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Posts posted by MRWander

  1. Do you remember years ago? Back when the sun was always shining? Before the moon was talked about and the renovations of the Archives? Before a time when the East was even dreamed about? No? Well that's a pity. I do, pull up a chair and listen to a time of Innocence, Inneundo, Renavoid, MRD, and many others but most importantly Yami-no-sakura.
    The day was beautiful, as it always was back then. Willow's was packed full of so many people getting beat and slaughtered that it was deafening, and beautiful. Looking to Wind's sanctuary we can see blood trailed and can hear people crying about their wounds and laughing about good times, it too is packed full of people from all lands. Turning the other direction we see a thinner crowd in Loreroot, but still more people then the few that gather at the GoE today.
    Yami is skipping and singing to herself when she happens to accidently over hear a conversation going on in the middle of LR: xcercses: lol im getting called holy god from my new adepts thats weird .Raven.: lol xcercses: well does somebody here wants to become my adpet lol mishadowst: ooo X has a cult and brainwashing... wheres the koolaid? Tarquinus: do they know you eat people? xcercses: lol xcercses: um....no.. xcercses: should i tell them that .Raven.: maybe.. As days and weeks went by she told stories, trained her crits, laughed and enjoyed life to the fullest, but slowly over time her note taking went from being a hobby to a job until finally it became an obcession. She forsakened her friends and hid from everyone while watching and listening. She had no more time to talk..only write, write, write down every word everyone said frantically jumping from place to place sleeping less and less as the need to log everything rapidly consumed her life. Until one fateful day she was in the wrong place at the wrong time and heard the wrong thing. A name that is so powerful it cannot be spoken or even written down without its ownder knowing about it. SO as she wrote the last letter of his name he came through the shadows and fed her to his drachorn. To this day you can hear her screams if your mind is open enough and you fiddle with a mechanical sphere the right way. His name you ask? It's Pip---AAAAAAHHHHHH




  2. Wow, Murmas is just around the corner now and I've been so excited! But, I think I wore myself out with all the gift giving and spreading joy :( I think It would help a lot to get some ME back in MRFMAS. Feel free to help me out by returning the personalized items I've been giving out all year I think they'll help me feel like myself again!

    I'd like to feel myself well before Murmas so all points should be before 24/12 new day reset. Also It's important for me to see you giving it to me make sure I'm not idle or afk.

    Autographs are everywhere so 1 point.

    Blood is all over too 1.5

    Emotions are rough 2 points.

    My ring (rumor has it Mur has one) is worth a whole 5 points!.


    A soulweaver and a coloured joker will be 1st prize.

    An imp with darksky token 2nd

    3rd can pick 3 items from me.


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