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Posts posted by Yoshi

  1. So I just received the green ocarina, yay, already learned the scale by heart, and going to be learning the Song of Time so that I can learn songs, and then travel back in time to not waste time learning them :D

  2. Right so, these are the cards I received :D

    First shows the stamp, then the name/signature, and then the front of the card.


    And of course, after I do all of that, Firsanthalas' card arrives xD

  3. So as far back as I remember I wanted to own an ocarina, so the other day I pre-ordered one. I didn't want to spend a lot on something I might get bored with so I decided to pick this one:

    I'm now curious as to if anyone here has an ocarina, which exactly they have, and if they did or are learning about playing one.

    When deciding on the one I wanted first, my friend suggested the Ocarina of Time:

    But the mouthpiece looks weird to me... :/

    I was thinking after wards if I get into it, I might get a dragon tooth one:

    I also ordered this:

    And I apparently am now obligated to learn every one of these songs... can't wait :D

  4. I frequently played flash games at http://www.kongregate.com/ and when I was not working, I would easily be up on the daily/weekly point leaders. Play games, get achievements, achievements are worth points based off of difficulty, etc. I frequented Kongregate so much that I got offered moderator status... twice... but had to deny due to other responsibilities at home at the time. Can't say I "ruled" the site because they're others that are higher level than me, and I never have much time to just sit and play flash games all day no matter how much I'd like to. I have however played many various games/sites including runescape/funorb, tribal wars, arcadeboss.com(a few long standing highscores), zOMG(mmo game on Gaia), FlyFF, to name very few, and excelled at them... that is... until I got bored of them and quit xD

  5. What is good?
    A 4 letter word.

    What is your best physical attribute?
    My eyes I guess... or so I've been told...

    What is your best non-physical attribute?
    Uhhhmmm... I care too much. It's like level 70.

    What do you value most?
    Friendships I guess.

    What is 2 + 2?
    5. duh.

    What do you know?
    Uh, a little about a lot.

  6. [spoiler]Wish 31 - Change location subtitle
    Allows you to change a subtitle on a given location. The new title will remain forever untill someone else changes it and for at least 4 days. With this you can mark locations to support your role, such as pubs, markets, themed gathering places, mark historic locations to remember an important event for all future players, organise group activities, support role play situations, etc. [b]You are not allow to write playernames in this subtitle.[/b] Abusing this by writing ofences, advertising or similar will be penalised.[/spoiler]

    Or however you do that spoiler thingy :P

    Anyways, is Awiiya really considered a player anymore, or something different since he's... changed/changing?

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