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Everything posted by Observer

  1. Your forgetting: You have one 9 more behind the comma in the 0.99999..... As you've multiplied by 10 moving 1 nine forward. Therefore 9.99999...99 - 0.99999...999 = 8.99999...991 and as such the X goes back to equalling 0.999...
  2. [quote]In application, if you tear one piece of paper into thirds, you've merely created three more pieces of paper. You've divided the size but multiplied the quantity, and in neither case have you created anything infinite. I don't know if it applies, but something interesting to consider is the fact that .9 = 1 1/3 = .[u]3[/u] 3*(1/3)= 3*.[u]3[/u] Therefore .[u]9[/u] = 1 Here you see infinite information equaling something finite. [/quote] To start off, the 1 is an infinitely significant number (else, it might well be a rounded off 0.[u]9[/u]) Now, as those 0's keep going into infinity (1.000000000000 etc.) You have an even number of "fibres" the paper consists off. You can not claim to have 0.[u]3[/u] of the fibres papers significantly because you'll have lost a 0.000...00001 somewhere. And therefore the 0.[u]9[/u] != 1. Now, an example of how I (till proven otherwise ) would have an infinite number equal a finite one. Imagen a line in a coordinate system (x,y) Y=X now, if we'd have the line Y= -X they intersect in 0 point. If we have a line Y= X+2 they do not intersect, so 0 points. Now, if we have another line X=Y. How many points of intersection do we have? We might have an infinite number of POI's, we might have 1 or we might have none at all depending on how you look at it. ~Obs
  3. Best PL entry: [quote] *Burns* about I Hate Alts me too, man, me too... whoever you are, i like you =)[/quote] Just... Absolutely brilliant, irony at it's best ^^ Best Protector: Lifeline I feel he should be mentioned, although he is not currently MP6 (which seems to be a trend with the people nominated...) he has still helped a lot of people whilst he was with nice big fat 4k heals
  4. You did [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5308-festival-contest-day-280-the-random-memories/page__view__findpost__p__44914"]This[/url] one. I know that's not an email... But I figure there's so many this is the handier way (linked directly to SS' post of winners... )
  5. Adept count is counted once a day, that time already passed so he couldn't be MP6 till tomorrow.
  6. My point exactly
  7. [quote name='Chewett' date='03 December 2009 - 07:32 AM' timestamp='1259821942' post='49007'] i just feel that most annoying player and worst alt whatever are awards specifically designed for them, which seems a little counter productive to the whole award process, but it seems no one else thinks that so ignore me [/quote] As you can see, they're striped out in grido's post aka: They're no longer there. And "best drunkard" imo still WAY to specific, if it's going trough I want categories like "best jester" "best rit" "most creative rit" "strongest fighter"(yes, very different from best fighter) "best Knight of the Bell" "best clown" "Best seeker of enlightenment" "best CoE" "best observer" ()"best archivist" "most helpful GGG trainer" "best king/queen" "worst fighter" "best hider" I'd say, all of those have roughly the same amount of "coverage" slightly less or a lot more.
  8. If you want chewy, we can add a category "Best veteran (age 700+)" But I'm afraid mur would wipe the floor with you...
  9. The real issue with honour is that both balance and too many losses are beneficial. Too many wins is NOT. Accidentally getting too many wins is almost impossible these days (I got some during HC but I lost most beating/getting beaten by dst) therefore finding anyone not artificially put into the position who has more wins then losses is very rare. I say, in MP5 add something to make having too many wins beneficial and remove the exp benefits for being at too many losses but capping both wins and losses in such a way that you don't gain anything from fights when your at the cap (like honour) it would (hopefully) create a "balance" between the strongest players having too many wins, the average being balanced and weaker players training in different way. They'd never have honour issues and could try beating balanced players and players with high wins who have capped (generally, those would have honour issues so the reward would have to be pretty high to get people interested) Players getting stronger would move up for better rewards. Hope it's comprehensible ~Obs
  10. It says "protecting or trying to attack bob", still, it's only that exclusive group of RP which is already covered by best RP award... We could have a dozens of fight rewards and RP awards if these awards come through that would be of the same "importance". And I'd greatly appreciate it if the age thing is stretched to 100... Not only because it'd save me from not logging onto observer on next couple of days (and in the process creating an uber MP3/4 ) but because there is so few new players around, currently the entire tutorial etc. is being reworked because too few stay and the gates have been closed for a while. 20-80 might become 10-120 or even more... Unless someone has a severe grounded objection to that.
  11. Should I not log in till this is over? I'm 80 AD atm xD Awards I'd not agree with: The Bob Award and Best Drunkard. Because both of them are to specified and already covered by best Role Player. I think all the others are general enough through. EDIT: When's the AD's measured? And why 80? I'd say 100
  12. Did you check your refresh before (to make sure your counter wasn't about to end) and refresh after(to see if the VE/VP has been added)?
  13. Well, seeing as it's not _that_ urgent, people who'd just idle in a set public place would do mostly. 2 could already cover the entire day.
  14. Wait... Wouldn't all those that are marked spam etc. just be removed? So what exactly is the point in checking again? Mur'll have final say on rather it really is unapproved of anyway.
  15. Doesn't the database hold info on when it was last changed? Because if you check now, you know you won't have to recheck anything not altered/added after November 31st.
  16. If you still want them all checked, I could distribute them amongst people who've posted in this topic (as many as are needed). Or you could just send everyone 5k or so and once they've finished those and still feel up to it, give them some more.
  17. Sure, I think I could take a few thousand if you want me to. (or more during a weekend...) ~Obs
  18. I voted "reward as planned on December 1st* however, I must note that this is a slightly disappointing outcome. And therefore you might want to lower the rewards slightly ( I mean... only 7/8 real descriptions in total spread over 3 participants... Worst case that's only 2 "counted" descriptions to win might not quite be enough effort for the reward but that's your call) ~Obs
  19. [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=1254 "]Here[/url] Basically, soulweaver has strange background at new level, no?
  20. My imagination principle is gone ever through it was one of my original 5. as you can see [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5569-for-those-that-want-to-be-honest/page__view__findpost__p__46631"]here[/url] I was very fond of it. Cyclicity is no replacement. By "balancing" my principles it disappeared. Surely this "reset" was not meant to remove principles chosen for a character and replace them with "random" ones. ~Obs
  21. Some people just shouldn't be able to write in PL's... He posted a LOT (not sure about exact number) of white lines in mine... Making it a pain to view comments from people who're younger.
  22. The last ones on your list are the new ones (as mentioned before in this topic) so just put the last 5 here ^^
  23. Maybe... The CTC's are fake/wrong?
  24. Well... "excessive spam" is not only noticeable by admins/mods. But by any regular user. Now, I doubt there's any regular user out there who does not consider most of DR's posts spam (no offence). Moderators and Admins check on each other, and as long as these things are done publicly we check on them. Mur probably has the final say in things, if you're afraid of his bias you might as well leave MD right away. ~Obs EDIT: It seems Malaikat Maut removed his post (or the censorship has started o.O) either way it was him stating that this new system might make bias easier.
  25. That topic calls for images. You can comment on other people images but just "LOL " seems like a rather empty reply. A bit more text about why it is funny might help, some more humour might as well. There isn't really any point for someone else in reading you found it funny... In general: Don't post unargumented statements and try to stay on topic. (that's my view on things anyway) ~Obs
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