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Everything posted by Sharazhad

  1. so which one is it? Dead or alive?

  2. [color="#2E8B57"][i] I remember you!! and keep the old character!!! Welcome back. *munches on cookies while gulping copious amounts of alcohol* Im glad to hear that you are all better after that horrid ordeal you went through. Anyway recovery time = MD time!! [/i][/color]
  3. Today I saw this little old Malawian lady wearing a t-shirt that said : I dont {picture of spoon} I {picture of fork}. ^_^

    1. Maebius


      (picture of

      Knife!) ... get it. Nice/kniiife!

    2. Azull


      always remember " there is no spoon"

  4. Gave a lecture today, only to realise 3/4's of the way through that a rather relevant button on my shirt popped open. The students said it was the best lecture that they ever had. *cringe !! >

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Prince Marvolo

      Prince Marvolo

      At least they will remember it for a while...

    3. Jubaris
    4. Sharazhad


      I hope they remember the lesson and not the uhmm misplaced button.... ><

  5. [color="#2e8b57"][i]Happy Birthday Sunfire Hope you had really special day [/i][/color]
  6. oi! come back with my hashish brownies... I mean hash brownies....!!!!

  7. [quote]Story mode clearly states you are projected into MD from your RL self. [/quote] [color="#2e8b57"][i] Story mode also depicts that we are projected into MD as a human male. Does this mean that everyone in MD realm are human males?!? Seriously!!! Two questions arise from reading the above posts: 1) If non-human characters and mythical characters are "non-reality" what about talking animals.... Such as a MetalBunny for example? Where is the line drawn? 2) Magicduel is a Fantasy RPG (according to what the tags say) so my question is then: Whose Fantasy is it? Mine? Murs? [/i][/color] [quote]The creatures in Game are bound to you. They are part of you. When we start in the beginning it states that much those creatures become part of you and represent you in many ways that to this day most players still have yet to understand or even realise. Every one things of the creatures as pets. Sorry but they are not pets they are more of an aspect of your personality. [/quote] [color="#2e8b57"][i]Again, I refuse to believe (unless you have undoubtable proof) that creatures that were born from the imagination of another human being can be an aspect of my personality. No- one in this game knows me well enough to make such a statement. [/i][/color]
  8. [color="#2e8b57"][i]Sorry Yrth I just saw your post now. [/i][/color] [quote]So to me when a player states they are a Dragon, Werewolf, faeries or any of the other mythical creatures I am sorry but i cannot agree that you are as that to me is not the reality of MD i am more than happy to accept that it is your persona but i will not view you as anything other then a Human in the realm of MD.[/quote] [color="#2e8b57"][i]By persona do you mean Projected Character in game? Because yes, not everyone chooses to be human in game. Its a given that all the users behind the characters are human unless there is a chimp banging away at keyboard and goes behind the username: {_____insert username here____} The way I see it, MD gives the user the platform to re-create themselves , via the Personal Pages, and portray themself in whichever way they would like to. In no way in real life am I an elf nor do I resemble one. I dont expect you to believe that, but I do expect you to believe that I am an elf in game because that is the way I CHOOSE to portray myself in MD. Why would you not believe me when I say I am? [/i][/color][quote]The creatures from the first day you are told are a part of you. They are in a way part of your personality. When you get a creature it is bound to you and it powered by you in MD. The creatures are only made real by you. Creatures in MD are different they are not your typical creature they are part of you They are your essence. That is why only a few type can be seen walking the land. Like the Knator he and the shades are the only creatures that can be seen in the realm. They have achieved a level of reality that we all agree on. [/quote] [color="#2e8b57"][i]I dont believe that the creatures are part our personality and essence. By being bound to us, I see it as the character and user that are responsible for the well being of the creature. My characters VE (for example) would refill automatically, but my creature's doesnt - it takes V.E from my Character (not my own RL energy) in order to replenish it. How we choose creatures could be a reflection of our RL personality, but in no way would I believe that my grassan is part of my essence or my personality. [/i][/color]
  9. [color="#2e8b57"][i]Thank you for your application Red, your application has been considered. Yala and Shem will mentor you. Find them in game[/i][/color]
  10. Woke up at 4:30 am with the urge to work! What's wrong with me?!?

  11. [color="#2e8b57"][i]woops, a wee bit late, Happy Belated Birthday. Hope you had a wonderful day.[/i][/color]
  12. [color="#2e8b57"][i]WOW these are incredible!!!! I would love to use some of your drawings, I'll get in touch with you a bit later about what Im looking for. <---- Insanely jealous of your talent. [/i][/color]
  13. [i] [color="#2e8b57"]Although [/color][/i][color="#2e8b57"][i]I prefer when Nim's Grasan lapdances for you[/i][/color]
  14. [color="#2e8b57"][i]Hmmmm .... Generally my internet is usually so crap that if I cant play MD i generally cant open many other web pages either,So other games are out the window. I'm usually just on line chatting with friends, If and when internet is fast enough to open MD then I'm torrenting stuff faffing around on FB, catching up on emails, and youtubing random stuff and skyping people back home. Other freetime during the week is devoted to my research project, reading and/or writing, cooking and being awesome. Oh! and watching whatever I've just torrented (right now its ER and Thundercats ) and then of course weekends = Shopping and PARTY TIME!!! . [/i][/color]
  15. Please support what we're doing in Malawi by joining our FB page. :)http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pages/Malawi-School-of-Optometry-Programme/163733747011889

    1. Sharazhad


      Huge Thanx to those that already have :)

    2. The Great Pashweetie

      The Great Pashweetie


    1. Sharazhad


      Its still a work in progress :P

    2. Maebius


      Very nice, bringing sight to the people! Kudos!

    3. Sharazhad


      p.s I would love it you joined :P (hint hint nudge nudge)

  16. entering week 4 no smokes...

  17. [color="#2e8b57"][i] Welcome... you need no introduction from me. [/i][/color]
  18. Dragonflies and Astronauts...

  19. Somebody peed in his gene pool...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sharazhad
    3. (Zl-eye-f)-nea
    4. The Great Pashweetie

      The Great Pashweetie

      adds some new inteligence! and smell... oh well, no pain no gain.

  20. [color="#2e8b57"][/color][quote]It is typically American to bomb an other country for a pretended reason and then pretend to help them, sadly i see everybody else is following the "American example" now.[/quote] [color="#2e8b57"][i]The UN called for a no-fly zone over Libya about a week ago as a result the US, UK and FRANCE sent in airplanes and bombed the military air bases as well Gadaffi's residential area. and FYI a FRENCH plane did technically start the bombing NOT the Americans. This did infact tip the balances in favour of the Libyian people fighting against Gadaffi - for a little while. [/i][/color]
  21. [color="#2e8b57"][i] I agree The gross human rights violations that the people within Libya are experiencing are nothing short of atrocious. Why are wars started? who knows? Greed? want of power? freedom ? Nothing can be done to stop a war short of being in a war itself. If you wish to help join an NGO or donate to one. Below is a list of NGO's that I am aware are currently working in Libya. Im sure you can find them online and donate and/join. [/i][/color][color="#2e8b57"][i]Yes wars are ugly and horrible, and loads of innocent people die. That is a tragedy, but during a struggle (especially a struggle for freedom) lives will be lost, as cold and harsh as it sounds - it is true, My thoughts an prayers are of course with the families who have lost loved ones.[/i][/color] [color="#4169e1"][i][b]International Organization for Migration (IOM)[/b][/i][/color] [color="#4169e1"][i]Evacuation and repatriation programs for third-country nationals.[/i][/color] [color="#4169e1"][i][b]World Food Program (WFP)[/b][/i][/color] [color="#4169e1"][i]Emergency food operations to respond to immediate food requirements of those who have fled Libya into Tunisia and Egypt, and to pre-position food to assist those who are most vulnerable to a deterioration of humanitarian conditions within Libya.[/i][/color] [color="#4169e1"][i][b]International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) [/b][/i][/color] [color="#4169e1"][i]Medical and surgical care, water and sanitation facilities, etc. in the region.[/i][/color] [color="#4169e1"][i][b]United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)[/b][/i][/color] [color="#4169e1"][i]Management of transit centers in Tunisia; and basic services to migrants in Egypt.[/i][/color]
  22. Rest in Peace Liz Taylor.

  23. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1300871484' post='81140'] Now, since you started stating facts... Keep in mind that during Gadafi (no matter how eccentric he is), Libya prospered. Libya had oil, Libya had jobs, Libya had money. It was a general opinion here that Libya was a good place to live (and all the Serbs who were working there and got evacuated back to Serbia during this war, they were confused - like how did all this happen?) Suddenly, Chaos erupted in whole Arabic world (all the unrest). Makes me wonder who profits from chaos there? edit: Dst made a big point too, if there weren't for oil, you think that anybody would cared to waste their resources attacking Libya? People, don't suck everything the media tells you [/quote] [color="#2e8b57"][i] Yes Libya had oil and therefore oodles of money but almost cent of that money went into the Libyian Investment Authority. The name of this "investment" was the only thing that linked the country to the money which was stored in it. The LIA was the treasure storehouse of the Gadaffi family. read :- ----> http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-12626320 Chaos errupted because the people are tired of their country being run by Ali-Baba and his forty theives. When Gadaffi came into power, he was young revolutionist who made many promises to the Libya and the world which he promptly failed to deliver. Ask yourself why did he not step down when the people asked for it? why did promise a blood bath instead? How long do you expect a nation to be oppressed before it screams for freedom? [/i][/color]
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