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Everything posted by Nimrodel

  1. Trick or treat my pimpy's sweet, a bite from an ant, made him BOO in his pants...
  2. Dude... Control your tongue... Especially when you are a nothing...
  3. Rich coming from you 'Vicarious'
  4. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1319949627' post='94872'] but what do i talk here, you don;t even know what these items do, you just enjoy crying..its probably trendy in LR now days. [/quote] NOWADAYS? WHOA!! I thought lorerootians have been whiners since the time the first alliance of Loreroot was Built. Or thats what almost every tom-ed, Dick-y, and Harry - ed vet has ever told me. Enlightning Mur... Thank you for expressing the share of prejudice you've been entitled to... At least it's public now.
  5. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1319823853' post='94782'] And of course you seek someone to blame it on: me, Mur, Eon, lately Greedo. I wonder who'll be next [/quote] Me!! Me!! I wanna be next!!! But I'm not important enough Anyway... Forum is getting boring now a days...
  6. Nimrodel

    Tipu vs. Grasan

    EPIC =)) I loved it... *still Rotflhao*
  7. I bicker, you bicker, lets all bicker ^_^ Thats what the forum is about :3

    1. Maebius


      Bicker bicker bicker wicker. (wait, Wicker? I love wicker furniture. Wicker away peoples! <3 )

    2. ChildOfTheSoul


      rabble rabble rabble. >.<

  8. I'm up for it. Edit: mp5
  9. yes I did very much... its a wonder though that I manage to complete second >> I barely had time with all my night duties Also, the toughest part of the quest was not Necro thingy or the tribunal thingy. >>
  10. you dont seem to realise that there are no knators in there either. its a not a bug. Try looking around a bit more.
  11. I still think you're being partial to Eon. As you said, as 90% of MD fights, there are more people who dislike him ATM (thanks to the stat damage) than dst. IF what dst does is harass one person, Eon's been doing that to truck loads of mp5s robbing them of stats everyday... Not gonna rant about it though. As you said, this is a part of the game. If you can accept Eon, then you should be able to accept dst very easily as well. Like Eon has the right to use his stat damage anyway he wants, dst can pull out chats, follow people, do XYZ whenever she wants to. You say very openly in the forum, 'I act because that's just how I am. If people don't like it, then well, that's their problem.' And you are... (insert appropriate word here) about dst? Hippocracy As for the rest, I have only phantasm and Peace to quote.
  12. Curi... 1. Take a break from MD and go to some place where you can actually let go of your frustration. You seem to be whining, ranting, yelling, screaming, verbally abusing people with stars (**) a lot nowadays. I miss the girl who used to gnaw people and worship that weird mushroom. Nowadays I'm like... 'This girl has become such a... banshee these days' 2. MD has become a place way more controlled by laws and rules than before. For hell's sake there's a court. I wonder what you'd have done if you'd have joined MD in the Dark / Golden ages (matter of opinion here). Probably screamed your vocal cords to the level of attaining laryngeal carcinoma or something. 3. Dst... Lol. I see her as a BIG asset. Imagine MD without dst. Or people like dst. It'd would be like... A place where the criminals would go haywire. There would be no fear of being caught. She is a necessity if you ask me. Without people like her... Good lord. I do not see it as a harassment at all frankly. We wouldn't have known that Inno had cyber sex for one. We wouldn't have known about the many 'exploits' of fenrir for two. There's lots of positive stuff that I'm sure you can find out if you just ask the RIGHT people. RIGHT DOES NOT MEAN FENRIR OR THE ANTI - DST CORPORATION. 4. Sasha... *coughs* People scurry around her like ants around sweets when she's giving away freebies, me included (irrespective of how she got them). The same people (me not included this time) bitch about her alts when stuff is brought up in the announcements. So, erm... its basically how low people can fall. Sasha's alts and stuff has kinda become something like her role actually. I wouldn't be surprised if she went to the jail a few more times. Also, about wish point abuse, i am sure there are other people who have abused Wps using alts. Its just that they haven't been caught... yet. Proves that more famous/ infamous you are in MD, the riskier it gets for you. 5. Kings are not invincible. Both lifeline and jester were punished. It'd have been Epic to see you operate in the RPC era... They almost got away with anything and everything... =)) 6. You seem to be very partial in your rant. I don't see you ranting about Eon who has been a major headache for quite a while with his skill damage. Is it because you are friends with him or something? or is it because you never have crits on defence? Or is it that you've failed to notice how people are suffering? 7. Also, when you fight for someone, try to know both sides of the story. its not always from your friend's point of view that you need to see things. 8. I miss Leixer now =))
  13. though i wasn't able to attend the main events, thanx inno for the two very interesting side chalenges. I wish i could have enjoyed the other events as well. Hopefully, next year.
  14. Someone stop me before I kill myself >.>

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Wait, everyone stop! It's just a squirt gun that shoots koolaid.

    3. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      ^--is hoping to stop you with mild humor.

    4. Nimrodel


      Yuss!!! ^_^ It worked :D

  15. erm. Forgive if i'm wrong. Using the item once is abuse? Punishments have been usually given for abusing repeatedly. Not once. >.>
  16. [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1312311802' post='89351'] I find this "quest" even worse than BFH's "Pick your favourite land", or really ANY OTHER writing quest. Did Firs and Yrth know that THIS was what their WPs were sponsoring? I certainly hope not. [/quote] Are you blind? Where did he mention about Firs giving a wishpoint? You prolly need a leash for your tongue.
  17. maybe the person who attacked you took a burst?
  18. please state a date.
  19. One more guy.
  20. @Granos and BFH: I don't see your point. Is it wrong to post stuff in the forum Or ask people about their decisions publicly? I'm sure it'd be best to talk in here so that Jester doesn't have to reply to every PM he gets bout his citizenship status. As far as I can see, a lot of people want to know. @Chewett: There are people who've branded Loreroot as chaotic. Veterans. Would you have expected the same of Firs? For instance, Him becoming a part of MDA or something like that? @Ravenstrider: Lovely to hear that from a guy who got bored and rebelled against his king.
  21. interested in the competition. Team with fewer members can contact me.
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