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Posts posted by Yoshi

  1. Who needs electricity anyways? Being Canadian, I would just live up North with the aminals :) Fresh water, food, I'd build a log cabin, and I'd be totally fine and happy just being out there with nature.

  2. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='10 July 2010 - 06:23 PM' timestamp='1278800611' post='63776']
    ....the idea about starting this was to listen to constructive feedback of people, not sentimental complaints and biased conservative, political posts. in the meantime I noticed I ain't gonna get what I was expecting so went on to the testing phase....

    You just didn't like/accept the criticism you received. The sparring grounds were awesome, I don't even know the rules of what to do now, there's no direction, no basic rules that are easy to understand. The sparring grounds was an easy concept, easy to grasp and understand. What you did to it, I don't feel was for the best, but for the worse.

  3. Ok, what had happened was that Yrth gave me three WP codes for the captcha contest. When it had ended I awarded the 3 winners Princ, Toten, and Burns. I then got a message from Yrth with a 4th code saying to use it to give it to Burns cause Yrth wasn't able to, due to him already awarding Burns a WP recently. I messaged Yrth saying that he had already given me the codes earlier and I told him I used them already. He responded saying for me not to worry.

    Anyways, it's really no big deal, easily fixed.

  4. Personally, 1G would be a decent choice as the minimum bid, but you don't need him to say so. Just bid, if he says it's too low, then it is. Even after the auction is over, you can just pm him and negotiate another price, assuming he didn't sell already.

  5. Ok, I'm going to say something in here, there are alternatives to grinding at the GGG. They consist of:

    The Sparring Grounds/Dojo - Here you can set your GGG rits, find those that have a single tree set up, and attack them with your non damaging/multiple attack rits. You also have the chance here to attack the idlers here, using rits that actually kill.

    The GoE - Here you now have Burns' Fight Club which is a good way of learning how to defeat various rituals using your knowledge of ritual setting. How do you get that knowledge? Attacking and seeing what happens. Learning from experience, not just 'no matter what, I know I'll win, so I won't do anything different because I don't have to'. That thinking screws up your mind.

    Everywhere else in MD - Go out and RP, do something other than sitting at the same scene. Please... for your own good... go outside the GGG and PLAY!

  6. Just tried, its closed for me too, same as Nex with permanent access through the Wish Shop no longer working.

    EDIT: Sages Keep and the Oak Tower is blocked for me too, I wonder if it happened when I moved to MP4?

  7. Some questions:

    MP limits?
    Will alts be invited, or main accounts only?
    What happens if a lib gets broken?
    What happens if a person breaks them intentionally?
    What happens if a person breaks another person there?
    Are we allowed to attack each other?
    If you don't like another that is there due to personal reasons, can you switch out with someone else?

  8. I was wondering if there might ever be a back button implemented after choosing a wrong rit. Currently you have to exit the selection window, and then re-attack. If there was a back button, it would save time, especially with a slow connection. Personally, I think that it's not a 'need', but more of a 'making life easier want'.

  9. [quote name='apophys' date='12 June 2010 - 11:07 PM' timestamp='1276398455' post='61762']
    I also collected used staples around the house and linked them together in loops (with needlenose pliers) for necklace and bracelet chains.

    My uncle did that for awhile, but with actual metal wire that he made into loops, which then he linked into necklaces and chainmail things. It does look pretty awesome when finished.

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