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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. the reason why there's no name of the location where Awiiya was, its cause that location doesnt have a name (some locations only have coordinates and are without names) he wasn't offline, but he was probably idle, and I agree about that one, idle LHOs shouldnt get help messages (offline ones do not get them, just for the record) and one more thing, Awiiya is a male
  2. [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=1315 "]Picture[/url] i paused for a moment
  3. happy birthday you partymaker :D

  4. so you're saying CM is mindless...? hmm interesting statement... :D

  5. happy birthday GlorDamar!
  6. actually liberty is quite right, and even if he isn't, its his opinion dunno why people are neg-reping him. but, from my side, I'm in that greedy phase, and I still want those god-damn WPs! I'll complain later, when I'm satisfied with my gains! short-term gains ftw! joke on the side, WPs should be awarded for a number of activity days, why not, just for people to taste the flavor at least, in this way with WPs used, its easy to target alts who are violating "dont help your main" rule. Just see who used its WPs for items, check history of the transactions between two suspected accounts... I'm sure you can see which WPs were used for what, and with not that high amount of WPs in game, it shouldn't be too difficult and frustrating to do it... And it could be used as bate to ban several alts already used for abuse. So I agree with Lib about the behavior of people, but it can be prevented
  7. too late now redneck you have received your payment and used it for your own goals before you finished your job totally irresponsible act "sorry" won't make up what you've done, instead of pursuing people here, you should have acted constructive from the start, accepting accusations, critics, and not after hitting who ever you can, you start to "apologize" perhaps your RL is a mess atm, you're not the only one, you shouldn't have used the payment before you did your job, or at least you could inform Sparrhawk. Day of the agreement passed, and you didn't informed him, what do you expect now? people to turn the other cheek and forget? Fix what you've made or face the consequences, as simple as that
  8. winner of pimp my knator contest: North Equilibrium [img]http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2696/4153196283_1971093f28_o.jpg[/img]
  9. 30 items = at least 30 raw materials not plausible
  10. not exactly. Limited number of raw materials + people making items for themselves, not for selling them (most of the cases I'm sure)
  11. Jubaris

    Been Mia

    welcome back Phantasm, glad to hear you're alright
  12. @Dst: I like the idea as well @Grido: Thank you, contacting you as we speak...
  13. indeed, but like I said, spells shouldn't be of great quality, something simple, but yet useful for the alliance roles. there are other ways, but involve a lot of work, but mostly luck (if you're counting on Mur's reward) There should be more ways to obtain a spell, an original one specially (use combinations or whatever? anyway, its offtopic so just ignore)
  14. I was kinda hoping you all would work on the idea I don't know, maybe leaders should keep the power (ability transfered to current ally leaders) so they can pass it on when they feel they are no longer needed in charge, or if they going away from the game... But I think ally "leader system" should be changed, I dont like this thing based on loyalty... But I can't expect it to be changed anytime soon, with all this things going on and being implemented. The options are limitless
  15. no no, being cynical, you missunderstood my intentions. I dont need more spells... except few more for fun and RP, I am mp6 with full level of spells, what I wanted is to reward, or just have the ability to reward my most trusted members in the Church, the ones who are most identified with it, and figured the other alliance would benefit from this as well (its a win win! ) It would also moralize members to look upon the alliance more, and strengthening alliance roles. And its just an idea, like I said, please no flaming (in my opinion, being cynical is part of the flaming... so be constructive and reject my idea so I don't feel offended )
  16. I think this is great... small amount of WPs won't hurt anyone (not even your highscore Dst, *winks*) @Lib: they can be abused, for example you have 2 characters, and you wont and item, but you also want an ability (both things wanted for your main), solution for alt abuser: gather materials, transfer to alt, use them to create an item, transfer back to main. Main uses WP for desired ability in WP shop. OR alt uses some of his WPs gained to gain clickable access, so your main can spare his WP on a spell or whatever... or both get clickables so they can do 2 edits on one item when it comes to abusing, there is no limits... but take me for example, even if I knew some exploits with something I already have, I would be too lazy to use them or i just wouldn't consider it worthy of possibility to get banned. Fair play WPs to mains, Crusade on alts! (how ever you plan to do that Mur...good luck ) Or WP to both but low amount of WP rewards... hmmm... feeling to greedy at the moment, so I chose 4 WPs per 2 years
  17. yes you're right... It opens much too space for abusing. Spells proportional to the size of the alliance is not good. But that was just an idea to automate things, perhaps if Mur would rate alliances on his own... Anyway the goal is to bring more spell sources in the game except of the WP shop and getting rewarded by Mur (which i get its almost impossible now?), or mp6/LHO (but LHO spells aren't that effective with that 5/casting/per 2 weeks and there is not enough people to make a good number of mp6s), and why not establish it within alliances? Like I said, it would make them better and more appealing to players. But yes, Kings should have the ability to reward land-based-spells as well. The more the merrier But if only king have that amount of ability to reward in realm with no one else except Mur, that would concentrate people on the lands, and the individualism of alliances would fade...
  18. yes Grido, that would be also great in my opinion, that spell rewards should have a "time spent in alliance" requirement, thats one of the options. Burns, no, not neverending, I said they should be very limited, probably proportional to the size of the alliance. Like for example Caretakers with few members atm would get (if they get any cause the alliance is new) probably just one spell to reward, only one spell level... But CoE which has 25 members, should get... I dunno... 5? Or maybe not more of the spells, but more of the spell levels, spells that are suitable for them.
  19. My idea is giving alliances higher purpose for some members instead of "just a badge next to your name", giving them more personal goals, for ideas can live on without the status of an alliance. This is just a suggestion on one of the options, and please discuss it open-minded, I would like to hear opinion of other people, what do they think alliances mean, and so on. How about alliance leaders get the ability to reward low/middle quality spells (like one of the first branches from protector spells, 1 spell type per alliance? I dont know... just an idea) to its members, limited number, perhaps proportional to the size of the alliance? the leader would also be able to take away the ability, and give it to someone else (for example in case of inactivity of the rewarded player) This perhaps involve some work by Mur and not plausible for now, but it can be simplified with your suggestions I hope. Also, maybe not every alliance should get that ability at the start... maybe it should prove its worth in time by doing its purpose... or by doing its role earning the right to take it to easier level with spell rewards related to its role... Maybe this is not needed if Kings or perhaps future factions would have similar ability... Just a random idea I wanted to share
  20. well I congratulated you personally, cause someone used to point fingers how i spam with birthday topics... Happy Birthday Tara! May you live forever and ever and ever...!
  21. dont know you pretty good, but I've seen you few times in the game and heard of ya. Happy birthday :)

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