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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. hehehe whats this? Grido having problems? that would be the first time. like Fenrir said, 20 ap for post, and lots of links are too long, I would like to see that mood panel has higher limit for letters... many times I just abandon posting something on it cause I actually want to post a sentence >.< forum one is much better
  2. so, does this thing falls into the water or what? clearly we won't all agree on same system for rewarding them, its up to you Mur, which suggestion you find more productive, if this is going to be done
  3. if you think its best... But at least give MD another chance in... lets say few months (or christmas in worst case) you will be missed, good luck in RL m8! p.s. pm me on where can I send you that list about your game once I write it down...
  4. Merry Christmas everyone, and a Happy New Year!
  5. no, just one person has advantage over others, but still didnt used it to finish the "filter" part, and its like that for some time, so unless that someone doesn't make it till monday, I'll be doing small adjustment in the quest
  6. the quest is not yet finished, unless the ones who have advantage at the moment don't finish the quest by Monday, it will recieve small modifications in order to get the quest running
  7. I think before, one post remained for 48 hours, now in alliance chat, a post is visible less then one on the chat... can it be fixed?
  8. random alt gaining those gifts from MD shop... take a look on the APs
  9. capital is an extraordinary artist :)

    and I see he has an extraordinary gal :)

  10. btw, not that I'm complaining or anything, but I was a candidate also for spell caster, and I'm not in the final list of rewarded/nominated, does that mean I got 0 votes or I was just skipped? congratulations winners (and organizers!)
  11. agreed with Observer totally. Cant wait for your next post Fiju protests are on their way! never give up, dont lose your heart (and dont drop your soup!) reason for edit: spelling errors
  12. I like it. I chose number 13!
  13. yes, it was earlier when I scored for Loreroot, and we didnt had none (during the Golemus spree last few months but no more! xD). I don't think its counted like that, but it would be nice to see all the rules of the competition tho...
  14. altough you probably will never see this, happy birthday...

  15. now that you mentioned it, I see it as well... they are moving constantly interesting observation, but does it have a function or is it merely a design thing?
  16. aye, there are wars to be done, who will sharpen our blades? welcome back
  17. Jubaris


    well my first day was nice... ran into one american, this good LHO who stopped playing for months ago as far as I know, we talked about political actions of America towards Serbia he was interesting lad, shame he stopped playing, I had a good time. Somehow I made a pause (i started at may 2008), and started to play the game again in january 2009, I had no friends here at that point, and it wasnt going that well, then I met Anubarak who helped me out and become my mentor, who is pretty much responsible for me staying here, and making a Savelite you all know today
  18. "truth, justice and the Savelite way!" my guess is: community, as people working for the whole community, quests, making some ideas alive, making the realm productive in all.
  19. srecan rodjendan! da si ziv i zdrav...! bla,bla,bla nadam se da se lepo provodis
  20. happy birthday!
  21. ... I hope everything will be alright, take your time and take care. You will be missed...
  22. yes, but to make it less-annoying for the coder, how about only specific "interesting" places, where you can shout from or cast a spell from on to location associated with? examples: Oak Tower, sorcerer casting a lighting bolt (just a silly example ) from the window (or roof of any other tower) on someone in front of the tower. Roof of the Paper cabin, shouting at people in front of the paper cabin...? of course low number of this places (that i can think of at this moment) don't make this feature appealing I guess, its not that its urgent or that it has need to be done in near future, I just found it interesting, so at one point, why not?
  23. I dont think so, at least not with the spells. For example Mur is using that new feature which i like, to announce something, he makes a post on every location in MD, you can do the same for this spell, but limit it to certain locations... (obviously I'm not a programmer, but I think it won't be hard. the question is which one should be used from this options i mentioned, if it will be used anyway?)
  24. how about if shouting would somehow send chat lines also in the area surroundings? perhaps that will mess up the game, if its spammed but then maybe a spell for special people (example: someone's roleplaying a strong forest spirit... someone attacks its forest, it can "whisper them" with that spell from far away, maybe even scare them), that allows you to speak in surroundings or perhaps triggers in specific location, example oak tower, you have a trigger when you shout, its hearable infront of the tower (you yell through a window...) I think this would bring in more element of realism... what do you think?
  25. yes but sometimes people need to stay idle (for a lots of reasons and very often as well)
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