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  1. Downvote
    Sparrhawk reacted to Seigheart in Discussion about Revival Quest by Seigheart   
    I am not a part of the community, I am excluded as many of you have made very clear.

    I will attempt to gather these ten individuals.
  2. Downvote
    Sparrhawk got a reaction from dst in Shattered Illusions takeover - reasoning   
    Not suprising in the least.
  3. Downvote
    Sparrhawk reacted to Seigheart in MagicDuel Catch Phrases   
    "I am NOT Fenrir?"
  4. Upvote
    Sparrhawk reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Discussion about Revival Quest by Seigheart   
    The issue is that the sponsorship he is giving is TK sponsorship and that it's a WP. That's the issue.

    I agree with Rhaegar in post 15.

  5. Upvote
    Sparrhawk reacted to No one in Discussion about Revival Quest by Seigheart   
    [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1345724079' post='120855']
    It's surprising how messed up people are in this "community".
    Considering your prior replies on this topic, this last comment was the best joke I have heard for months.
    Thank you so very much.
  6. Upvote
    Sparrhawk reacted to dst in Discussion about Revival Quest by Seigheart   
    [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1345724079' post='120855']
    It's surprising how messed up people are in this "community".

    Then why do you still stick around?

    On topic:
    Head of TK making a quest so "people" can get revived while he's one of the dead people? C'mon! How stupid do you think I am?
    Do something else to prove you're unbiased. Get yourself revived first and THEN sponsor the quest for the rest of the dead people. How does that sound? Not really appealing, right?
  7. Downvote
    Sparrhawk reacted to Seigheart in Discussion about Revival Quest by Seigheart   
    It's surprising how messed up people are in this "community".
  8. Downvote
    Sparrhawk reacted to Seigheart in Discussion about Revival Quest by Seigheart   
    Which is EXACTLY the point, Falronn! But people focus entirely on the fact that it's Seigheart, lets nit pick and find something wrong with this JUST because it is Seigheart.

    I am sponsoring Molquerts quest. That is my job as TK leader. To sponsor quests. It is a GOOD quest, otherwise there wouldn't be such a high reward as this.
  9. Upvote
    Sparrhawk reacted to Jubaris in Discussion about Revival Quest by Seigheart   
    Do we really have to argue about you having benefit of getting revived?

    I don't know how do you plan us to continue discussing things if you refuse to accept elementary logical conclusions.

    edit: need to add that the reason why I see this important is because it is a question of official MD rewards that are supposed to be "super neutral" (which they rarely were, but still...), yet they are used as a personal tool for subjective use rather than heading towards objective direction.
    If this were your creatures, your coins or whatever that is yours, you could pose as many ridiculous requirements for them to be used as a reward. WPs and TK property are something different.
  10. Downvote
    Sparrhawk reacted to Seigheart in Discussion about Revival Quest by Seigheart   
    I do not get any tangible reward. I get an item effect removed from me. That is all.

    I, as the Leader of the TKs, can use the Treasury as I see fit, bar a few restrictions, one of which, is that I may not use it for personal gain.

    Is getting an item effect removed a personal gain? No. I do not think it is, because that would imply that being killed is a permanent negative effect. Or that being "alive" is something that is a reward, not a normal state.

    A normal state is NOT a reward or a benefit of any kind. It's something that is the norm. Right? So, in my eyes it is not a reward. Of any kind.
  11. Upvote
    Sparrhawk reacted to Jubaris in Discussion about Revival Quest by Seigheart   
    [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1345651701' post='120744']
    For months now, there have been dead people in the realm.

    Hedge Munos,
    Phantom Orched,
    Fang Archbane.

    Whether these characters were killed for being rude, wish to die a true death, or for simply helping another person out, they do not need to remain dead.


    as Head of the Treasure Keepers,

    I am challenging the entire realm to revive at least one person using the new Master of Death, Molquert.

    Complete his quest, and revive at least one person, and you will be rewarded with a WP/code.

    Limited to one WP per person, per revival. One person can't revive all four, and expect four WPs.

    Master of the Hoard

    Isn't this a conflict of interests? Just saying...
  12. Upvote
    Sparrhawk reacted to Shadowseeker in Discussion about Revival Quest by Seigheart   
    I just modded this as requested, but my opinion on this:

    While it's fine to use personal resources, using an official position's (TK) reward stock is what like Curiose did at times, leaving a mixed reception overall. Thus while I fully endorse statements like: I will pay people out of my own pocket, etc; I think TK stock should not be used for a case like this, where conflicting interests obviously intersect.
  13. Downvote
    Sparrhawk reacted to Seigheart in Selling Seighearts Leash   
    I apologize for my earlier post. I don't take it lightly when people attack my TKs because they don't like me.

    It's low, pathetic, and shows how far gone the community in this game is.

    Fang did not deserve to be killed. He tried to get revenge on those of you who keep offering to buy my leash. Which you know IS NOT HIS TO SELL.

    So, by asking to buy it, you are effectively asking to be sold stolen property.

    Phatom Orchid, Lashtal, Ivorak, and others have all offered to "buy" my leash from Fang.

    You are all pathetic and low in my books. Generally, I try to keep some what amicable around most people, but I'm done with it.

    I will be hostile towards those who show hostility towards me, and my TKs from this point on.
  14. Upvote
    Sparrhawk reacted to Phantom Orchid in Empty Cabin   
    During the past few weeks I've walked into the PC several times to find it empty except for some confused new players. Sometimes there is not even a Live Help button on the right because there are no LHOs online!

    I'm not sure what's going on, but I'll try to spend more time there - hopefully some others will as well.
  15. Upvote
    Sparrhawk reacted to Seigheart in Empty Cabin   
    What, because you don't want people to say you're not doing your job? Whether you are or arent is not the case here.
  16. Downvote
    Sparrhawk reacted to Seigheart in Reward Lag   
    Yeah, and? I'd need two more removed for me to be removed from my position. And in a couple weeks, I will be getting another trust point added on.

    What you are suggesting is that I could be removed for what exactly?

    A bit of understanding would be nice.
  17. Upvote
    Sparrhawk reacted to Phantom Orchid in Reward Lag   

    On the 10th of June I requested a WP code for my quest which you are sponsoring. On the 22nd you replied saying you would have it to me in a few hours, and you have not replied to subsequent messages.

    I would not normally make an issue of it, but the last time you sponsored a quest of mine it took several weeks (and me having to hound you and work on reward coordination) AFTER the quest winners were announced to get the rewards to the winners. This is why I requested one so early... because if I hadn't extended it today was going to be the deadline for the quest.

    I have largely been reluctant to seek sponsorship from the TKs because of this incompetency, and it is a shame, because you are the only one I know who can give WP codes for rewards. I know that I would be more inclined to run in-game quests if you would communicate in a timely fashion and make good on your word.

    And I wonder if others have similar experiences trying to work with you.
  18. Downvote
    Sparrhawk reacted to Seigheart in Reward Lag   
    I am also working 60 hours a week. When I am on MD nowadays, it is during my break at work. And the codes for the WPs are stored at home on an external harddrive. When I get home, that last thing on my mind is MD. It's sleep, and food.

    I apologize for the lateness of the delivery, but it will be made.
  19. Downvote
    Sparrhawk reacted to Seigheart in Reward Lag   
    I don't have to tell the community anything. That's why.
  20. Downvote
    Sparrhawk reacted to Seigheart in Reward Lag   
    If I did not forsee a future where I would not have the ability to fufill my role, then I would.

    But, like other times of the year (Christmas, Exams, Summer Vacations), this is only temporary.
  21. Downvote
    Sparrhawk reacted to Seigheart in Reward Lag   
    Yep, keep getting angry Phantom. Keep making it out that I'm doing something horribly wrong, but this is JUST A GAME.

    There are FAR more important things than MD.
  22. Downvote
    Sparrhawk reacted to Seigheart in Reward Lag   
    Like I said, I am managing the opening of three different sectors for my job, and I spend 10-15 hours a day at work because of it. I hardly have time to sleep, let alone log onto MD to give a WPC to you. Give me a few days. MD is a game of patience. Not demands.
  23. Upvote
    Sparrhawk got a reaction from The MoM in Shattered Illusions takeover - reasoning   
    Not suprising in the least.
  24. Upvote
    Sparrhawk reacted to Nimrodel in Extortion and Coercion   
    Not much into legal cliches, but from where i'm seeing, greedoh is being greedy as usual. Only difference is he just has a reason to support his greediness this time.
  25. Upvote
    Sparrhawk reacted to Phantom Orchid in The Hiatus of a Dream   
    forget it
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