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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. well interpret it as: to be citizen of the kingdom of Loreroot (example) you must follow the laws that King made, if you dont, you won't be considered citizen of Kingdom of Loreroot, you can still be there tho, playing an outcast, rebel, disident...
  2. "interests: yes" pa do jaja xD

  3. i think there's no need when i develop my own quests, i will post them on forum, and spam certain areas with info about it
  4. [quote name='The Truthspeaker' date='18 October 2009 - 12:08 PM' timestamp='1255860507' post='45048'] And Fenrir hasnt already got many enemies? Its a shame Fenrir that there isnt any more rpcs, You cant go around begging for wishpoints like you previously did. Thats the only reason you didnt like the demotion of the rpcs. You cant bribe people for free Wishpoints. [/quote] actually he can, if he ever did that, with all those fixed amount of WPs given to "regular" players, but its punishable, like it was during RPCs I guess (altough I did noticed some undeserving WP rewards) the event could be a great success, depending on the people Mur chose = lots more rewarding and interesting quests
  5. srecan rodjendan :):P

  6. I would be delighted to participate but I don't think I'll be able to, due to RL duties
  7. first Tarquinus, I started playing actively in January, joined the Savelites Church as mp3 in February, and devoted this whole time to the Church and Loreroot, so if this 10 months makes me young in Loreroot, very well then yes Yrthilian, I don't forget invading Loreroot lands for such idiotic excuses made public, and I never will, not like some, now I am for peaceful co-existance, but I will not forget my temper lead me towards where I am, if there weren't for my willingness and, if I may call it, patriotism, I wouldn't get here I think, no, I know(!) that Loreroot NEEDS someone like me, fresh blood, to make important steps IMMEDIATLY now I like your ideas of long term Loreroot, but there are too many factions here Firsanthalas, they need to be grouped ASAP I already stated my desires and plans (short summary anyway) in my post when applying and few added things in my document sent to Mur, they're written simple, so the point is understood edit: objective is to raise culture of Loreroot, powerful kingdom independent of all outer influences, and as I stated in the doc sent to Mur, I have no desire for expansions, and I will not participate in any wars of conquest unless our forest is threatened
  8. but sir, what will you do about low salaries of the Sentinels if you get elected? in what details will your administration be different for the little people of Necrovion?
  9. welcome to the game... may you stay for ages and ages to come! and i hope you'll enjoy it as much as we do
  10. well I guess I have to... I was waiting first to make talks with other Lorerootian leaders, but I'll state my candidacy now I wish to claim the crown of the King of Loreroot I want to make steps into unifying all our factions, and lead our homeland to prosper I love every fiber of our forest, respect every citizen and as much as I love "my" Church, so do I love Guardians of the Root, first Lorerootians, and Children of the Eclipse, youngest of us and most numerous My reign as king would be forming a High Council yet again, to speak with other representatives from each alliance/group and work together on our forest It will be my duty to serve our people, not them to serve me, I would be hearing out all members of the council objectively, and act urgently when needed if there are any questions about my plans or so, please state them here, this is made in a rush cause of Mur's post
  11. HEY! there's already topic for her which i made >.< happy birthday "again!" Pample!
  12. its not so!!! its just when i spot someone notable, and i add the rest too >.< then i wont make new topic to make birthday wishes to: pamplemousse (29), Zakaron (28), Khalazdad (36), Drosco (25), getschi (14) happy birthday you all! (even celebrities now )
  13. Daemon Torvez is a friend of mine... and active one only because you havent heard of him, doesnt mean he's inactive check his profile anyway
  14. i know its ALMOST too late happy birthday Daemon Torvez!
  15. please make it 282 day on saturday! i have school at that time you set
  16. Happy Birthday Grayhawk Srecan Rodjendan Renowan
  17. [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='06 October 2009 - 07:29 PM' timestamp='1254850173' post='43850'] What the hell is with everyone and sacrificing them? I did not say you can only sacrifice them. If you do so, you will be recieve a greater reward, but sacrificing them is not the only way. Giving them out to random players is a good option as well. As for you Chewett, I wanted the BEFORE and AFTER screenshots. [/quote] rofl Chewy i think Fenrir got you good
  18. Jubaris

    Name That Pub!

    [quote name='Liberty4life' date='06 October 2009 - 12:23 PM' timestamp='1254824626' post='43809'] do we need to repeat 91 but this time on your soil to prove it otherwise again [/quote] I wont start to discuss that theme with inferior-minded soul that doesn't know whats it talking about... you should be ashamed that you brought that subject up in the first place, and I'm sure your school taught you "ustasku" propaganda how you "won" the war... somehow i always knew you were a dirty little nationalist filled with forgeries of Croatian separatists (stupidity follows after it) edit: i would explain few things to you, but i guess i would offend other Croats in MD that i consider my good friends, so i'll just stick with your persona
  19. Jubaris

    Name That Pub!

    pfff... i'll let you kids play along, but, let this be known: legendary Serbia for the win
  20. happy birthday sir Udgard and mr MRD your birthday is oasis of light in these wicked times of pain festival... *sob, sob*
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