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Poppi Chullo

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Everything posted by Poppi Chullo

  1. [quote name='Amoran Kalamanira Kol' post='31134' date='May 15 2009, 05:15 AM']Okay.. first I'm going to suggest a better scanner. But for an attempt this is pretty damn good. Most people can't even draw hands when they just start y'know? I'm going to say this since you asked me to give advice a lil' bit... try to redraw this picture again- i'm not saying that it is not a good first try, but really.. try to perfect it by redrawing it I would suggest working on the shoulders and arms just a little bit and... try to draw fabric a bit more, and I see a bit of a tilt in the picture- but that could be the movement of the fabric causing that....who knows? lol Examine fabric and its various movements. How it ripples, how it hangs off the body, what it does in various light sources..etc. I think this will help you a lot and improve your drawing abilites. Yeah- I see potential, keep it up. [/quote] 100% agree..great attempt.. [quote name='Neno Veliki' post='35774' date='Jun 30 2009, 03:03 PM']avatar bounty made me take the pen and try to draw something. here is the result.. well maybe its not avatar material, but here it is.. any comments are welcome, along with some tips on how to enhace my possible future drawings[/quote] thats really good my friend..keep drawing! :good:
  2. mmm..missed the UP...
  3. ooowwww... it crash! how come? is it only me or everyone too?
  4. hmm..this place just almost like a GoE... :lol: doneee!!! yaaaaay! :good: may the head always be with u...
  5. i think it start to go elsewhere friends.. :lol:
  6. [quote name='Death Bell' post='35508' date='Jun 28 2009, 02:51 PM']lol yeah akasha, if u want i can smuggle you there and get you married to a nativ girl so they will have to give you citizenship. whats the use of vacation mate... for mode browser games have vacation mode enabled because even when u are not online others will be able to attack u and u will be generate turns and money.. but in MD people cant attack you when u log off.. so i don't think there is a need for vacation mode. my 2 cents EDIT: lol both u guys are fast [/quote] 'lol yeah akasha, if u want i can smuggle you there and get you married to a nativ girl so they will have to give you citizenship.' what are u talking about? i think Mur will slaughtering u bad dude... :lol:
  7. :lazy: and dreaming....look at the cloud which formed as MD letter..watch TV then suddenly grassan fight againts harry potter.had sum dinner with an egg which suddenly hatch as elemental....
  8. [quote name='SwoardMaster Trey' post='35492' date='Jun 28 2009, 02:19 PM']shoot i cant wait till it starts running agian i couldnt sleep last night i kept having to check it MD is soooo addicting [/quote] addicted?? how come u be so addicted??! thats impossible! *check the MD page for 120.765.876 times* :crazy: [quote name='Death Bell' post='35495' date='Jun 28 2009, 02:21 PM']LOL bro haha....... actually redneck was the one who asked how long it will take.. i was just posting it to him that mur said it will take 1 hour.. and it still hasnt been one hour yet... so i quoted mur so he can see that sentence.. and the next few lines i said we have waited so far so we should wait a few more hours.. i think you got my post wrong [/quote] lol..i already noticed that my friend.. :lol:
  9. [quote name='Death Bell' post='35488' date='Jun 28 2009, 02:12 PM']that's what he said.... but maybe it might take a little bit more time.. who knows. We have waited for this long why don't we wait for a couple more hours[/quote] come on my friend..give him a break..u dont even know how hard this is has going to be.. so why dont we just sit n wait.. and get some life while waiting for it.. :good: Saluut to The Almighty [color="#FF0000"]Red[/color]... :drinks:
  10. [quote name='lightsage' post='35472' date='Jun 28 2009, 12:38 PM']We can't use it for anything atm... WP shop is somewhere on murs "to do" list...[/quote] right..it was in development...have fun... :rofl:
  11. [quote name='Grido' post='35463' date='Jun 28 2009, 12:02 PM']the current accounts, the ones created in the last 365 days [/quote] woooaaaaa!! :crazy: :rofl:
  12. [quote name='Death Bell' post='35458' date='Jun 28 2009, 11:52 AM']when you say the deletion is going well with the current account it scares me.. wanna explain that plz O_O[/quote] it mean only 'current' accounts will be delete...
  13. [quote name='Death Bell' post='35453' date='Jun 28 2009, 11:37 AM']Yes you shouldn't assume the accounts are alright For we should know it in our heart IT IS ALRIGHT.. Mur is there to protect us from the sky falling on our heads.. so he can surely protect us from something called a net..[/quote] "Yes you shouldn't assume the accounts are alright" i think.... "Yes you should assume the accounts are alright" is much better to hear.. :good:
  14. [quote name='Chewett' post='35450' date='Jun 28 2009, 11:28 AM']Does that mean i shouldnt assume that the accounts will be alright? Do Not Panic however, There is a small problem with the accounts and it is being fixed at the moment. Nothing will be lost. Everything should be saved. i will repeat all accounts will be safe, it is just taking a little longer than expected.[/quote] Little longer because of the recovery of the accidentally erased accounts...lol
  15. [quote name='Shadowseeker' post='35412' date='Jun 28 2009, 10:15 AM']Uhm..I'd send Day 4 if I could get onto the server, lol. And yeah, when nothing happens no reply to day 3 comes in.[/quote] lol..i understand..thank u.. *Close the eyes n pray : may the Red name awake soon...*
  16. [quote name='Fawe' post='35409' date='Jun 28 2009, 10:08 AM']Hmm? I didn't want to join the Artisans. I never even mentioned saying so. Poppitz, please clarify. I'm quite confused.[/quote] crap! my fault... i'm very sorry...it supposed to be redneck i think, forgive me please.. :good:
  17. correct me if i'm wrong...the day 4 quest haven't coming yet,or i already missed it? cause i didn't received any reply for the day 3 quest....
  18. [quote name='Fawe' post='35407' date='Jun 28 2009, 10:01 AM']Hmm... if I didn't have common sense, I might not have understood that just now...[/quote] u should not said that u're a very good artist,well..but is up to u to said that anyway.. :good: and i already reply to u how to join the artisans on u'r other post..
  19. there are no artists said that they're an artists.. and there's no one can say that anyone is not an artist.. so please u two... stop act like an artists..
  20. [quote name='Jazira' date='Mar 20 2009, 05:07 AM' post='27500'] [b]Working with trainees[/b] : Trainees should work in the Dojo's when an experienced Staff member is around. Staff members should be notified when a Trainee arrives and is ready for training. [b]Staff members should let the Trainee respond to issues that arise. Staff are asked to refrain from answering these questions, unless the Trainee asks them to. If mistakes are made, corrections should be made gently.[/b] Another thing that Trainees should do is go to Grido and work on becoming LHO. It is not an absolute requirement, but it is something we desire our Staff to accomplish. i gave my respect about this..n i hope There will be right meaning about a 'trainees' and not just a tag, btw..a dojo's trainee are also a ussual player that have a right to answer every questions n every favour from every player,even while there's the 'LHO' or a staff in the same place... So, i hope there'll be no more arogant manner from some of LHO,n let us help u all..thank u.. Regards,Poppitz - [color="purple"] come to me for lho, not Jonn anymore - Grido[/color]
  21. [quote name='Chewett' post='35358' date='Jun 28 2009, 09:00 AM']6 months is actually quite a short period if you think about it. I spent 6 months away from the game and wouldnt have liked to have my account deleted (well it was reset but thats not the point) I personally think its too harsh since some games i drift in and out of then happily seeing my char hasnt been deleted.[/quote] well..u dont have to be "come back".. just log in then log out back..it'll reset u'r inactive days counter it probably take 5 minutes only...
  22. [quote name='redneck' post='35200' date='Jun 28 2009, 02:00 AM']can any1 help me on how to send my pic through my printer to on the computer so i can show every1 how good i can draw and mybe get into the artisians guild[/quote] just scan it, and it'll be saved default on : my document/my scan/...) then open the place/site where u want to put it,maybe...here for example? then post a new topic or reply,insert image,upload it from the file source (my documents/my scan/...) done! *for the artisans u should contact Glordamar by his email (glordamar@gmail.com)*
  23. Poppitz Resurrection ID : 156369 - Already Gone - Already Gone Elementals -age 386 Elementals -age 362 Water Daimon -age 358 Remains -age 59 Heretic archers -age 251 Heretic archers -age 251 Heretic archers -age 251 +Unholy Priest Regards,Poppitz-
  24. [quote name='dst' post='35137' date='Jun 27 2009, 02:28 PM']The result of the first edition of "First step" contest. Winner: Death Ring 2nd: King Daimon 3rd: Soul Rider 4th: Poppitz Resurrection[/quote] mm..Sorry...but it's supposed to be 'Poppitz Resurrection'......thanx btw.. :good:
  25. [quote name='Death Bell' post='34978' date='Jun 26 2009, 03:16 PM']dude does the message i put unmarked.. get deleted after afew days? for that message that i kept unmarked so u can send me messages just disappeared.. I PROMISE U MAN i didnt do anythign it just disappeared... i sent u a pm in game explaining the situation plz dont drop me from today's action.. plz, let me play the story line EDIT: OMG i unmarked another message so u can send me messages... but by the time i wrote this post here.. that message again became marked..(normal as a read message) is this only happening to me? hey plz dont leave me out of todays action[/quote] it also happen to me...sighs..
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