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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. hehe, well 30 more minutes for server time, and 1,5 hours for the actual birthday in Serbia to start, but thank you all, a lot edit: my real name is Jovan = John on english = Johnny in Esmeralda's mind
  2. da li je ovo drugi veliki makedonac ove igre? :D

  3. aye, I do, but I am no moderator. uncle ben says "with great power comes great responsibility" authority? and what authority I need to have to judge someone? besides, I'm not judging anyone , I'm telling my opinion on this subject.
  4. to one of my most loyal adepts, happy birthday Rockistah
  5. Fenrir isn't questioning her in game character (besides, dst says she hates RP), but her moral and ethics as a moderator. Whatever issues dst has with me, I don't judge her as a person (well... not too much anyway), but I think she's the worst option for a mod. If you look at the past few months, every (or most) of the forum fights were started by her, or connected with her. She managed to find tons of holes in the rules of this forums to confuse/stop/annoy her "enemies". She even received golden moderator medal for that as far as I know, she does a great job eliminating spams, but she gets personally involved in lots of stuff, and of course uses now and then her privileges to, like I said, confuse/stop/annoy the opposition (like deciding certain posts are offtopic and deletes them, or moves them to another topic therefore eliminating one voice in all that...), which moderator, as neutral person (on forums, or at least not using her mod abilities to edit the topic she is involved in, but letting other mods take care of it) shouldn't do
  6. right, "dont bother praising this character" is what you said the difference is indeed extraordinary. I don't have anything to say about you, but on the topic, replying to your comments I don't see the problem there? I have better things to do then to scam your downfall, cause you don't interest me (the reason why I was posting here is cause I felt you overreacted, didn't knew what that last thing meant) Phantom overreacted, but this wouldn't happened if you left her alone. It takes two for tango [color="#4169E1"]I will do you a favor and answer here (I closed the topic as Phantom asked and I will not open it just to reply to you): I believe you replied just to increase your posts. You did not even read what I have wrote (and that is the absolute proof) since you mixed the jars. I believe you replied because you don't miss one opportunity to not agree with me or to say bad things about me (you do the same with Akasha). Problem is that you, same as Fenrir and few others don't worth a thing in my eyes thus me usually not bothering to reply. As I said: I made you a favor by answering since answers are a privilege not a right. Be grateful for it. dst[/color]
  7. yes, the question was for you dst. I don't understand what you find insulting in that PL? (not cause its you, just PL, "not worth of praise" is hardly a punishable offend) are you just trying to draw some attention? (no clear reasons so just make a stupid one?) cause you surely wasn't expecting for something to happen to her cause of that PL remark? and you're actually checking that huge PL of yours? edit: wait, my bad, I didn't know that other part has special meaning. English isn't my native language and I am not familiar with all the... shortcuts
  8. dont praise this person is an offense to you?
  9. as the topic says, I cannot edit the book in Lore manor, and it says it's a grade 4 clickable (of course i have edit grade 4 ability) I know tho that it is editable (Firsanthalas checked, and he can edit it) so... is this just me or it's actually an RPC clickie and not grade4?
  10. this doesn't sound anymore like you're making a feature that will help making of quests, but more like game within the game. It seems Cutler that you're trying to achieve that people spend more time in astral plane, but doing so they make less time for actual MD world (this can be applied for RL-MD O_o). And any possessions within the astral plane do not affect your game play "outdoors" in MD. You've really worked on it outstandingly, but perhaps it went on too much
  11. I think it was meant just as an idea (you don't see suggestions of the rules in that sort of system), if it is the desire of most, the solution can be easily found, so no point in finding 30 holes in an offtopic thought
  12. possibly (taxes could be adjustible by kings), but most likely, it would go into the budget of the land
  13. aha, now we're talking taxes based on lands? Kings claim the tax of every trade of their citizens?
  14. tako je care, samo mi povecavaj profile views :D

    to se ceni :D

    hahah napredno stivo hahaha :)

  15. row 2 column 13
  16. hah. Pa taj najvise znas, sto ne predjes na neko novo stivo? :)

  17. odgovorio ti na moj page...

    Clock is eternal :-|

  18. pa tamo nije suncano!!! :)

    taman sam pomislio samo jos ti falis da imam potpuni forum page :D

  19. diabolical in nature :)


  20. happy birthday Gremlin and darrydabby, Children of the Eclipse!
  21. teoretically yes, cause ideally for her, there will be an auction one will go: i wanna sell mine for 120! other one: no wait, i'll give mine for less! 110! ... so on and so on
  22. ma, sad ces da dobijes ten, saljem te na suncanje na golemus beaches :D

  23. they are quite nice.

    you are working for the site, or just a new player?

  24. a btw, to pod "ti bledis" mislim ono kad si bio inactive zbog deteta i sve to, ljudi znaju da odu zbog nagomilavanja obaveza, ili jednostavno prodje ih adikcija posle pauze

  25. heheh tako nesto :) imamo kolekciju stvarno kvalitetnih igraca u MD-u iz bivsih republika YU.

    samo da ostaju malo duze, evo Ravena vise ne vidjam uopste (nije da sam nesto mnogo bio dobar sa njim, ali mi zao sto ga nema), Aleph otisao... ti bledis, mada se nadam da mi se samo cini :)

    nista ja cu morati ovde sa ladydawn onda da blejim xD

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