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Poppi Chullo

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Everything posted by Poppi Chullo

  1. Don't make promises in your bio that your feed can't keep.

  2. I've thought about it, I guess I'll just give the creatures to the relatively new players, because I guess you veterans don't really need it, you even have creatures that are far more cool than that I remember that day, where several things here tends to be quite easy, I still remember very well where as a "free" player it was so hard for me to get those creatures, it was really a tough time. So, for young players, in any level, especially those who have not been able to buy their credit easily but really enthusiastic about the game, come to me and grab your creature. I know, you guys will think this is a non-educational thing since Magic Duel is not an ordinary game and indeed it should be difficult. but hey, this is a give away, so for once in a while I guess this won't be a problem.
  3. I've decided to clean up and remove all my Alt accounts (after almost 9 years, ended up with 30 accounts, hundreds creatures, thousands fights, tons of violations and countless memories), shame on me. All their items and creatures goes to the treasury which i'm pretty sure will be used for the good sake of MD(?). But, i still got some classic common creatures (sorry but all those high-end-fancy-strawberry-ice-cream-creatures are goes to the other way ahaha) I can't sell them and i'm not the Complicated-quest-guru kind of player, so i think i'll just give them away. If you need one of them, let me know.. In your most funny and absurd way. *wink* Angien | Age: 1904 Days, Heat: 1533241 Tormented Soul | Age: 1827 Days, Heat: 1857410, Token: Claw 1, Claw 2 Pimped Grasan | Age: 1834 Days, Heat: 720537, Token: Claw 1, Claw 2 Grasan #1 | Age: 1825 Days, Heat: 491292, Token: Claw 1, Claw 2 Grasan #2 | Age: 1826 Days, Heat: 540284, Token: Claw1, Claw 2 Winderwild #1 | Age: 2115 Days, Heat: 1124691, Token: Claw 1, BlackDiamonds Winderwild #2 | Age: 2074 Days, Heat: 3019278 Imperial Aramor #1 | Age: 2028 Days, Heat: 1605883, Token: Claw 1 Imperial Aramor #2 | Age: 2131 Days, Heat: 936617 Imperial Aramor #3 | Age: 2018 Days, Heat:1350091, Token: Claw 1 Imperial Aramor #4 | Age: 1824 Days, Heat: 281149, Token: Claw 1, Claw 2, Blooddrop 1, Blooddrop 2, Blooddrop 3, Black Diamonds Imperial Aramor #5 | Age: 1836 Days, Heat: 1571251, Token: Claw 1, Claw 2, Blooddrop3, Osiris Belt MD Shop Joker | Age: 1845 Days, Heat: 1286937 MD Shop Remains/Tree | Age: 1190 Days, Heat: 0 Big thanks, -Popp
  4. Hello, In case you guys still looking for it, i'm available. Yes, i can handle those things, that's my job. I work as a social media strategyst for some creative agency here. Don't mention about payment, i have spare time. Just give me the contents. Big thanks, -Popp
  5. I've killed that guy that killed your killer. Rest in peace.

  6. the toilet stop breathing. i think it's dead.

    1. dst


      Mouth to mouth resuscitation!

    2. Aeoshattr


      I want to be able to upvote statuses and status comments. +1 to you two.

  7. 4 years and i'm still in jail? okay, i want my lawyer now! and triple cheese burger. or a medal, for the record. please?

  8. lalala yeyeye.. ^sigh

  9. [size=3][b]5 Silvers for the sharpie [/b][/size]
  10. Banana! Banana! nom nom nom!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nadrolski


      Bananas in pyjamas are coming down the stairs. Bananas in pyjamas are coming down in pairs.

    3. Shemhazaj


      Banana Flambe! *sets Poppi's avy on fire*

    4. Poppi Chullo

      Poppi Chullo

      LOL.. Crazy! Yes, all of you!

  11. Considering that the gate was in fact not open for the public before, the AP 240 is actually too low, can even be said to be a gift. Active player with more than 300 days can be passed with just one click. So basically everyone will get through (in and out) easily someday, if anyone complained that it is too high simply because there is no way they could reach 240 AP by max AP that they has now (even after adding them in any way they can.) It's simple.. Keep active, and you'll be able to get through it with ease. And I agree with * Burns *, I'm very curious how the end result to Necrovion's. AP cost as high as that for Necro's gate is a joke.
  12. happened to me also 4-5 hours ago if i don't mistake, happened for 3 times every 15-20 minutes play.
  13. Since Neno did that, put my name in also as a sponsor
  14. A Dark Archer? [color="#999999"] ID:606660 [/color] [color="#999999"] ID:606666 [/color]
  15. I'm asking for permission to join the Team Bunny..
  16. Poppi Chulloz, more than 100 AD. "Because... You'll be surprised to see with what i can do..?"
  17. Well what can we say? Based on the storymode we all woke up naked as a male (thank God), So.. you're a male! ok, ok.. how about this, just imagine you're a female BUT with a male orientation, so you've been cut off your hair and wearing a male's wardrobe. So just close your eyes and pretend that you're a male..,Done! LOL *Honestly.. I rather call that being as Unisex.
  18. "I'll kill you! stab u over and over, burn ur flesh and blood!! and then eat them crazily! Are u scareeeedd??!! No?...RaaawwWrrRR!!.. How 'bout now?" >_>

  19. Nah, the TC is good, been created with a good purpose and concept (not much important so far but good). TC means you grab your torch get into enemies land and put the torch in there, that's it. So you must be able to go in there whatever MP level you are. So beside to get rid off it i suggest to just fix the bugs, so player that still holding the torch in enemies land/territory teleported back automatically to the GoE or somewhere else when the TC officially over, thats not too hard (i think). Oh, and in other words, i vote no. *Btw i know i'm not playing anymore but hey, Marind Bellerz! Go get some scores will ya?! The greatest land with minus scores? (v_v)b
  20. "Ok, i saw those necros, those elementals too, so.. Where's Riddick?"

  21. "great, now i can't watch any Hollywood's movie, that's great! Good job Indonesia! *muttering*

  22. "Good morning.. Infidels.."

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Curiose


      Hello, creator of which I must kill for I shall rule the world! *cough* I mean. Please no kill Curi master! No kill!!

    3. Jubaris



    4. Curiose


      I will touch you if I want, Rhaegar! I shall touch you and you shall LIKE IT!!

  23. "my recent status is.. Hungry"

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