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Everything posted by phantasm

  1. row 8 column 10
  2. looks like a nasty burn skin burn:D
  3. [quote name='vampir' date='25 February 2010 - 05:54 AM' timestamp='1267095278' post='55179'] Anyway, MoodPanel mostly reminds me of early-age television surveys when they used to give out mics to just about anyone on the crowded main boulevard to 'say something for the television'. Usually near the end, but not as a rule, they would caught a garbage man or an old homeless person who then either ranted about others' faults for their lives or would go straight to sending greetings to distant members of their families.. Yes, there were random and provocative statements back then as well. [/quote] That is the whole beauty of it. I loved those surveys back then, and I love the mood panel now. Course I am probally one of the few who actually remember the years when those surveys were popular:P
  4. was surprised to see this post. Haven't seen you around at all much latly Kriskah. You have always been the true example that all merchants should go by. Have you come back to MD? I hope so because this economy could direly use your talents agian
  5. very nice Kyphis, as always you prove your Bard worthy title. I also hope that Mur decides to continue the AL. The Lands of the East is an important part of my MD life and when I heard it was going to continue i couldn't sleep I was so excited. Now to see this post is a tragic blow. As all things some of us make mistakes when we say things, in anger, or frustration, or drunken rage:D. As people have forgiven me in the past for thing said of such, we can only hope that this can be the same case. As humanity is, we try, we fail, we forgive, we try again, we prosper. Or at least that's how I like to look at it.
  6. depends shadow on whos VE is bigger. It only deals out the amount of VE in order to kill the other creatures. If you have 3x the VE the other person has then it overrides it. Or at least I think thats how it works.
  7. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='22 February 2010 - 05:24 PM' timestamp='1266877444' post='54974'] as you already figured i can't [b]and dont want to[/b] take something from someone just because others wish it more. He didnt get them free, from what i saw he got his items fair, actually with more effort than any of you, so i don't see what is wrong with this. Yes he is hoarding them, but he could as easy create 5 alts and keep a low profile and what then?? I am much much more concerned by those of you keeping nice avatars on alts then someone trying everything to get items. If you don't like him hoarding the items that way then dont sell them to him, simple as that. Looks to me like a gangup against a player that is not that popular but keeps that top position on a popular list. Therefor also the topics about removing the item owner list. Its something like lets rob him or at least lets make him invisible to protect our ego. What about i make it so that people with drachs wont be able to use them on people without drachs? if you want communist rules so much. ps. would be nice to hear his intentions and opinion on this too, not so hard to write a post is it shape shifter, maybe a bit of social interaction would solve the problem faster than an official robbery you are asking me to do. [/quote] Well isn't that something. Of course I don't and would never sell to a horder. I think that those that do are only helping degrade the problem. For you yourself to say that its OK TO HORDE RAW MATERIALS THAT SHOULD BE USED TO CREATE ITEMS, well I guess there really isn't any more that can be said. The same goes for the experimental items that were supposed to be tested and then put back so that others could try. I assumed that those were to be shared and enjoyed by all, not horded under a "collector". For Mur himself to say that this is ok, there is not point in this topic to continue. *edit* i agree with the avitar thing also. There are many wonderful avitar artworks that are never seen due to inactivity of players gone by or hording of them on alts.
  8. Assurancetourix was given a silver coin for being the first person to say she was poor around me.
  9. i like fenrir's protest of sitting at the GGG without setting a ritual. Its not only mature, but quite effective in tearing down the GGG.
  10. phantasm


    "As we stand upon the edge of the world, the sea calls. It's salt, sweat, blood, and tears await to add yours to it. A pirate's life for me, Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of Rum." Blackbeard the Pirate
  11. MRV gave me a silver coin this morning for being the first he ran across that said hi. Marvolo was the first person I ran across with a flask of sand in his inventory. So I gave him another flask of sand.
  12. i call shenanigans i tried to pick the one i thought she would be least likely to prepare!
  13. [quote name='Burns' date='21 February 2010 - 10:04 AM' timestamp='1266764689' post='54900'] Actually, Shadow and me had the luck of having a conversation with him just last night, he doesn't play a merchant, or anything, he holds the items because 'they are unique, and i like having unique things' (semi-quote) Also, his only incentive to trade is to have uniquer things, and yesterday he offered to trade Popcorn, Cigar and Wet Beer Coaster one on one for any unique item he would like better. It's a shame that money buys so many people, but it's entirely your own fault if you let it happen that people get the things you want. Whether or not he likes MD, or even understands MD, doesn't change anything about the fact that he _could_ buy all the items he wanted, and since he doesn't play, what is his incentive to give items away for less than he needed to buy them? [/quote] Point proven. That quote is of a horder not a merchant. I agree that he doesn't have to sell them for any less then what he buys them for, all "merchants" should make a profit for their time. The unwillingness to sell for anything less then other items is the issue. Especially considering usable items that were ment to be used and then placed back for others to enjoy. Instead they only become another part of a horder's inventory, and brings no enjoyment to the main population of MD. *edit* keep in mind this is raw materials, and usable materials only. ACTUAL unique items is not a part of the worry/conversation.
  14. Ok I have bit my tongue long enough. At first it was just stupid watching him acquire all of these raw mats. Now it has come to where he is hording usable items (can of beer, popcorn). What just so he can be top on the item owners list? I find it insulting that (most likely someones alt) is hording such things. I have rarely, and I'm sure many have never, seen him online or even playing the game. *edited after views have been added* OK sure he aquired them fair and square. Is that any less of a reason to horde new usable items? I don't see how that has much of a bearing on being a "merchant type" though usually merchants are an active and helpful part of the community. I see a little clearer into this situation, but doesn't make it much better. In fact, if anything, it only makes the point worse. As far as his taking the items away. Perhaps people would be a little less likely to horde all the items that could be used to benefit people if they were punished for hording items. I just the other day gave a raw mat to a good friend because those who do have 7+ planks are unwilling to trade them for anything less then a "unique item"
  15. Observer's post is laughable at best. So not much need to comment on that. Burns. A main reason why I said you were the exception. "Phan, you know as well as me that it's a blatant lie. No Globe in the world, not even in billions of years to come, can give you a realistic chance against a fighter." I agree with completly. Many of those who don't dedicate their time in MD to fighting, only seek the chance to defend against fighters, not beat them. "And win against token drachs with just immense attack and def? Don't lie into your own pockets, bro..." Come on lets give a little more credit then this. Without having this turn into a spoiler, we both know Angiens work and its a very effective way to defend against drachorns when properly trained. "It's a great place for players with weak stats to raise low level creatures, like grasans and knats and eles and angiens, but the training it offers is incomparably worse than the one offered outside of it." I agree with this 100% Its why I like you Burns:P *edit for ShadowSeeker* Your name was never brought up because of the facts you have stated. Thats why you were left out of this topic completely. You have always been one to be very helpful in the ways of training and instructions on how to train.
  16. You all forgot the most important one! [size="6"] ITS A GAME- HAVE FUN!!!![/size]
  17. *incoming shameless plug* Quite a few of you have noticed, but many have not. I currently have a Progression Quest going on. Specific RPing has been happening over the past month involving different characters in different lands. It is an idea in the theory of the Shadow Principle, purely a fiction I created, and with the help of good people is being constructed. I can name at least two other people (who may not want to be named so names are left out) who have also started/about to start progression quests like this. Keep your eyes open in MD and I think you will see more goes on then what you think goes on.
  18. I agree the GGG was a good place set up by the MRs. The ONLY issue I can see with this is the increase in the past couple months of mp3s and mp4 who should be out enjoying the actual battles instead of mindless training at the GGG. The whole purpose of the GGG, in my opinion, was created to help the MP5s. Many of the older MP5s out there are close to or at skill loss. With the DSTs, Burns, Dayredeemer, Observer, etc. who run around attacking anything they see without mercy, the GGG gives people a safe place to train. Is it wrong for them to attack everything in sight? Of course not, they are as free to do as they like as anyone else. It does however make those with huge loss numbers hide in the GGG and in sanctuaries in fear of skill damage. Add to that the HC when it becomes a free for all of losses, and you get what you have currently. Burns is somewhat an exception because every once in a blue moon he will put up defenses that are beatable. For the most part these "monster" fighters have impossible defenses and offenses for the general MP5/alliance population. Add to that the fact that it's near impossible for MP5s to gain honest victories I see the GGG as a safehaven for the "weaker" MP5s to try and work on stats, and creatures in hopes of one day being able to defend against 6 drachorns with full tokens barraging them every available chance. For the most part the GGG does not give victories, so it's not like people are climbing out of the -500, -800, -1200 losses they are down. So again I say, the GGG is a great place for the MP5s. I think more the issue is the MP3 who stays an MP3 for 6 months, trains creatures to max, and obliterates all new players who come in to the point they can't help but wonder if the whole game will be this kind of ruthless attacking. The saddest part is they usually come to find out that it is, unless they spend lots of money in the MD shop and time at the GGG like some *cough* MP3s are doing.
  19. 4 silver for box #6
  20. perhaps i am mistaken or perhaps it was not stated clearly enough. I believe you have to bid on the box lunch you wish to partake in in silver
  21. Alot of what I have to say Peace has said as well. While Phantasm isn't my original character, he is my main and the one where i really grew and found my nitch in MD. I have been playing him for a year now, only 4 months newer then Peace. I saw the great days of Ravenoid, BigC, Khalazdad, and on and on and on. I have played many a games online for a span of around 20 years, and the thing I loved most about this game was the RP. It has been a LONG time since any game incorporated RP as effectively as this game. The fact that Mur is a living breathing human that contributes to progression instead of a corporation or company is what separates it from many. I'm not even a big fan of browser games. I always considered them "kids" games and better left to those who couldn't play real games like Everquest, Vanguard, Warhammer, and so on. This is game is an exception to the rule. It has not only lasted a long time, but been held together by the player base, not a corporation base. It is for that reason that I feel it will continue to thrive, and I will continue to play the game. I enjoy the game immensely still, and plan to for a long time. The friends that I have found here and the enjoyment that I have participated in can not be measured. As all the great games it has put a permanent place in my mind with many a fond memories. As all games, they have their ups and downs. This happens to be a down time, as there have been down times in MD in the past. Not as bad as this one but still the same. I think as Burns stated, when Mur moved out of the game itself and started working on the mechanics and the coding more, many people fell off the wagon because they thought they fell into another game that was controlled by a computer instead of by a human being. As Mur has stated, he got burnt, as we all do from time to time, and hopefully we will see a renewal in the progression and action that we so enjoy. People will come back, of that you can be sure. Just because they have left doesn't mean they are gone for good. They keep tabs through friends in YIM, through the forum, and other ways to be sure whats happening. While we have lost some of the greats for good, there are bound to be new greats. The key behind it all is to hold together as a community, remember why we came to this game, and ride the tough times out to see the good times. Like a marriage (yes ive been married a LONG time) you learn to live with the bad and love the good. I know alot of you are younger then I am, and many probably don't see or understand it. You will though, and hopefully it will not only keep you in the virtual world, but make you better in the real world. "Sometimes it is only through Imagination we learn our own Greatness" Quoted by A Wise Man
  22. sharazhad- always a sweet queen of loreroot, who sits faithfully at the side of Firs. Love to see her jump in and out of the window at the defensive quarter Amoran- A true lover of Loreroot, and a wonderful person to talk to when shes in high spirits. Mya- My little sister and the only one left to pounce after the loss of Jazeria. A true friend since I was a young MDer Burns- A delightful enemy, who never stops to amaze me at his combat skills. Marvolo- The best wolf a friend could ask for ShadowSeeker- A truely unique knight, who as burns, his combat skills surpass many. A great conversationalist who aided me in the early days of MD. Ladytwin- soo much can be said about this upbeat, and very sweet demon. So I'll leave it at that
  23. [quote name='Chewett' date='15 February 2010 - 06:07 AM' timestamp='1266232073' post='54523'] Redd, Honestly it just looks like something happened that wasnt according to your plan, so you want special treatment so you can get yourself back on "the plan" Firstly the exp will not be removed from you By Mur. You will have to accept that just move up a mindpower and forget about it. Secondarily what are you trying to achieve? If you gained personal exp that means that someone lost against you. And if you really wanted to stick to your plan perhaps you should have been more careful. The problem i have with this topic is that you have no idea if someone purposely did this or if it was your fault. And this would effect how you should behave massively. There is nothing you can do or anyone can do to stop something like this, it is perfectly within the rules so i dont see anything wrong with this. You just gained a bit of exp and that wasn't according to your plan. So suddenly you think that they are "out to get you" If you look at all the other MP3 grinders i see none of them complaining so it isn't likely someone targeting everyone... Plans dont always go to plan, but if you cant take it when one little thing goes wrong, i cant see how you will survive the rest of MD... [/quote] I agree completely with Chewy on this. The GGG had been a debate since the MRs officially started it. It was how the MR's grew so powerful beforehand and how many of the players now are so powerful stat wise. As many say STATS are only a small part of the game. The ability to know how to use the stats and your creatures is the bigger part. The MP3 class doesn't use nearly the skill to use your creatures as half of the "background" mechanics are not in effect until MP5. Like Chewy said plans don't always go as planned, its one thing to stir a debate on the forum about an injustice that is rped, or easily enough fixed. To start such a complain about getting maxed out in XP at MP3 while idle in the GGG is ludicrous. (don't ya love all the shorthand). Move on to MP4 and challenge yourself. It's easy to say you want to stay an MP3 and have creatures that wipe out newbies in a single hit. MP3 is a designed MP class to learn new things, aquire a beginning and move on. Most of us who are older vets were MP3 for perhaps a week. Not several months.....
  24. row 8 column 48
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