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Everything posted by Nimrodel

  1. A real nerve-breaker, this quest. But whoa! Loads of info. Helped me see the angiens in a whole new light. Also, helped me understand the game at a totally different level. Thank you Burns. All the effort put in was well 'invested' Without you duxie, I'd have never finished the quest. Congrats to us!
  2. when is the auction? If I could get a specific date and time it'd be good. I can log on anytime. But 10pm server time suited me really well.
  3. *tickle tickle*

  4. happy birthday rule book burner! :3
  5. Get yourself at least one 'elite' friend and wear their shoes for a while. Observe their behaviour in various important events and how they take up responsibilities to make the event better. Get actively involved. You'll get all the attention you want. In a period of an year and a half, there'll be noobs who'll think of you as someone important and vets who'll recognise your perseverance and dedication. You'll slowly become a part of the 'elite' then. It wont take you more than 2-3 years for that. Provided you are ACTIVELY INVOLVED. I won't quote Curi, But i'll definitely quote BFH. I've seen him when he was a no one and I see him now.
  6. *yawns and snuggles with her plushie*

  7. *yawns and snuggles with her plushie*

  8. If the account given in Genesis is really true, ought we not, after all, thank his serpent? He was the first school master, the first advocate of learning, the first enemy of ignorance, the first to whisper in human ears the sacred word liberty - Robert green ingersoll

    1. Sharazhad


      Is he not after all the father of lies?

  9. Many many happy returns of the day shem. *huggle* I hope you get all the happiness life has to offer.
  10. 4s
  11. elemental. Life steal. :3
  12. 6sc for blood pact and 4sc for all three jokers in total.
  13. I'm 'for' this. Though I'd want the percentage to reduce. At least not a percentage of 50% for a difference of 20 wins from balance. Maybe an increment of 2% for every 20 wins/losses away from the 20-20 range with a max of 50%. That'd give the out of balance people an incentive to rise up slowly.
  14. My heartiest wishes to you two. Have an awesome day.
  15. =)) epic! Best picture story after kaafuka!
  16. Then everything includes itself in power, power into will, will into appetite and appetite, an universal wolf, so doubly seconded with will & power, must make perforce an universal prey and last eat up himself.

  17. 4 sc
  18. Addicted to FMA BRotherhood.. Anime = FMA + Death note :D

    1. Shadowseeker


      Pah..Death Note, Code Geass and Speed Grapher- currently my fav animes. Darker than Black was also nice, but s2 was weird...

    2. Nimrodel


      have you seen FMA brotherhood?

    3. Shadowseeker


      Enjoyed it. But still enjoy other animes more.

  19. An average woman would rather have beauty than brains, because an average man can see better than he can think.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Chewett


      Different sides of the coin lol

    3. Sharazhad


      psssh!its known that men have two heads but enough blood to use one at a time! ;)

    4. Chewett


      Need i mention shoes? :P

  20. Happy birthday old man.
  21. 6sc for ele number 1
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