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Phantom Orchid

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Everything posted by Phantom Orchid

  1. This realm and magic contained therein are like an onion, layered and complex. The outer skin is smooth, lifeless, giving off only a mild odor of what is locked inside. Dead remnants of the previous year's stalk are falling off onto the ground and will eventually feed the soil. Underneath the outer skin of the onion, layer upon layer awaits to be peeled back, if one is able and willing. Deeper and deeper, and the harder and harder it becomes (and the more likely it is that one is going to cry ) to continue, until, one finally reaches the 'center' or core. Many would think they found the answer (as if there were [i]one[/i]) here, the source, the beginning. However, a small sprout inhabits the middle, pushing up, pushing through and out, capable of growing into a scape, of producing flowers, of producing seeds - and, with the help of the elements, new life. And with this understand one is now equipped to help others see beyond the object into an ever-expanding and contracting universe that lies within, throughout, and beyond. Thank you, Mur, for making this happen. [sup]((why an onion? that's the first thing i saw when i looked up in my kitched. if i only had a tomato...))[/sup]
  2. This quote made me think of you -

    “A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.” ~Oscar.Wilde~

  3. so slender, the threads that make up the fabric of existence

  4. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1309774697' post='87092'] Well sure, I don't mind continuing this, I just need enough of volunteers. [/quote] i'm game.
  5. [quote name='(Zl-eye-f)-nea' timestamp='1307806923' post='86085'] I can't get this to grow more, no matter what I try. I've been told its supposed to go red, but its been like this for months. My Sunflower died in a strange stalk tradgedy whereby it grew part of it's stalk as flat...which led to its demise. My tomatoes were going strong for a long time...that is until they decided not to actually produce any tomatoes. Flowers, yes, tomatoes? no. They were killed for their treachery. So here I present the most beautiful chilli in the world...its small, but mighty. Z [/quote] What kind of pepper is it, do you know? Serrano? Many progress from green to yellow to red as they mature, but that depends on climate/variety/etc. Last summer I harvested a bunch of similar looking ones that turned red only after picking and drying them. Woooh, they sure were hot mammas! It's a good thing that epithelial cells in the mouth have such a high turnover rate. Anyways, small and mighty [i]is[/i] the rule for awesome peppers such as habeñeros.
  6. [quote name='Rumi' timestamp='1304007206' post='83551'] Ooh yes, I love orchids. I don't know much about cultivating them. I know they are barely supposed to get any water. I think I heard one time that their native habitat is in the canopy of a forest, where they only drink in the forest mist. If you have some insight into how to cultivate orchids or where they might fit into a guild, please share. [/quote] Wild orchids are quite particular and demanding - just ask anyone who knows me Anyways, each species requires a certain ecological niche. Since they require a precise interplay of water dynamics, soil makeup, and companion plants/fungi, it makes make them very good indicators that the overall health of its environment is intact. Also, Each species evolved with its own pollinator, and some even have flowers shaped so that they trick pollinators (like bees) into having 'sex' with them in order to disperse their pollen. Quite ingenious if you ask me.
  7. Kets, I am so very grateful you were born. Hopefully I will be seeing more of you, since I'm back now.
  8. We are dust and nothing - what we do is no more than wind

    1. nadrolski


      Everything is dust in the wind..

    2. Stipple


      Nothing last forever but the Earth and sky

    3. Stipple


      Nothing last forever but the Earth and sky

  9. from the yardarms we are tied in a weaver's knot

  10. darling one, welcome back! it is so good to see your face again.

  11. no longer looking. topic closed
  12. Dear friend - I miss you something fierce.

  13. make me an angel that flies from montgomery

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rumi


      How the hell can a person go to work in the morning, come home in the evening and have nothing to say?

    3. Phantom Orchid
    4. Princess Katt

      Princess Katt

      Just give me something that I can hold onto.... (one of my faves!)

  14. i'm looking to buy/trade for a soulweaver. PM if interested.
  15. I usually tend to think of love as a verb, an action word, instead of a noun. It is an act, something we manifest through writing letters, sipping cacao together, nurturing, sharing stories under the stars wrapped up in an itchy blanket with moonlight kissing our muddy faces. And at other times, I tend to think of love as just a four letter word.
  16. what doesn't bend, breaks

    1. whitewater


      try telling that to isaac newton. :P

  17. picking up the pieces of a broken heart

  18. Interesting to note that BP decided to open up drilling in Libya the *same* week as the bombs dropped. It is no coincidence, Libya is rich with oil. Without it - modern empires would crumble faster than Rome did. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1300978682' post='81249'] Well..lets put it this way. My country (more exactly our supreme military council) decided we should stick our nose too in this war. I have no idea what makes us capable of deciding an other nations fate especially that other nato countries did not want to get involved (so its possible). I am totally against such actions, when a country attacks an other country without actually having a personal reason to do so. I find it lame and i am ashamed i have to say this about my country, but its the way i see it. It is typically American to bomb an other country for a pretended reason and then pretend to help them, sadly i see everybody else is following the "American example" now. if you consider my post racist or out of place you can delete it, but THIS is my opinion about the matter. [/quote]
  19. remember me, remember me, when you are sleeping

    1. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      You are in my dreams, old friend.

    2. Passant the Weak

      Passant the Weak

      You are 3 days older than me. And yet you look way younger.

  20. Thank you for the birthday blessings, lack of fries, wishes, and cookies! I have been missing many of you all something fierce, and hope to step up my presence in the realm. Only the fool learns to shift without the tide.
  21. is missing you ppl - hopefully the snow will return me to you

    1. Pipstickz


      SNOW DAY!

      ...or not :(

  22. my bucket's got a hole in it

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. (Zl-eye-f)-nea


      With what should I fix it, dear Liza, dear Liza,

      With what should I fix it, dear Liza, with what?

    3. Sharazhad


      With Straw dear henry Dear Henry,

      With Straw dear Henry dear Henry, With Straw!

    4. Phantom Orchid

      Phantom Orchid

      hehe, i love you ppl!

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