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Poppi Chullo

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Everything posted by Poppi Chullo

  1. [quote name='Shadowseeker' post='34843' date='Jun 25 2009, 04:15 PM']Well, I'm not suspicious, his style is similiar after all, it's just that making so many in such a short amount of time with such quality is rather hard. o.o Think you'd draw something I request, in a similiar style? (I'd offer some silver or so.)[/quote] sure.. and only for u,i had commited to get rest untill next week.. just tell me the description n i'll try to finish it tommorow.. :good:
  2. [quote name='Liberty4life' post='34836' date='Jun 25 2009, 04:04 PM']when shadow gets suspicious somebody ends up in jail [/quote] i noticed that.. but one of them was requested by Glordamar personally,so.. here they are. B) [quote name='Demonwulf' post='34838' date='Jun 25 2009, 04:05 PM']Poppitz, you seem to have a fan club They are really good though, I like them, anyways, good luck with the guild [/quote] thanx alot my friend...
  3. [quote name='Shadowseeker' post='34832' date='Jun 25 2009, 03:58 PM']The heck...o.O You managed to switch drawing styles THAT fast? Now don't tell me you drew that within 2 days o.o[/quote] hmm.. yes iam,n actually i had several style of drawing..except: Realisme human figure n oil painting.. u all said that my early picture wasn't MD's style,so i tried...and it was hurting me alot..:aggressive:
  4. Dear Glordamar..These are my last effort for the artisans..i'll stop my brain for the idea line until next week.. If i still continue to draw,my head will going to Blow bad! :crazy: well.. At least i hope they're will be useful enough... :clapping: Link : [url="http://poppitz.deviantart.com/"]http://poppitz.deviantart.com/[/url] Regards,Poppitz Resurrection-
  5. [quote name='Shadowseeker' post='34604' date='Jun 24 2009, 03:12 PM']Quest events Note, each permanent QP raise makes you get full health again, if it had to be explained you gained so much that it strengthened your body. The normal QP gain only go to the maximum, if you have that already nothing happens. Everyone starts with 10 QP, when you reach 0…yeah, what will actually happen? I’d however advise not to try this, rather avoid it if possible. You also have 5 “silver coins” which you cannot cash in. If you do manage to get more than that in this quest, you get the excess cashed into real coins by me, as long as I have enough left, obviously. QP=QuestingPoint= something like your HP. I changed 50 QP to 10! Also, those who received Day1 were on the list of people who kept unread PMs...the other get one in Day2, or 3, depending on my mood. not too late to send me one now. Don't merge please, I doublepost to ensure people actually do see this for a bit, I'm tired of people who don't bother to read my posts here. Oh and, you get to choose from option, no other are there. No RP, whatever, just pick the ones I provide you with.[/quote] should i post in here or by pm?
  6. [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' post='34487' date='Jun 23 2009, 04:51 PM']As a suggestion, a lot of those will not be accepted as avatar material by Mur. They need to consist of details and have a certain degree of realism. No... pictures of axes and what not, last I saw, axes could not speak, unless they were lodged in someones face and they were screaming a violent death... then they spoke saying "shut [spoiler]the fuck up[/spoiler] or I'll keeel you!" They need to be of people in an action stance, or performing some kind of simple action. Like a man, thrusting his spear towards the viewer, or or woman pouring a bucket of water...[/quote] hmm.. i see,i just made a character..as my friends hD requested lot..well thanx anyway.. :good:
  7. [quote name='Last Soldier' post='34483' date='Jun 23 2009, 04:19 PM']They are pretty good, but as with all art, Ive noticed a major flaw in these pieces.. A distinct lack of cowbell[/quote] A cowbell?? [quote name='Grido' post='34482' date='Jun 23 2009, 04:18 PM']the scarecrow axe man is cool i like all of them shading looks a little heavy of some of them though[/quote] well,actually that wasn't a shade..i use a heavy mark of them as a line,i use a pencil as a shader..
  8. [quote name='Death Bell' post='34478' date='Jun 23 2009, 03:54 PM']dude the one with a guy holding the axe.. will it be possible for u to edit it and have a metal pale looking ring on its left hand.. and somehow shade it to show as if it is shining ?? plz plz[/quote] hmm.. i'll workin on it .... :good: [quote name='phantasm' post='34479' date='Jun 23 2009, 03:55 PM']jesus with horns is not kewl dude.....[/quote] its not Jesus...
  9. 5 contestants?
  10. [quote name='Death Bell' post='34470' date='Jun 23 2009, 02:04 PM']wow ur drawing has really improved O_O kidding but seriously its 100X beter than the pic u showed me last time. awesum work man.[/quote] thanx Dr...
  11. [quote name='dst' post='34466' date='Jun 23 2009, 01:38 PM']I, personally, like them.[/quote] Thank u.. :yahoo: [quote name='Sage' post='34467' date='Jun 23 2009, 01:41 PM']Nice ones!!! [/quote] yaaaay! :lol:
  12. I put some of mine here,n need some opinion too..so please.. :lol: [attachment=963:1.jpg] [attachment=964:2.jpg] [attachment=967:4.jpg] [attachment=968:5.jpg] [attachment=969:6.jpg] [attachment=970:7.jpg] [attachment=971:8.jpg] [attachment=972:9.jpg] [attachment=973:10.jpg]
  13. hmm..need it for grind up my shape.. Poppitz Resurrection : 156369
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