whitewater they are not talking about those with an item or two. The main discussion about it is those who "horde" raw materials to have a high position on items owner list. To make them more "popular" though it often has the opposite effect. I myself have been trying to acquire wood planks for some time to create an item. Most with such an item want an item in return so they can "stay at the top of the list" and have openly admitted to it. These are the people that this is targeting more then those who have earned their items.
I myself had to quest for weeks, use a wish point, and work very hard for my most prized item, a piece of important roleplay to me. Quite a few anymore items just "appear" in their inventory for good RP. While I think that's a good thing, many of us older members of the community had to get items the hard way. It is many of those people, including myself, who frown upon the hording of raw materials just to have a spot on the list.