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Phantom Orchid

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Everything posted by Phantom Orchid

  1. How can you have an enclosed, perpetual power source? That would violate the first and/or second law of thermodynamics. I am not convinced this is possible, but I eagerly await to have my mind blown by a successful entry!
  2. *smiles* Hello Kiley!

  3. *holds up a mirror* I'm watching you ..don't panic! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lashtal


      Mirrors should reflect a little before throwing back images! *blinks*

    3. Stipple


      Magic Mirror, tell me today, have all my friends had fun at play? - let's go romp around the room.

    4. ERO


      Mirrors..gates to other worlds

  4. I have 4 Tormented Souls (250+ days and 68,000+ heat each) I'd like to sell for coin and/or Resource item(s). Post offers here or PM and include how many you are bidding for. I also have aged heretic archers and elementals - PM if interested.
  5. [quote name='Firsanthalas' timestamp='1310673812' post='87941'] Well I have to say that I find it interesting that the king isn't even a citizen of his own kingdom. So, yeah, I do believe there is a certain relevance. But maybe that's just me and Darigan by the looks of things. [/quote] and me. I have also heard many others question this in-game.
  6. Happy Birthday Akasha!!!
  7. i know i'm late. but happy b-day!!!
  8. Not many are aware, but I am a member of the Crafters. However, I do have my limitations as a Crafter, that is, I mainly craft items of divination with non-human made raw materials. Perhaps my skills will grow in Time, perhaps not. [i]Background[/i]: Before I came into this realm I was a Druid trained in the arts of divination. As a people, we were of the woods; naturalists, healers, protectors and defenders of the wild. The priesthood of the Druids have a rich history in practices of divination. Scrying, using images seen in crystals or other mediums such as bodies of water, is used to make meanings clairvoyant from what otherwise appears to be cloudy, unreachable planes of existence. Due to its transparent nature, a gemstone called beryl is often used for divination. This gemstone in particular has the ability to cut through either external, environmental noise, or internal noise contained within a frazzled mind. Information obtained from these readings may then be used to make decisions concerning those affected. I have listed some examples of my abilities as a Crafter to give you an idea: [b]Crystal Ball[/b], 6 inches in diameter [b]Dream journal[/b] - Made from Oak leaves bound by winderwild hair. [b]Divining Rods[/b], hand-crafted of durable copper (if there are metals to be had in this realm - otherwise, maple or cherry wood may be used) and rubbed with Lavender oil. [b]Broom[/b] - Oak handle with native straw grass The simplest use of the broom is to use it to sweep and purify a sacred space before performing a ritual. More advanced magic involves its use for protection, fertility and prosperity. (teleportation?) [b]Oak Wand[/b] As above, so below. The mighty Oak, a symbol of strength and protection, is the keeper of knowledge. Teaching both persistence and endurance, its roots extend to the underworld; its branches touch the cerulean sky. [i]Runes (3 of 13)[/i] 13 stones, each representing one of the 8 Sabbats [b]Crescent Moon Stone[/b] Sabbat is Samhain Gender is female Meaning is Femininity. The flow of the tides, both internal and oceanic. Knowledge and wisdom, psychic awareness. [b]Snake Stone[/b] Sabbat is Spring Simple answer is "no" Gender is Male Move away from your present environment. A journey, or possibly just change. [b]Nature (leaf) Stone[/b] Sabbat is Summer Gender is male The blossoming of something new, possibly a friendship. Indicates happiness and the natural flow of nature. [b]Elemental Stones[/b] (3 of 5) Elemental stones are an expansion of five further stones to add to a set of divination stones. [b]Earth Stone[/b] Triangle pointing downwards. Top side has another parallel line inside triangle. Security and fertility. [b]Air Stone[/b] Triangle pointing upwards. Base has another parallel line inside triangle. The intellect. It stands for intelligence, strength of will and organizational skills. Mental energy and bravery. [b]Spirit Stone[/b] Double triangle joined at the base Ether, spirit / soul. All things have a common element; all things are connected. [b]Moon Stones[/b]: Used for divination by Children of the Eclipse clergy. 4 white and 4 black moonstones.
  9. Why the Sun? Because the Sun likes to play hide-and-seek. But, since it shines so brightly and burns too hot for others to come very close to it, it has nobody but itself to play. So, in order to overcome this, it must pretend it is not itself. But how does it do this? The Sun dreams. It dreams that it is each and every being in the universe; the stars, the stones, the animals (including humans), and the plants. In the Sun's dreams it has many wonderful adventures. It likes it so well, that it sometimes cannot recall where and how it hid itself. But, that's also just what it wants to do - for if it found itself to quickly, the game would surely end. That is why it is hard for us to find it; the Sun is hiding itself in us. In this game of hide-and-seek, the Sun always finds it fun to find new ways of hiding, and to seek for someone who doesn’t always hide in the same place. However, if it went on and on forever, it would get very tired of itself. Therefor, there are times when the Sun is, and then there are times when it is not. It is like one's breath - in and out, in and out. If one tries to hold it in all the time, one would feel terrible. Eventually, the game is over, all of us will wake up and remember that we are all one single Sun - the One that is all and lives forever and ever. Just like a circle. And as the Sun goes around like a circle, there will be no particular place where it 'begins.' There is night as there is day; there is waking as there is sleeping; there is living as there is dying; there is summer as there is winter. You cannot have any one of these without the other - for what is darkness unless you had seen it side by side with light, or light unless side by side with darkness? As a circle, it moves from an inner dynamic of cyclical patterns as it carries forth the four seasons in its yearly round. Within this web of relationships and change, [i]its entity can be defined only by its function, and its significance only as part of the whole pattern.[/i] Likewise, all of life goes through the four stages of birth, maturation, decline, and death. The Sun is also the Self of the world, but it is too 'bright' to directly be seen - and that is for the similar reason that one requires a mirror to see one's own self. This is why many dominating religions are dogmatic and divisive, for they depend on swapping this view for one that separates the believers from the heretics - even though we are all cut from the same cloth. Their institutions demand loyalty to their cherry-picked definitions of 'purity.' Furthermore, no 'creator' would wreck the human mind by making it so rigid and unadaptive such as the ones who depend on any one book, such as the bible, for all of *the* answers. Words can only, at best, point beyond themselves to a world of life and death and experiences that are so much more than words in and of themselves.
  10. [quote name='Rumi' timestamp='1310533949' post='87790'] In many cultures, stones are sacred ancestors, treated with reverence. Stones are not organic matter, yet they degrade and become the dust from which all organisms are borne and to which all return in death. Dust is infused with life and becomes rich soil and every other living thing. The stones we so often see as inanimate objects are the link between a living planet and its constituent organisms; literally, the building blocks. These memory stones are new to us and we know little about them. We have learned that our thoughts and memories can be transfered through the stones, and we know little else. Before a stone is harvested and our thoughts are transfered, it's possible that a memory stone gathers its own memories. Perhaps it remembers our conversations. Perhaps our prayers. Perhaps it remembers the rain. Leaving a single stone remaining would ensure the continuation of those memories and possibly prove to be to our benefit. Thank you for your consideration. [/quote] So eloquently said! One can look at a stone and see only an immutable object Or one can look at a stone and see a mutable object [i]Or[/i], one can look at a stone and see inside the Source of all things/creator/pure energy/vital force (whatever you want to call it)
  11. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1310474939' post='87718'] they behave the same both in realm and in the outer world. if you deplete a place of water, it will come back eventually. letting resources stay forever at zero would cause a big mess over time. one thing i can do is to make a huge delay till they start over from zero [/quote] In the outer world, deserts have been created in several places due to the exploitation of 'natural resources.' And I don't think that the water will ever come back... In realm, in the spirit of the 1/2 rule of resource regeneration, I think that a delay from zero is a good idea.
  12. Can somebody post Dream Quest on ongoing quest list in-game?

  13. It looks like this is happening tomorrow, and if I am online I will participate.
  14. [quote name='Fyrd Argentus' timestamp='1310327396' post='87537'] On 11/07/11 03:19:12 was at 1_-5x4_2 --- Last known location! This is in the future about 6 hours. [/quote] *erases Fyrd's future memory and whispers* That was just a dream...
  15. [quote name='chirobitz' timestamp='1310258501' post='87484'] wow it sounds a little scary. never gone to the labirinth myself. a lot of players warn me not to go since i can get lost easily.. i may try it with my dummy account so i would not waste my main if i could not get out. xP [/quote] Whew, that was a close one. Lucky for me Sephirah guided me out safely. Also, I have priestess duties to attend to - so don't forget that patience is one of the requirements for this quest. It may take Time to get back to you, but I will.
  16. i'm in! i'm not interested in leading a team. who is? i'll join whichever team is offering the most cookies!
  17. [quote name='lashtal' timestamp='1310239753' post='87455'] This is very interesting... Any deadline to find you in-game? [/quote] Its duration and ending will be unpredictable, as dreams are - so no deadline. Which is a good thing for you, because I just got lost in the labyrinth!
  18. Dream Quest is up and running!

  19. [size="6"][center]~~~~ [color="#FF00FF"]D[/color][color="#00FFFF"]r[/color][color="#48D1CC"]e[/color][color="#800080"]a[/color][color="#FF0000"]m[/color] [color="#FF8C00"]Q[/color][color="#00FF00"]u[/color][color="#FFA500"]e[/color][color="#FF00FF"]s[/color][color="#008000"]t[/color] ~~~~[/center][/size] (by Phantom Orchid at Entire MD. ) [b]Reward:[/b] Wishpoint. [b]Also, one bonus prize will be given for most creative submission for part 2.[/b] [b] Requirements:[/b] Any player can participate, including alts; however, you use either one alt [i]or[/i] your main - not both. Rewards are based on the quality of work, which will require patience and perseverance. Also, it is not a race. WARNING: This quest will dance on the fine line between brilliance and madness - it is *not* for the faint of heart! [b] How to start:[/b] [b]PM in-game or on forum no later than server day 195 if you wish to participate. Entries for parts 1 & 2 must be received no later than day 201.[/b] ([i]updated information is in bold[/i]) [sub] [center]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center][/sub] [sub][center]"What if you slept? And what if, In your sleep You dreamed? And what if, In your dream, You went to Heaven And there plucked A strange and Beautiful flower? And what if, When you awoke, You had the flower In your hand? Ah, what then?" Samuel Taylor Coleridge[/center] [center]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center] [/sub]
  20. Burns, That is *exactly* what I was thinking too! They are potentially a wonderful opportunity and teaching tool to allow aspiring magician's to learn spells. But we'll see. Unfortunately when most people see items (this goes for in and out of MD) solely as 'resources' to be exploited for profit, then they are no longer valued for who/what they are.
  21. [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1310155721' post='87394'] 1 is the minimum for moving. 24-40 is under 0, so you just need 1 AP to move. All working as intended. [/quote] anyone notice if the viscosity has increased in a location by people not visiting?
  22. [b][font="Arial Black"][color="#9ACD32"]H[/color][color="#FF8C00"]a[/color][color="#FF0000"]P[/color][color="#0000FF"]p[/color][color="#FF00FF"]Y[/color] [color="#00FFFF"]b[/color][color="#9932CC"]I[/color][color="#FF8C00"]r[/color][color="#4169E1"]T[/color][color="#FFFF00"]h[/color][color="#A0522D"]D[/color][color="#DDA0DD"]a[/color][color="#FF00FF"]Y[/color][/font][/b] [sup]x2[/sup]
  23. I would rather see the Adventure Log active.
  24. *wields a paddle with an innocent look* I've got one for you. *evil laugh*

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