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death ray

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Everything posted by death ray

  1. Why are you attacking me over one herb? From two different spots. It's my first time harvesting herbs, I didn't no there where issue's about it. Haven't been that in tune about them due to outside issues. But, I see now. I'll just stick to LR for my needs, and enforce the laws there. No further comments.
  2. This morning I seen a crazy person in bathroom...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dragual


      He's going to build a well!

    3. ChildOfTheSoul


      Well, consider me the client's defense. ;D

    4. death ray

      death ray

      My toilet isn't Fortune's well! There are no coins in there, Get out!

  3. If only heaven knew,What hell was really like,Would you then reach out to me

    1. death ray

      death ray

      Why hold on, if not your hand that reach through

  4. Its a word made by mumbles.
  5. FYI, I had nothing to do with this.
  6. I cut myself on angel hair as life pooled around my feet. Candles lite, incense burning. A few drops to each point. The abyss of the crystal ball surrounded by six just points. I stared deep as the crystal abyss looked deeply back, into me. I opened my mind to the unopen void, known as the abyss. And itfaithfully spoke to me. Hell will never tell, Love, like a dove, will fly away. A stronge will can conseal. Time tells all. Never hate your fate. And lastly, religion is forbiden and even hidden within the seal of six. After allthat had been said, I sliped on my own life and fell into the Abyss, the abyss consumed all that was left of my draining life...
  7. Alone I rest, alone I wake. For my sake, do not let me awake the same. The dreams of the past are enough to kill, but by shear will I still taste life. What agony, what shame. I am just the same today as I was yesterday. Damaged and torn, nothing can be fixed, but only cast away. I dare not look above for hope, but down in fear as my faith grows dim. Profound love seems so shadowed by the multitude of pain, agony, and regret. If only Deaths hands where not my own, perhapes I would be gone.
  8. death ray


    Something tasty
  9. She can feel the pain and also the sorrow. She doesn't want to go on. So she prays for a better tomorrow. It's hard for her to cope. She'd like to runaway. In her heart she knows that she can't stay. You can see the sadness deep within her eyes. She would like to stop the madness, but instead, she just cries. She prays for strength to move ahead. To survive another day. She pleads for the courage to be brave so she can simply walk away.
  10. I have a few. PM me.
  11. name~Death Ray mp~5 age~583 main p[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]rincipal~stop motion[/font][/color] [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]Reason for applying~ the land needs tending to as there isnt much traffic through it. [/color][/font]
  12. I lost my other Avy too, when I got my new one I put the old one into my avy vault, or I thought I did. I'd like to have the other one to back. Reward yeah sure, but i'm poor.
  13. ID:258481 ID:505608 ID:518628 ID:519080 ID:519310 ID:581161 ID:605570 ID:605570 ID:605719 ID:605636 ID:605752 ID:610451 ID:635631 ID:635636 ID:635656 ID:659291 ID:695065 ID:575739 ID:575740 ID:588749 ID:588750 '608438', '608439', '608440' , '608441' '528328' , '547885', '547894', '547897', '606500', '606514', '606534', '606606', '606746', '623512', '623532' PM me if you see a number you like.
  14. What ever happened to Kalamanira?

  15. I like the way Mur did this. For me it brings a certain depth to this place as a "realm", a life and world of it's own. And having such diverse individuals running it, living it and so forth. All great stuff. Magic Duel along with it's unique attributes truly makes it a one of a kind place to be outside of whats real life. MD life will continue on whether or not you make. If it's something earned and deserved it makes it that much more, if not a challenge, to be there when the time and place is told. It's not the end of the world. Even if it was, it isn't. And if you did know the time and place and still wouldn't be able to attend... then what?
  16. Dig through the ditches...

    1. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      ...and burn through the witches, I slam in the back of my Dragula.

    2. death ray
    3. Ars Alchemy

      Ars Alchemy

      What would it be like if Neo took both the Red and the Blue pills at the same time?

  17. I come around for a few weeks to find this out?! OMG!
  18. its been a long time, but i am back. Im here for another try. and here is my short story for my reconsideration.... Lore Root and Me... I first meet a guy named Craz Mike, he sat atop of one of two mighty trees camly watching the younglings battle againts these mighty trees. i asked him one day, "what was the secret to defeting these trees?" he took a drag off his cigar and said, "be one with the tree gaurds" and then vanished in a cloud of smoke from his cigar. After many trys and medataion i finally got passed them.i walked for what seeemed days but was only a few hours i came across the Oak Tower where i meet a few people named Sharazhad, Nimrodel and Mya Celestia. and we all talked for hours! this lead me to GOTR. i continued on down the trail and came across the defence tower. here i meat a dear lady by the name of Sagewoman. we had tea and muffins wail we talked she spoke of a mighty man by the name of Firsanthalas, she said that he'd be the one i need to talk to if i decided to join GOTR. but she said i should meet Windy the owner of the wind and rain pub,so i did.as i talked with her we had several drinks...but im not sure what all was said. later that night i came across a stronge warrior his name was Shemhazaj we had a short talk about battle stratagies. a year latter after joining those i had spoke to, i was a part of somthing great! things went well for a few months till i got hooked on nightshade. many problems arose. i lashed out at my dear friends. i know they didnt know of this problem and i was ashamed to admite to it. after a few run ins with the wrong ones that wouldnt put up with my nonsence i was sent to jail and spent some time there a few times. the first time i went in tought me a lesson unfortunatly it didnt last long...i ended up back in jail a litle longer this time. i spent a long period of time away from LR and the GOTR to meditate on things past. which brings me to now where i try one last time to redeem myself, i now have what it takes to be what is meant to be as a GOTR member and will follow closly to them and there ways.
  19. man oh man it is hot out today!

  20. Neno Veliki PM me in forums i got a job for you...please.

    1. Neno Veliki

      Neno Veliki

      did it but it would be great if we could meet in game

    2. death ray

      death ray

      where at? maybe i can make it before my time runs out at the libary.

  21. what do you really look like?

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