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Poppi Chullo

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Everything posted by Poppi Chullo

  1. Just like i thought before.. Nothing 79 Views Mod, you can close this Please..And thank you -Popp-
  2. Mind for sharing some opinion or perhaps any knowledge about it that i even didn't know/realize? For sure that this uncommon location doesn't have a poem, normally every location which have "Something" on it has a poem this one doesn't..* For me it's not a common place, there's an old crack house there, Which seems abandoned.. I just wanna know if there's any story about that place. *Edited from: [i]For sure that it is one of the only location without a poem, normally every location has a poem this one doesn't..[/i]
  3. [quote name='Sasha Lilias' date='09 June 2010 - 03:06 PM' timestamp='1276096014' post='61468'] Im truely sorry about that I must have lost it because of all the other messages my mistake. [/quote] hmm..thats not right sash...
  4. >Sash : Lol..It's a honour for me.. ^^

  5. [quote name='dst' date='04 June 2010 - 08:21 PM' timestamp='1275682907' post='61036'] Threatening me Poppitz? I really hope you have more brains then that. Yes, forcing. I can do it and be sure I will do it! And you can't stop me if I want to do it. Deal with it! GGG is BAD CAUSE of the mp3s and mp4s TRAINING there. mp3 and mp4 are LEARNING stages NOT grinding ones. [/quote] I never threatening anyone (u the one that threat me by saying that u can force them to jump anyway,check ur words more carefully), and not worthy at all to threat u btw, i was just trying to get u a picture about the risk for all the thing that u going to do (no matter how bad and brave u are).. And again..*sigh* ...Yes they're training there, so...Bad? just face it if now all lower MP lvl have more brains to find out the way to get strong FASTER than u all with the same situation in the past, how come that happen? They have a GREAT MENTOR! (which not too much now really..)that care enough to guide them. [quote name='Burns' date='04 June 2010 - 09:28 PM' timestamp='1275686890' post='61042'] Only those who need it? Then it should be available for nobody but MP5, young MP5 are exactly the only people who 'need' it. And therefore, i want GGG closed for 3/4. Without exceptions. [/quote] GGG Closed for 3 and 4? Then Go ahead,without exceptions...I'm sure U all already read my earlier post (check it again incase u missed something)
  6. [quote name='dst' date='04 June 2010 - 07:58 PM' timestamp='1275681482' post='61030'] Want a counter Poppitz? Easy: we can force mp3s and mp4s to move up. Especially the fighters. So see? It's not that safe unfortunately... [/quote] Aahhh..I already know this kind of thing will come, no comment as i already put a clear statement above, btw this is a Public embarassment for u the honourable dst since u're MP5 and surely dont have any related thing with MP3 and MP4 training, Forcing? Then try it and u'll experiencing the court one more time and end up in jail..
  7. GGG, Dojo/SG, GoS,..they all just a location,the essence is what they doing in there, You all may close even guarding that places in each access and everyway u may thinking of,but the demand will always around,You all can't prevent players to train with any style they want because thats not againts any rules in the realm... GGG just for MP5? thats the most shallow suggestion and if i may say.. A joke! Mp5 already got they're advantage with the Exp reducing feature,they can train FOREVER in any ways and style they want! Dont say anything about money and token, thats really amateur statement, u all vets are the most bright player in the realm, why u all should be panic and cry like a baby coz other player grind they stats and fully tokening their creats? Let them gather all the power so in the future they can kick ur arse..Fair enough i think.. The MD is grow to a better and easiest way everyday, u start from the bottom and through a long hard way..thats ur problem, if u start as a new player now (maybe some already did that), u'll know how easy to get a strong status in this realm right now..Far far different from ur golden era. I'm (Poppi Chulloz) dont get anything from GGG coz i never train there, so i dont care if u all close the place or whatever, but i'm not thinking about you, i'm thinking about they who need that place.. This game is FUN! Every inch of this is FUN! You all the people that bring a funless to the ralm! Blaming, Crying, Excuses..Endless topic. So the last thing from me, You Can not..One more time..CAN NOT preventing any player to train with every style and everywhere they want, why? Because its Legal. [color="#FF0000"][b]Ps: I'm (Poppi Chulloz) My self will guide the MP3 and MP4 but NO MP5! to get their win count training, and as i said before, you all over ruled veterans can't ruin the trainees unless you all get over reacting and using ur alts for bullying them (again), so please act as a mateur and experienced player. [/b][/color]
  8. Pip..I'ts not about me,u dont have to tell me all those thingy..Its for them who "need" I was hoping u'll answer my question but not in fact. I'm trying to get u a picture here..What all u gentlements (and ladies) try to do now will affecting the Game widely. 1. U'll be filterizing the newbies on high lvl(especially MP5),which newbies i'm talking about isnt an alt,goes to their tired point for being target sack and may start the process to create an alt (thats if they'll still have a passion for the game),they start smoothly and train hard at maximum MP4Lvl,u cant do anything to stop the Mp3 and Mp4 to train "ala"GGG, Unless of course u all being over acting and use alt in lower MP to bullying them (Again). So basiclly there will be another GGG but not for MP5 (And u better pray they will dare enough for jump to MP5) 2. For all the "fast lane" newbies which jump to every level without prepare and a knowledge,the MP5 lvl that u said will hit them for a while until the next cycle (dont know how long or probably never) come is the end of the game,and the closing word from them is "Quit". So the future MD will be full of MP3 and MP4 alts that train Super hard and not deciding to jump for anonymous time and also of course u all...which i mean "you all" the MP5. So its very hard to make ur dream come true,unless Mur him self set the new rules about gathering and training,which is so so legal for me..
  9. [quote name='Pipstickz' date='03 June 2010 - 11:02 PM' timestamp='1275606126' post='60920'] When did it become wrong to enjoy ACTUALLY battling people? Can somebody please fill me in? [/quote] Mmm..Maybe you mean to enjoy ACTUALLY Slaughtering people? The fresh MP5 and All Fresh MP Lvl not enjoying that Pip,that's why they need a training,if thats mean always be killed by u all fancy vets over and over will teach them how to fight properly and improve their stats,thats totally wrong.. Wheres the "learning" part if they even not have any living creatures in every steps they make all over the realm? Will You the all most honour vet will give them a chance? which i doubt that...
  10. 'Everyone'..Can u put a Deadline please? I want to train it if it's mine,or cancel it if its take a lot more time..thanx.. -Popp-
  11. Happened to me once.. But now? i'm here (again).. Its a honour to know u.. See u in the future dear..
  12. 12 Silvers for #2
  13. 12 Silvers for both Angien #1 and #3
  14. I think i had enough sleep...Count me in..
  15. [quote name='Poppitz Resurrection' date='10 April 2010 - 01:41 PM' timestamp='1270906860' post='57913'] New offer : 4 Silvers For Number 2 and 8.... [/quote] Renew the offer...4 SC For #8 and #3
  16. New offer : 4 Silvers For Number 2 and 8....
  17. Definetely not me..
  18. The last one.. 196
  19. Poppi for the best Looseeeeer!!
  20. Rendril on 1st round?
  21. [quote name='Tarquinus' date='19 October 2009 - 06:12 AM' timestamp='1255932720' post='45175'] Bursts are a special magical effect, and are thus prohibited. As tracking burst usage is difficult, I feel certain someone will try to use a burst anyway, and might get away with it. But if we catch you using a burst bonus, you will be disqualified. [/quote] Combo is not magical effect, so it'll be allowed?
  22. Well..My friend Death Ring said that i should join...so I'm in! I'll sign as Poppi Chulloz (MP4) ID:169387
  23. Hahaha! I almost have a desire to participating, since i'm below 40 Days old now.. But when i get to the "NO TOKENS ARE ALLOWED" I was having a Migrain right away! Well well..Good luck for all participant!
  24. Thank you very much for u'r time to me K.. I really appreciated that..
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