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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. "gender: male" :o no way!

  2. i'll just stick to plain "Welcome to MD adventures, enjoy the game!"
  3. start spamming on Facebook, "join the game where you (insert cool line, about developing your role... bla bla bla)" make few fan groups, or spam "role play fan groups" you have to target the right people
  4. znas care, nisi morao novi profil da pravis :D

  5. ^_^ and thank you :) may all your wishes come true!
  6. Happy birthday Madalina! *pulls out a big muffin with candles stuck on it*
  7. yep, still i get them as well
  8. yes, translators shouldnt get implemented to the game but its nice to have one of the better translators bookmarked
  9. Nebin is my adept and has good potential. Consider this an official welcome enjoy the game
  10. its not that bad best translator i ran into anyway from several attempts, i only ran into some minor problems, but the sense of the sentence stayed pretty much the same edit: i was trying sentences in Serbian
  11. french translation is already integrated in the game
  12. i'm one of three alliance leaders of Loreroot and i don't have a clue about the rewards i asked Firsanthalas about it, cause few of my members scored for Loreroot and i was asking for their rewards but he replyed that the rewards are faction related... o_O is someone claiming all the rewards if there are any at the moment?
  13. Awiiya, you're considering Stormrunner, and maybe Lightsage, but you wont do memorial for Savelfuser? i suggested earlier to you to make one for him, you say ok, but if i find you information... i can suggest with who to talk with to find specific things he had done, and i'm sure a lot of veterans on the forums who will help you with that
  14. of course i do, Prince of Sands... :)

  15. omg Fenrir... you're such a kiss-ass (pardon the expression) what are you aiming? to be personal favorite of Mur?
  16. consider this an official welcome enjoy the game Madalina
  17. happy birthday good luck with Marvolo's souls
  18. actually everything mentioned, ASAP but auras should have priority, first fix what you have, then pass on to other things
  19. fixing auras.... (especially bird ones )
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