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Phantom Orchid

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Everything posted by Phantom Orchid

  1. [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7444-item-swapping/page__view__findpost__p__64913"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7444-item-swapping/page__view__findpost__p__64913[/url] [quote] [i]"gathering coins and items from alts and moving them on a main (or backwards) wont be considered alt abuse. Gaining coins for free and using more accounts to do that , is abuse and will be punished accordingly. At this point there should not be possible to get coins for free, please correct me if i am wrong!"[/i][/quote] So, in the above post Mur speaks of [i]gathering[/i] items, but what about using WPs from an alt to [i]create[/i] items to benefit main account? Item transfer from alt-main seems acceptable by Mur, as it stands, despite being scorned by many, but the issue I'm trying to clarify is using WP from alt to benefit main - specifically through item creation. WPs seem to be relatively 'free' because of active days reward, but I'm not sure if they apply to the 'free' gathering of coins point that he made.
  2. [quote] Do some brains share the same shape? If so, why do they not share the same thoughts? Just because of the way they develop? Affected by upbringing? Or, does everyone have a different brain shape? [/quote] A rough 'shape' might be considered the same on a macro level (ie for identical twins); however, on the micro level the brain is host to a trillion (give or take ) of neurons which have grown and been pruned into their unique shape by their owner's unique upbringing. Take, for instance, the aboveground growth of a tree. It may have the same 'shape' as others of its species, but its environment (weather, soil contents, amount of water available, etc) shapes its particular branching patterns. A memory is an experience stored, and since no two people can share the exact same experience, no two people can have the exact same memory. [quote]And does this affect the way our brain develops and the way we learn? [/quote] For the brain, genetics provide the form from which it will develop, but most of its development comes from environmental influence. Form feeds function, sure - but function feeds form to a much greater extent. [quote]Some people have better memory than others, is this because of brain shape? Or are some people just using less of their brain than others?[/quote] Memories are formed between neurons and synapses, so the myth of science says; however, do not rocks have memories? Do they not provide a glimpse of Time in the past? Think of fossils found in rock. It is a memory of sorts. But getting back to your question, some people, due to genetic malfunction of environmental stressors, have less memory function. Neurons grow like muscles - the more they are used, the more connections are made. If they are not used (ie, if the memories aren't accessed, if the practice of storing memories is weak), they atrophy as well. (just a few thoughts, I might elaborate more later if i get the time)
  3. It's astounding; Time is fleeting; Madness, takes its toll.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Phantom Orchid

      Phantom Orchid

      I remember, doing the Time warp!

    3. Granos


      Those moments when.

    4. Maebius


      Don't dream it, be it.

  4. Is it alt abuse - a punishable offense - to create an item using WP from an alt and then give that same item to main character? I am asking because obviously because of active-day WPs there are now lots of item requests going to Crafters, some from alts requesting items which would be created specifically for their main. I would prefer to know what rules, if any, this would violate - instead of opinions. If it is not clear, then please open this up for discussion of opinions. [sup][edit - Paste from Rules and Restrictions][/sup] [quote][list] [*]You can have multiple accounts, to try out story, to experince new ways of play etc ..., however if you are detected that you are using them just to help one of your main accounts , all of them including the main will get banned. [/list] [/quote]
  5. My dear, Happy Birthday!!!
  6. I forgot about this old avatar in my vault. Whoever wants it can bid with coin or give me reason/s why I should give it to them for free! ID: 48 [url="http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/687/avatar4e3c84900e326.gif/"][img]http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/3324/avatar4e3c84900e326.gif[/img][/url]
  7. [quote] Living observers are gates to reality, repeating and recreating observed reality over and over in what is called Mind. [/quote] This statement turned the cranks in my Mind quite heavily Here are a few regurgitated thoughts... [font=courier new,courier,monospace]Living observers experience objects of their experience as [i]there [/i]in the outside world. The source of their experience appears to be outside of themselves. Even with creativity/imagination, the observers experience the source of images, sounds, patterns as within but still beyond themselves. But the [i]reality [/i]resides, for instance, in color that comes from a source of pre-light not yet lit, sounds from silence, patterns from nothing of yet of form - all of these things, [i]nothing[/i], yet the Source of all things created.[/font] [font=courier new,courier,monospace]The observer and observed are seperate but related to one another, as embodied beings through the medium of viscosity. The "things" that unite them, if stripped away, become a naked presence. The observer and observed with first, and finally, nothing between them. No thing. That which is apparently "between" cannot be named by the things that come between, for it is no-thing (ie void).[/font] The view for one who is aliented from its Source of creation is stuck in despair and doomed for failure, for their path has not been walked to the end of time, nor space, nor darkness, nor light - for one does not know that where it all ends, there it all begins.
  8. happy happy birthday !!!
  9. nightfall - breathe darkness into me

  10. [center][size="5"][font="Arial Black"]Magic Herb Spiral[/font][/size] [img]http://www.ebsqart.com/Art/12947/344071/SpiralPentacle_275_275.jpg[/img][/center] The outer border of the herb garden is set with a circle of memory stones inscribed with runes(advanced magic), and interspersed with plantings of red flowers (geraniums, nasturtiums, etc.) for protection against outside influences. The inside border is a mound of Lorerootian soil with herbs planted in a spiral and inlaid with crystals (for energy). And at the peak of the spiral is an alter to the Goddess of the Moon. [img]http://i444.photobucket.com/albums/qq169/lunasantini/goddess.jpg[/img] The following are planted in lower, most frequently harvested/highest yielding, portion of the herb spiral: [list] [*] Angelica - Enchantments and potions [*] Thyme - Used in ritual to produce trance/illusion. [*] Rosemary - Memory, sleep air, intellect, purification, love, power, healing [*] Sage - Fertility, vitality, wisdom [*] Vervain/Verbena - For love potions. It shall be dug only with a gold coin or a stag's horn [*] Catnip - Maintaining healthy relationships and setting boundaries [*] Basil - Carried to attract coins; gives one courage [*] Mint - Vitality, luck, briskness [*] Yarrow - Used for a wound poultice with plantain leaves [*] Dill - Culinary spice. Medicine for colic [*] Cumin - Used for love potions [*] Feverfew - Used for relieving head aches [*] Parsley - Culinary herb. Parsley seed goes 9 times to the Underworld and back before it comes up, which is why germination is less than one hundred percent [/list] For protection from spells: dill, garlic, leek clovers, mugwort For ritual cleansing and purification: Mugwort, Nettle, Plantain, Fennel, Chamomile, Water cress The middle layer is made up of potentially toxic flowers and herbs, suitably used for advanced magic: [list] [*] Henbane - Love potion; poisonous plant - use with caution. A close relative of Thorn Apple and nightshade, henbane is used in the preparation of flying ointments. [*] Rue - Protection, health, clarity of thinking, performing rituals, mindfulness [*] Hemlock - Dig under moonlight. deadly poison. Fool's Parsley [*] Monkshood - Beautiful purple flower spikes. Used with belladonna to make a flying ointment, and in combination with water parsnip, cinquefoil, and deadly nightshade to make an ointment of the imagination. Used to contact the dead (and others in the Underworld) [*] Mandrake - The twisted, elaborate roots look like a human, and the plant screams when pulled out of the ground (it shall always be harvested with a special scythe. Used for astral projection [*] Opium Poppy - Sleep / dream magick [*] Deadly Nightshade / Belladona - It has purple/red flowers and poisonous berries. Used to dilate pupils for beauty and seduction [*] Thorn Apple / Jimson Weed - This plant has hallucinogenic effects. The juice from these fruits is used to make a deadly poison [*] Morning Glory - Wrapped around a person 9 times to bind a spell. Strongest under a full moon [/list] The top layer is made of up flowers and herbs used in advanced ritual practice and best suited for moonlight*; evening primrose, moonflower, and white rose. [i]* The planting, care, and use of these plants is strictly guarded by the clergy of the Children of the Eclipse.[/i] [b]Harvesting yields:[/b] It is best to collect an odd number of sprigs from each plant, (ie. 3 for few branches sprigs, 7 for many branching ones. When roots are harvested, permission must be requested, and offerings shall be made, to each plant taken. [b]Processing needs:[/b] Pruning knife, scythe (advanced harvesting), digging stick or antler to harvest roots. Fiber may be used for to tie bundles of herbs for drying purposes (preferably in the shade under a tree with maximum ventilation). Soapstone mortar and pestle to grind herbs. [b]To brew potions:[/b] Three kinds of wood and the proper amount of heat shall be used to boil the water in the cauldron. Other materials may be required depending on what is being concocted. [img]http://www.themagickeeper.com/bmz_cache/a/a4d2d091f68cdd69df056021a90081fc.image.220x195.JPG[/img] Also, periodic soil amending will be necessary, requiring the import of fertile Lorerootian soil once every year. Alternatively, or additionally, composted material may be used for soil enrichment, and soil from various lands may be used to influence the energetics of certain plants.
  11. there is only one way of life - and that is your own

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Udgard


      Life is relative.

    3. Pipstickz


      Relativity is relative

    4. Brulant


      It's So Meta, Even This Acronym

  12. The Tribunal lands extension was the most significant development that has been announced during stage X. Reasons: [list] [*]Further discovery/research of this new land, bigger than all others combined [*]It is the setting for the last part of the adventure log (the seed/opening of gate/the Traveler, etc.) [*]Shift of balance/counterbalance [*]Home of Knatty's retirement home [*]Difficulty to navigate/explore [*]Mur's status change to demi-god, rulership of East lands. [*]Still so much more there left to uncover, for newbies and veterans alike [*]Insanity [i]and[/i] adventure!!! [/list] [quote]Ann. 1789 - [2011-04-14 03:47:11 - Stage 10] A new extension of the tribunal landS is up. The race to find the end of the road of this new area was won by : Rendril Revant, Pipstickz, AmberRune, Familiar Face, Paracelsus, Ravenstrider, lone wolf pup ...hmm not really 5 people...oh well.. I can't count too well so...its 5! - Each got a new Aramor. Explore the new land, find its secret places, most of the areas in it are not restricted or not configure fully right now so you can see them. At this point there are more locations in md than active players... some might consider it insanity, some a true adventure..you obviously know how I consider it! This was the surprise for day one of the MD birthday party, it will take you a lot more than one day to familiarize yourselsf with the new land.[/quote]
  13. who will court the winds of change with me?

    1. Pipstickz


      Court is boring

    2. Maebius


      The heat of battle, quick and red, the rush of anger to your head, take that and push it to your heart, That's love's power, for a start...
      Temper it with water pure, for flowering pleasentrys then store. All bundled up, both good and bad, that's the closest words, I've ever had.

  14. The outer border of the herb garden is set with a circle of memory stones inscribed with runes(advanced magic), and interspersed with plantings of red flowers (geraniums, nasturtiums, etc.) for protection against outside influences. The inside border is a mound of Lorerootian soil with herbs planted in a spiral and inlaid with crystals (for energy). And at the peak of the spiral is an alter to the Goddess of the Moon. The following are planted in lower, most frequently harvested/highest yielding, portion of the herb spiral: Angelica - Enchantments and potions Thyme - Used in ritual to produce trance/illusion. Rosemary - Memory, sleep air, intellect, purification, love, power, healing Sage - Fertility, vitality, wisdom Vervain/Verbena - For love potions. It shall be dug only with a gold coin or a stag's horn Catnip - Maintaining healthy relationships and setting boundaries Basil - Carried to attract coins; gives one courage Mint - Vitality, luck, briskness Yarrow - Used for a wound poultice with plantain leaves Dill - Culinary spice. Medicine for colic Cumin - Used for love potions Feverfew - Used for relieving head aches Parsley - Culinary herb. Parsley seed goes 9 times to the Underworld and back before it comes up, which is why germination is less than one hundred percent For protection from spells: dill, garlic, leek clovers, mugwort For ritual cleansing and purification: Mugwort, Nettle, Plantain, Fennel, Chamomile, Water cress The middle layer is made up of potentially toxic flowers and herbs, suitably used for advanced magic: Henbane - Love potion; poisonous plant - use with caution. A close relative of Thorn Apple and nightshade, henbane is used in the preparation of flying ointments. Rue - Protection, health, clarity of thinking, performing rituals, mindfulness Hemlock - Dig under moonlight. deadly poison. Fool's Parsley Monkshood - Beautiful purple flower spikes. Used with belladonna to make a flying ointment, and in combination with water parsnip, cinquefoil, and deadly nightshade to make an ointment of the imagination. Used to contact the dead (and others in the Underworld) Mandrake - The twisted, elaborate roots look like a human, and the plant screams when pulled out of the ground (it shall always be harvested with a special scythe. Used for astral projection Opium Poppy - Sleep / dream magick Deadly Nightshade / Belladona - It has purple/red flowers and poisonous berries. Used to dilate pupils for beauty and seduction Thorn Apple / Jimson Weed - This plant has hallucinogenic effects. The juice from these fruits is used to make a deadly poison Morning Glory - Wrapped around a person 9 times to bind a spell. Strongest under a full moon The top layer is made of up flowers and herbs used in advanced ritual practice and best suited for moonlight*; evening primrose, moonflower, and white rose. * The planting, care, and use of these plants is strictly guarded by the clergy of the Children of the Eclipse. Harvesting yields: It is best to collect an odd number of sprigs from each plant, (ie. 3 for few branches sprigs, 7 for many branching ones. When roots are harvested, permission must be requested, and offerings shall be made, to each plant taken. Processing needs: Pruning knife, scythe (advanced harvesting), digging stick or antler to harvest roots. Fiber may be used for to tie bundles of herbs for drying purposes (preferably in the shade under a tree with maximum ventilation). Soapstone mortar and pestle to grind herbs. To brew potions: Three kinds of wood and the proper amount of heat shall be used to boil the water in the cauldron. Other materials may be required depending on what is being concocted. Also, periodic soil amending will be necessary, requiring the import of fertile Lorerootian soil once every year. Alternatively, or additionally, composted material may be used for soil enrichment, and soil from various lands may be used to influence the energetics of certain plants.
  15. [quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1311450774' post='88704'] Yes- I want to encourage people to post though [/quote] you asked for it...! [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/gallery/image/1771-gimme-some-wookie/"]gimme some wookie![/url]
  16. Welcome to Magicduel! :D

  17. Using alts to help a main character is a big, huge, gigantic no-no in MD. The real issue here is, like you said, the inability to recall harvesting tools that have become lost to inactive (and I would also add ex-communicated) guild members. Kings/Queens and/or resource guild leaders should have the ability to recall tools from their respective land/guild.
  18. [center][size="5"][font="Impact"]Something from Nothing[/font][/size][/center][font="Microsoft Sans Serif"] There is an inherit problem with an enclosed, perpetual energy, because that violates the first and/or second laws of thermodynamics. The closest I came is to utilize energy from the attraction/repulsion of magnetism and from splitting Aether - that creates more positive energy needed to initiate and maintain the flow of negative energy from Aether (for Aether contains energy) Spinning magnetic bubbles in a magnetic field is one way to split Aether and release negative energy (ie. source of negative photons and so-called ‘cold’ electricity). Both have energy / force gradiants which may be released (similar method as splitting atoms for atomic bomb). This creates a darkening of sorts, antigravity (since it cancels gravity field), and cooling. Basically, there are small magnetic bubbles and magnetic rolling tracts within the main magnet. When you spin said magnets (see picture below, not my picture but there to show the idea), it splits the Aether and dark/negative energy is created/released - which repels or cancels gravity. [img] http://www.transproducts.net/ag/large_seg.jpg[/img] Like an atomic bomb, and probably more dangerous, it releases energy from a closed system. Again, the magnetic bubbles are on rollers and roll around center ring at high speed. This releases negative energy out of Aether and causes negative entropy – which perpetuates and speeds up the rollers even faster (closest I can come to perpetual energy). [img] http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/40/Logarithmic_Spiral_Pylab.svg/220px-Logarithmic_Spiral_Pylab.svg.png[/img] [img] http://wikicompany.org/wiki/images/Hopf_map_001hor.gif[/img] Switch #1 – the initial ‘push’ to get this device going, let’s call it the ‘on’ switch, would require heat fusion to initiate the spinning of the magnetic bubbles. Switch #2 - The ‘off’ switch would be a spell to stop its movement (ie movelock spell). Amplifier – depends on intention. SoS would probably want to ‘grease’ the rollers with black water. Emergency switch – [s]This would be… well, I honestly have no idea. This is a really scary device and should probably not be constructed in the first place because of how dangerous it is. But, if one were to be made, then an emergency off switch would be essential – even if ultimately futile, it would give the person trying to stop it an illusory sense of control in a hopeless/powerless situation.[/s] [b]Mur's red button![/b][/font] [center][sub]“I made one great mistake in my life,” Albert Einstein said on the morning of November 11, 1954, “...when I signed the letter to President Roosevelt recommending that atom bombs be made; but there was some justification - the danger that the Germans would make them.” Disclaimer: I do not know how to resize images in forum posts. sry. Also, I draw crap pictures so the ones posted are only to give you an idea/framework of device[/sub][/center]
  19. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1311366548' post='88629'] The Water Dowsers are spending their own time voluntarily to get the resources and draw no salary and expect no reward for their work. We are not focussed on getting rich, but being able to give the water that people need. [/quote] You set a fine example for resource gatherers across the realm! Thank you.
  20. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1311365693' post='88628'] I need a good name for useless unidentified herbs, basically field flowers and grass that becomes hay, sort of. Its not hay..i cant find a word for it. In this way you could waste very large quantities of gathered plants to find a rare herb (need a name too) for gathering you will need a tool , at least to hold them. There will be baskets, unless better idea comes up. [/quote] Useless unidentified herbs = weeds. However, the term 'weed' is highly subjective. Many consider dandelion a prolific weed and go at great lengths to poison the soil in futile attempts to get rid out it. But is a remarkable medicinal plant - the roots are used as a natural diuretic (to lower blood pressure) and liver protection. The leaves are good to stimulate digestion. It has other magical powers too. Tools = digging stick, knife, scythe to harvest; basket to collect; drying rack/potion/solution to preserve.
  21. Dream Quest - Act 1 Results I received some fabulous entries for this quest, which was one of research, self-exploration, creativity, and thinking within and outside of the box. There were over 30 participants in this quest, and overall it was a great success! The WP winners' submissions were simply phenomenal! WP winners are: Sephirah Caelum lashtal Zleiphneir Ailith Bonus prize (invisibility stone) winner for most creative part 2 entry: Zleiphneir Rewards will be given within the next few days. Thank you.
  22. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1311348592' post='88589'] Toxic covers halucinogenic and healing is a property of many including tea leaves aromatic but also of the toxic in some cases (yeah) [/quote] I work with herbs in RL, and this makes perfect sense - for the only difference between medicine and poison is dosage. Paracelsus, sometimes called the father of toxicology, wrote: "All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; only the dose permits something not to be poisonous." One other suggestion for 'bases' is to break it down by parts of plants: Roots Bark Leaves Flowers Fruits
  23. Quest ended. Winners will be announced soon!
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