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Phantom Orchid

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Everything posted by Phantom Orchid

  1. Ulcerated scar tissue formation
  2. If you do a google search for 'magicduel archives,' there is an option to click the 'cached' version of the page - which works. However, you can't navigate through other pages once you do that. You'd have to search for each individual page and then select its cached version in google. Unless there's another way to do this... I'm not too tech savvy
  3. MRWander, This is a tragic declaration, indeed. I cannot applaud enough the MR's for all they have done to help all of us grow stronger.
  4. Here is a cracker-jack lesson in constructive criticism. For too long as the bickering been going on on these forums. It makes me want to puke. However, most of the problems have arisen, not out maliciousness (of which we all to easily use as a scapegoat), but out of miscommunication. There are many obstacles from the beginning of communication; from our thoughts being put into words, from our words being formed into sentences, and then from the person reading our sentences having to break down the words and form them them into thoughts, assimilating them, taking those thoughts as interpretations of what we said and trying to figure out - from what they think we meant to say - what our thoughts and experiences actually are. Whew... there is a lot of room for mistakes here. And it is also important to understand that there are many other barriers to effective communication; languages, cultural, misinterpretations, assumptions. There are also power differences - some have it, some don't. But I will not delve into that just right now. Anyways, back to the lesson. It is all-too-easy to point fingers, assign blame, and berate others. As Akasha suggested, perhaps many of our real life issues are leaking into this realm. For this thread about the AL, I suggest that we take into consideration the following things when communicating; 1) It appears many want to Al to continue 2) There are differences in what people want. In what ways can we each express our desires and our dislikes clearly and definitively? Might any of our language come across as alienating? 3) If there is a disagreement, is there any point of the argument which you might agree with? If this is possible, then it will take some of the fuel from piling up near the flames. If there is nothing you agree with, think about how other people might interpret what you are saying. If there is room for misinterpretation, think about how that might be accommodated for. 4) Notice that criticism takes different forms - constructive is when the intention is to help/build the other persons argument (or when it is to explain why it is not true to, to _help_ them see what you think is wrong with it); When criticism is punitive, destructive, and there are lots of fingers being pointed and shields being held up, then people become closed up and then often think that they have to defend their honor - and in turn will go on the offensive. I, for one - and I know that I am not alone, am excited about the AL continuing. There are many questions/concerns/criticisms about what/how it will continue, but I have faith that however it does manifest, we will all be grateful for the many months of its absence to finally end.
  5. Yoshi, My thoughts and prayers go out to you... along with those of so many others here. Remember that.
  6. Kamisha, I am available to be on the judging panel, if you wish.
  7. *gazes over at dst, smiling* Bygones shall be bygones, eh?

  8. Thank you for your words -- your hope just might keep MD alive

  9. Another to add to the list... : Kamikaze skips up to bob who has been left with no security or protectors in the last few days that he has been here Kamikaze: *helps himself to the twigs and tips bob a wink I know, and you know. Your an apple tree.....they just cant see. And, Kamikaze, Bob _always_ has protectors watching over him - irregardless of whether you see them or not.
  10. It has come to my attention that there _was_ a trojan in my personal papers - from a picture file oro2.jpg I downloaded from the internet. I am technologically challenged - to put it politely - but I think this should be resolved since I deleted the file from my papers _and_ from userfiles storage. But just in case it might possibly cause trouble still, I wanted to let folks know about it... For those who are more tech-savvy, is there anything else I should do? *runs off to buy antivirus software*
  11. Happy birthday! May you have many many more
  12. My ritual has concluded at the temple in the Tribunal lands. Dimian says to me that he overheard Mur there just as we were making preparations to leave. --------------------- Muratus del Mur: i cant seem to be able to stay alone in one place regardless of actionpoint cost of the entrance : Muratus del Mur sits down in the middle of thw hall Muratus del Mur: so i have 4 ... an other 4 , then the two that master the two ..where is it ...hmmm Muratus del Mur: maybe its not here.... Muratus del Mur: takes the cube and looks at it with a searching look ... : Muratus del Mur takes the cube and looks at it with a searching look ... Muratus del Mur: where are you... : Muratus del Mur puts the cube back in his pocked Muratus del Mur: i have 4, then an other 4, the two match, something is missing....damn...its not here... Muratus del Mur: i have to keep searching
  13. I wish to thank all of the moderators of this forum for their hard work and dedication. And I especially wish to thank two of the moderators in particular whom I have butted heads with in the past ( you know who you are )
  14. I have a few journal entries in my Book of Dreams that I would like to share: [b] Journal entry # 5-9-39a[/b] This morning when I awoke I noticed a strange presence in the temple. It feels like prana, but lighter in a way. This is only my second day of being in ritual here, but I am not perturbed considering the other oddities I have observed here. There is a peculiar behavior of light that dances within these venerable walls of breathtaking architecture - crafted by none less than the elite of such profession. I am honored for the clerical inter-alliance cooperation with the Savelites for providing such an opportunity to offer my mind, body, and soul to the Goddess of the Moon here. I observed the following: [i]: Muratus del Mur leaves his coat on the floor and places a small cube in front of him Muratus del Mur: Lets see if i can do this... i can't stand borders [/i] Though I have remained respite from the sun within these walls, my servant has told me that when he delivers food and water it now takes the effort of two hundred steps just to walk up the handful of them leading up and into the temple. The words of Mur are resonant within me... How I long for to travel to the other side [i]where there are no borders[/i]. [b]Journal entry # 5-9-39b[/b] My servant Dimian tells me of what he has heard from his travel here: The following words at wind's game: [i]: Muratus del Mur looks behind trying to spot unwanted followers[/i] This one at plains of liberty: : [i]Muratus del Mur picks a small rock and places it in his pocket | Muratus del Mur: That should do it ... [/i] Then, at the foundation: : [i]Muratus del Mur murmurs some words and draws a line on the ground just between the two pillars | Muratus del Mur: No need to get out at this time.. its safer for you ..go back[/i] In checkers hall: :[i] Muratus del Mur leaves a rock under the chair | Muratus del Mur: Forget! | Muratus del Mur leaves in a hurry[/i] [b]Journal entry # 5-9-40a[/b] I came back into this world during my ritual at the GoE. My head hurts and my creatures have been bruised from the journey, but I shall return to conclude my service at the Temple in the East. [b] Journal entry # 5-9-41a[/b] Again it happened! I returned to the temple, and resumed my ritual. It happened just as the Source was flowing through me... and I came back to what some call 'the present' outside the Lighthouse in Golemus. (And there were not even any falling houses or glittery red shoes to boot!) [Edit: Mods, not sure if this thread belongs here or in the Tribunal section of the forum]
  15. Row 9 | Column 9
  16. [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='09 February 2010 - 11:43 AM' timestamp='1265744592' post='54177'] Racism hardly exists in North America anymore. [/quote] Please read the following article: [url="http://www.counterpunch.org/washington03252008.html"]Racism in America and Other Uncomfortable Facts[/url] Your argument is unfounded,to put it politely. MODS: I request this topic be closed now.
  17. Hello, First off, this thread has gone [i]way[/i] off-topic. None of this has anything to do with discrimination. However, as it appears this issue has now become a spectacle (ugh), I have posted below my latest PM response to DST. ------------------------------------------------ Sent Today, 11:12 AM DST, Look. Today has been a really *****y day for me, and my reaction towards this has less to do with you than what's happening in RL for me. I admit that the 'joke' was meant to be insulting and hurtful - that was my reaction for you using, in my opinion, the PL for non-PL related things. It is my understanding that the PL is to be used for character description/interactions. Saying that Nikki is an alt and not to praise her because of it does not, in my opinion, fit the intended use of the PL. Your remarks were not in-character. I was not insulted (if ever anyone should try to insult me - good luck with that one!) as I am not an insecure person. However, I was upset because of it. On a side note, I respect your character (I am quite fond of villains, actually) and apologize for the insult of my words. Because of that, I have removed the PL entry. I am trying very hard here to make amends. Do what you will from this point, but just know that I would rather we put this energy towards Roleplaying instead of fighting out-of-character. Take care, Poe
  18. Wizened beyond your years and recipient of my winderwild feather. Blessings upon you.

  19. I can edit grade 4 as well, but not the book in Lore Manor. So.. it's either just us or it's an rpc clickable.
  20. [quote name='pamplemousse' date='07 February 2010 - 09:47 PM' timestamp='1265608051' post='54052'] There are more people involved than just those that volunteer. The information should be provided to the community at large, not just those who volunteer. If I may recommend something: peruse the topics about the previous auction so you can see where problems arose, and make efforts to avoid them, if you can. [/quote] Yes, it is my recollection that the first market-based event pioneered by Kriskah was largely subverted and ended up lining the pockets of certain players. It was, however, a novel idea and quite entertaining.
  21. [b]Diana's Dream[/b] Last night I dreamed Of jesters and kings, Of long scarlet carpets Where the crier doth sing: "Do not be dismayed, Scared or afraid. Her will, be done, Thy night it shall come!" Moonlight descends Upon unholy priests, On the Well of Tears Where sip the dark beasts. Iridescent eyes Reflecting the skies, Mother wolf to howl, Taking pause in her prowl. Goddess set us free From the other side, From the Underworld Where our spirits abide. Our bodies shall go, Unto land so hallowed. One with the very ground, Glorious mountains crowned. As now I dream Her body into me. Her spirit abounds, Blurred is the boundary. Night it seeks day, Which is taken away. Dancing around, As sky meets the ground. Shades upon us, see, Accursed Growth tree - A part of my home; A vision e'er so comely. Sweet dream of mine, Or am I of thine? Without, within - We end where we begin. A circle to surmise, Sunset o'er its rise. Spirals, back to back, Do dilate and contract. Breathe life into me- Out of this box to see; Within or without - Busting free, breaking out. ------------------------------------ [b]A Traveler's Lamentation[/b] We venture out of mist From stories left untold. A cabin of paper greets us- A glimmering map of gold. Keep safe what will guide you, Sure as the stars are sworn. Our hearts never to fail us, Should our wills become worn. Do end the haunts and horrors Of the crazy girl in a box? We are handed now a keyring, But with keys for unmatched locks. Journeys throughout each land, From without as well as within. Do take to heart this plain advice: We end where we begin. Hear out those for to greet Who will help us not to stray. But one alone must defeat the bull Standing firmly in the way. With courage comes prevalence In an epic battle under Tree. A curious sight, upon the wall, Watches a lazy but veracious Z. Once our wits they do char And our hearts begin to swoon, Up come Shades from the ground- Are they a bane or a boon? Thick dust swirls an answer above, Just like the clouds that do Become a tempest for us to take. What for the lands to construe? Each land does hold a weapon, Two but unlike the rest, That share common misfortune If one decides to best. Dare not to tarry long in Fire, water, earth, or air- For there is only one to balance, Without the others would not fare. For each gate we come to pass, Another plane there is to be. One is of a trickster God, In wise words he does decree: Those that may, those that might, His warning do not heed, A spot lay open in the graveyard Next to ones who forever bleed. When alas the time has come, For which open our minds to be, To pass the Loreroot guardians And enter land of majesty. Down trails Raven travels, Shade of fluttering Oak leaves. Useful beings are found here Such as knators, birds, and trees. Hear! A drunken sailor Bantering cantankerously. If cannot be found a ferry to take, Follow his spirit to sea. Out across the chasm of wizards, In mountains of spruce and palm, Drachorns and magic await you; Their legends to prove a balm. Blessed be the elders, Who have trudged the paths alee. Blessed be the young ones, A new perspectives for to see. Blessed be the musings of, A magical realm to beguile. Blessed be the frown Turned upside down into a smile.
  22. WTB several max age Imps- not interested in tokens. Send a forum PM if willing to sell/trade.
  23. Perhaps an item might be created, such as a thief's tool, which could allow one to steal items from players who hoard more than 'x' number of items. Because having so many items [i]must[/i] be hard to keep track of. Or perhaps some other system of balance for items... As this top-heavy capitalistic ideal of self-serving appropriation is probably the most unbalanced system ever.
  24. bump And ages are +10 days now
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