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Harion last won the day on October 1 2010

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. i have no honor issues but that's only because i recently farmed Phoenix who has been idling to get losses ever since HC
  2. how long should the story be? because i imagine if we are posting in chat that would take quite awhile to finish one story (depending on the story's length) i have an especially lengthy story in mind (it is written in a verse though so i guess it can be posted in chat) just to be clear i can send my story to either Kyphis, wanderer, or curiose - right?
  3. i'm concerned about the fact that players who give positive honor (those that i can beat anyway) are always hiding in sanctuaries those that are not are expected to have strong defenses the only thing i can say is: the honor system is seriously flawed a new mp5 has only 2 options: gather as many losses until such time he can gain positive honor from attacking others or hide in sanctuaries but here's the kicker - most of the old mp5s have losses ranging from 300-400 one i know has 900 losses (very strong and very confident!) considering skill dmg is at 1000 losses so, to even gain positive honor, one has to wait for a new MP5 that has more wins than losses (like me) gather more losses than others, which, if you are weak enough, will make it dangerously possible that you get skill damage (what if you gather too many losses but can't win when you need to?) form a training group (oh wait, i believe if you try to form one publicly, it will get destroyed) what is the purpose of honor system anyway? well, supposed to be it's to limit the strong from bullying the weak but as we can see, this has been subverted by intentionally having more losses than wins it's easier to lose intentionally idk if i'm not understanding something or if i'm missing something but what are your thoughts? it it really flawed? or is it ok as it is? i think there should be a limit to how unbalanced a player can be i know the 1000 skill damage is already set but IMO, it's still too large an imbalance solutions? violent reactions? thoughts? anyone care to explain to me if i am misunderstanding something?
  4. so? i believe jz walking around in the realm invites attacking you have to accept this as a fact of life whenever you go out of sanctuaries yeah there are places like SG or whatever that has rules such as don't attack unless idle etc, etc.. but seriously, why count on ppl following rules? if someone is strong enough to flaunt the rules, do you think they'd follow? when i go to park, i expect to be pummeled to death regardless of whether i'm idle or not some of those who can give me positive honor do a hit and run tactic as if i can damage them! lol since i can reasonably expect others attacking me, what do i do? simple, i just put up single crit defs to preserve my VE then i can walk around anywhere without being afraid all my creatures will just be wiped out in one attack attack cooldown still works you know the same person can't attack you for a time what about successive attacks from different players? have successive single rit defs so that when one dies, another single crit rit will follow it
  5. wouldn't you get stuck in GG if you go there?
  6. [quote name='Metal Bunny' timestamp='1286064714' post='69534'] it is still enough to prosecute someone on the charge of the threat of bodily harm. Check your mouth and fingers now, before I sue you. Then brush up on your law and then your manners. [/quote] lol. bodily harm? do tell me where in those posts threat of bodily harm was mentioned? and yes, do check my mouth and fingers now coz the old boys club are closing ranks on each other and just becaue i'm questioning authority im rude? lol. are you people used to everyone kissing your ass in MD? or can we have a debate without anyone pulling rank? @curiose, no my comments are still necessary and yes, there are people like me out here sorry to burst your bubble but there do exist some people who are more tolerant than most of you here a drop soap and a bit of bow, oh sorry venerable folks of MD so sorry i refuse to bow unblindly to your egos oh. is that a god complex parading under the guise of protecting wee simple folk from coarse and offensive language? oopsy-doodle-doo we can't have any of the wee bit children going out in the world and hearing stuff like that christ almighty - what about the movies? and TV? and god forbid - this is a game for crying out loud! children are playing here! i love being hated i hate you too. i want you out of my way. get out of MD and return to your pathetic Sparta. any of those posts can be construed as non-threatening and non-insulting depending on the context. any of you consider that? notice that 3 of the players whose logs were commented on came from one country. idk abt spartiatis but i'm guessing Unholy funny knows him too if you imagine this was a friendly banter, how would you react? nadrolski: gawd, you're annoying. i hate you Unholy funny: i love being hated (smile) manny villar: hey, you stole my cookie! i hate you *pouts* Unholy funny: i hate you too (smile) Epi Quizon: get out of the great Epi Quizon's way puny mortal! Unholy funny: yeah, i want you out of my way too. IMO, it was only his log posts to spartiatis which is bordering on offensive but even then "i don't like you" nothing wrong with this "why don't you die?" nothing wrong with this. (we can't know if he's asking about rits or just death in general) get out of MD and return to your pathetic sparta (i think this was the only passage wrong. but still. i'm not gonna go all ballistic and go Hitler on this) edit: i will quote jursiprudence now [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_speech#The_Internet_and_Information_Society"]Reno vs. ACLU[/url] you may disagree with what i'm saying but you cannot threaten me with banning for saying my opinion now, anyone wanna swing the ban hammer? and prudes walking about unwilling to hear offensive language on the net did you read the decision?
  7. cross what? your sense of power? lol. check your reasoning mate. if you'd actually use calm reasoning, you wouldn't go there. right now, your ego is egging you on. why coz your sense of authority is being questioned? try now and there will be a trial. because i will demand one. we can't have a precedent for fascism in MD... nor for any other plays of tyranny hiding under the veneer of flimsy authority i pointed something quite clearly. in the real world, this wouldn't even warrant serious attention but only because it was put in the rules could we remove the log post without it, we have nothing to go on freedom of speech is very much protected in the real world for a reason
  8. that's still not eligible for censorship in the real world Shadow well, the rules said public logs - if it wasn't there, no reason to even try censorhip and please, don't act like little tyrants here, even if its just a game your character shows how bad a leader you would be in the real world power mad? god complex? lol. insecure people always does that with a bit of power gained. a bit of a tap on the wrist, admonishment - and we're all good friends eh? out in the real world, we value freedom of speech. i may not agree with what you say, but i'll defend with my life your right to say it (that familiar to any of you?) i stand by my first statement. nothing in those log posts can be considered "hate speech" just because the words "i hate you" was said, already consist hate speech well, i hate you too. go die now. i'd like to keep MD world free from tyrants. so if you could please, go back to whatever fascist state you came from.
  9. actually, the game was designed to filter, not to let in i hope you get the idea
  10. even in the real world, these comments wouldn't be censored [s]anything that violates the TOS, falls under hate speech, offensive language?[/s] am i missing anything? amoran, stop being a stuck up... edit: well bfh outgunned me...
  11. [quote name='Grim Angel' timestamp='1259949068' post='49106'] I like it Will we be rewarded for the days we have now or from when it‘s implemented? [/quote] it should be retroactive, otherwise, it'd be unfair to those who has stayed with MD the longest so because they had the unfortunate fate of getting into MD before this is implemented, they won't have this reward which, for all intents and purposes, is meant to reward loyalty? if that's the case, then that will just encourage more alts...
  12. quickly solved by no xp gain in TCs
  13. Lifeline, my application got rejected because you say i stated no reason but the application form is buggy i sent an application form with a very long reasons list and then when i click submit application my message just disappeared and idk if it got sent or not since there was no confirmation so how can i apply if application form won't send my messages?
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