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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. the dragon one I mean :)

  2. awesome drawings m8

  3. voted for 3. seemed like most interesting welcome back! (not that i know you, but looking forward in meeting you out there in the wilds)
  4. bump! I assume this won't be happening then?
  5. the reason why so many mp3s have Loreroot creatures are the CTCs so, isn't transfering creatures contradicting to "creatures are in your mind"?
  6. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE THIS and just so it doesnt sound like spam, I'll add on that howl thing as well. It will benefit rp very much, you could actually send an 'owl' instead of putting branches in a pm like [bird comes to you carrying a scroll] but will the owner had to be in same place to transfer it like the rest of the items, or not?
  7. I agree with Udgard. Also, I think it's the best choice that we collect some coins, and send Udgard to academics of skinning and blacksmithing, so he can eventually make those ones as well (I guess it would scr*w up your role, but you're the only stabile crafter m8, dunno would you consider it )
  8. I agree on the item weight, brilliant idea Marv normally some items weight more some less... staff isnt that heavy, but 30k of marble is
  9. [quote name='Firsanthalas' date='21 January 2010 - 08:12 PM' timestamp='1264101125' post='53206'] I think that the problem really is that the current system is inherantly flawed. Realistically if you want stone, you go to a mason, not wander about looking for some random person with a stone. If you want leather or hide, you go looking for person that sells that. That coupled with the fact that item materials are given to people for free and then can be used as a means for profiteering. Perhaps we could have shops (or designated persons) that can sell raw materials? Maybe even a shop in each land to represent the things found there? For instance, Loreroot would have a supply of timber and animal hides. Golemus, would have stone and maybe precious stones too. Necrovion could perhaps have sand and bone. MB has an underground, so perhaps precious stones or metals there? You get the idea. Anyway, each shop would perhaps regenerate the raw materials over time. This way items could have set prices and more fairness. The prices could even fluctuate according to supply levels. Granted it would still be possible for some people to try buying these up, but even then there would be more available and you could even try to limit the number of any one item you could purchase in a month say. [/quote] yes, something I have been thinking about a while as well that way every land would have its resources, and perhaps there would be ways to control strategic places of resources, wars would have a purpose... etc.
  10. it seems Burns is helping with many quests around and, no mp6s allowed, or you forgot to mention my kind? edit: thanks for the update... that kind of quests frustrates us mp6s discrimination
  11. anyone with other pass then Loreroot one, will be deported to their country as soon as possible and prosecuted on Tribunal court. if you wanna travel to Loreroot, you have to acquire Savelite Traveling Visa. 10 silvers per day of visit Loreroot pass can be used to help a new player to visit Loreroot without having to wait for months of work to beat the guards (in some cases less, in some cases more), altough I would like to see more purpose for it (I would like to see Loreroot as more closed land, but chances are it ain't gonna happen. It would be nice to have real players as Guardians of Maple road... as they evolve, so do the guardians)
  12. hehehe well anyway that mostly prevents farming GG will something similar be done with other lands, or few rules will change about participants?
  13. happy 99th birthday! *points to her 'date of birth'" may you live at least as long
  14. updated my first post in answer to Mur also, about Red Spruce Staff, Marvolo, I don't think it should give any spell, I think it should increase your power (by fixed amount or percent), thats basically its role
  15. [b]To be continued and edit in time, with new quests added[/b] [i]Creation of the Artifacts, part 1[/i] Tankfans was walking through Loreroot, and when night fell, he decided to take some sleep... After falling a sleeping, he dreamed of many things... White Spirit, within form of a wild cat, appeared in his dream, trying to tell him something. He saw a symbol, and it reminded him of a crafter, Udgard, for no apparent reason. When he woke up, under an influence of a dream, Tankfans went to look for Udgard. After explained of him what he dreamed, and showed him the symbol from his dream that he draw upon waking, Udgard, altough looking unsure, he also looked like he already knows all that... He instructed Tankfans for a search to find certain materials, plank of a tree, to form a staff, and a shiny gem make it into a dust and empower it within the staff. Tankfans had a good feeling about it, and went on a quest. Eventually he found desired materials, and handed to Udgard, then leave him alone to finish what he wanted... He wasn't sure was he suppposed to do anything now, after all, Udgard wasn't very talkative, but Tankfans didn't mind... Few days passed, and he met Udgard in Loreroot. Apparently he was searching for him. He made a staff. It had beautiful Savelite designs, its top looked like an entangling root, with strange glowing markings of it, glowing white light, and it was 70 inches long. Udgard nodded politely and left. Tankfans, again, without knowing little or nothing about why is all this happening, left to continue in his roaming through the forest. Walking towards the exit of the forest, Tankfans saw that white wild cat from the dream, moving among the trees. He rushed to follow it. The Creature lead him around the forest for hours… Just about when he felt giving up, the wild cat stopped by a gate, between two trees. The gate opened by itself, and the cat rushed into it, with Tankfans following it, amazed by the architecture, realizing he had never been here before. As he entered the gates, they closed, but he, somehow, wasn't worrying about it. The place he entered is a small round building. It was empty, except it had a small circle in the middle of the building, that produced weak white light vertically, same type of light, if you may call it, that he saw in a dream. The wild cat was turned at Tankfans, standing on the opposite side of the round building, with that circle in the middle between them. Letting himself to his instincts, Tankfas putted the staff of Red Spruce on the circle. As he let it go, the staff started floating in the beam of light, and the light became stronger. He watched as white wild cat slowly shapeshifted into a cloaked human figure, by grabbing the staff. The beam of light disappeared, but the marks on the staff started glowing with a stronger light then before. The cloaked figure spoke and told Tankfans many things, among those, it made an impression that there will be more artifacts in the future, with a purpose. The figure spoke but not with words, but by thoughts. Before Tankfans got control of himself, wanted to say anything, the figure turned into a white eagle, and flew away. Later on, Tankfans said it was a forest spirit, among the things he wanted to speak about the meeting, he mentioned that there's a good possiblity that the Great Ghost is one of those as well. Tankfans woke up at the Oak Fort, with the staff next to him... He was sure that meeting wasn't a dream. He wanted to know more about this, so he found his leader, Princ Rhaegar, and gave him the staff to research about it, for he knows many things about the forest. Princ Rhaegar after that went to Lore Manor, digging up old scrolls, starting his research, seeking something he ran up to so long ago... [i]The Stone Tablets[/i] Sparrhawk was worried about his friend, Rhaegar. Rhaegar was busy in Lore Manor for days, after he finally left it, he went roaming the realm for days as well, only after it to return to Lore Manor again. Rhaegar was not talkative to him, so Sparrhawk decided to see what's going on. He found that Rhaegar was careless, losing some of his journal pages on his journey... He instructed number of seekers to find them, and help his friend... Days passed and they collected few of the journal pages. It wasn't much, but it gave Sparrhawk an idea of what was happening. Apparently, Rhaegar was searching for this Stone Tablets, rumored to be empowered by Forest Spirits, and there were 4 of those tablets... The interesting thing the journals were spread all over the realm, from Golemus to MDA lands... Days passed and Rhaegar went to normal, Sparrhawk was glad his friend is back to his old state, but Rhaegar still didn't want to answer questions about the journey... Sparrhawk decide to forget about it, after all he didn't saw any tablets in Rhaegar's possession, maybe he got rid of them... [b]~[/b] Marvolo, son of storms, wanted an enchanted item to help him in his weather invokes... Rhaegar offered him the Red Spruce staff, explaining that it has interesting powers, that would come in handy for him. Marvolo accepted it gratefully, and continued his works, in time, finding out that Staff makes him a lot more powerful in his rituals... [attachment=1441:Marvolo picture 2 - vec preradjeno.jpg] [art by Marvolo. Round building, where Tankfans met the forest spirit]
  16. please, close this topic
  17. good bye m8, have luck in RL and see that you come back at some point...
  18. let me paraphrase it into Thank you Grido, then I completely forgot about the treasury for LHOs
  19. armors and weapons, in my opinion shouldnt give you spells, (unless enchanted to) but to give you auras for fights (that arent bugged please ) and no way Lib, its too much you want to gain WPs too when you strike, maybe?
  20. I have heard it from other player, and saw it in my own MD shop as well, I gained 5$ so just want to check with everyone, is this some kind of winter promotion thing or what...? anyways, I thank you Mur
  21. edit: answer to announcements I've been wanting this since I joined MD to the topic, I will start with my own item, Ritual Knife. Not sure what spell would fit it, but could you allow it to sacrifice my creatures without using an altar? not that I can use it in a good way like that tho... it would lead to alt abuse so not for that ability (i just mentioned it cause it fits the desc). a suggestion, I was planning to mention two items in my future quests (will post the central data for current progress soon), seeing stones (made of those stone tablets if any of you remember), based on LoTR palantirs, it would allow people to see the location of the owner of second seeing stone, perhaps something more too [color="#FF0000"]Mur: so the first item you make a suggestion but you also realise it will lead to alt abuse, then why bother? I could make an item to sacrifice a creature but the sacrifice reward will have to be calculated entirely different and THAT could lead to abuse or inefficiency. The palantir idea is interesting, not sure if to bind it with locate spell or earfocus. Both items functionality is far from i can do effectively right now but i will keep them in mind as possible ideas for later. Provide a more detailed and well balanced plan for the creature sacrifice idea and i might do it on the ritual knife.[/color] [color="#0000FF"]answer to Mur:[/color] thanks for your reply Mur perhaps deleting the ability to gain any temporary points when saccing with the knife (that would erase possibility that I would use it for alt abusing-i wouldnt anyway, but I plan to give suggestions so you dont have to rely on my word), but in my opinion, it should have increased max VE for every creature that gives it by certain percent? (I wouldn't dare to say 100%, but lets say 50% more gained max VE? so lets say creature X gives 400 max VE upon saccing, now it should give 600), cause it's a ritual knife and by saccing a creature I give its vitality to me. I also have drachorn scales... it says it fire-ressistant, dont know how will that be useful unless fire-related spell makes it way out. so no idea about that one yet except maybe defense aura of increased def stats to plus (random number) 300? or percent of my defense? or increase drachorns defenses? not sure about that one... about the Seeing stones (palantirs), locating spell would fit its role perfectly I dont know what earfocus does, tho. Anyway, they should be more detailed and revelead in one of my (and my "quest company" ) later quests, when I finish those I will post the link here (or post the link via message to you if you want). Among the mentioned abilities, can it be set that it has unlimited casts of locating the player that has the second seeing stone?
  22. I can't access (not even MD archives btw, if it makes any difference)
  23. like I said, there's ALWAYS something to learn. Knowledge has no limits (it doesn't depend on time)
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