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Everything posted by Nimrodel

  1. Happy Birthday Johnny.. *huggletackleglompsquish* Have an awesome day
  2. GO INDIA! Rock the world! WOO HOO!

    1. nadrolski
    2. Sharazhad


      *presses invisible "like" button*

  3. GO INDIA! Rock the world! WOO HOO!

  4. The bone collector.

  5. What's on my mind? Two people. Two songs. Johnny cash - hurt and Avril lavigne - Naked.

  6. titan A.E.!! MWAHAHAHA! Its lovely watching old movies again and again :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shadowseeker


      If it is that one about this starmap to that planet, hell yes.

    3. Nimrodel


      well titan A.E. has the map in the ring. Treasure planet has a map in a ball. dunno which one you are talking about :P both are awesome :D

    4. Shadowseeker


      The one with these weird aliens after them and that crazy techonology? I think that was A.E., loved it when I watched it. And yeah, the other was also nice.

  7. watching sweeney todd... Whoa... Scareh gore!

    1. Prince Marvolo
    2. Grido


      Johnny Depp or one of the older versions?

      Tis great!

    3. Nimrodel
  8. listening to a remixed ancient britney. Her 1st album. -_- yes i have gone crazy.

  9. watching the sound of music for the... Nth time. :D and having fun!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Esmaralda


      That is a very enjoyable movie, I agree! ^_^

    3. Sharazhad


      woah!!! for A second I thought you were talking to yourself!!!

    4. Grido
  10. on twitter. And using it! Though i dont have any followers.
  11. A freak of nature stuck in reality...

    1. Shemhazaj


      talking about me again? >>

  12. Have an awesome day bro..
  13. Happy birthday Fluffeh! May your awesomeness get awesomer this year! (if thats possible >.>)
  14. Grand finale tomorrow... The ultimate showdown... Pray for me people... -_-'''

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pipstickz


      Good guys, bad guys and explosions as far as the eye can see

    3. Lintara


      Best of luck! >^.^<

    4. Sharazhad


      Good luck!! I'll light a candle for you

  15. Few more hours MD and I'll be back again temporarily! Cant wait to start training!

  16. Nimrodel D'Artagnan Millerna Clearwater the Cerulean :D

  17. Why am I seeing a nightmare every single afternoon for three hours? THE FRIGGIN CYCLE DOESN'T STOP! The 'ingeneous' uni people are playing with our lives! Traumatic paraplegia and hand infections for 10 marks?! Who are they playing with! F****** *******S!

  18. *throws a bucket of water at you to drown you* thats for the award. >_

  19. exams. wont be able to attend. congratulations winners...
  20. Heard the best song ever today... And no. I'm not gonna let you listen to it coz its mine. ^_^

  21. Let me feed your hunger with my fruits, Let me leech you with my thirsty roots...

  22. BEWARE of black lacy hankies which smell of roses...

  23. my defnition of freedom: alzheimer's

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Shemhazaj


      Amo, my grandpa did not. As Mur said, he was "lost" till the very end...

    3. Chewett


      Sick and wrong. That idea disgusts me

    4. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Some do, some don't.. I only know that my grandmother spoke my brother's name and recognized him, saying, "I'll miss you."

      It's just a sad thought.

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