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Posts posted by Asterdai

  1. when i was storing avy codes in notepad i needed 2 or 3 words to remember them seperately and it got hard when they were similer

    if i was to remember this poem, it would be recalled in my memory as "the poem with the yellow snow"
    which is strange because you specifically said "stuff" and not snow. its the thing that sticks out for me as i generally wouldnt feel comfortable reading out a poem about wee socially. i think the word "stuff" forces us to question what it actually is, and ive heard the phrase before so i fill in the gaps ("dont eat yellow snow")
    you guys are really clever, and im tryingt to understand what your saying
    if i can just comment and "break down" a few ways in which i view the poem

    for me it is a poem about contrasts, with your title of this forum post it leads me to see it in a certain way. where you say "broken down - to be renewed" i see it meaning phoenix rising from the flames. but i find the poem melancholic, as if seeing the years pass away rather then, seeing it as a new year and a fresh start.
    i dont want to write an english lesson when really im not very good..here goes..

    As another year comes to pass, [color="#0000FF"](links with the end forming a cyclicular nature to the poem indicating we should see it as such even in the first lines)[/color]
    I come to think, as you do, [color="#0000FF"] ("come to think" suggests time to think, suggests age of the poem writer/speaker)[/color]
    About the little things that make it last,
    About the many, and the few,

    I come to think about life,
    Death, and all beside,
    About the harmony,
    That we supposedly reside, [color="#0000FF"] (almost resentment in the sarcastic word "supposedly" consider placement od Death (and caps..) and trio of sad emotions)[/color]
    And the discontent, the melancholy,
    The happy, and the sad,

    [color="#0000FF"] (from sad melancholic, a dream jump to something nice, "flames of happiness" from the low of the last stanza, creating an up and down journey of emotions for us to travel on as we read/listen)[/color]

    I think of bread baking,
    In the rising sun,
    Looking out to the hillocks,
    Waiting for it to come,
    (from the dream to the reality shock at the end, the waiting for death as i see it, "waiting for it to come" all the thinking of "the little things that make it last" life seems futile here, and the waiting is again picked up at the end)[/color]

    Of the snow,
    Falling on my tongue,
    But don't eat the yellow stuff,
    Said the old man to the young, [color="#0000FF"]FROM YOUNG[/color]

    Another year passes,
    One more yet to come,
    I sit and put on my glasses, [color="#0000FF"]TO OLD im dunno this bloke just doesnt seem happy! hum sounds to me like a humdrum, and all that waiting Geez![/color]
    And wait whilst I hum.

    the redeeming nature of this melancholic poem about a man waiting for death, is saved by his memories and nice thoughts, not only does it "balance" it out so i dont want to commit suicide after reading it, it also seems to be one of the ways that the old man is dealing with his bad thoughts, by countering them with good ones of his own past

    none of what ive just written is what i wanted to say really, all junky, thanks in advance for attempting to read it

    basically a thoughtful reflective moan with a hint of resentment/bitterness, which softens to a waiting hum, when he reaches into the safety of his memories, "renewing" a senceof purpose and vigour even if thatis only by cutting the resentment out :P

    even if i have made glaring errors in understanding the depth of the poem, this is what i would pick up from reading it, good fun! :)

    In relation to your question, after reading and travelling through your poem i would answer

    when we experience big loss such as death or a losing a good friend/partner it takes time to "renew" yourself, unlike the man here who is experiencing "hum drum" as he is waiting, he should be like the boy or the person baking bread. Not just melacholically looking back at his life (or in my example a relationship/marriage break up/ death) with pockets of nice thoughts amoung the bad, but actually Doing the baking and being the grandad, and getting out there

    if he sits around and mopes at home, the years will flit by, he needs to create memories, new ones, which fade out all the painful bad ones

    maybe because im sad at breakup that i see it like this, but its been enjoyable putting some thought down on paper :P

  2. i was forced to take a principle which i didnt want/choose but that is becuase of the experimental stage using the archers as principle steal... which i must admit was rather annoying when id found out :blink:
    i could search the forum, but was february actually forced up because he was a "menace" in the end, just for clarification, was there any sanction against him?

  3. just gotta ask, what would you feel like if you were forced into MP5, in your current thoughts about the levels?

    there were a few things which i needed to do, before entering MP5, train certain crits which i was told would be helpful, and having been MP5 for a while believe they still are in a way, find out as much as i could about the story mode and benifits recieved, which helped..a lot although near on impossible to work out from the vague clues people generously gave me. I wish i had harvested a lot more loyalty also... thats was a real big shock for me

    i guess in a way i had prepared myself a little, if i had been forced onto MP5 in a way like you are suggesting i think i would have cried

  4. Nice investigative work Z

    when you were researching did you find out who has harvesting tools in general, for example and axe for cutting wood, im sure knowing such information may be considered asking for a "spoiler" in a way so i do not really expect an answer, ill just open my eyes.
    As far as i thought The Warrior and Mortis, and muratus del mur were the only people who may have the item to do it with!
    just curious i guess how many people can cut wood at the moment as i thought it was only those within the alliance who have tools (apart from Mur)

    (READ your post phantasm, i looked and found a GOB post about it, thanks... it was a real nice read seeing everyone talking about this situation, hmm and laphers is the leader.. thanks for your help Mya)

  5. i was elder!

    cool like dreadnaught thingys where you roll a 6 and its insta kill lol ir something, my friend painted them something or other blue/purple which meant something and by the time i actually spent about 50 pounds worth, my friends stopped playing, must have played about 10 games in total.

    plus whenever ive been to those games workshop shops, the geeks there can be so rude! i only call the rude ones geeks mind... for id happily be there in an alternate lifestyle :P

    ive been playing MTG a bit, but thats offtopic i guess

  6. Ash - The Enchanter February 18 – March 17

    i dont know much about my "inner landscape" being "in constant motion." lol but heres with the rest

    You are in touch with your muse, and you are easily inspired by nature. Art, writing (especially poetry), science, and theology (spiritual matters) are areas that strongly interest you.
    Others may think you are reclusive, but in all honesty, you are simply immersed in your own world of fantastic vision and design.

    yeah i think thats about right, "immersed in a world of fantasic vision and design" (my excuse for doing what i want when i want :P)

    They are curious and are always full of questions about how the world works, and how the people around them work Snakes are natural communicators (if you can shut me up :P)

    And although they're pretty flexible, they like things to go their way, and will prove to be uncooperative if pushed in a corner. (i didnt realise i had it in me! sounds scary)

    i really feel i should take the time to match up similarites with my friends choices, but its a lot of reading :S
    its a lot like me i reckon though!

  7. Geeez Everyone is 23 33 or 43 or something,
    i would like to be a big party pooper but this is security breach, youve just told everyone your date of birth!
    or am i just being paranoid O.o

    anyyyway i threw a wreath at a wreath whilst shouting "yehhh have it" with glee

    ok i cant read

    everyones wearing Black...ahhhh

    but i really could have done with 20 dollars :P

  8. thanks Rumi, thats a real nice idea, but ive got soooo many avatars and am actually trying to get rid of them now, friends have been holding the avvys for so long, and i get so irritated by the whole business, its quite a bit of effort for me!

    i must say i Did see both in the shop, the centaur was drawn using a strange technique, or formatted strangely, i err cant really explain, and that manmaid im thinking is strange, its face isnt pretty, quite harsh to the eye :P
    if you see anything else you think may interest people or me, id be happy to have a look, though id be like 90% chance i wouldnt buy
    both are nicely drawn andim sure right for someone, just no one ive ever seen in MD yet

    i DO want the spider avvy now, its face front on and large queen, i will buy it for 5+ silver if anyone has it now
    want it for navi

    i got one avy from ravenstrider (when he gotit into the shop) it was really nice, i love seeing all the avys much like Amoran, although some of them are new for me, it must be strange to see other peoples avy's coming into the light again, mixed feelings im sure

    cant wait to see what else ravenstrider produces, hes really neat at drawing coz ive seen a few nice ones, although if he draws too many good ones, i wont be able to pass on the ones i have at all!


  9. Elemental V

    ID. 21184

    Vital Energy ? (normal value)
    Experience 1759228
    Won battles 699
    Age 1149
    Power ? (normal value)
    Defence ? (normal value)
    Initiative ? (normal value)

    Creature Tokens

    This creature is MAGIC and can be transferred without losing Age/and or won battles/exp (please can someone message in reply if they know the facts..)
    just wondering if there is a interest for this sort of thing.

    a recently sold wilderwild of age 600 sold for 3 silver, although its age would have been cut in half through transfer and it did have one token. im not sure if this has a value as its ID range isnt very very very low, just very low

    can people post some of their old creatures or even just their ID values, so that i can get an estimate of this creatures actual ID range in comparison to what people actually have.

    this isnt in the market place because i want to talk about it rather then just sell it. Obviously i was thinking about selling it otherwise i wouldnt be interested in knowing its "value"

    my lowest ID creature is 21169 - a chaos archer 900 battles, 17 tokens what is yours?

  10. i dont know if i should post as im slightly off-topic but not in the fact that the topic has stimulated something inside of me to make me want to write, so i guess thanks for that, its interesting to hear about people sleep patterns

    im a man, i have a relatively stable (cross fingers!) poorly paid job during the day. Finishing at 3 o clock in the afternoon, i settle on the sofa, turn the laptop on, and thats it. ive just become "single" again and this has made things a lot worse lol, let me try and explain
    i would actually starve i think, or eat Very unhealthfully if mum didnt buy bread and stuff. I will sit their for hours, needing the toilet and wriggling getting really hungry, then get pissed off when i have to go to the toilet or spend 5 minutes waiting for a microwave meal. i think i can count on one hand the times i have decided, hmm yeh i think ill take a walk to the shops and that seems to be just to get ciggerettes...
    i dont have kids, animals, or anything to worry about really. (apart from my family who i live with but cant really socialise much with..) I dont "need" to go on facebook, or even speak to my friends "out of situation". When i go home its my turn, and i relish in being the ultimate in lazyness.

    i once lived in shared accomadation, it was horrible. i was sooo lazy that i couldnt be bothered to actually use the kitchen because id have to clear it up, montly room cleaning of plates and stuff id forgotton about was actually hideous.
    and to put on top of that, its not that i cant sleep, i refuse to sleep until at least 3AM becuase i feel it would be wasting valuable time being awake. This is a stupid statement, as i never actually DO anything apart from sit on my laptop anyway.

    i guess i feel bad, because not only am i probably in an envious situation, "ultimate" freedom in a way, no ties to anything, i am actually very unhappy about it

    I find i am different around people, and i just function VERY badly by myself. i think its because i havent or i refuse to grow up.

    i love little brain bites such as yours z, kinda like a haiku i can understand. and thinking about ways to wake up and sleep is interesting too
    i did hear that using your eyes can help you feel tired and want to shut them. umm i think it was if you look "up" into the corner of your vision or the corner of your room for a while, you will naturally shut them... hmm let me search for it rather then just blabbing..
    damn got distracted and found this instead.
    http://www.wikihow.com/Clean-Your-Room (in case you dont know how to tidy your room...)

    When i was with my partner things were different, i had a reason to do stuff, and was perfectly capable :P just thought id add that to delude myself and make myself feel better.

  11. [quote name='Yoshi' timestamp='1292953875' post='75842']
    Made this awhile ago for breakfast, it was goood... picture recipes work too? >.>
    i love this, cheesy vanilla toast im Sure is not my thing... but i like the way youve used your own pictures to do the recipe,ive never seen anything like it!

    i want someone to bake MD shaped cookies! or has this been done before

  12. Hey Mister BigC :P

    Udgard WAS selling one a short while ago... http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/8395-selling-gg-drach-or-wind-part-2/
    DST sold one recently for $95 credits to Z, i think,
    if GG drachs are selling for 10 - 12 gold right now, a windy Phew! maybe 15 gold?

  13. wrote a long messgae and got annoyed when my comp/server decided to wipe it when posting
    so i wont "flower" around with language this time


    one wilderwild here Age 600 1 token = 3 silver
    but... you know about my valuations of things so i really shouldnt be messaging this :P
    thought it could help anyway

  14. [quote name='Sasha Lilias' timestamp='1293478225' post='76144']
    Hmm I am willing to give 18sc plus one of my own avatars (if you are interested in any) for the Hooded warrior (it is a male by the looks of it by the way :D)
    i really do think the price should be 2 gold x thanks for the interest

  15. i think its a nice idea that it has a restriction though, i really do think that i feel active this year though, and have spent a Lot of my personal time dedicated to the game. i guess its mostly this reason which annoys me the most. its a bit like a kick in the teeth without meaning to be

  16. i live in the hope that i am in the border range of values considered as "inacvtive" or "unneligible" then, and do not have much hope for next year. And i feel i shouldnt be penalised in such a way.
    i guess my present wasnt part of the group which were chosen, and just on the random pile also then

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