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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. Lady Dawn, there's ALWAYS something to learn
  2. [quote name='Assira the Black' date='13 January 2010 - 06:54 AM' timestamp='1263362074' post='52624'] 1) I would like to be able to manipulate "matter", that would give me the ability to control just about anything. 2) to show the past to others by taking them there in spirit 3) to give immortality and 2 abilities to 2 people at the cost of my own and they would be able to give their immortality and abilities to two people at the cost of their own and so on. I would not wish to be immortal. To live a long time and see the people around you die off one by one. It would be hard to make any friends after that knowing that you would out live them and probably attend their funeral. You would see what happened to everything that the people you loved stood for. Like their house getting torn down after you remember all the memories that that house stood for. Organizations that your family was apart of, the organizations may still stand but sooner or later the people working there will be forgotten with time So two of the above would help with these things. Showing the past so that people's lives would not be forgotten and ending my own immortality by bestowing it upon others. But by doing that they could help (or hurt) people until they get tired of being immortal. Also with time there would be many immortals and people of the future would no longer be lonely but their children would not inherit the abilities and immortality so eventually they would have to pass on their abilities if they had children and wanted them to continue on. [/quote] your first is soooo overpowering, not fair you just disqualified number of power categories your third is soooo abusive, whole world could get immortal (assuming someone can give you immortality back? Mur would ban them all, it's like trading WPs ) about those seeing friends dieing... you will gain new friends in time, life moves on (it happens when you're mortal too, so whats the difference?) valar morghulis - all people must die (except those we mentioned are immortal)
  3. want to buy any drachorn (alough I would more gladly buy a "regular" GG drach then a rusty) offer can come up to 100 coins in silver depending of the drach/number of its tokens (if any) age is not important
  4. do jaja ^_^ !!!

    sta bih dao da sam tamo! :)

  5. oh, Firs reminded me about something I was thinking some time ago could ally leaders be assigned to edit alliance papers of their members?
  6. if immortality is naturally given by you, I won't waste my wish on it I'll just add it as "0th" 0th - immortality 1st - telepathy [no need to be invisible when you can make people think you're invisible among other things...] 2nd - telekinesis 3rd - time travel is so overpowering, so I'll skip that to... I dunno... Flying, without its side effects
  7. nego, ce da gledas ti Srbiju na svetskom? :D

    kako cemo da kidamo, posalji neki snimak imperijalnog tima, na to je Mur mislio kad ti je trazio slike :D

  8. yes but the point is, for those tactics to be applied against Golemus, people that want to take their torch need to travel through maze... all the lazy ones go to MB another thing, if that citizenship thing you want to be implemented for Torch really gets around, Liberty, wouldnt that mean that MB will be undefeatable? what's fair in that? we need a golden middle edit: and I support Ailith's idea. People should be able to attack torch-carriers carrying the same torch as you, as long as you don't get points for killing those
  9. I agree with you, Ailith, entirely. and, Akasha, yes, now the TC is a lot more fun, people make tactics, and tactics to counter other tactics many new interesting things out there now, atm the Torch is the most entertaining thing for me in game (not cause of points gained with help, but of those counter-tactics, how to stop enemy to infliltrate your land)
  10. [quote name='Pipstickz' date='10 January 2010 - 12:35 PM' timestamp='1263123356' post='52401'] The only reason you did get that many points was through cheating, and you said yourself you don't agree with the cheating, so basically, you're contradicting yourself, by congratulating everyone for cheating. [/quote] I wasn't contradicting myself, and I don't agree with cheating, but is that activity cheating it's discussable, depending of how you look at it, and the goals of the Torch [quote name='Pipstickz' date='10 January 2010 - 12:35 PM' timestamp='1263123356' post='52401'] It's all good that you're working together and everything, but please do it in a way that doesn't ruin the point of torch contest(land vs. land, not "let's go grab another land's torch") [/quote] again, depending on how you look at the goals of the Torch, anyways, you cannot just stop Loreroot from doing it, cause we're not the only "cheaters" here, we're just the most numerous land, let's say Loreroot stops doing it, then you will have a other "cheater" winner only with a lower score. (cause of fewer people) [quote name='Pipstickz' date='10 January 2010 - 12:35 PM' timestamp='1263123356' post='52401'] No offense intended to any Lorerootians. [/quote] no offense taken here, and I apologize again for making this into a mess
  11. yes, but wouldn't that keep all of the newbs from participating? they would have to get a citizenship to participate (and i guess a lot of them will do it in a hurry just to participate, and perhaps later on be sorry cause of that) but if it's meant mostly for veteran players, ok then maybe if someone is a citizen of a land, he can only fight for that land, but the ones who aren't citizens, they should be able to fight for anyone? that would stop cheating to a point, and the ones who are using alts will be banned for alt abusing (alt abusing in the torch i mean)
  12. sve si savrseno rekla :)

    anytime, LadyDawn :)

  13. with my first line, I was reffering to the opposing side, that they should defend the land from that sort of activity. I didn't understood this as you picking on me I understand what you're saying, and yes you're right, it's not fair it's cheating, but we aren't the only one, like you said, every land is doing it (or at least something like that), and it seems fair doesn't win in this game. this topic was meant for Lorerootians (thats why it is in Lorerootian section), to make them understand (if they don't know already) what they manage to do, and if we keep like this (generally, I don't mean the cheating part ) we can prosper. I apologize I made all this, when the torch like a competition started, I thought as much as you that this behavior is cheating and didn't want to do it (you can ask certain people to prove), but in time I figured that behavior is part of the game, cause if it isn't Mur would try to restrict it somehow (this was so obvious from the start, so don't say its bug abusing)
  14. first, Torch should express land's ability to defend themselves and invade others, so when defending your land, you should keep an eye for all intruders for all time. It wasn't only Loreroot to do it, you have mixed up things, we weren't doing anything in Necrovion, that was GG forces, and I have proof for that, just to keep things clear. I didn't wanted to taunt all of the others for losing the torches, far from it, I wanted to express my feelings cause Loreroot showed unity after a long time, evolving all those silly little issues among ourselves.
  15. never was the score so high in the torches, Loreroot achieved outstanding results, congratulations brothers and sisters but it isn't just the won competition that is important, the most important thing here is that we all show unity, Savelites helping Guardians, Guardians helping CoE, and in circles, I applaud, and I must say I am very proud of you all, and I had to share this with you all Loreroot Eternal! Praised be Savelfuser! Praised be Goddess of the Moon! Praised be King Firsanthalas! Strength through Unity!
  16. I was going to suggest that for this script, but I guess I forgot... that some clickables are rated "important" or whatever, and that they don't have to follow that rule of 14 days (like that one and book of ancients)
  17. I received this today: *From: Starry (ID:183743) *sent 1 hour and 56 minutes ago Read later Help request hi, i know i did some bad things on my old account, Wishing Star. it's just that an older player gave me the creatures and the christmas gift let me level them up. then i discovered that they could give negative value points and then i guess it got out of hand. i know hurting new players like that is very mean and i'm verry sorry for that. i promise i won't do it again. edit: I'm not defending him, people, or anything I'm just the messenger He was a menace to my adepts as well
  18. nema te 100 godina covek :)

    sta se radi?

    srecna nova godina, srecan bozic :)

  19. due to a missunderstanding, Czez will get rewarded by a WP. She PMed Sparrhawk before dst, but it wasnt scanned right away, cause of the different time zones (Sparrhawk lives in new zealend, and forums shows his country time, and MD has server time, he didn't see it at that point, till we got asked about it, please accept our apologizes), and we didn't make it clear should Sparr be PMed on the forums, or in game due to that, they will both get rewarded (dst is already rewarded by a WP, and so will Czez be now) congratulations. note that from now on, quest solutions from me or Sparrhawk, will be accepted only via in game (unless stated otherwise)
  20. happy birthday, Sentinel :)

  21. excuse me, but what is master of puppets? thx Pip, guess I didn't know the original name... >.< I called mine Shady Jester
  22. sorry for being late :)

    happy birthday!

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