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death ray

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Everything posted by death ray

  1. i dont have a death wish but the angel of death is after me...

  2. 46 silver fer the drach
  3. 10 silver? for drach.
  4. can i ask what the going price is as of now?
  5. [quote name='baiano' date='12 August 2010 - 12:33 PM' timestamp='1281634439' post='65946'] After analyse some deals, i decided to wait until the end of month to trade something and wait for others deals...thx for all [/quote] not sure im going to be that willing to wait. well...since you posted this 8/10/2010 i'll wait three more days(8/15/2010)for youre final discission.
  6. Your Type is INTP Introverted Intuitive Thinking Perceiving Strength of the preferences % 56 38 12 22 Qualitative analysis of your type formula You are: moderately expressed introvert moderately expressed intuitive personality slightly expressed thinking personality slightly expressed perceiving personality
  7. Hi! I'm not really going to eat you're mushroom. I'm just picking at you.*pokes and runs off*

  8. 16 silver for 39 BP
  9. 16 silver for#9 BP
  10. 13 silver for BP #9
  11. 11 silver for BP #9
  12. will there be blood?

  13. 2 gold and 5 silver for madhorn or 1 gold plus nutcracker
  14. must be why i am having suck a hard time solving it?
  15. what? you likey what i likey?

  16. :DHere is my application.(sorry it's so big)
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