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Phantom Orchid

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Everything posted by Phantom Orchid

  1. [center][b]Secret Places[/b] From our secret places By a hidden path, We come in the moonlight Safe from the wraiths. There the night through We soak in our pleasure, Dancing to such a measure As only the weald ever knew. To song and dance And lilt without a name, So sweetly breathed Devoid of all shame. And many a young maiden Is there, of mortal birth, Her young eyes laden With dreams of earth. And many a youth entranced Moves slowly in the weald o'er round, His brave lost feet enchanted, With the rhythms of fairy sound. Music so forest regal And piercing sweet would bring Harmony with blackbirds singing Their best in the ear of spring. And now they pause in their dancing, And look with troubled eyes, Earth straying children With sudden memory wise. They pause, and their eyes missing moonlight With wisdom growing cold, Grow dim and a thought goes fluttering In the hearts no longer old. And then the dream forsakes them, And sighing, they turn anew, As the whispering music takes them, To the dance of the Nymph crew. O many a thrush and a blackbird Would soar o'er the ground, And pine away in silence For envy of such a sound. So the night through In our sad pleasure, We dance to many a measure, That only the weald ever knew.[/center]
  2. My deep affinity for trees began before entering this realm, when I was a Druid - one with the knowledge of the oak. That was before falling down deep into what some may call a rabbit hole... Down, down, down. When I first came into this realm I happened upon Bob, and have since grown to love the tangled stories threaded throughout his past and present. I have my truths and my legends about Bob, which could explain why I became his defender. But I am not alone here. Everyone else who has been touched by him too have their own tales - they are all interconnected. I defend him because I love him (and he's really cute - especially in bloom - but that's besides the point), as I love the courage that trees have taught me to carry. He has taught me the meaning of reciprocity. We live in community - Bob's defenders must never forget that. Furthermore, this is all not to mention how the fate of everyone in this realm is inextricably entwined, somehow, to the fate of this Tree. Phantom Orchid Priestess & Knight of the Full Moon - CoE
  3. [center][b]No Less Than Full [/b] Our eyes See only the phases Though she is always full Our hearts See only the shadow But her love is always here Our minds Reason it away But her joy is always present Our spirit Knows without words That the Goddess of the Moon is always near O Lady of the Moon, in your full beauty O Love of the Nymphaea, come into the light that casts no shadow O Joy of the Winderwild, overflow our cup of reason with your wine O Goddess, fill us, fill us with your knowing That our hearts may again rejoice Our eyes may once again be filled Our reason overcome Spirits abounding In You.[/center]
  4. I have a couple of cents of input to throw in... When I obtained permanent access to LR back entrance through wish-shop I was under the impression that this was the spell which 'opens the gates' - and through which others would be allowed entrance through, briefly, as the spell allows. My character was banking on this for roleplay purposes; for I would not have spent a wishpoint on this had I known it 'only' gave [i]me[/i] thru access. Blessings, Poe
  5. : Phantom Orchid builds a small fire next to the arch to incant a lunar ritual next to it : Amoran smiles and picks up a jagged rock, placing the sharpest edge agains ther palm : Amoran cuts a large gash into her palm and lets the blood drip off of her fingers : Amoran circles Orchid, speaking soft words of protection before closing the circle : Amoran traces a few runes onto the wooden arch in blood before wandering back to the Oak Fort
  6. [quote name='Last Soldier' post='33767' date='Jun 17 2009, 05:00 PM']What about the Principal of my Hatchet to your Face![/quote] *looks down at Last Soldier's hatchet and chuckles* You call that a [i]hatchet[/i]? Blasted thing probably couldn't even snap a toothpick in half...
  7. [quote name='Shadowseeker' post='33590' date='Jun 16 2009, 10:31 AM']Uh..think I did answer it, my idea is the paste...after all, I'm more for restoration instead of regeneration.. Ashes with the usage of cyclicity would mean it regrows, but that is something different from recreating it...thus the paste.[/quote] I concur with Shadowseeker. As well, issues of time manipulation seem overkill at best and unpredictably harmful at worst. Before coming into this realm I lived as a druid, one who is inextricably entwined with trees - my leading principle is element, followed by imagination and balance - and now as a priestess of the CoE I have continuously offered blessings to Bob in every passing through the Path of Loneliness. As much as the physical mechanics of patching Bob up are important, I know that the spiritual matters are just as well. Though my rituals have been private thus far, I will share what I do know of budding and grafting. If the break was not 'clean', then planing it to match a 30 degree angle of attachment would be in order. Also, if a T-shaped cut is made into the bark of the trunk, just barely larger then the size of the branch, then the small flap of bark will hold the branch snug and a 'whip and tongue' lash could then be wound around to bind the two. I'm left to wonder, might there be a way for to siphon vitality from a donator into the broken branch? If it were possible, and directed towards the proximal end of the branch, then this would help it to regenerate.
  8. Phantom Orchid ID:141255
  9. I did not get a chance to repond to the defamation of my character here: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=4280"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=4280[/url] There are obviously some very deep and powerful issues that were brought up, ones which will only grow and fester if light is not shed onto them. I've tried very hard to be civil with Akasha, but have only be slighted and made to appear as an aggressor by her. This has become a pattern. It is almost predictable that Akasha has me on her 'ignore list' when she has refused - it's been well over a week now - to respond to my submission for her quest. Additionally, she wrote a note on my wishpoint (from a previous quest) saying I got a low value for not following her request for additional information - though *absolutely none* was given. *hands Akasha a magical cookie which will satiate the need for power/control and alleviate feelings of victimization for 5 minutes* Enjoy it while it lasts... [edited for about the 5th time...geesh my spelling is bad]
  10. [quote]First, you forgot about your mesage don't worry i have it:[/quote] If you actually read what I posted you will see it's there. [quote]Second, this is like what? 3-4rd time you come to mie like i have done something wrong?[/quote] I fail to see where my question assumed anything about you or your intentions. [quote][b]Btw: Stop harrazing me by pm's please. I am not cheating nor trying to beat you to death in battles and hide that.Stop bitching at me.[/quote] If asking for help is 'bitching,' then I promise you I will ask no more - unless you change your message tag to LHB [quote]i advise you to calm down and appologize for accusing me all the time...or let's say using the acusation tone..sounds better?[/quote] What exactly have I accused you of? Have a beautiful day May you be blessed with 10,000 smiles Priestess Orchid
  11. [quote name='Chewett' post='33047' date='Jun 8 2009, 11:27 AM']hmm seems nice and friendly. Yes when a burst is used fights are erased from the system. From both sides. So logs dont appear after someone has used a burst.[/quote] Thank you Chewett. I wasn't aware it was erased on _both_ sides until today. See, I learn something new everyday. In return I teach what I learn - It makes this realm all that much richer when there's cooperation. *scrambles off to go tell more secrets to the spruce planted at Old Man's Road.*
  12. Yesterday I tried to ask Akasha a question, as she has a LHO message tag I thought she was LHO. *From: .Akasha. (ID:1148) *sent 8 hours and 33 minutes ago Read later Original message: Akasha, Do you know why your attack is not in my battle log anymore? My last ten fights are, but not that one. I'll ask around. Thank you Priestess Orchid -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original message RE:Battle Log =))) you really need to calm down..ask around but it is not me cheating ask about 1 word : burst =)) geeejjjzzz u have PROBLEMS ! *From: .Akasha. (ID:1148) *sent 8 hours and 31 minutes ago Read later Original message: Akasha, Do you know why your attack is not in my battle log anymore? My last ten fights are, but not that one. I'll ask around. Thank you Priestess Orchid -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original message RE:Battle Log i tell you what: LEARN TO PLAY and after that come to me Enjoy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your reply to this message: Aren't you a LHO? I was asking because I thought you were. I feel hurt that you call me those things. This game would be better if people would help each other out. bye
  13. We have lots to work with here. Bob - Life cycle similar to other trees? Grows as they do? Some trees resprout quickly (maples will resprout even if their entire trunk is cut down) Bloom - Happens quickly (time sped up?) Was it a clean break and will the branch 'fit' back into place? It may need physical support once it's put back into position. If the trunk has scarred over where the break happened, then we may need to abrade it so Bob's juices will be able to flow into the branch. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Use of principles: I am very pleased by what my cohorts have come up with thus far. The following comments are to further explore and discuss what is already a great start. Time - beautiful use of it; however, if we are even a little bit 'off' working our magic then any mishap will be exaggerated and it will be harder to go back and fix any mistakes Syntropy - Life Force / Energy / Mana must be *held* by the elements used in this process, otherwise they will dissipate. For example, leaves have chloroplasts which *hold* sunlight particles and use that energy in the molecular process of turning carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates (food), oxygen, and water. Transposition - Having a hard time understanding how this one might come into play ------------------------------------------------------------------- Spells I have protection spell Level 3 ...Any type of affliction causes as a side-effect one element that leads to its curing. Here I believe is where the ashes come into play. Also, besides the physical, this action has had the side-effect of mobilizing Bob's protectors. And Cures spell Level 3 ...a well conceived cure is one in which the concoction made by the ingredients has the ability to either model or erase the fingerprint left by the disease. We must erase the physical, and obvious, fingerprint left by the break, but we must also erase the fingerprint left by evil intentions as well. These are just a few thoughts for now. Priestess Phantom Orchid - CoE
  14. :lol:
  15. [quote name='Aken' post='31867' date='May 21 2009, 09:41 AM']i need to speak with you in game[/quote] Welcome to the CoE Aken!!! And congratulations on getting into LR at mp3. Phantom Orchid, Priestess of the CoE
  16. Greetings, Thank you to all Lorerootians for the success in pulling through with these elections. Let us not be hindered in our organizational efforts to defend Loreroot by those from without. Until this point I have fervently read this forum and participated in it, but unless something changes and the flame-wars die down, my energy will be expended elsewhere in a more productive manner. Blessings to all, Phantom Orchid Priestess of the CoE
  17. Dearest Pamplemousse, Your question: [quote]What makes someone a Lorerootian? Perhaps there are those with an attachment to the land and a desire for its movement back to a viable, thriving land, yet are not in the alliance. Do they not have a say?[/quote] Tarquinus, from the [i]original [/i]post: [quote]This voting is open to ALL residents of the land of Loreroot, including the neutral Crafters if they desire to cast their votes*. To those not yet affiliated with a land, I offer encouragement to submit your name to one of our Censors, Mya Celestia or Gremlin, and indicate your desire to vote in this election. If you have another homeland, I humbly request that you refrain from voting.[/quote] Yes! there are indeed Lorerootians not registered in any alliance, and they too have been encouraged from the start to vote in this election. Phantom Orchid Priestess of the CoE
  18. Kragel ol' pal, Please forgive me. What I took for the excitement of roleplay, an 'attack' against our Sibyl, was obviously nothing more than an interpersonal conflict. *sigh* . Perhaps we should have more relationship counselors in this realm! Oh well, I'm sure I'll see action soon enough... No hard feelings, eh? Poe. p.s. I hope that you all will work this out.
  19. [b]Prayer to Invoke the Moon[/b] We come o'er your hill so fair, To dance upon the dew. And look out upon your handiwork, That morning shall renew. We come into your meadow fair, Home of nymph and faun, To witness all the red-blue sky, Working magic come the dawn. We come into your forest fair, To sing among the trees, To sway carefree amidst the leaves Showering kisses upon the breeze. We come into your wooded fair, And beckon the sun to play, May it dance itself on towards the dusk, And sparkle like the fey. We come into your grove so fair, That the cloak of night come round, To gather stars within its sweep And shine upon the ground. We come upon your world so fair, And think on what we've seen Then fall to sleep with Goddesses of old, And dream on moon-beam wings. [i](Inscribed by Phantom Orchid, inspired by the merriment of Beltaine)[/i]
  20. ooh such a nice blake and hamilton quote. so true sister.

  21. i never said there's anything wrong with shaved body parts, i just said it's strange... how did such a ritual come about in MD?

    *smiles* by the way, i think your lips are grapefruity gorgeous.



  22. are those wedding bells i hear off in the distance?

  23. *gasps* no way!! calyx clearly stated that _i_ sing better in the shower that you do. where's my silver?

  24. *Wipes her brow* Phew, I'm glad a withdrew from the auction block last minute, Calyx would have _killed_ me if I became owned by somebody else. *coughs* Really, congrats to Kragel for putting on a good show and pulling so much support and resources for the market. This was a huge success - and I do know at least a few slaves who are far from displeased with their masters.
  25. [b] A Pirate's Lament[/b] The twilight flows in Through the big window pane. The moon, like a boat, Is sailing the sky. The bright evening star Shows the way onward: A vision as fair As an old lullaby. She sits by the window, Watching the moon And the star’s golden light. Though her mind and her body Are no more, her spirit Is sailing away In the deep cerulean night. When she was alive, She lived on the ocean And gathered the waves With you by her side. And when she died, She moved to the prairie And dreamed of the waves Where her spirit now abides. When you were with her, She taught you the star-rhyme: “I wish that I may, And I wish that I might.” But the sweetest of wishes Are the ones never answered, The longing as rich As the azure evening light. What is she wishing, Tonight by the window, Watching the moon And the star sailing by? Though her body is gone, Her spirit is happy, Sailing away In an old lullaby. (This poem was written for my lover Adiallinda - in honor and memory of somebody very special to her - and also for the inextricable link between moon and sea) [b] Secret Places[/b] From our secret places By a hidden path, We come in the moonlight Safe from the wraiths. There the night through We soak in our pleasure, Dancing to such a measure As only the weald ever knew. To song and dance And lilt without a name, So sweetly breathed Devoid of all shame. And many a young maiden Is there, of mortal birth, Her young eyes laden With dreams of earth. And many a youth entranced Moves slowly in the weald o'er round, His brave lost feet enchanted, With the rhythms of fairy sound. Music so forest regal And piercing sweet would bring Harmony with blackbirds singing Their best in the ear of spring. And now they pause in their dancing, And look with troubled eyes, Earth straying children With sudden memory wise. They pause, and their eyes missing moonlight With wisdom growing cold, Grow dim and a thought goes fluttering In the hearts no longer old. And then the dream forsakes them, And sighing, they turn anew, As the whispering music takes them, To the dance of the Nymph crew. O many a thrush and a blackbird Would soar o'er the ground, And pine away in silence For envy of such a sound. So the night through In our sad pleasure, We dance to many a measure, That only the weald ever knew. (This is one I wrote about the land Loreroot where I live)
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