked by the community for stepping up for something". I think this makes the Council look really weak, as if they're afraid of the public opinion. Sometimes, they might have to take decisions that are disliked. It's not always going to be pretty - how can we be sure the Council does the right thing and doesn't just choose the easiest path?


    "At this time, we merely ask you try not disrupting quests" + "A social problem can only be solved socially." So in one line they say "at this time", implying there could be more drastic decision if the problem persists, but in the end they say the problem can only be solved socially. Which one is it? I am not inclined towards either, but please make up your mind and be clear. You're the Council, your words shouldn't be interpretable, the way I see it. If you're going to act, be firm about it, if you're not going to, say that this is out of the Council's hands and that it's on the community's shoulders. 


    I believe that sums it up. To reiterate, I opened this topic mostly to complain about the Council. Not about DD's quest, not about Eon's interference. Again, my issue here is with the way the Council seems to deal with things; it seems to be weak, and IMO in Mur's absence, the Council really should be strong or at least uphold such an image. 

  16. ----

    Also, iv talked to Eon, treat him with respect he is a really nice guy.

    You want a social solution to DD's problem?

    For DD's first roleplaying session of his new role, I went to a number of people who might disrupt it and asked them not to. Including Eon. He agreed and DD was left alone.

    Ofc DD doesnt like people to know that someone(me) he has told to never talk to him again helped him. So no one actually knows this. But there, I used a social method to resolve the "eon problem".


    Would that be valid if someone else other than you (or someone holding a function similar to yours in MD) had done it?

  17. [cquote]and therefore we are loathed to make any form of rules to punish people doing this.[/cquote]
    Debate it out, If something needs rules, they will be made. But for the moment, people need to sit and have a think about how we should resolve this social issue.[/size]

    If rules are the only thing that will make everything magical in MD, then so be it. But I along with council and Mur really dislike the idea of forcing social situations, aka dictating how people can act and use their hard earned spells/items/etc


    I see what you mean, Chewett. And I know it's not my place to say how MD should be run. However the way the last announcement reads makes it feel like the Council is very dismissive in a sort of "we can't be bothered to do anything about this so we'll put it on the community's shoulders, knowing that there is little to nothing that the community can do". 

    No really, I would genuinely like to know what was in the council's mind when they suggested "social" solutions to incidents like Eon forcibly teleporting/locking/killing people. I truly can't think of any "social" thing that would phase Eon, especially given the motivation quoted in dst's post.


    This is an aspect that rather bothers me, but I believe it's best not to get into it as it's beyond the purpose of this topic, IMO.

  18. False info:





    My bad! I was convinced he was sponsoring the rewards.

    EDIT: Realised that came from his previous post about the Ring Logs, in which he stated that he would reward silver to those that find out who the "Master" is.


    Yes, it's hypocritical from your part. Just remember who created/was the generator of the most activity in the past almost 3 months (check the forums as well especially LR one if you have no clue).



    And since we're talking about hypocrisy, let me show you something:





    AND this:




    The hypocrisy part wasn't directed at you, dst, moreso to the community and the general "You're not active enough" excuse  - bad phrasing, for which I take the blame.


    I am curious what you blacked out in the third row there, however.


    Nevertheless, I hope I got a point across. My issue here is with the council, not directly with what Eon and/or other accomplices did.

  19. Well, I figure this is likely to start a flame war, but I really don't want to let this go.

    Here's the permalink, if you haven't read the announcement yet: http://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/3170


    TL;DR: Council won't do anything about DD's quest being disrupted by Dst and her lot.


    Just for the sake of clarity: I am NOT involved in either part - I didn't take part in DD's quest and thus wasn't tossed around the place by Eon and Dst.


    However, I personally believe this announcement shows lack of integrity - and if I may, cowardice - from the council. As much as I dislike making personal statements, I believe a lot of people will agree that Dst is not swayed by "nice words" and "making friends" - Knowing you, dst, I believe you can confirm that as I genuinely don't mean that as an offense. Furthermore, I happily invite people to try and socialise with Eon in game. So far, I have only seen him/her reply either with "." or with "Eon rolls the dice and gets X". Thus the suggestions of the council are downright Bull in this case. My issue here is with the decision of the council - to be clear. I am 100% convinced that there is no "social" method that can act against the culprits of this case.


    In my opinion, the conflict between Dst and DD is downright childish and has gone on for long enough. However it's none of my business - and I wouldn't have posted this, if this whole teleporting and disruption would've been only upon DD. Again, don't get me wrong DD: I am not saying by any means that what happened was fair, but I could have understood if you were the only one tossed around the place. However, all quest participants were teleported around, which interfered more with THEM than with DD. As far as I know, DD was handing rewards from his own inventory - so the way I see it, in disrupting the quest you enable him to keep his valuables and actually prevent the newbies that NEED them from getting them. The offense, IMO, is not upon DD but upon the quest participants.


    EDIT: Also, it's extraordinarily hypocritical to yell "YOU NEED TO BE ACTIVE" and then skull-bash people that actually try and get some people moving around by holding quests :). 


    So the way I see it, the council is simply afraid to take any decision against dst or Eon or, for that matter, against hardcore vets like them. 


    Do I have any suggestions on what punishment should be? No.

    Do I think the Council's motivation is weak? Yes. My point is - I am not against there not being a sanction in this case, but if so, then it requires a stronger motivation than the one given, and IMO, those resolution suggestions shouldn't have been given in the first place. Makes it seem like the Council has no idea who they're talking about or doing a poor job in general.


    A social problem can be solved by other means, if social means fail (which I believe in the given case have failed LONG ago.). 

  20. While I would support that, I believe it could get OP (or annoyingly abusable) fairly easily, especially if it prevents negative effects from being applied to the target for a set duration after they are removed.

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