[center][size="5"][font="Arial Black"]Magic Herb Spiral[/font][/size]
The outer border of the herb garden is set with a circle of memory stones inscribed with runes(advanced magic), and interspersed with plantings of red flowers (geraniums, nasturtiums, etc.) for protection against outside influences.
The inside border is a mound of Lorerootian soil with herbs planted in a spiral and inlaid with crystals (for energy).
And at the peak of the spiral is an alter to the Goddess of the Moon.
The following are planted in lower, most frequently harvested/highest yielding, portion of the herb spiral:
[*] Angelica - Enchantments and potions
[*] Thyme - Used in ritual to produce trance/illusion.
[*] Rosemary - Memory, sleep air, intellect, purification, love, power, healing
[*] Sage - Fertility, vitality, wisdom
[*] Vervain/Verbena - For love potions. It shall be dug only with a gold coin or a stag's horn
[*] Catnip - Maintaining healthy relationships and setting boundaries
[*] Basil - Carried to attract coins; gives one courage
[*] Mint - Vitality, luck, briskness
[*] Yarrow - Used for a wound poultice with plantain leaves
[*] Dill - Culinary spice. Medicine for colic
[*] Cumin - Used for love potions
[*] Feverfew - Used for relieving head aches
[*] Parsley - Culinary herb. Parsley seed goes 9 times to the Underworld and back before it comes up, which is why germination is less than one hundred percent
For protection from spells: dill, garlic, leek clovers, mugwort
For ritual cleansing and purification: Mugwort, Nettle, Plantain, Fennel, Chamomile, Water cress
The middle layer is made up of potentially toxic flowers and herbs, suitably used for advanced magic:
[*] Henbane - Love potion; poisonous plant - use with caution. A close relative of Thorn Apple and nightshade, henbane is used in the preparation of flying ointments.
[*] Rue - Protection, health, clarity of thinking, performing rituals, mindfulness
[*] Hemlock - Dig under moonlight. deadly poison. Fool's Parsley
[*] Monkshood - Beautiful purple flower spikes. Used with belladonna to make a flying ointment, and in combination with water parsnip, cinquefoil, and deadly nightshade to make an ointment of the imagination. Used to contact the dead (and others in the Underworld)
[*] Mandrake - The twisted, elaborate roots look like a human, and the plant screams when pulled out of the ground (it shall always be harvested with a special scythe. Used for astral projection
[*] Opium Poppy - Sleep / dream magick
[*] Deadly Nightshade / Belladona - It has purple/red flowers and poisonous berries. Used to dilate pupils for beauty and seduction
[*] Thorn Apple / Jimson Weed - This plant has hallucinogenic effects. The juice from these fruits is used to make a deadly poison
[*] Morning Glory - Wrapped around a person 9 times to bind a spell. Strongest under a full moon
The top layer is made of up flowers and herbs used in advanced ritual practice and best suited for moonlight*; evening primrose, moonflower, and white rose.
[i]* The planting, care, and use of these plants is strictly guarded by the clergy of the Children of the Eclipse.[/i]
[b]Harvesting yields:[/b] It is best to collect an odd number of sprigs from each plant, (ie. 3 for few branches sprigs, 7 for many branching ones. When roots are harvested, permission must be requested, and offerings shall be made, to each plant taken.
[b]Processing needs:[/b] Pruning knife, scythe (advanced harvesting), digging stick or antler to harvest roots. Fiber may be used for to tie bundles of herbs for drying purposes (preferably in the shade under a tree with maximum ventilation). Soapstone mortar and pestle to grind herbs.
[b]To brew potions:[/b] Three kinds of wood and the proper amount of heat shall be used to boil the water in the cauldron. Other materials may be required depending on what is being concocted.
Also, periodic soil amending will be necessary, requiring the import of fertile Lorerootian soil once every year. Alternatively, or additionally, composted material may be used for soil enrichment, and soil from various lands may be used to influence the energetics of certain plants.