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Everything posted by Sharazhad

  1. [color="#2e8b57"][i]It is heart breaking whats going on there - and while TTL said we should not take sides, it is hard not to when human rights are being grossly violated. Ive been keeping tabs on whats been going in Libya for a while now. Its a wierded out situation - basically there are two teams: Gadaffi loyalists and those opposing Gaddaffi. Gaddaffi loyalists do not represent the majority view of Libya, and it is the Gaddaffi loyalists (and Gaddaffi himself) that are are at war with NATO, and since Gaddaffi is the "official voice" of Libya then yes Libya is at war with NATO. The majority of the country however want him dethroned. hmm..... Im curious, is stating a fact taking sides? as an end note, I really hope that the US, UK an FRANCE do not take it as their god-given mission to dethrone Gaddaffi... that is something that the Libyan people need to do on their own and its already looking a bit dodgy because Libya is known for its oil wells. ( I really hope I havent stepped on too many toes..... ) [/i][/color]
  2. [i][color="#2e8b57"]Correct me if I am wrong here, I thought that the purpose of items is to encourage trading in game - which I assume includes critters.... Or dont we use items all together? Perhaps we should close the inventory box then? The way I see it, trading with credits is a way to get rich of a game that doesnt belong to you - which in my opinion is ethically wrong. Just because loads of people do it, or because a few big wigs do it doesnt make it right. The only person who should be making money from this game is the game creator Mur and of course Akasha. People who are gaining from these credits are then not putting money into the game themselves so in a way MD is losing, and the person that is buying the credits is paying twice for them, 1) Mur, and 2) to the person whom he is purchasing from. MD shop was generated to create an income to support this game, and I believe that awesome items were placed deeper in the shop so that the purchasing of game credits is encouraged. Of course no one is going to ban trading credits but I think the amount traded should be limited to $5.00 or something so that people dont make a career out of it. [/color] [/i]
  3. Hi Princess, hope to see you around more often.

  4. [color="#2e8b57"][i]LUUURRRVE IT!!! Definately made me giggle!!! And Adi I have a story for the festival which I will do tonight. [/i][/color]
  5. Well done you boys in green!!!! 24 -8 to Ireland, against the English. what a game!! :D

  6. TO MD's Irish Contingency: HAPPY ST PADDY's :D

    1. Shemhazaj


      Yup! Happy St Patty's :D

    2. Maebius


      to the not-quite Irish contingency. Happy St Patty's Day too. Never pass up an excuse to party!

    3. Knozz


      Yeah, happy St Patty's Day! Parties are always good.

  7. [color="#2e8b57"][i]To my fabulous fantastically [b]CUTE[/b] sister!! (even tho' she denies it vehemently - we all know what a cutesie she really is) HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!! AND MAY YOUR FACE BE STUFFED WITH LOADS OF CAKE (and other wonderful goodies)[/i][/color] [color="#800080"][b][i]H a P p Y B i R t H d A y!![/i][/b][/color] (damn Shem you beat me to it!!! >< )
  8. [color="#2e8b57"][i]To my fabulous fantastically [size="4"][b]CUTE[/b][/size] sister!! (even tho' she denies it vehemently - we all know what a cutesie she really is) HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!! AND MAY YOUR FACE BE STUFFED WITH LOADS OF CAKE (and other wonderful goodies)[/i][/color] [b][i][color="#800080"]H a P p Y B i R t H d A y[/color]!![/i][/b]
  9. Quote of the day: "Free your mind and your ass will follow!!"

  10. [quote name='Udgard' timestamp='1300162280' post='80662'] Shara, I think there's a reason why some people who did not bother to take part is the one creating a huge fuss. It's simple: they do not approve of what you do. If they don't approve of what you do, there's no reason for them to join, right? I agree that using black water and liquid dust without complete knowledge on what they are is a bad idea. Using them means you will need to RP what they do/what effect they have, and without knowledge on what they do, chances are you're gonna give off the wrong thing. Using the taint, on the other hand, is much more acceptable since they are not an inherent part of MD. They are made by players, and modification by players to a certain extent is acceptable IMHO, as long as the original creator does not mind. Now, one problem is that the whole situation is not even clear. Who is in charge of/started this storyline? Mya? Firs? You? What is being used in the RP? Black water? Liquid Dust? The Taint? From Mya's comment black water, liquid dust and the taint was never going to be used. Yet throughout the whole "quest" there are lots of people who think they are being used. Inevitably, you are going to get a lot of people who won't bother joining it because they do not agree with the use of the first two. Even if now it is cleared (by Mya - but again, I do not know for sure who is in charge of this whole thing) that they were never part of it. And then, there is the part where Loreroot is said to be flooded. How is this not breaking game mechanics? It's like saying a meteor fell on marind bell and now the whole place is scorched with hellfire. Mechanic wise, there is this little thing called RP Reality Requirement. Having a flood might be acceptable for 2-3 people, but when you want to do something that affects a lot of people, then the requirements are hard. Now I think this would answer the question below as well: If it had gained enough support, I think it the whole thing can certainly turn valid. But if there is so much opposition and relatively little support, then the opposite is true. And I would also like to remind that MD, AFAIK, has never been designed as a true sandbox, freeform RP platform. If anything, MD even said at one time (might still do) is a unique world, different with others where you won't find the standard fantasy game things like demons or orcs. Something with its own unique setting. It can function as one now, with RP reality requirement telling you that you can do anything just between limited number of people. But when it comes to the mass, there are limits to what you can and can't do. [/quote][i] [color="#2e8b57"]Udgard. The Sludge and floods was a little brain child that originally started with a discussion between Mya and myself. We agreed that very little RP was taking place within the realm, and we wanted to create a platform where people can do their own spin off RP's, and still keep strong story-line. Mya and I were both well aware of the effects of interfering with game mechanics and came up with the idea of a natural disaster. Quite frankly I found it more plausible that an earthquake can cause a flood in Loreroot than a meteor falling out of the the sky and setting Marind Bell on fire, or a spaceship crashing into the house of LD!.[/color][/i][color="#2e8b57"] [i] I did not just RP *Shara created a flood in Loreroot* TA-DA theres a flood. I am well aware of the RP reality requirements, but seeing how few people were actually interested in roleplay at, it was near impossible to gather a group of 30 people. There were four people around Raven's Peace at the time. Lintara, Sunfire, Darigan and Myself. The whole story of how the flood occurred was posted on the forums [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/8986-sludge-and-floods/"]http://magicduel.inv...dge-and-floods/[/url] and Darigan had a story going on his PAL (Player Adventure Log) found on his profile page. So this RP was in no way hidden from the general populous of MD. I had also set up the discussions page where people could discuss the goings on..http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/8991-sludge-and-floods-discussions/page__pid__80615__st__20#entry80615 If there was an issue about what you didn't like how the sludge was created back then, why did you raise it on the discussion forum? Soon after the RP of the flood, Mya suggested that even tho the water level subsided, in a natural disaster there are always side effects dirt and debris and she came up with the idea of the sludge. During this time I was in constant communication with Firsan (as he is king, he should at least be aware of what we were up to) and some one (cant remember exactly) suggested that the black sludge was Black Water and/or Liquid Dust. I brought this to Firsan's attention to which he responded: " That's necessary involvement of game mechanics steer away from that " The idea of BW and LD was immediately squashed and I have no idea who continued with that. We brainstormed the idea of a mutated strain of the taint, as it seemed plausible and very doable at the time. The taint itself would not be viable as it needs Granos to activate it, but a mutated strain is. Obviously this is where the shyte hit the fan because everyone went into a total hoo-ha over this. During this time, RL had stepped in and unfortunately Mya and Darigan were left to carry this out. She did what she felt was best for her and the RP.[/i] [i] So yes; BW, LD and the ORIGINAL taint was never gonna be used. I wanted to create a mutated strain of the taint, which would of course have different side effects and outcomes. I was never given the opportunity to actually voice this, because the trolls raised their voices and clubs smashed this before I even had a chance to respond. Z, Udgard I can see where I went wrong on this. It needed more thought and planning, and little groups to carry out the story line to cause a real reaction. I was desperate for a little action in this game and more player involvement and did what I thought was best at the time. Rumi as far as I see, it is not a question of stifling creativity , because one can do pretty much whatever one wishes on MD, as so much as it was following RP protocol in terms of fluff, reality requirements and mechanics, getting the numbers to back you up and telling the trolls of MD to piss off when they raise their clubs and voices and stomp on everything. Thank you Curiose for your posts on the discussion and panel, for the post here and I agree with you 100% within certain circles there seems to a be the "Crabs in a basket" mentality. (buts that another discussion for another time) And you know what, say what you want because at the end of the day, Mya and I did a lot more than most to try and create a story/adventure in MD! [/i] [i]Edited for grammar and that weird double post. [/i][/color]
  11. [color="#2e8b57"][i]Sweet Jaysis!!!!!!!!!! My little RP did not break game mechanics. My original idea for the taint was to create some sort of strain of taint. We steered away from black water and liquid dust because it was involved game mechanics. Fair enough I can respect that. BUT I dont see how bringing up a strain of the original taint again is spitting in the face of a player who left MD and I as far as we know is not gonna return. Granos rp'd breaking the Kris in Firsan's arm. Obviously it can be used again for what ever purpose. He didnt break it off and then say: "Oi Firs, please make sure not to use it again." As far as I know there are no "patented ideas" that one has to pay for. I was using a historical event and I see nothing wrong expanding on it. What pisses me off is that people would stomp on the RP putting all sorts of do's and and donts and then do nothing to contribute. That stifles creativity - because you just say what we can not do and then dont bother offering a bloody solution!!! I dont want to do another RP or take part in another RP after this. Why? because: 1) No one gives a flying cucktoos tail feather 2) It always lands up on the shoulders of one or two people that are always carrying things. 3) People are always giving out about not doing anything and then when someone does do something it gets BLANTANTLY IGNORED. If Mur wrote "Loreroot is in flood" in the moodpanel, I would bet everything I have that most people would go scrambling to Loreroot to investigate. Have some one else do it, and its useless information. Kafukka, My lack of contribution in this story was not by choice - unfortunately Real Life does factor in somewhat, and Maebius how was I to stand back and watch for an "avalanche" during a developing story? Was I aware that Rumi was gonna post this? The flood was originally set as a stage, something were people could branch of all kinds of RP from. It was was born out of frustration because NOBODY Rp's anymore - At that time everyone just sat in the park and ground for ridiculous stats. I would have loved it, if loads of people got involved in this RP and loads of people contributed to finding a solution (thats why the sludge and floods discussion thread was set up) . I can count on one hand the number of people that were actually arsed to contribute to the discussion. I find it really ironic that the people who did not bother to take part in this at all, are those that creating such a huge fuss!!! Seriously, dont criticise my attempt at injecting life into the game if you didnt bother to acknowledge it all.... As far as I am concerned MagicDuel has lost its Magic, and now its just DUEL. edited to remove the cussing. [/i][/color]
  12. [color="#4169e1"][i]If you didnt know by now, this weekend Japan was rocked by a 8.9/9.0 earthquake that was followed by a tsunami. Over 10,000 people have been reported dead, an entire fishing village has been reported missing, over 1.4 million households have gone without water since the quake and 1.9 million households without electricity. Recent news revealed that the 2nd nuclear reactor has just exploded. This whole scenario has left Japan in a rather helpless state, officials have called a state of emergency and have requested aid from other countries. I was wondering as an International community, could we join hands and donate a bit of money to the Japanese Red-Cross or send over clothing or blankets...or something? Please Share your thoughts. 1) >< just realised this thread is in the wrong spot (mod, please move) 2) ----> a link to donate to the NGO that you feel your money should be best spent. http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_newsroom/20110311/wl_yblog_newsroom/japan-earthquake-and-tsunami-how-to-help [/i][/color]
  13. My prayers and thoughts with everyone in Japan... :(

  14. [color="#2e8b57"][i]Pip you never once did speak to me, so please dont assume that I was happy with what you did. Would a mod please close this thread? Thanx. [/i][/color]
  15. [color="#2e8b57"][i]Hi Rumi Firstly, thank you for carrying this little RP up to the point where it is now. For that I must applaud you well done. Its heart breaking to see how many people did not even bother with it or even acknowledge it. Thank you for your efforts. Yes the Shard was a clue - a huge clue. It was never intended to be a red - herring, because Granos did in fact stab Firsanthalas and broke the Kris in Firsan's arm. That bit is fact and can not be ignored. I wish that you had sent me a pm or message about your discussions about the shard and its "rammifications", or at least posted it on here - so that [/i]this[i] little discussion could have been avoided. ANYWAY... I am keen to hear your ideas about the finale PM me. [/i][/color]
  16. [color="#0000ff"][i]Hi Raviir ( I really like that name ) Just a few tips on RPing. 1) Try to keep RL and MD as separate as possible. Sometimes the lines may blur which can create confusion. Try to also Keep RL issues out of game as much as possible. for example. if you and your brother are both playing MD - the players dont need to know about your sibling rivalary...ya digg? Try to create traits in your character that will help keep you and your character separate. e.g. Sharazhad (my character) is a vegan, while the RL me is not. 2) Always give players time to respond. Some players may have a slower internet connection that you, so while you may think that they are ignoring you and move on, they simply may not be able to see your message in chat. 3) Dont god-mod. that is, don't RP ridiculous stuff, like : *Slices up Sharazhad with 500 dragon knives and kills her*. Technically no body can die in game - unless they are killed during torch competition or Ivorak uses his knife to slay some one. 4) Your RP should be done in such a way that the player you are rping with can decide whether he/she wants to go along with it. for example: Dont say: * throws Sharazhad in the lake* rather, * Throws Sharazhad in a direction towards the lake*. That way I can respond if I want to fall in or not e.g. *Sharazhad falls in the lake* or *Sharazhad falls shortly before the lake* Hope this helps somewhat Oh and well done on including the flaws bit - I like that [/i][/color]
  17. What are you giving up for lent?

  18. [color="#2e8b57"][i]Happy Birthday to my favourite most awesomest sistah!! I hope your day is as special, and wonderful as you are, and that you get spoiled rotten with loads of presents and cake[/i][/color].
  19. [color="#2e8b57"][i]Thank you for your intrest Azure. Your application is being considered Kyte, I will mentor you. [/i][/color]
  20. [color="#2e8b57"][i] You share this day with two of my really good friends So I can safely say I've partied hard enough for yours too. Have a fantastic day! [/i][/color]
  21. Crash! Boom! Bang!

  22. [color="#2e8b57"][i]I love this annoucement - I feel its been a long time coming. I hope that MD ,now, will no longer be one congolmerate grinding mass in MDP and that players will actually move around and fight people. - Thank you Mur As we say in Malawi - Pepani! (Tough shyte!) to all the poor mp3's , mp4's and mp5's who can now no longer gain ridiculous amounts of stats and who will have to learn to battle as the game was intended. You guys did kinda bring this on yourself - you found a loophole and exploited it...well here are the consequences.... [/i][/color]
  23. [color="#2e8b57"][i] Shem's Pimping us out !! Alright! Im in - But I want a goldrimmed carriage to carry me to clients! and I want Gold coins instead of silvers. (Im aiming for the "executive market) [/i][/color]
  24. [color="#2e8b57"][i]It breaks my heart to hear about your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. We're here for you if you need ANYTHING!! *massive hugs* [/i][/color]
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